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Hemos encontrado un total de 39 libros disponibles para descargar

Un destino de ira y fuego

Autor: K.a. Tucker

Número de Páginas: 394

Este hombre me ha condenado a muerte. Después de besarme.Una ladrona criada en las calles de Nueva York. Un mundo desconocido gobernado por la magia. Un príncipe traicionado. Una misión peligrosa. Un destino cruel.Ella tendrá que fingir para salvarse. Él deberá confiar en su peor enemiga. Pero el destino tiene sus propios planes...

Semantics, Culture, and Cognition

Autor: Anna Wierzbicka

Número de Páginas: 496

Not everything that can be said in one language can be said in another. The lexicons of different languages seem to suggest different conceptual universes. Investigating cultures from a universal, language-independent perspective, this book rejects analytical tools derived from the English language and Anglo culture and proposes instead a "natural semantic metalanguage" formulated in English words but based on lexical universals. The outcome of two and a half decades of research, the metalanguage is made up of universal semantic primitives in terms of which all meanings--including the most culture-specific ones--can be described and compared in a precise and illuminating way. Integrating insights from linguistics, cultural anthropology, and cognitive psychology, and written in simple, non-technical language, Semantics, Culture, and Cognition is accessible not only to scholars and students, but also to the general reader interested in semantics and the relationship between language and culture.

Descubre tu destino

Autor: Tiago Brunet

Número de Páginas: 193

¿Dónde deseas estar en 10 años? ¿A quién debes perdonar hoy para que disfrutes de tu mañana? ¿Qué te impide recomenzar en este mismo instante? ¿Tu actual forma de vivir es coherente con lo que proyectas para tu futuro? Ser responsable de su destino es el mayor regalo que alguien pueda recibir, o puede ser su mayor problema. Tiago Brunet es uno de los guías espirituales más escuchados en Brasil y es un reconocido entrenador de líderes en nuestra generación. En este libro, te presenta las llaves que abren las puertas de tu futuro. Aquí descubrirás que: El destino no es suerte, sino el encuentro de tus decisiones con un plan trascendental. El destino no está escrito, pero es la unión entre tu preparación personal y la conspiración divina. Desde los héroes bíblicos como Samuel, Abraham y Jesús, hasta los contemporáneos como Neymar y Martin Luther King descubrieron y vivieron sus propósitos y destinos en esta tierra. Descubre tu destino revela respuestas inéditas, transmite enseñanzas profundas y propone ideas prácticas para que tú descubras y vivas tu destino. Aquí, todo será revelado. ¡Esta obra es un paso a paso para que entiendas tu futuro! _ _ _...

Miguel Delibes

Autor: Felipe Aparicio Nevado

Número de Páginas: 954

Omniprésent dans toute la littérature de l'écrivain Miguel Delibes, du récit fictionnel jusqu'aux mémoires ou carnets de bord et chroniques diverses, en passant par l'essai ou l'essai romancé, le thème de la chasse occupe une place de premier ordre comme élément structurant et trait d'union intergénérique entre les différentes modalités scripturales qui sont un des signes distinctifs majeurs de l'auteur espagnol. Rarement on aura lu une étude aussi fouillée et passionnée que celle de Felipe Aparicio Nevado. Revenant sur un sujet "effleuré à mille reprises et autant de fois négligé ", il présente un travail dantesque et s'impose comme ouvrage de référence grâce à sa précision et son exhaustivité dans le décryptage de l'oeuvre du célèbre chasseur écologiste.

Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling

Autor: Fred E. Meyers , Matthew P. Stephens

Número de Páginas: 534

This project-oriented facilities design and material handling reference explores the techniques and procedures for developing an efficient facility layout, and introduces some of the state-of-the-art tools involved, such as computer simulation. A "how-to," systematic, and methodical approach leads readers through the collection, analysis and development of information to produce a quality functional plant layout. Lean manufacturing; work cells and group technology; time standards; the concepts behind calculating machine and personnel requirements, balancing assembly lines, and leveling workloads in manufacturing cells; automatic identification and data collection; and ergonomics. For facilities planners, plant layout, and industrial engineer professionals who are involved in facilities planning and design.

Les enjeux du réalisme dans le roman sous le franquisme

Autor: Geneviève Champeau

Número de Páginas: 424

Les romanciers espagnols des années cinquante se sont attachés à la représentation du « hic et nunc » et ont prétendu vouloir réconcilier les mots et les choses. Toutefois l'esthétique réaliste qu'ils ont cultivée tire moins ses formes et sa signification du rapport de l'écriture à un référent sociologique que de la relation intertextuelle établie avec le discours dominant sous le franquisme. Le contexte historique confère en effet au discours extra-littéraire un poids déterminant dans l'élaboration de l'esthétique romanesque qui peut être analysée en termes de contrediscours. Celui-ci induit, au-delà de la thématique développée, des stratégies d'écriture qui, toutefois, n'échappent pas toujours au mimétisme. Le récit « objectif », cultivé par des romanciers tels que C. J. Cela, I. Aldecoa, J. Fernández Santos, R. Sánchez Ferlosio, J. García Hortelano ou J. Goytisolo, est la solution narrative dans laquelle culmine l'illusion réaliste. Elle est également le lieu où se manifestent les formes les plus originales du contrediscours, non dans le dit mais dans le dire, dans les procédures narratives elles-mêmes. Celles-ci mettent en question...

O Governo da graça

Autor: Mamadou Karambiri

Número de Páginas: 87

Deus nos fez reis e sacerdotes no Reino dos Céus. A Escritura assim o diz, e não há dúvidas sobre isso no mundo cristão. Mas, você conhece a abundância da graça e o dom da retidão que são os blocos de construção do cetro de seu reino? Você entende os princípios do Reino dos Céus onde você deve reinar? Salomão, o sábio, disse: “Tenho visto escravos andando a cavalo e príncipes andando a pé como se fossem escravos.” (Eclesiastes 10:7 NTLH). Esta aberração, que pode ser vista na vida de vários reis, chega ao fim com este livro no qual o Dr. Mamadou KARAMBIRI disseca a graça de Deus. Nem teoria, nem doutrina, o Governo da graça é a soma de vários anos de estudo e experiência de ensino bíblico que mudaram a vida do autor. Entre na revelação do governo da graça trazido por Jesus Cristo, quem assegura a paz e o descanso a você.

Mnemosyne o la costruzione del senso n°4 - 2011

Autor: Beatrice Barbalato

Número de Páginas: 231

Mnemosyne, o la costruzione del senso est dédiée à l'étude des témoignages autobiographiques, dont elle a pour but d'analyser les expressions et la rhétorique. L'Osservatorio scientifico della memoria scritta, orale, filmica e del patrimonio autobiografico, groupe international et interdisciplinaire, est le moteur de cette publication annuelle à laquelle contribuent des historiens, des linguistes, des narratologues et des littéraires, des anthropologues et des spécialistes des médias. Les sujets abordés sont les arts de la scène, le récit et la correspondance, le patrimoine matériel, les savoir-faire. Revue publiée avec l’aide financière du Fonds national de la recherche scientifique (Belgique).

Gazetteer - United States Board on Geographic Names

Autor: United States Board On Geographic Names

Número de Páginas: 730

Josep Pla

Autor: Joan Ramon Resina

Número de Páginas: 335

In Josep Pla, Joan Ramon Resina teases out the writer's deep-seated intellectual concerns and challenges the assumption of Pla as an anti-intellectual.

The Power of Latino Leadership

Autor: Juana Bordas

Número de Páginas: 290

Embracing diversity, valuing people, taking action Over 50 million Latinos live in the United States, and it’s estimated that by 2050 one in three of the US population will be Hispanic. What does it take to lead such a varied and vibrant people who hail from twenty-two different countries and are a blend of different races? And what can leaders of all cultures and ethnicities learn from how Latinos lead? Juana Bordas takes us on a journey to the very heart and soul of Latino leadership. She offers ten principles that richly illustrate the inclusive, people-oriented, socially responsible, and life-affirming way Latinos have led their communities. Bordas includes the voices and experiences of other distinguished Latino leaders and vivid dichos (traditional sayings) that illustrate positive aspects of the Latino culture. This unprecedented book illustrates powerful and distinctive lessons that will inform leaders of every background. “America grows more diverse by the day. Leaders want to understand and motivate those they lead but may feel intimidated by the complex history and culture of Latinos in America. Juana Bordas has written a handbook for making sense of it all. The...


Autor: Justin Brian Blake

Número de Páginas: 147

Through all the darkness caused by the malicious, faith, beauty, destiny, and true love may shine still through to the world. No matter the guise that be worn at the time, the truth is underneath. Only the smallest pinch of badness is required to spiral an event out of reason, and he who initiated it only hides, watches, and laughs. In the year 1024, a grand kingdom is under rule of Queen Bella, who lives as the most beautiful female to live, and she persists to reign alone as she sees that it is near impossible to find and have a man who knows how to properly reign and love. Her most valued knight is also her most beloved friend, Destino, who has been by her side since her birth, watching and guarding her, protecting his treasure at all times. Destino is known as the most desired man in all of the searched extents of the earth, but he will only accept the heart of one. A man named Feoso is by far the most hideous man to walk. He serves the queen to his best but only desires to do her wish, not have her hand in marriage. When a vanquishing disease is acknowledged by Bella, Feoso heads out with haste that he may find and destroy this newly found plague. While on his search, he...

Interligação de Redes com TCP/IP –

Autor: Douglas Comer

Número de Páginas: 870

Este livro é um best-seller internacional que apresenta os conceitos introdutórios de protocolos TCP/IP e redes. Ele intercala a discussão de fundamentos e princípios científicos com detalhes e exemplos tirados das tecnologias mais recentes. O renomado autor Douglas Comer aborda camadas e formatos para todos os protocolos de internet, incluindo TCP, IPv4, IPv6, DHCP e DNS. Além disso, o texto explica as tendências atuais em sistemas de internet, incluindo classificação de pacotes, Software Define Networking (SDN) e protocolos usados na Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things). Indicado para alunos de graduação em disciplinas ligadar a Redes de Computadores em cursos como Engenharia de Computação, Tecnologia da Informação, Redes de Comunicação, Engenharia de Telecomunicações, assim como alunos de cursos tecnológicos e profissionais dessas áreas.

International Economics: A Heterodox Approach

Autor: Hendrik Van Den Berg

Número de Páginas: 681

Now in its third edition, this textbook covers all of the standard topics taught in undergraduate International Economics courses. However, the book is unique in that it presents the key orthodox neoclassical models of international trade and investment, whilst supplementing them with a variety of heterodox approaches. This pluralist approach is intended to give economics students a more realistic understanding of the international economy than standard textbooks can provide.

Direction of Trade Statistics June 2004

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 412

The Direction of Trade Statistics Online service provides data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. The database includes: total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports aggregated at national or regional group level; data from 1948 at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies.

Direction of Trade Statistics September 2004

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 417

The Direction of Trade Statistics Online service provides data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. The database includes: total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports aggregated at national or regional group level; data from 1948 at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies.

Direction of Trade Statistics December 2004

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 415

The Direction of Trade Statistics Online service provides data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. The database includes: total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports aggregated at national or regional group level; data from 1948 at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies.

Direction of Trade Statistics March 2005

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 416

The Direction of Trade Statistics Online service provides data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. The database includes: total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports aggregated at national or regional group level; data from 1948 at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies.

Direction of Trade Statistics December 2003

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 409

The Direction of Trade Statistics Online service provides data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. The database includes: total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports aggregated at national or regional group level; data from 1948 at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies.

Direction of Trade Statistics, December 2018

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 694

Direction of Trade Statistics, December 2018

Direction of Trade Statistics, June 2018

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 678

This quarterly issue of Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) provides, for about 160 countries, tables with current data (or estimates) on the value of imports from and exports to their most important trading partners. The yearbook and quarterly issues of the DOTS publication provide tables with current reported data (or estimates) on the value of merchandise trade statistics (exports and imports) by partner country for all IMF members. In addition, similar summary tables for the world, industrial countries, and developing countries are included. The yearbook provides, for the most recent seven years, detailed trade data by country for approximately 184 countries, the world, and major areas. Other countries may report monthly data that are less current, or the information may be compiled and made available in quarterly or annual frequency. For some countries, the data reported to the United Nations Statistical Division also have been used. Estimation occurs if a reporting country does not report trade with its partners for a specific period. In order to provide guidance regarding the sources of the figures for individual countries, figures in the country, world, and area pages are ...

Direction of Trade Statistics, September 2018

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 686

Direction of Trade Statistics, September 2018

Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2018

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 744

This paper discusses that shipments to and from free-trade zones and bonded warehouses, exclusion of military and other confidential items and government goods, value thresholds for customs registration of shipments, returned goods, and other goods missed by customs (or surveys) are examples of coverage differences that can result in inconsistencies. As a result of reporting and processing lags, trade data for a given period are often released before all customs documents for the period have been processed. These data are sometimes not revised, or, if data are revised, errors are nevertheless made in assigning the date on which goods are shipped or received and the late data are assigned to the wrong month, quarter, and/or year. Errors can also be made in assigning a destination to exports and an origin to imports during customs clearances, or in cases when the ultimate destination is changed after the initial consignment during transshipment, the change is not incorporated into published statistics via the release of revised data.

La guerre d'Espagne en héritage

Autor: Danielle Corrado , Viviane Alary

Número de Páginas: 654

Contributions sur les représentations de la guerre civile espagnole dans l'historiographie, la littérature, le cinéma, la presse et l'enseignement depuis la mort de Franco, en Espagne et en Europe.

XI Jornadas Nacionales de Literatura Francesa

Autor: Adriana Crolla

Número de Páginas: 362

Reports of Patent, Design, Trade Mark, and Other Cases

Autor: Great Britain. Courts

Número de Páginas: 1128

International Economics

Autor: Hendrik Van Den Berg

Número de Páginas: 680

Now in its third edition, Hendrik Van den Berg’s International Economics: A Heterodox Approach covers all of the standard topics taught in undergraduate international economics courses. Written in a friendly and approachable style, this new edition is unique in that it presents the key orthodox neoclassical models of international trade and investment, while supplementing them with a variety of heterodox approaches. This pluralist approach is intended to give economics students a more realistic understanding of the international economy than standard textbooks can provide. Changes to the new edition include: updates throughout to reflect recent world events, including coverage of trade negotiations and the Greek crisis; expanded discussion of pluralist approaches with more coverage of alternative schools of thought; discussions of the growing financialization of global economic activity; additional real-world examples; increased coverage of environmental issues; transnational corporations and their behavior in the international economy; the difference between international investment and international finance; and monetary history; a consolidated and updated chapter on...

Direction of Trade Statistics, December 2017

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 665

This paper outlines data that are estimated for all partners. In the absence of some or all of the monthly Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), quarterly or annual reported DOTS is used. Annual reported data to the UN COMTRADE database are treated as reported to the IMF. When only annual or quarterly data are available, the monthly trade between country A and B is distributed over the relevant months using the following information (in order of priority): the monthly value of the partner trade reported by country B; the monthly total value of imports and exports reported in the IMF’s International Financial Statistics (IFS) by country A; or the monthly value of trade that all other partner countries have reported with country A for the specific month. The monthly distribution is done through a time-series procedure that reproduces at the best the month-to-month changes of the information available at the monthly level and, simultaneously, produces estimates that are consistent with quarterly or annual data reported by countries. Estimates are computed for months, and then quarterly and annual totals are obtained by summation.

Direction of Trade Statistics - March 2018

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 669

This quarterly issue of Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) provides tables with current reported data (or estimates) on the value of merchandise trade statistics (exports and imports) by partner country for all IMF member states and other nonmember countries. Summary tables are also presented for the world and major areas. DOTS republish monthly, quarterly, and annual trade statistics as submitted by countries to the IMF. Furthermore, reported data are supplemented by estimates whenever such data are not current or are not available on a monthly basis. Monthly estimates are consistent with quarterly and annual reported data, when available. The quarterly issues (DOTSQ) and the yearbook (DOTSY) present figures for the most recent quarters and years, respectively. Estimation occurs if a reporting country does not report trade with its partners for a specific period. Data are estimated for all partners. In the absence of some or all the monthly DOTS, quarterly or annual reported DOTS are used.

Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2017

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 735

This paper discusses those countries that have never reported data by trade partners to the IMF or to the United Nations COMTRADE, estimates are obtained by using directly the corresponding bilateral flow reported by counterpart countries. For example, if country B has never reported trade statistics with a geographical breakdown, but country A has reported imports from country B, then A’s data for imports are used to estimate B’s exports. Because imports are valued on a cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) basis and exports on a free on board (FOB) basis, the data are adjusted for the cost of freight and insurance. A CIF/FOB factor of 1.06 is currently used. Reported imports CIF are divided by 1.06 (i.e., the CIF/FOB factor) to give partner country estimates of exports FOB. Similarly, reported exports FOB are multiplied by 1.06 to give partner country imports CIF.

Direction of Trade Statistics, June 2017

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 665

This paper discusses the coverage of Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) is augmented by using trade statistics available from other international organizations. Monthly data for all European Union member countries are sourced from the COMEXT database maintained by EUROSTAT. Annual data reported to the United Nations COMTRADE database are incorporated in DOTS for countries that do not report to the IMF. Furthermore, the availability of partner data makes it possible to calculate estimates of countries for which data are not obtainable from other sources. Estimation occurs if a reporting country does not report trade with its partners for a specific period. Data are estimated for all partners. In the absence of some or all of the monthly DOTS, quarterly or annual reported DOTS are used. Because imports are valued on a cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) basis and exports on a free on board (FOB) basis, the data are adjusted for the cost of freight and insurance.

Direction of Trade Statistics - March 2017

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 779

This paper discusses the coverage of Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) is augmented by using trade statistics available from other international organizations. Monthly data for all European Union member countries are sourced from the COMEXT database maintained by EUROSTAT. Annual data reported to the United Nations COMTRADE database are incorporated in DOTS for countries that do not report to the IMF. Furthermore, the availability of partner data makes it possible to calculate estimates of countries for which data are not obtainable from other sources. Estimation occurs if a reporting country does not report trade with its partners for a specific period. Data are estimated for all partners. In the absence of some or all of the monthly DOTS, quarterly or annual reported DOTS are used. Because imports are valued on a cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) basis and exports on a free on board (FOB) basis, the data are adjusted for the cost of freight and insurance.

Direction of Trade Statistics, September 2017

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 487

Direction of Trade Statistics, September 2017

Direction of Trade Statistics Quarterly, June 2007

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 434

This publication provides data on the country and area distribution of countries exports and imports as reported by themselves or by their partners. The quarterly issues cover data for the most recent six quarters and the latest year for 169 countries, and ten quarters and five years for the world and area tables.

Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 2012

Autor: International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

Número de Páginas: 619

The Direction of Trade Statistics Online service provides data on the value of merchandise exports and imports between each country and all its trading partners. The database includes: total bilateral and multilateral exports and imports aggregated at national or regional group level; data from 1948 at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies.

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