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Hemos encontrado un total de 36 libros disponibles para descargar

Steroids, Tropolones, Cerebrosides, Marine Natural Products, Amino Acids, and Sugars

Autor: Hailin Qin , Dequan Yu

Número de Páginas: 200

This 6 volume set presents a groundbreaking resource in this branch of natural organic compounds and demonstrates how proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can be manipulated in structures of natural organic compounds. It covers 17 kinds amounting to over 10,000 natural organic compounds. The 6th volume mainly illustrates the molecular formula and structures of diphenylethenes, tropolones, cerebrosides and marine natural products.

Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France

Autor: Société Nationale Des Antiquaires De France

Número de Páginas: 358

Mémoires de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France

Autor: Société Nationale Des Antiquaires De France

Número de Páginas: 714


Autor: Paul G. Yock , Stefanos Zenios , Josh Makower , Todd J. Brinton , Uday N. Kumar , F. T. Jay Watkins , Lyn Denend , Thomas M. Krummel , Christine Q. Kurihara

Número de Páginas: 856

This step-by-step guide to medical technology innovation, now in full color, has been rewritten to reflect recent trends of industry globalization and value-conscious healthcare. Written by a team of medical, engineering, and business experts, the authors provide a comprehensive resource that leads students, researchers, and entrepreneurs through a proven process for the identification, invention, and implementation of new solutions. Case studies on innovative products from around the world, successes and failures, practical advice, and end-of-chapter 'Getting Started' sections encourage readers to learn from real projects and apply important lessons to their own work. A wealth of additional material supports the book, including a collection of nearly one hundred videos created for the second edition, active links to external websites, supplementary appendices, and timely updates on the companion website at Readers can access this material quickly, easily, and at the most relevant point in the text from within the ebook.

Cardiothoracic Surgery Review

Autor: Kenneth L. Franco , Vinod H. Thourani

Número de Páginas: 4752

Cardiothoracic Surgery Review covers all of the core knowledge necessary to pass the cardiothoracic boards or the cardiothoracic recertification exam. Each topic presents core information in two-to-four pages and concludes with a brief list of the most important references. The topics cover all areas in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery, and thoracic surgery. Included with the book is a companion website featuring the fully searchable text and over 60 procedural videos. This topic-based review is ideal for anyone needing to rapidly reference an up-to-date knowledge base in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiothoracic fellows, practitioners studying for recertification, and surgical nurses.

Recueil des itinéraires anciens

Autor: Agricole Joseph François Xavier Pierre Esprit Simon Paul Antoine Marquis De Fortia D'urban , Emmanuel Miller

Número de Páginas: 594

Evidence-Based Practice in Perioperative Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery

Autor: Davy C.h. Cheng , Janet Martin , Tirone David

Número de Páginas: 755

This comprehensive yet concise book addresses current best practice in the combined areas of cardiac surgery and anesthesia, interventional minimally invasive cardiac procedures, perioperative management and monitoring, and critical care recovery. This book not only provides the latest best practices in the perioperative management of cardiac surgical patients, but also it summarizes the current clinical guidelines and algorithms from leading cardiac programs and professional societies. Contemporary best practice approaches are written by experts from leading cardiac surgical centers. The preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management and recovery of surgical patients, including medication, monitoring techniques, and innovative surgical procedures, are presented by experts in the field of cardiac anesthesia and surgery. Perioperative clinical care guidelines, postoperative recovery pathways and models of care are presented with supporting protocols. Evidence-Based Practice in Perioperative Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery is aimed at all cardiac anesthesiology consultants, fellows, and trainees; all cardiac surgery consultants, fellows, and trainees; nurses in...

Clinical Handbook of Coronary Artery Disease

Autor: Gundu Hr Rao

Número de Páginas: 504

Introduction 1 Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease 2 Coronary Artery Disease in Women 3 Finding Solutions: Modifiable Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Disease in South Asians 4 Epidemiology of Diabetes in India 5 Diabetes in Low and Middle-income Countries: India as a Case Study 6 The North Karelia Project: From North Karelia to National and International Action 7 Development of Pediatric Cardiology in India 8 Cardiovascular Risk Stratification in South Asians 9 Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Disease in South Asians Compared to Other Ethnic Groups

State of the Art Surgical Coronary Revascularization

Autor: David P. Taggart , John D. Puskas

Número de Páginas: 521

This is the most authoritative textbook ever dedicated to the art and science of surgical coronary revascularization, with 71 chapters, organized in 9 sections, and written by over 100 recognized world experts. It covers every aspect of the surgical management of coronary artery pathology and ischaemic heart disease.

Robotic Surgery

Autor: Go Watanabe

Número de Páginas: 162

Thanks to the advent of leading-edge technologies, there is a new cross-sectional field of surgery: robotic surgery. Due to the rapid development of robotic surgery systems such as da Vinci, there is a great need to refresh one’s knowledge every day. This book covers all surgical areas: urological surgery, digestive surgery and cardiac surgery in addition to mitral valvular disease. It also summarizes the most current topics in robotic surgery addressed by well-known experts from around the world. These specialists’ expertise provides useful insights into modern educational techniques for the latest trends in surgery—knowledge that will be valuable to students, residents, and experts who are eager to learn more about advanced medical care including da Vinci as a cross-cutting surgical device, even if it lies outside their specialty field.

Handbook of Cardiac Anatomy, Physiology, and Devices

Autor: Paul A. Iaizzo

Número de Páginas: 653

A revolution began in my professional career and education in 1997. In that year, I visited the University of Minnesota to discuss collaborative opportunities in cardiac anatomy, physiology, and medical device testing. The meeting was with a faculty member of the Department of Anesthesiology, Professor Paul Iaizzo. I didn’t know what to expect but, as always, I remained open minded and optimistic. Little did I know that my life would never be the same. . . . During the mid to late 1990s, Paul Iaizzo and his team were performing anesthesia research on isolated guinea pig hearts. We found the work appealing, but it was unclear how this research might apply to our interest in tools to aid in the design of implantable devices for the cardiovascular system. As discussions progressed, we noted that we would be far more interested in reanimation of large mammalian hearts, in particular, human hearts. Paul was confident this could be accomplished on large hearts, but thought that it would be unlikely that we would ever have access to human hearts for this application. We shook hands and the collaboration was born in 1997. In the same year, Paul and the research team at the University of ...

Percutaneous Treatment of Left Side Cardiac Valves

Autor: Corrado Tamburino , Marco Barbanti , Davide Capodanno

Número de Páginas: 533

After the success of the first two editions, this expanded and extensively revised edition provides the interventional cardiologist with detailed, state of the art information on key techniques and approaches to percutaneous treatment of left side cardiac valve disease, keeping pace with the rapid and dynamic evolution in the discipline. Many new techniques and resources are now available, including new devices for transcatheter aortic valve implantation and new approaches to transcatheter mitral valve replacement. Numerous images will help the reader to understand the steps of each procedure and the characteristics of the different devices available. The potential complications and expected or potential morbidity from each procedure are discussed in depth, along with the best ways to manage them. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation has revolutionized the field of interventional cardiology. Initially envisaged as a palliative technique for inoperable patients, it now offe rs high-risk patients a viable alternative to surgery. Several techniques are also available of transcatheter mitral valve repair, and initial cases of transcatheter mitral valve replacement have also been...

Annals of Life Insurance Medicine

Autor: Swiss Reinsurance Company

Número de Páginas: 221

One thousand unselected patients with bronchial asthma have been followed up for an average period of 11 years, with extremes of 33 years and three years. The average period from the first symptoms to the date of follow-up was 20.6 years in the 562 males and 22.3 years in the 438 females, with extremes of 72 years and three years. Since throughout the analysis no differences were found between the sexes, they have been grouped together. Terms used, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, childhood bronchitis, age of onset, etc., have been carefully defined, as have the descriptions of intermittent and continuous asthma. The present state of the patients has been classified as A (good), B (fair), C (poor), and D (dead). Early age of onset (before 16) and intermittent asthma were associated and had a more favourable prognosis, while the childhood bronchitic had a better outlook than the adult bronchitic. Intermittent and continuous asthma have been compared. The incidence of bronchitis initially was higher in the continuous group, and the tendency to develop bronchitis over the years (present in all asthmatics) was also greater in the continuous group. Those with bronchitis were in much ...

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

Número de Páginas: 1368

World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering September 7 - 12, 2009 Munich, Germany

Autor: Olaf Dössel , Wolfgang C. Schlegel

Número de Páginas: 1211

Present Your Research to the World! The World Congress 2009 on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering – the triennial scientific meeting of the IUPESM - is the world’s leading forum for presenting the results of current scientific work in health-related physics and technologies to an international audience. With more than 2,800 presentations it will be the biggest conference in the fields of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in 2009! Medical physics, biomedical engineering and bioengineering have been driving forces of innovation and progress in medicine and healthcare over the past two decades. As new key technologies arise with significant potential to open new options in diagnostics and therapeutics, it is a multidisciplinary task to evaluate their benefit for medicine and healthcare with respect to the quality of performance and therapeutic output. Covering key aspects such as information and communication technologies, micro- and nanosystems, optics and biotechnology, the congress will serve as an inter- and multidisciplinary platform that brings together people from basic research, R&D, industry and medical application to discuss these issues. As a major...

Atlas of Robotic Cardiac Surgery

Autor: W.randolph Chitwood

Número de Páginas: 320

Robotic surgery is currently devoid of adequate didactic material necessary to facilitate daily application in cardiothoracic surgical practice. This book represents the definitive atlas that will lead both the practicing and new cardiothoracic surgeons in these methods. It will define the operative pathway of each procedure, from beginning to end, for surgeons who wish to be a complete robotic cardiac surgeon and include hints and procedural pitfalls derived from the experiences of chapter contributors. The book will be illustrated with high quality illustrations and color photographs from surgical operations where appropriate. Leading surgeons have contributed to the book and provided sample illustrations for their respective chapters. Anesthetic and cardiopulmonary support preparation for each operation will be included and selected references will be provided to emphasize evidence-based outcomes.

The Physical Dictionary ... The Fifth Edition: with the Addition of Many Thousand Terms of Art ... Also a Catalogue of Characters Used in Physick, Both in Latin and English, Engraved in Copper

Autor: Steven Blanckaert

Número de Páginas: 346

Trends in Neurovascular Surgery

Autor: Tetsuya Tsukahara , Luca Regli , Daniel Hänggi , Bernd Turowski , Hans-jakob Steiger

Número de Páginas: 134

The contributions in this book were presented at the fifth European-Japanese Joint Conference for Stroke Surgery, held in July 2010 in Duesseldorf, Germany. The topics treated are the management of cerebral and ventricular hemorrhage, extra-intracranial bypass surgery, surgical and endovascular treatment of cervical and intracranial arterial occlusive disease, and embolization and microsurgery of AVM and dural AV-fistulas.

Encyclopedia Of Medical Robotics, The (In 4 Volumes)

Número de Páginas: 1555

The Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics combines contributions in four distinct areas of Medical robotics, namely: Minimally Invasive Surgical Robotics, Micro and Nano Robotics in Medicine, Image-guided Surgical Procedures and Interventions, and Rehabilitation Robotics. The volume on Minimally Invasive Surgical Robotics focuses on robotic technologies geared towards challenges and opportunities in minimally invasive surgery and the research, design, implementation and clinical use of minimally invasive robotic systems. The volume on Micro and Nano robotics in Medicine is dedicated to research activities in an area of emerging interdisciplinary technology that is raising new scientific challenges and promising revolutionary advancement in applications such as medicine and biology. The size and range of these systems are at or below the micrometer scale and comprise assemblies of micro and nanoscale components. The volume on Image-guided Surgical Procedures and Interventions focuses primarily on the use of image guidance during surgical procedures and the challenges posed by various imaging environments and how they related to the design and development of robotic systems as well as...

The Catholic Encyclopedia

Autor: Charles George Herbermann , Edward Aloysius Pace , Condé Bénoist Pallen , Thomas Joseph Shahan , John Joseph Wynne

Número de Páginas: 984

Cardiac Surgery

Autor: Shahzad G. Raja

Número de Páginas: 1043

This textbook provides a succinct overview of cardiac surgery, with key concepts being emphasized throughout. An abundance of illustrations, intra-operative photographs, tables as well as information boxes, aids the reader to visualise, grasp and retain difficult concepts. The inclusion of evidence-based approaches to the management of a range of cardiac surgical conditions equips the reader with an understanding of how to overcome a variety of potentially tough clinical challenges. Concise Cardiac Surgery: A Complete Guide comprehensively covers a range of techniques used in cardiac surgery. It is therefore, an ideal resource for the trainee and practising cardiac surgeon seeking a practically focused text detailing how to apply the latest techniques and evidence-based approaches in their day-to-day practice.

Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes

Autor: Reinhart Pieter Anne Dozy

Número de Páginas: 904

Supplément Aux Dictionnaires Arabes, Tome Premier

Autor: R Dozy

Número de Páginas: 891

Recueil des itinéraires anciens comprenant l'Itinéraire d'Antonin, la Table de Peutinger et un choix des périples grecs

Autor: Fortia D'urban

Número de Páginas: 590

Dissertatio Inavgvralis Ivridica De Fatvitate Brocardici Vvlgaris, Cavsa Fatva Excvsat A Dolo

Autor: Christian Thomasius , Johannes Friedrich Bieck

Número de Páginas: 136

Kalp Damar Cerrahisinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar

Autor: Mehmet Ali Kaygin , Bilgehan Erkut

Número de Páginas: 325

Kirchliche Geographie und Statistik oder: Darstellung des heutigen Zustandes der katholischen Kirche mit steter Rücksicht auf die früheren Zeiten und im Hinblick auf die anderen Religionsgemeinschaften

Autor: Stephan J. Neher

Número de Páginas: 594

Kirchliche Geographie und Statistik

Autor: Stephan Jakob Neher

Número de Páginas: 590

Unveränderter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1865.

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