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Hemos encontrado un total de 35 libros disponibles para descargar

The Art of Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Donald Spoto

Número de Páginas: 496

This definitive illustrated survey of all of Alfred Hitchcock's films is a book no movie buff or Hitchcock fan can afford to be without. The monumental scope of Alfred Hitchcock's work remains unsurpassed by any other movie director, past or present. So many of his movies have achieved classic status that even a partial list—Psycho, The Birds, Rear Window, Vertigo, Spellbound—brings a flood of memories. In this essential text, reissued on the occasion of Hitchcock's centennial, internationally renowned Hitchcock authority Donald Spoto describes and analyzes every movie made by this master filmmaker. Illustrated throughout with shots from each film, The Art of Alfred Hitchcock also includes a storyboard section, a complete filmography, and “A Hitchcock Album” (sixteen pages of photos) as an added celebration of his life.

Alfred Hitchcock au travail

Autor: Bill Krohn

Número de Páginas: 287

Pour la première fois, l'œuvre d'Hitchcock est étudiée à partir de ses archives personnelles, déposées et conservées dans le fonds de la bibliothèque de l'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science à Los Angeles. Bill Krohn apporte des informations inédites et de première main sur les méthodes du cinéaste, grâce à une enquête menée pas à pas dans ses dossiers (plans de travail, mémos, différentes versions des scénarios, dessins, storyboards, photos de repérage, etc). A travers chacun des films américains d'Hitchcock, et une étude approfondie de trois films des années quarante - Cinquième colonne, L'ombre d'un doute, Les enchaînés - cinq films des années cinquante - L'inconnu du Nord Express, Fenêtre sur cour, L'homme qui en savait trop, Sueurs froides, La mort aux trousses - deux films des années soixante - Psychose, Les oiseaux -, Bill Krohn livre au lecteur sa découverte d'un Hitchcock inconnu, dont il a pu retrouver les traces. Sa vision va à l'encontre de l'idée communément admise d'un cinéaste du contrôle qui " faisait d'abord son film sur le papier ". Il révèle une démarche artistique en mouvement, sans cesse nourrie de l'apport de...

Hitchcock's Notebooks:

Autor: Dan Auiler

Número de Páginas: 576

From a couple racing across the top of Mount Rushmore to a woman's final shower at an isolated motel, no other filmmaker has given movie fans more unforgettable images or heart-pounding thrills than Alfred Hitchcock. Now you can share in the Master of Suspense's inspiration and development -- his entire creative process -- in Hitchcock's Notebooks. With the complete cooperation of the Hitchcock estate and access to the director's notebooks, journals, and archives, Dan Auiler takes you from the very beginnings of story creation to the master's final touches during post-production and publicity. Actual production notes from Hitchcock's masterpieces join detailed interviews with key production personnel, including writers, actors and actresses, and Hitchcock's personal assistant of more than thirty years. Mirroring the director's working methods to give you the actual feel of his process, and highlighted by nearly nearly one hundred photographs and illustrations, this is the definitive guide into the mind of a cinematic legend.

Hitchcock and the Methods of Suspense

Autor: William Hare

Número de Páginas: 359

Alfred Hitchcock had a gift for turning the familiar into the unfamiliar, the mundane into the unexpected. A director known for planning the entire movie before the first day of filming began by using the storyboard approach, Hitchcock was renowned for his relaxed directing style, resulting in an excellent rapport with his actors. Decades later, Hitchcock’s films stand as sterling examples of innovative technique, infused with meaning that only repeated viewing can reveal. This work examines themes, techniques, and the filmmaking process in 15 of Hitchcock’s best known films: The 39 Steps, Rebecca, Shadow of a Doubt, Spellbound, Notorious, Rope, Strangers on a Train, Rear Window, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho, The Birds, Frenzy and Family Plot. It explores the auteur’s treatments of psychoanalysis, voyeurism, and collective fears during the Cold War. Also presented are key stories behind several Hitchcock classics, such as the director’s stormy relationships with Raymond Chandler and David O. Selznick that resulted in synergetic success for some of his most successful films. The book includes numerous photographs and an extensive...

Cómics en pantalla

Autor: Caño Díaz, Héctor

Número de Páginas: 362

Los cómics parten de una premisa esquemática para sintetizar la trama usando recursos estilísticos propios. Un hombre apuesto con amplio mentón como Dick Tracy o Flash Gordon se asocia con el héroe desde el primer instante. Un personaje de cómic se caracteriza por su impacto inmediato, y como tal puede conducirnos por un relato de aventuras, detectivesco, terrorífico, del Oeste... Las películas basadas en cómics no se cuentan por docenas, ni tampoco por cientos: se cuentan por millares. El Séptimo Arte no puede mirar por encima de hombro al Noveno Arte. Como remedio para el olvido, este estudio recupera un volumen importante de la producción cinematográfica del siglo xx sepultada en los archivos, subestimada o simplemente desconocida. Por el interés que suscitan las superproducciones de hoy basadas en héroes de cómic, conviene revalorizar el cine adaptado enmarcándolo en una dinámica con más de cien años de antigüedad, repleta de perlas maravillosas que esperan ser redescubiertas y estimadas en el siglo xxi.

Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho

Autor: Stephen Rebello

Número de Páginas: 318

A “meticulous history” of the classic suspense film based on exclusive interviews with the director, writers, cast, and crew (The New York Times Book Review). First released in June 1960, Psycho altered the landscape of horror films forever. But just as compelling as the movie itself is the story behind it, which has been adapted as a movie starring Anthony Hopkins as Hitchcock, Helen Mirren as his wife Alma Reville, and Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh. Stephen Rebello brings to life the creation of one of Hollywood’s most iconic films, from the story of Wisconsin murderer Ed Gein, the real-life inspiration for the character of Norman Bates, to Hitchcock’s groundbreaking achievements in cinematography, sound, editing, and promotion. Packed with captivating insights from the film’s stars, writers, and crewmembers, Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho is a riveting and definitive history of a signature Hitchcock cinematic masterpiece.


Autor: Vvaa

Número de Páginas: 650

Una obra fundamental para conocer la filmografía de Hitchcock y entender cómo el Maestro influyó en la historia del cine. Se incluyen las primeras películas inglesas del joven realizador de las obras maestras estadounidenses mundialmente famosas, sin olvidar sus títulos para la televisión. Alfred Hitchcock, cineasta prolífico e inventivo, desarrolló un estilo único. Pasó por las grandes revoluciones del cine -del mudo al sonoro, del blanco y negro al color, de los estudios londinenses a Hollywood- e influyó en generaciones enteras de realizadores: Truffaut, Scorsese, De Palma, Fincher... Sinopsis, génesis, reparto, realización, recepción de la crítica y público: todas las películas de Hitchcock se analizan con sumo cuidado y cada una de ellas revela al genial inventor de las formas cinematográficas. Películas inéditas: los filmes inacabados, los perdidos, una fotonovela del cineasta, las películas de guerra... Con una iconografía excepcional: storyboards, guiones gráficos, fotogramas, fotografías de rodaje, carteles y documentos promocionales. Además, secretos de rodaje, anécdotas, pormenores de la creación, análisis de los planos y escenas míticas.

Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Jane Sloan

Número de Páginas: 638

"A concise and intelligent synthesis of what we know and think about Hitchcock and a road map to future work on the subject. . . . There is no complete index to Hitchcock's career like this one and critics and historians will mine Sloan's work with enormous profit. . . . The 'Critical Survey' section constitutes an invaluable contribution to the project of metacriticism."—Matthew Bernstein, author of Walter Wanger, Hollywood Independent

Hitchcock au travail

Autor: Bill Krohn

Número de Páginas: 287

Hitchcock au travail met en lumière pour la première fois les méthodes de tournage du Maître du suspense, depuis les films de la période anglaise, dans les années 20 et 30, jusqu'à la période hollywoodienne, la plus connue, avec des chefs-d'oeuvre tels que La Corde, Le crime était presque parfait, La Mort aux trousses ou encore Vertigo. L'ouvrage est illustré par de nombreux documents d'archives inédits: notes personnelles, story-boards, budgets, mémos, lettres, photographies de repérage. Bill Krohn nous offre ainsi une vision totalement neuve du réalisateur, qui va bien au-delà des mythes (parfois entretenus par Hitchcock lui-même !). Cet ouvrage révèle au lecteur une démarche artistique en mouvement, sans cesse nourrie de l'apport de ses collaborateurs: chaque film y est analysé comme une aventure à part entière, depuis les premières ébauches de scénarios jusqu'au travail du monteur, du chef opérateur ou encore des acteurs. S'appuyant sur une recherche inédite dans les archives personnelles d'Hitchcock et dans celles des studios, Hitchcock au travail invite le lecteur à partager les secrets d'un des plus grands réalisateurs du XXe siècle, dont les...

The Alfred Hitchcock Story (New Edition)

Autor: Ken Mogg

Número de Páginas: 0

The first comprehensively illustrated look at the career of Alfred Hitchcock. In the tradition of the acclaimed The Hammer Story, it is an authoritative, film-by-film guide to 'the Master' and his work, from the early silent days of The Lodger, through his classic British period of The 39 Steps, to the Hollywood success of Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho and beyond. Packed with hundreds of stills and posters, with many rare or unseen images, and with additional features including the director's famous cameos, this is the ultimate book for the Hitchcock fan.

Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Nicholas Haeffner

Número de Páginas: 175

Nicholas Haeffner provides a comprehensive introduction to Alfred Hitchcock's major British and Hollywood films and usefully navigates the reader through a wealth of critical commentaries. One of the acknowledged giants of film, Hitchcock's prolific half-century career spanned the silent and sound eras and resulted in 53 films of which Rear Window (1954), Vertigo (1958) and Psycho (1960) are now seen as classics within the suspense, melodrama and horror genres. In contrast to previous works, which have attempted to get inside Hitchcock's mind and psychoanalyse his films, this book takes a more materialist stance. As Haeffner makes clear, Hitchcock was simultaneously a professional film maker working as part of a team in the film factories of Hollywood, a media celebrity, and an aspiring artist gifted with considerable entrepreneurial flair for marketing himself and his films. The book makes a case for locating the director's remarkable body of work within traditions of highbrow, middlebrow and lowbrow culture, appealing to different audience constituencies in a calculated strategy. The book upholds the case for taking Hitchcock's work seriously and challenges his popular...

Hitchcock: imágenes entre líneas

Autor: Elisa María Martínez Martínez

Número de Páginas: 257

Aquest volum estudia com es construeix la imatge en moviment dins de l'univers fílmic de Hitchcock, des de la interacció paraula-imatge en el guió fins a la composició dels enquadraments i l'elaboració dels moviments de càmera, passant per la realització dels storyboards. Sense oblidar altres aspectes relatius a la narració fílmica, es revaloritzen aquí els aspectes purament plàstics. Hitchcock usa elements extrets d'un patrimoni visual de diversos segles, aportant així una riquesa de referències iconogràfiques i compositives que no pot menysprear-se. Per aquest motiu la utilització d'un plantejament analític semblant al de les altres arts no hagi de considerar-se reduccionista, sinó una manera d'abordar importants aspectes en la materialitat de la construcció fílmica pròpia d'aquest mestre del suspens.

The Films of Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: David Sterritt

Número de Páginas: 180

Alfred Hitchcock is one of the few filmmakers to combine a strong reputation for high-art filmmaking with great massive-audience popularity. This introduction to his oeuvre provides an overview of a long and prolific career.

Children in the Films of Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Debbie Olson

Número de Páginas: 276

Children and youth perform both innocence and knowingness within Hitchcock's complex cinematic texts. Though the child often plays a small part, their significance - symbolically, theoretically, and philosophically - offers a unique opportunity to illuminate and interrogate the child presence within the cinematic complexity of Hitchcock's films.

The Complete Films of Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Robert A. Harris , Michael S. Lasky

Número de Páginas: 260

A tribute to the undisputed master of terror and suspense and the visionary who revolutionised the art of filmmaking, this book covers everything from his 1922 silent film The Pleasure Garden to his final 1976 film, Family Plot, including such masterpieces as Vertigo, Psycho, Rear Window and The Birds, and the years of his popular television show, Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Complete with 450 b/w stills from his many films and a text that examines the background of each production, this is the ultimate portrait of the movie genius in all his cinematic glory.

Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Alfred Hitchcock

Número de Páginas: 284

Hitchcock is still one of the most instantly recognizable film directors. These conversations dramatize his wit, intelligence, sophistication, serious contemplation, and even the playful manipulation of the interviewer.

The Films of Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Robert A. Harris , Michael S. Lasky

Número de Páginas: 260

Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Gene Adair

Número de Páginas: 161

Looks at Hitchcock's early life as well as his legendary career, which spanned five decades and produced some of the most famous and critically acclaimed movies made.

Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho

Autor: Robert Phillip Kolker

Número de Páginas: 273

Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho: A Casebook 'brings together critical essays on this influential and teachable film. The essays not only elaborate on the complexities of the film, but represent the spectrum of film criticism, including an analysis of its music and close readings illustrated by many stills from the film.

Cinéma selon Hitchcock

Autor: François Truffaut , Alfred Hitchcock , Helen G. Scott

Número de Páginas: 330

Entretien qui modifia l'opinion des critiques américains même si le célèbre cinéaste était au sommet de sa créativité et de son succès dans les années 1950 et 1960.

Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Alfred Hitchcock

Número de Páginas: 503

47 tales of murder for profit, revenge, accident, or assassination are related with twists and turns, if necessary

The Encyclopedia of Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Thomas M. Leitch

Número de Páginas: 418

Presents the life and career of Alfred Hitchcock with detailed information on his films, including technical information, themes, style, and film theory.

Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho

Autor: Alfred Hitchcock

Número de Páginas: 262

A Phoenix secretary embezzles $40,000 from her employer's client, goes on the run and checks into a remote motel run by a young man under the domination of his mother.

Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Peter Ackroyd

Número de Páginas: 0

Alfred Hitchcock was a strange child. Fat, lonely, burning with fear and ambition, his childhood was an isolated one, scented with fish from his father's shop. Afraid to leave his bedroom, he would plan great voyages, using railway timetables to plot an exact imaginary route across Europe. So how did this fearful figure become the one of the most respected film directors of the twentieth century? As an adult, Hitch rigorously controlled the press's portrait of himself, drawing certain carefully selected childhood anecdotes into full focus and blurring all others out. In this quick-witted portrait, Ackroyd reveals something more: a lugubriously jolly man fond of practical jokes, who smashes a once-used tea cup every morning to remind himself of the frailty of life. Iconic film stars make cameo appearances, just as Hitch did in his own films. Grace Kelly, Carey Grant and James Stewart despair of his detached directing style, and, perhaps most famously of all, Tippi Hedren endures cuts and bruises from a real-life fearsome flock of birds. Alfred Hitchcock wrests the director's chair back from the master of control and discovers what lurks just out of sight, in the corner of the shot.

The Alfred Hitchcock Story

Autor: Ken Mogg

Número de Páginas: 192

A fully illustrated tribute to the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, celebrating the 100th anniversary of his birth. It is a film-by-film guide to the man and his work, from the early silent days of The Lodger to the Hollywood success of Psycho, and beyond.

The Films of Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Neil Sinyard

Número de Páginas: 159

Covers Hitchcock's career from his early thrillers made in Britain such as "The 39 Steps" to his Hollywood films including "Vertigo" and "Psycho". The book includes a history of each film, anecdotes about Hitchcock himself, and an analysis of the psycholog

Alfred Hitchcock

Autor: Paul Duncan

Número de Páginas: 0

Hitchcock.s name is synonymous with suspense . that is to say, masterful, spine-tingling, thrilling, shocking, excruciating, eye-boggling suspense. With masterpieces such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Rear Window, and Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) fashioned an extremely original approach to filmmaking that is oft imitated though never equalled.


Autor: John Russell Taylor

Número de Páginas: 344

This authorized biography covers the entire span of Hitchcock's career, from his early successes, and offers revealing insight into his relationships with his stars and his eccentric working methods.

The Moment of Psycho

Autor: David Thomson

Número de Páginas: 208

It was made like a television movie, and completed in less than three months. It killed off its star in forty minutes. There was no happy ending. And it offered the most violent scene to date in American film, punctuated by shrieking strings that seared the national consciousness. Nothing like Psycho had existed before; the movie industry -- even America itself -- would never be the same. In The Moment of Psycho, film critic David Thomson situates Psycho in Alfred Hitchcock's career, recreating the mood and time when the seminal film erupted onto film screens worldwide. Thomson shows that Psycho was not just a sensation in film: it altered the very nature of our desires. Sex, violence, and horror took on new life. Psycho, all of a sudden, represented all America wanted from a film -- and, as Thomson brilliantly demonstrates, still does.

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