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Hemos encontrado un total de 40 libros disponibles para descargar

Cassie’S Quest

Autor: Lynda Patriquin

Número de Páginas: 108

Cassie is a foster child of the state of California. She has been in many foster homes; some good and some bad. She is going to another one. This foster is one of the better ones and she is about to embark on the greatest adventure of her young life. Cassie is sleeping in her room in the attic, when she is awakened by the rain. As she looks out her window, she sees a mysterious light, floating in the hills. She should have kept this secret to herself. Instead, it takes her on a journey of danger and intrigue as she and Cole witness a crime, deep in the canyon floor. Without the help of Cole's horse, Bolero, the creature would have surely died.

Ángel de amor

Autor: Michelle Douglas

Número de Páginas: 133

En otro tiempo, Cole Adams y Cassie Campbell habían sido inseparables y habían recurrido el uno al otro en los malos momentos. Cassie llevaba diez años tratando de seguir adelante con su vida y olvidar el pasado, pero ahora Cole había vuelto a casa por Navidad y no podía evitarlo... ni a él, ni a los recuerdos. Cole sabía que Cassie había cambiado; ahora era viuda y cuidaba de los demás de manera incansable. Pero la conocía bien y podía ver el dolor que escondía tras su alegre sonrisa. ¿Podría llegar al fondo de su maltrecho corazón y convertir a su ángel de Navidad en su esposa?

Seduciendo al enemigo

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 169

Las amigas de Karen Hanson intentaban convencerla de que vendiera el rancho que tantos problemas le daba y cumpliera su viejo sueño de viajar por el mundo. El problema era que el único posible comprador del rancho era el enigmático Grady Blackhawk, el peor enemigo del difunto esposo de Karen. ¿Cómo iba a venderle sus tierras a un hombre así? Pero entonces Grady decidió demostrarle que no era la persona despiadada que ella creía. Karen sabía que pasar tanto tiempo con un hombre tan increíblemente atractivo podría costarle muy caro, de hecho, a Grady cada vez le importaba menos conseguir el rancho... y más hacerse con el amor de su bella propietaria.

Otra vez el amor

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 162

Cassie Collins había regresado a su ciudad y quería retomar la relación con sus antiguas amigas para así poder olvidarse de todos sus problemas. Pero los problemas aumentaron con la aparición del sexy Cole Davis, el padre de su hijo. Tras descubrir su secreto, Cole insistía en casarse con ella... si no, Cassie se arriesgaba a perder a su hijo y tener que entregárselo al poderoso clan de los Davis. El tiempo no había hecho desaparecer el odio que sentía por el hombre que la había traicionado diez años atrás... pero tampoco había enfriado la pasión que había entre ellos.

Otra vez el amor - Seduciendo al enemigo

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 316

Tiffany 162 Otra vez el amor Sherryl Woods Cassie Collins había regresado a su ciudad y quería retomar la relación con sus antiguas amigas para así poder olvidarse de todos sus problemas. Pero los problemas aparecieron con el nombre del sexy Cole Davis, el padre de su hijo. Tras descubrir su secreto, Cole insistía en casarse con ella... si no, Cassie se arriesgaba a perder a su hijo y tener que entregárselo al poderoso clan de los Davis. El tiempo no había hecho desaparecer el odio que sentía por el hombre que la había traicionado diez años antes... pero tampoco había enfriado la pasión que había entre ellos. ¿Podría revivir el amor que una vez habían sentido el uno por el otro y así formar una verdadera familia? Tuvo que marcharse de la ciudad embarazada y soltera... Seduciendo al enemigo Las amigas de Karen Hanson intentaban convencerla de que vendiera el rancho que tantos problemas le daba y cumpliera su viejo sueño de viajar por el mundo. El problema era que el único posible comprador del rancho era el enigmático Grady Blackhawk, el peor enemigo del difunto esposo de Karen. ¿Cómo iba a venderle sus tierras a un hombre así? Pero entonces Grady decidió...

The Protector

Autor: Dee Henderson

Número de Páginas: 370

Jack O'Malley is a fireman who is fearless when it comes to facing an inferno. But when an arsonist begins targeting his district, his shift, his friends, Jack faces the ultimate challenge: protecting the lady who saw the arsonist before she pays an even higher price. Introducing the O'Malleys, an inspirational group of seven, all abandoned or orphaned as teens, who have made the choice to become a loyal and committed family. They have chosen their own surname, O'Malley, and have stood by each other through moments of joy and heartache. Their stories are told in CBA best-selling, inspirational romantic suspense novels that rock your heart and restore strength and hope to your spirit.

The Portal

Autor: Dean Hamilton

Número de Páginas: 321

[Hamilton] creates an effective and growing sense of mystery..." —Kirkus The Portal: Only an Ocean Apart is a distinctly original journey into where life on Earth began and where we go after death. Based on scientific theory, combined with faith that humans can connect across alternate dimensions, Dean Hamilton's first novel reads more like reality than fiction. After the tragic death of his parents at sea, wealthy socialite and playboy Cole Hollingsworth is set to take over his father's publishing empire, but when childhood schoolmate Lindsay Featherstone, now an accomplished researcher and oceanographer, reenters his life, Cole's world, along with everything he knew to be true about his life, love, and second chances, is about to be turned upside down. Who is Lindsay, really? What does she want with Cole? And, perhaps most intriguing of all, has she found the key to all of life and death, and the mysteries of the afterlife, in the deepest reaches of the ocean's floor? The pair embark on a journey to find out the truth about Cole's parents. What they discover along the way will not only transform them but will trigger the beginning of a global transformation humanity could not...


Autor: Ed Mcbain

Número de Páginas: 434

Detectives Meyer and Carella investigate a savage murder, gang warfare suddenly erupts in the city, the drug business heats up, and the 87th Precinct finds itself tense and taxed.

The Perfect Game

Autor: J. Sterling

Número de Páginas: 181

With over half-a-million copies sold worldwide, come see why readers and authors alike all call this, "an unforgettable story that will stay with you for years," by New York Times Bestselling Author, J. Sterling. He's a game she never intended to play. And she's the game changer he never knew he needed. The Perfect Game tells the story of college juniors, Cassie Andrews & Jack Carter. When Cassie meets rising baseball hopeful Jack, she is determined to steer clear of him and his typical cocky attitude. But Jack has other things on his mind... like getting Cassie to give him the time of day. They're both damaged, filled with mistrust and guarded before they find one another (and themselves) in this emotional journey about love and forgiveness. Strap yourselves for a ride that will not only break your heart, but put it back together. Sometimes life gets ugly before it gets beautiful.

Do You Take This Rebel?

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 237

PREGNANT AND UNMARRIED, SHE LEFT TOWN... Now Cassie Collins had returned to reconnect with her oldest friends, the Calamity Janes, and put her troubles behind her. But trouble found her in the disconcertingly sexy form of Cole Davis--father of her child. Having discovered her secret, Cole demanded a convenient marriage--or Cassie could lose her son to the powerful, wealthy Davis clan. Time hadn't dulled Cassie's anger at the man who'd betrayed her ten years ago...nor cooled the fiery attraction between them. Could she rekindle their long-lost love, and unite Cole, herself and their son in the precious bonds of family?

Cassie (eLit)

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 99

Da quando è fuggita, in attesa di un figlio, Cassie è tornata a Winding River solo una volta. Oggi ha l'opportunità di rivedere le sue migliori amiche, le Calamity Janes, e di lasciarsi problemi e segreti alle spalle. Una sola nube rischia di offuscare la sua rinnovata felicità: rivedere Cole Davis, amore mai dimenticato e ignaro padre del suo bambino. E la verità non tarderà a venire a galla, ma per una Calamity Janes tutto è possibile! Serie "Calamity Janes" - Vol. 1

Winding River Reunion

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 237

From the author of Feels Like Family, a Netflix Book Club Pick! Five women…five dreams…a lifetime of friendship…revisit the beloved stories of the Calamity Janes by #1 New York Times bestseller Sherryl Woods with Winding River Reunion, originally published as Do You Take This Rebel? in 2001 WINDING RIVER REUNION Pregnant and unmarried, she left, Cassie Collins has returned to reconnect with her oldest friends, the Calamity Janes, and put her troubles behind her. But the father of her child, Cole Davis, gives her two choices: marriage or lose her son. Time hadn’t dulled Cassie’s anger at the man who’d betrayed her 10 years ago...nor cooled the fiery attraction between them. Could she rekindle their long-lost love, and unite Cole, herself, and their son in the precious bonds of family? Originally published in 2001 under the title Do You Take This Rebel?

Hollingsworth Island

Autor: Dean Hamilton

Número de Páginas: 376

Where Angels dare to tread, humanity hangs in the balance... Unable to get spirit guide Lindsay Featherstone out of his head, billionaire Cole Hollingsworth is drawn back to the mysterious island that he and Lindsay helped spawn in the Caribbean Sea over six months ago, while searching for his deceased parents. Cole is convinced Lindsay lives on inside the mountain. Determined to find her, Cole abandons his CEO position at his publishing empire in a desperate attempt to reconnect with the only woman he has ever loved. Now the tallest mountain on the planet and still growing, what is taking place inside the volcano may be the strangest aspect of all. Whispers of new life forms abound. Cole struggles to find an entrance inside, only to be met by otherworldly creatures bent on blocking his passage, while issuing a dire warning of an impending environmental catastrophe if humanity fails to change its ways.

Cassie Draws the Universe

Autor: P.s. Baber

Número de Páginas: 445

Cassie Harper is a disillusioned high school senior who is daily losing ground in a battle against her own nihilistic inclinations. When a beautiful new girl from California comes to town and attempts to befriend a reluctant Cassie, the two unlikely companions find common ground in a shared sorrow. Cassie lives with her mother and grandmother in a dilapidated house in a nameless Kansas town, where she is haunted nightly by dreams of a father who died before she was born. Amy Cole has just moved from California, where she recently lost her mother and brother in a car accident. When Amy finally breaks down the walls of Cassies self imposed solitude, the girls band together to avoid the common end of all high school students: inexorable assimilation into an increasingly empty and incomprehensible world. But as Amy and Cassie attempt to outrun fate, their pursuit will be cut short by an unexpected adversary, leading Cassie to devise a chilling and unimaginable revenge. Cassie Draws the Universe is a complex and tragic tale of friendship and betrayal, living and dying, human cruelty, and the terrible price of vengeance.

Anjo de amor

Autor: Michelle Douglas

Número de Páginas: 92

Voltara para casa no Natal... para arranjar uma esposa? Noutros tempos, Cole Adams e Cassie Campbell tinham sido inseparáveis e tinham recorrido um ao outro nos maus momentos. Cassie andava há dez anos a tentar seguir em frente com a sua vida e esquecer o passado, mas agora Cole voltara para casa no Natal e não conseguia evitá-lo... nem a ele, nem às lembranças. Cole sabia que Cassie mudara. Agora, estava viúva e cuidava dos outros de forma incansável. No entanto, ele conhecia-a bem e conseguia ver a dor que escondia por trás do seu sorriso alegre. Conseguiria chegar ao fundo do seu coração maltratado e transformar o seu anjo de Natal na sua esposa?

Transmisión de radio

Autor: Daniel Xen

Número de Páginas: 206

Esta historia de misterio, suspenso, ciencia ficción y romance se centra en un joven con problemas de insomnio que se acaba de mudar a un departamento en las cercanías de su trabajo, un día recibe una carta de su hermano que lo dejará conmocionado, durante su estancia vivirá momentos de felicidad, soledad, angustia y tristeza que lo llevaran a tomar decisiones importantes en su vida, sin embargo, el pasado siempre está detrás de nosotros, acechándonos desde las sombras de la conciencia, será capaz de vencer sus miedos, averígualo en, transmisión de radio. Espera, la transmisión de radio aun no ha terminado, algo parece estar sucediendo, los sonidos intermitentes se escuchaban por todos lados, un poco de estática y las voces de pronto se apagaron.

The Calamity Janes: Cassie & Karen

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 507

In these two classic tales, #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods revisits the lives of the Calamity Janes, a group of best friends that lean on each other through thick and thin. Do You Take This Rebel? Cassie Collins fled Winding River, Wyoming when she discovered she was pregnant. Now, ten years later and stronger, she's been drawn back to town for a reunion with her friends, the Calamity Janes. But is she strong enough to stand up to Cole Davis, the wealthy father of her child who has the power to take away her son? Or can they finally become the family she's always dreamed of? Courting the Enemy Karen Hanson's oldest friends, the Calamity Janes, are urging her to sell her struggling ranch to the brooding, enigmatic Grady Blackhawk. But how can she possibly sell out to her late husband's worst enemy? Spending time with her handsome adversary could cost Karen a lot more than her ranch. Grady's suddenly far less interested in the land than he is in claiming Karen herself!


Autor: Sierra Kincade

Número de Páginas: 213

The author of Forsaken and Forgotten returns with a new Deep Connection novel—a tantalizing story about a woman desperate to hide the truth… Elaina Talent is the black sheep of the family, closer to her criminal father than either of her siblings. It goes without saying that she’ll take over the Talent family’s many lucrative businesses—legal and illegal—now that her father is incarcerated. But when events come to a head with an Irish drug dealer based in Las Vegas, Elaina is forced to flee, wounded and with a dangerous secret to keep safe. Garett Sharp fell hard and fast for Marsella Talent. The ex-army medic is still licking his wounds over Marsella’s rejection when her sister, Elaina, shows up in need of help in Ambrose, Ohio. Out of loyalty to Marsi, Garett nurses Elaina back to health, but remains suspicious of her intent. However, the more time they spend together, the less he can deny the sparks igniting between them. But exploring the passion they feel may lead to an explosion neither can handle. MATURE AUDIENCE Praise for the novels of Sierra Kincade “Kincade delivers.”—Beth Kery, New York Times bestselling author of the Because You Are Mine series...

Annual Report of the Superintendent of Education on the Public Schools of Nova Scotia for the Year Ending 31st October ...

Autor: Nova Scotia. Superintendent Of Education

Número de Páginas: 1366

Annual Report of the Superintendent of Education for Nova Scotia, for the Year Ended July 31st

Número de Páginas: 880

Minutes, Year Book, Wyoming Annual Conference

Autor: Methodist Episcopal Church. Conferences. Wyoming

Número de Páginas: 994

Ich hab euch so vermisst

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 148

Bei der Begegnung mit Cole Davis können Cassie nicht einmal ihre besten Freundinnen helfen. Denn eigentlich müsste sie ihre erste große Liebe nach einer bitteren Enttäuschung verachten. Aber als sie dem Mann ihrer Träume gegenübersteht, rast ihr Herz genau wie früher ...

Maud Horn's Atchley Family History

Autor: Paul Layman Atchley , Mary Ann Morris Thompson

Número de Páginas: 552

The Calamity Janes: Lauren (The Calamity Janes, Book 5)

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 151

#1 New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods returns with a story of the Calamity Janes... fierce friends facing challenges in life and love.

INS Support for Local Efforts

Autor: United States. Congress. House. Committee On Government Reform. Subcommittee On Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, And Human Resources

Número de Páginas: 74

Wallace's American Trotting Register ...

Autor: John Hankins Wallace

Número de Páginas: 908

The O'Malley Collection: Danger in the Shadows / The Negotiator / The Guardian / The Truth Seeker / The Protector / The Healer / The Rescuer

Autor: Dee Henderson

Número de Páginas: 1519

This collection bundles all seven romantic suspense titles in Dee Henderson’s best-selling O’Malley series into one e-book for a great value! Introducing the O’Malleys, an inspirational group of seven, all abandoned or orphaned as teens, who have made the choice to become a loyal and committed family. They have chosen their own surname, O’Malley, and have stood by each other through moments of joy and heartache. Their stories are told in CBA best-selling, inspirational romantic suspense novels that rock your heart and restore strength and hope to your spirit. Danger in the Shadows (prequel): Sara is terrified. She’s doing the one thing she cannot afford to do: fall in love with former pro-football player Adam Black, a man everyone knows. Sara’s been hidden away in the witness protection program, her safety dependent on staying invisible—and loving Adam could get her killed! #1 The Negotiator FBI agent Dave Richman from Danger in the Shadows is back. He’s about to meet Kate O’Malley, and his life will never be the same. She’s a hostage negotiator. He protects people. He’s about to find out that falling in love with a hostage negotiator is one thing, but...

The Search for Fiona

Autor: Kitty Tolsma Anderson

Número de Páginas: 295

THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK PROVIDES A NEW CLUE TO A STONE-COLD KIDNAPPING CASE Decades ago, a SCIB bioweapons spy ring operative abducted Detective Benson Purdy's daughter-in-law, Fiona, a young virologist with a promising career in mRNA technology. Circumstances force Benson's clan of detectives into the Witness Security Program. Fiona's husband, Cole, still longs for the love of his life, but has no hope of ever finding her. Until now. Cole dares to follow a new lead that surfaces during the pandemic. It begins in a Chinese laboratory and transitions to a castle in Tibet. Before the Purdy (alias Anderson) family can react, their Pacific Northwest bunker comes under siege as the enemy closes in to neutralize the threat posed to their international scheme. OF THOSE WHO ESCAPE, WILL ANY BE ABLE TO RESCUE FIONA BEFORE A NEW VIRAL VARIANT SETS OFF ANOTHER GLOBAL PANDEMIC?

The Zehrbach, Zearbaugh, Cearbaugh Family History

Número de Páginas: 1272

Peter Zehrbach was born in Germany in 1801. He married Elisabeth Schneider and they had ten children. They came to America about 1840 settling in Ohio. Information on many lines of their descendants is given in this volume. Descendants live in Kentucky, Ohio, Washington, Indiana, Michigan, California, Virginia, Texas, Arizona, Utah, Missouri, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, New Mexico and elsewhere.

The Roots & Branches for George Dewey Price and Elzie Layfield

Autor: Janice Price-gattis

Número de Páginas: 342

The ancestry of George Dewey Price and his wife, Elzie Layfield. It includes their descendents as well as their ancestors. I have included birth dates, marriage dates, death dates, and pictures where available.

Black Tie Optional

Autor: Ann Marie Walker

Número de Páginas: 287

The Proposal meets Two Weeks Notice in Ann Marie Walker's new standalone romantic comedy, Black Tie Optional, which New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst calls, "a fun, sexy romp that will keep every reader entertained!" Everything about billionaire Coleman Grant III oozes power and sex. And not the perfunctory kind either, but the sheet clawing, heart stopping, gasping for air after you’ve screamed so loud you can’t breathe kind. From his dark wavy hair that stands in an artfully rumpled mess, to the blue eyes that sear your skin, to his full, sensual lips - on the surface he’s pure perfection. Too bad he's an asshole. An arrogant, uptight corporate raider hell bent on destroying the environment one species at a time. Everything about Olivia Ramsey screams hippie humanitarian. From her blond hair tied in a sloppy bun, to her faded jeans with the Bonnaroo patch sewn on the thigh, to her combat boots still splattered with mud from the previous day’s site visit. So it makes perfect sense that they would get married. In Vegas. Stone-cold sober. Cole needs a wife. Olivia needs to save an endangered species. But what starts as a marriage of convenience soon turns...

Calamity Janes Collection Volume 1

Autor: Sherryl Woods

Número de Páginas: 646

Five women…five dreams…a lifetime of friendship…revisit the beloved stories of the Calamity Janes by #1 New York Times bestseller Sherryl Woods! WINDING RIVER REUNION Pregnant and unmarried, she left, Cassie Collins has returned to reconnect with her oldest friends, the Calamity Janes, and put her troubles behind her. But the father of her child, Cole Davis, gives her two choices: marriage or lose her son. Could she rekindle their long-lost love, and unite Cole, herself, and their son in the precious bonds of family? ONE LAST CHANCE Karen Hanson’s oldest friends, the Calamity Janes, urged her to sell her struggling ranch and pursue her lifelong dreams of travel. But the only bidder for her land was brooding, enigmatic Grady Blackhawk — her late husband’s worst enemy. How could she sell the land to him? Spending time with him might cost Karen a lot more than her ranch because Mr. Blackhawk was becoming less interested in claiming her land...and more intent on claiming her heart. HOME TO STAY Gina Petrillo thought she was on the run from her troubles...but they followed her home to Winding River, Wyoming. City-slicker lawyer Rafe O’Donnell is in hot pursuit...

Temiendo al motero

Autor: Cassie Alexandra

Número de Páginas: 293

Han contratado a Jordan Steele (el Juez) para proteger a Jessica Winters, la hijastra de Slammer. No se dedica a la seguridad. pero se ve incapaz de rechazar la oferta tras conocerla en persona. Jessica Winters no quiere tener nada que ver con el Juez ni con ningún otro motero, sobre todo después de la violación que sufrió por parte de un miembro de los Devil's Rangers hace tres años. No obstante, cuando se entera de que su vida corre peligro, acepta a regañadientes y se encuentra de pronto al cargo de un hombre que la hace temblar en más de un sentido.

A Genealogy of the Families of John Rockwell of Stamford, Conn., 1641 and Ralph Keeler of Hartford, Conn., 1639

Número de Páginas: 642

Genealogy of the Families of John Rockwell, of Stamford, Connecticut 1641, and Ralph Keeler, of Hartford, Connecticut 1939

Número de Páginas: 640

Crossword Proper Name Finder

Autor: John C. Plankinton

Número de Páginas: 754

A single-volume source in which to find most of the many, many proper names used by crossword puzzle solvers.

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