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Hemos encontrado un total de 39 libros disponibles para descargar

Emerging Tools and Strategies for Financial Management

Autor: Álvarez-garcía, Begoña , Abeal-vázquez, José-pablo

Número de Páginas: 379

Over the past years, significant changes have occurred in the corporate sector arising from globalization, increasing international competitiveness, and intensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). These developments have led to new corporate and social behaviors that are affecting the entire corporate value chain. Thus, business organizations are focusing on technological innovation as a driving force of development. Emerging Tools and Strategies for Financial Management is a pivotal reference source that explores both practical and theoretical perspectives on how financial management is evolving and how future consequences of technological innovation will affect individuals, businesses, and society. While highlighting topics such as financial imbalance, venture capital, and shadow banking, this publication explores the relationship between companies and their customers and the methods of generating changes in today’s enterprises. This book is ideally designed for business managers, financial analysts, financial controllers, directors, finance officers, treasurers, entrepreneurs, CEOs, academicians, students, and research professionals.

Cartas familiares del abate D. Juan Andres a su hermano D. Carlos Andres, dandole noticia del viage que hizo á varias ciudades de Italia en el año 1785, publicadas por el mismo D. Cárlos...

Autor: Juan Andrés

Número de Páginas: 254

Cartas familiares ... a su hermano D. Carlos Andres, dandole noticia del viage que hizo a varias ciudades de Italian en el año (1785-1791)

Autor: Giovanni Andrés

Número de Páginas: 260

El mundo rural en la España moderna

Autor: Fundación Española De Historia Moderna. Reunión Científica , Francisco José Aranda Pérez

Número de Páginas: 1416

Segunda parte de los trabajos que fueron expuestos y debatidos en la VIIa Reunión Científica de la Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, celebrada en Ciudad Real los días 3, 4, 5 y 6 de junio de 2002. En este volumen se ha tratado de rescatar al mundo rural del siglo XVII del olvido a que se le tiene sometido por las modas historiográficas. Se presentan un total de 76 trabajos articulados en los siguientes apartados: demografía, producción agraria, aprovechamientos forestales y cinegéticos y, por último, la cuestión del poder concejil

D. Fernando el Católico y el descubrimiento de América

Autor: Eduardo Ibarra Y Rodríguez

Número de Páginas: 310

Developmental and Adapted Physical Education

Autor: Michael Horvat , Ronald Croce , Caterina Pesce , Ashley Eason Fallaize

Número de Páginas: 632

Now in a fully revised and updated 6th edition, reflecting changes in legislation and cutting-edge research, this is a complete introduction to adapted physical education, from the underpinning science to practical teaching strategies and program design. The book covers a broader range of disabilities, developmental disorders, and health conditions than any other textbook and includes brand new material on developmental coordination disorders and cognitive development. Full of teaching and coaching strategies and techniques, it introduces scientific fundamentals, key legislation, and best practice in designing effective programs. It encourages the reader to consider the individual before the disability and to focus on what learners can do rather than what they can’t. This is an essential reference for teachers, coaches, or exercise professionals working with children with disabilities. It is also an invaluable resource for undergraduate or postgraduate students of adapted physical education, kinesiology, physical education, physical therapy, exercise science, athletic training, or sports coaching. The new edition features updated online resources, including PowerPoint slides,...

Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery

Autor: Michel Couprie , Jean Cousty , Yukiko Kenmochi , Nabil Mustafa

Número de Páginas: 500

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 21st IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, DGCI 2019, held in Marne-la-Vallée, France, in March 2019. The 38 full papers were carefully selected from 50 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on discrete geometric models and transforms; discrete topology; graph-based models, analysis and segmentation; mathematical morphology; shape representation, recognition and analysis; and geometric computation.

Cuentos para Monstruos

Autor: Santiago González Pedraza

Número de Páginas: 151

Los monstruos más terribles son los que visten piel humana.Antología de historias relacionadas con la furia, la pérdida y la violencia compactada en el espíritu humano. Los personajes son ficticios, pero sus acciones tienen pinceladas de realidad. Mujeres maltratadas, lunas que miran y callan, hombres heridos y vencidos que usan su último impulso para destruir al universo. Al término de cada relato, los monstruos se cubren con la sabana para tratar inútilmente conciliar el sueño.

Miscellaneous Series

Autor: United States. Bureau Of Foreign And Domestic Commerce

Número de Páginas: 446

Des opinions de M.r Simonde de Sismondi sur Alfieri, considere comme poete tragique..

Autor: Jean Charles Léonard Simonde : De Sismondi

Número de Páginas: 32

Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences, littérature et beaux-arts de Turin

Número de Páginas: 776

Memoires de l'Academie imperiale des sciences, literature et beaux-arts de Turin. Litterature et beaux-arts

Número de Páginas: 748

Trade Directory of South America for the Promotion of American Export Trade

Autor: United States. Bureau Of Foreign And Domestic Commerce

Número de Páginas: 438

Una oveja negra al poder. Pepe Mujica, la politica de la gente / A Black Sheep i n Power: Pepe Mujica, a Different Kind of Politician

Autor: Ernesto Tulbovitz , Andres Danza

Número de Páginas: 308

El camino y la llegada al poder, la forma de vivirlo y ejercerlo, los conflictos con su liturgia y protocolo, el encuentro con figuras como Obama, Fidel Castro, Putin, Chávez o Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, la soledad de sentirse a veces en un mundo ajeno. Todo contado a los autores por su protagonista, Pepe Mujica, y por muchos testigos. Un relato con un ritmo vertiginoso que atrapa desde la primera hasta laúltima página, producto de más de cien horas de conversaciones hogareñas e institucionales, políticas e íntimas, personales y telefónicas. Todas ellas mantenidas entre el despacho presidencial y la mitad del campo, en escenarios tan disímiles como la Casa Blanca, el Vaticano, la chacra de Mujica en las afueras de Montevideo o una pequeña casa reciclada, en la que ninguna tertulia terminó antes de la madrugada.

Archeological Investigations in the Corozal District of British Honduras

Número de Páginas: 1352

Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images

Autor: Reneta P. Barneva , Valentin E. Brimkov , Herbert A. Hauptman , Renato M. Natal Jorge , Joao Tavares

Número de Páginas: 339

This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium "Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images. Fundamentals, Methods and Applications", CompIMAGE 2010, held in Buffalo, NY, in May 2010. The 28 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 77 submissions. They are organized in topical sections on theoretical foundations of image analysis and processing; methods and applications on medical imaging, bioimaging, biometrics, and imaging in material sciences, as well as methods and applications on image reconstruction, computed tomography, and other applications.

Life Lessons from Family Vacations

Autor: Rick Tocquigny

Número de Páginas: 225

Family vacations: we’ve all taken them. Many view family vacations as some of the greatest learning experiences and transforming moments of life. Life Lessons from Family Vacations is an indulgent adventure unto itself, with many engaging family stories that will remind you of your own travels and perhaps reignite your globetrotting spirit (and courage) to journey with family again.

Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming

Autor: Pekka Abrahamsson , Michele Marchesi , Frank Maurer

Número de Páginas: 292

The field of software engineering is characterized by speed and turbulence in many regards. While new ideas are proposed almost on a yearly basis, very few of them live for a decade or a longer. Lightweight software development methods were a new idea in the latter part of the 1990s. Now, ten years later, they are better known as agile software development methods, and an active community driven by practitioners has formed around the new way of thinking. Agile software development is currently being embraced by the research community as well. As a sign of increased research activity, most research-oriented conferences have an agile software development track included in the conference program. The XP conference series established in 2000 was the first conference dedicated to agile processes in software engineering. The idea of the conference is to offer a unique setting for advancing the state of the art in research and practice of agile processes. This year’s conference was the tenth consecutive edition of this international event. Due to the diverse nature of different activities during the conference, XP is claimed to be more of an experience rather then a regular conference. ...

Historical and Ethnographical Material on the Jivaro Indians

Autor: Matthew Williams Stirling

Número de Páginas: 210

Estupidez Emocional

Autor: Paz Torrabadella

Número de Páginas: 166

ESTUPIDEZ EMOCIONAL: Lo que necesita saber para protegerse de ella y superarla. Todo anverso tiene su reverso y la cara de la inteligencia emocional tiene su cruz en la estupidez emocional. La primera autora en habla castellana sobre Inteligencia Emocional (C mo desarrollar la Inteligencia Emocional, 1997) Paz Torrabadella, nos acerca a este pernicioso y extendido fen meno, para que dispongamos de m?'s poder a la hora de detectarlo y superarlo. Un ameno manual de auto-superaci n lleno de inspiradoras y transformadoras reflexiones, as como tiles ejercicios pr cticos.

I Commentarii rerum memorabilium, quae temporibus suis contigerunt d'Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini, Pio II.

Autor: Giuseppe Lesca

Número de Páginas: 810

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

Número de Páginas: 964

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