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Frankie – Quel cinéma !

Autor: Marie Chartres

Número de Páginas: 124

Depuis la mort de ses parents, Frankie Zilensky vit chez sa tante Paulie dans une grande maison où majordomes et cuisiniers s'activent constamment. Tandis que Frankie, qui déteste se coiffer ou se regarder dans un miroir, préfère rester seule dans sa chambre à regarder des films, la très élégante et très imprévisible Tante Paulie, elle, a toujours d'autres projets pour enchanter les journées, comme bavarder, bouger, voyager, ou organiser de grands dîners. Alors quand, pour le dixième anniversaire de Frankie, Paulie imagine une surprise détonnante, on peut s'attendre à ce que les choses tournent mal. Voire encore plus. Mais Tante Paulie n'est pas du genre à renoncer. Quitte à frôler la catastrophe ! Frankie saura-t-elle résister à cette journée infernale ?


Autor: Antonio Malpica

Número de Páginas: 371

La novela clásica de Mary Shelley, como nunca te la habían contado... (en serio) Víctor Frankenstein, anatomista, químico y... profanador de tumbas, ha decidido violar la ley última de la vida: la muerte. En su improvisado laboratorio (ejem, dormitorio universitario) ha conseguido reanimar un gigantesco ser antropomorfo: ¡UN MOOONSTRUUUO! ¡Qué drama! Ahora Víctor será perseguido por una sombra que le reclamará lo que le toca: vivir, amar, saberse amado, representar a Hamlet... (es decir, lo usual). Y Otto, el fruto del experimento maldito, está empeñado en conquistar a la niña de sus ojos, un plato de panqueques a la vez (¡con mucha miel, por favor!).

Frankie Addams

Autor: Carson Mccullers

Número de Páginas: 156

Frankie Addams est une adolescente mal dans sa peau : son corps lui échappe, trop gauche et maladroit. Solitaire, elle rôde dans la vie et dans la ville, le coeur inquiet, à la recherche d’une oreille attentive. Quand elle apprend que son frère se marie et quitte la ville, c’en est trop : elle aussi partira pour toujours. Elle ne sera plus enfermée dans cette cuisine aux odeurs aigres, plongée dans cette chaleur suffocante, à attendre que le temps veuille bien s’écouler. Carson McCullers nous immerge ici dans les sensations déroutantes et aiguës de l’adolescence, et réussit un tour de force en nous replongeant dans cet état à la fois si douloureux et si excitant. Traduit de l’anglais (États-Unis) par Jacques Tournier préface d’Arnaud Cathrine.

Tu vieillis, Frankie !

Autor: Jean-françois Dormois

Número de Páginas: 42

Trois cadavres découverts et un vol de voiture ammènent le Sénateur à faire appel à Franckie Marciano. Quand trois cadavres sont découverts en quelques jours dans un coin perdu de cette France dite périphérique... Quand, loin de là, le vol d’une automobile plutôt voyante oblige à fournir des efforts fastidieux afin d’en retrouver l’emprunteur... Quand le Sénateur, toujours bronzé même en octobre, fait appel aux services du dénommé Frankie Marciano, un monsieur efficace et discret mais un peu cher... Quand, enfin, ce même Frankie Marciano roule vers le Sud pour faire plus ample connaissance avec un apprenti maître-chanteur aux dents un peu trop longues pour son jeune âge... Il s’avère assez vite que cette escapade au soleil ne sera pas de tout repos et que moult péripéties vont finir par peser sur les épaules encore solides d’un Frankie, tueur de la vieille école, au savoir-faire reconnu mais quelque peu dépassé par ce monde qu’il n’a pas vu changer et, surtout, fort désireux de prendre une retraite amplement méritée pour bons et loyaux services. Découvrez sans plus attendre cette nouvelle, finaliste du Prix Zadig de la Nouvelle...

La vie selon Frankie

Autor: Maxim Leo , Jochen Gutsch

Número de Páginas: 199

Après la mort de sa femme, Richard n'a plus goût à rien et il a finalement décidé de mettre fin à ses jours. La corde est déjà autour de son cou lorsqu'un petit chat maigrichon et hirsute s'assied tranquillement sur le rebord de la fenêtre. Un regard suffit pour que l'homme renonce à ses projets. Richard vient littéralement d'être sauvé par un irrésistible petit chat de gouttière ! Il le prénomme Frankie et le matou emménage dans sa maison. Un confort 5 étoiles pour ce chat des rues peu habitué au luxe d'un lit moelleux, d'une grande télévision et de repas savoureux à heures fixes. Peu à peu, ces deux êtres cabossés par la vie s'apprivoisent. Entre eux, naît une improbable amitié où chacun apprend à s'ouvrir à l'autre. Au fil des pages, ce petit chat pas comme les autres distille sa sagesse toute féline. Une certaine idée du bonheur qui fait reprendre goût à la vie.

Carson McCullers, Frankie Addams - Supplément N°670 - NRP Collège Novembre 2020 (Format PDF)

Autor: Collectif

Número de Páginas: 36

Au sommaire : - Des actualités pédagogiques et culturelles sélectionnées par des enseignants de terrain. - Le dossier en lien avec les programmes fait le point surCarson McCullers, Frankie Addams - Des séquences pédagogiques et des AP pour faciliter la préparation de vos cours Rédigée par des enseignants de Lettres, informée, sérieuse et inventive, la NRP vous accompagne tout au long de l'année scolaire. Consultez le sommaire pour voir les séquences pédagogiques proposées. Ce supplément de la NRP Collège s'attache à l'étude approfondie d'une œuvre de Frankie Addams, Carson McCullers en conformité avec les programmes officiels : des analyses détaillées, des problématiques originales, un vaste matériau pédagogique modulable, des fiches élèves et leurs corrigés à télécharger. Un corpus de textes est également proposé qui offre la possibilité d'élargir et d'enrichir la thématique. Rédigée par des enseignants de Lettres, informée, sérieuse et inventive, la NRP vous accompagne tout au long de l'année scolaire. Thème : Carson McCullers, Frankie Addams - 5e

L'Hiver de Frankie Machine

Autor: Don Winslow

Número de Páginas: 388

Le roman à lire avec la musique du Parrain en fond sonore San Diego, Californie. Frank Machianno a tout d’un gars tranquille : il surfe le matin et gère sa boutique de pêche l’après-midi. Cette vie routinière bascule le jour où il accepte de rendre service au fils d’un « parrain » local. Le surnommé « Frankie Machine » est en effet un ancien tueur à gages redouté, une vraie machine à tuer. Mais l’affaire tourne mal et le voici en cavale, traqué par des tueurs impitoyables. Ainsi rattrapé par son passé, Machianno n’a rien perdu de son savoir-faire. N’empêche, il s’interroge : qui peut donc bien vouloir sa peau ? Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Frank Reichert À propos de l’auteur Don Winslow est l'auteur de vingt-deux best-sellers internationaux, dont Corruption, Savages et L'Hiver de Frankie Machine. Sa célèbre trilogie sur la lutte contre la drogue – La Griffe du chien, Cartel et La Frontière – est en cours d'adaptation série par la chaîne FX. « Un récit noir, violent et efficace, mais non dénué d’humour vachard. » Gérard Meudal, Le Monde « Un mélange superbe d’ambiance, de personnages habilement campés et de suspense ...

Frankie, le sultan des pâmoisons

Autor: Alain Gerber

Número de Páginas: 205

« Fut-il exécrable, révoltant ou pathétique ? Que nous importe, au fond ? Frankie aurait brisé de ses mains le vase de Soissons, il ne nous en resterait pas moins sa voix. Et comme les choses ne sont pas toujours si mal faites, cette voix est justement ce qui, en lui, parlera toujours en sa faveur. » A.G. Avec Frankie, le jazz sort des clubs et des boîtes de nuit de Harlem ou de La Nouvelle-Orléans. Ses liens avec la mafia et le clan Kennedy, son mariage tumultueux avec Ava Gardner – cent fois sur le point de rompre, cent fois raccommodé– et sa fréquentation de Hollywood font de Sinatra l’incarnation d’une certaine Amérique, de sa face claire mais aussi de sa face obscure, et du fameux rêve qu’elle n’a pas fini d’inspirer. Auteur de grands romans consacrés à Louis Armstrong, Chet Baker, Billie Holiday ou Miles Davis, Alain Gerber a largement contribué à faire entrer le jazz dans l’Histoire. Aujourd’hui Il fait entrer l’Histoire dans le jazz.

Frankie versus the Food Phantom / Frankie contra el fantasma de los alimentos

Autor: Erik Talkin

Número de Páginas: 42

A class project leads Frankie to learn where her food comes from and go up against the Food Phantom. When Frankie and her classmates are asked where their food comes from, it sparks curiosity about her town's food system. "Walking home, I tell Grandpa about my project. ‘We live in a place where you can buy a burger for one dollar, or pay two dollars for one banana. That doesn't add up!'" Frankie begins to unravel the mystery of how he's affecting her community and how she and her classmates can make a difference. In Frankie versus the Food Phantom / Frankie contra el fantasma de los alimentos, the author combines years of experience fighting hunger as a food bank CEO with an MFA in writing for young children to craft an honest story of how the food system can affect adults and children. Frankie's story encourages children to investigate where their food comes from and can be used in group settings to address social justice issues in an accessible way. A section at the back of the book provides additional information in English and Spanish on what a food system is, common problems with the food system, and what we can do about the problems. Food Justice Books for Kids series This ...

Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune

Autor: Terrence Mcnally

Número de Páginas: 76

Romantic comedy concerning a waitress and short-order cook from the same restaurant.

The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto

Autor: Instaread

Número de Páginas: 34

The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom | Summary & Analysis Preview: The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom is a novel about the fictional musician Frankie Presto and his amazing journey through music and life. Frankie’s life story is told from the perspective of music, a fictional narrator. This is fitting, given that Frankie was one of the world’s greatest guitarists. The story, however, begins at its end: Frankie has died during a music festival. During a performance, his body levitates and then drops to the stage. The novel opens at Frankie’s funeral, where music-industry figures—including nonfictional musicians such as Lyle Lovett and Ingrid Michaelson—have gathered to pay their respects and share their thoughts about the deceased guitarist. Music, the narrator, uses the opportunity of the funeral to reflect on Frankie’s life… PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary and analysis of the book and NOT the original book. Inside this Instaread Summary & Analysis of The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto: • Summary of book • Introduction to the Important People in the book • Analysis of the Themes and Author’s Style

Frankie and Johnny

Autor: Stacy I. Morgan

Número de Páginas: 272

Winner, Wayland D. Hand Prize, American Folklore Society, 2018 Originating in a homicide in St. Louis in 1899, the ballad of “Frankie and Johnny” became one of America’s most familiar songs during the first half of the twentieth century. It crossed lines of race, class, and artistic genres, taking form in such varied expressions as a folk song performed by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly); a ballet choreographed by Ruth Page and Bentley Stone under New Deal sponsorship; a mural in the Missouri State Capitol by Thomas Hart Benton; a play by John Huston; a motion picture, She Done Him Wrong, that made Mae West a national celebrity; and an anti-lynching poem by Sterling Brown. In this innovative book, Stacy I. Morgan explores why African American folklore—and “Frankie and Johnny” in particular—became prized source material for artists of diverse political and aesthetic sensibilities. He looks at a confluence of factors, including the Harlem Renaissance, the Great Depression, and resurgent nationalism, that led those creators to engage with this ubiquitous song. Morgan’s research uncovers the wide range of work that artists called upon African American folklore to perform ...

frankie and alice 2

Autor: Bernard Robinson

Número de Páginas: 20

a bout alice now shes got a new place to explore under rob's seank what trouble will these future time travels have

Frankie's Story: Accomplishment Personified

Autor: Michael Basso , Dorothy Scarfone

Número de Páginas: 110

The Untold Story of Frankie Silver

Autor: Perry Deane Young

Número de Páginas: 280

Three days before Christmas in 1831, Frankie Silver killed her husband, Charles Silver, with an axe and burned his body in the fireplace. Author Perry Deane Young, whose ancestors were involved in the case, began collecting material about it as a teenager. As a college student, he was astounded to learn that most of what he had been told was actually false. Abused by her husband, Frankie killed in self defense. The laws of that time would not allow her to take the stand and explain what happened. She was unjustly hanged in July of 1833. Young proves the real crime is the way this poor woman has been misrepresented by balladeers and historians all these years. Perry Deane Young provides important historical background to this fascinating story Young is able to build suspense, even for a story many of his readers may already knowBy personalizing both Frankie Silvers story and his own search for it, Young has given readers an interesting and well-written book about history and the way it is created. --Lynn Moss Sanders in Appalachian Journal Most of my life Ive heard stories about a pretty mountain lady who was hanged for nothing more serious than murdering her husband. Here, and I...

Frankie McIntosh and the Art of the Soca Arranger

Autor: Frankie Mcintosh , Ray Allen

Número de Páginas: 244

Soca music, an offspring of older Trinidadian calypso, emerged in the late 1970s and is now recognized as one of the English-speaking Caribbean’s most distinctive styles of popular vocal music. Frankie McIntosh and the Art of the Soca Arranger tells a story of Caribbean music in the diaspora through the eyes and ears of a pioneering soca arranger. A fascinating collaboration between Frankie McIntosh and music scholar Ray Allen, this cowritten memoir places the music arranger at the center of several overlapping narratives of immigration and musical diaspora. The book begins with McIntosh’s personal voyage from Saint Vincent to Brooklyn and his efforts to hammer out a career in music while raising a family in his newly adopted home. His immigrant tale is intertwined with his musical journey, from popular Caribbean dance bands through formal studies in Western classical music and jazz to his work as a gigging jazz pianist and calypso/soca arranger. Along the way he embraced the varied musics of New York’s African American and West Indian communities, working with such iconic calypsonians as the Mighty Sparrow, Lord Kitchener, Calypso Rose, and Alston “Becket” Cyrus. His...

Frankie Dupont and the Mystery of Enderby Manor

Autor: Julie Anne Grasso

Número de Páginas: 88

When his cousin Kat disappears from Enderby, Frankie Dupont jumps on the scene, only to find bumbling Inspector Cluesome beat him to it. Cluesome thinks Kat simply wandered off. Frankie isn’t buying it. He follows the evidence to a six fingered chef, a talking parrot, a mad maid and a shifty dwarf, but quite frankly, none of them are making any sense until Frankie discovers, Kat’s time is running out. An exciting new mystery series for ages 8-12.

Frankie Muniz Boy Genius

Autor: Nancy Krulik

Número de Páginas: 108

Meet Frankie Muniz! He's the star of Malcolm in the Middle, one of the hottest shows on TV today. Frankie's fifteen, funny, and now he's famous. Here, for every fan who can't get enough of Frankie, is everything you need to know about him: how he broke into show business, what his hobbies are, where to find Frankie fan clubs on the Web, and whether his zodiac sign is compatible with yours! Extra bonus: take the all-Frankie quiz inside!

Frankie Manning

Autor: Frankie Manning , Cynthia R. Millman

Número de Páginas: 326

In the early days of swing dancing, Frankie Manning stood out for his moves and his innovative routines; he created the "air step" in the Lindy hop, a dance that took the U.S. and then the world by storm. In this fascinating autobiography, choreographer and Tony Award winner (Black and Blue) Frankie Manning recalls how his first years of dancing as a teenager at Harlem's Savoy Ballroom led to his becoming chief choreographer and a lead dancer for "Whitey's Lindy Hoppers," a group that appeared on Broadway, in Hollywood musicals, and on stages around the globe. Manning brings the Swing Era vividly back to life with his recollections of crowded ballrooms and of Lindy hoppers trying to outdo each other in spectacular performances. His memories of the many headliners and film stars, as well as uncelebrated dancers with whom he shared the stage, create a unique portrait of an era in which African American performers enjoyed the spotlight, if not a star's prerogatives and salary. With collaborator Cynthia Millman, Manning traces the evolution of swing dancing from its early days in Harlem through the post-World War II period, until it was eclipsed by rock 'n' roll and then disco. When...

Frankie Stargazer's Ultimate Battle

Autor: Josie A. Butler

Número de Páginas: 123

The catastrophe was almost upon the unsuspecting planet. The evil leader and his minions were wreaking havoc on mankind=s gullible consciousness. Though times were simple, there was nothing innocent about what was taking place in the minds and hearts of people. Little did they know there was a secret evil taking root. There=s an appointed time for everything, a time for every event under heaven. It=s time to let go of the world we know and get ready for the things to come. As the most unique super hero the world has ever known, Force Fighter Frankie Stargazer encounters the final ultimate battle. The answer to evil will elude the wicked. Frankie Stargazer=s Ultimate Battle appeals to family situations, romance and the conflicts that take place between the forces of good and evil. The story culminates into the end of time as we know it. And the beginning of a new time.

The Adventures of Frankie Callahan

Autor: Lynn Robillard

Número de Páginas: 278

Set in 1878, the story takes place in a small town in Mexico, near the United States border. It was that time of the year when men from different places filled the town's cantinas, all of them wanting to prove their prowess with a gun at an annual contest which a wealthy baron kept as a tradition. It was during this time when a dark-haired, olive-skinned, and blue-eyed girl named Frankie was most excited. Unknown to her, this year's contest would lead her to meet two men that would change her life forever. There's Billy, a young man who aspired to win the contest, and Johnny, his closest friend. It didn't take long for Frankie to befriend these two handsome men, and she soon saw them as an opportunity to leave town, pursue her dreams, and search for her father. However, certain people, some even close to her, would stand in her way. Can Frankie surpass these challenges, or is she destined to live out the rest of her life in this small, unchanging town? An unexpected and the thrilling continuation awaits in The Adventures of Frankie Callahan.

The Music of the 4 Seasons Featuring Frankie Valli

Autor: Robert Reynolds

Número de Páginas: 100

The 4 Seasons & Frankie Valli, rank among the top American vocal acts of all time. Collectively, they amassed seven #1 hits, 18 Top Ten, and an incredible 61 singles in the Hot 100. They also placed 32 LPS on the top albums charts. Their hit making years spanned more than a half-century. Their hits include: Sherry, Big Girls Don't Cry, Walk Like a Man, Rag Doll, Working My Way Back to You, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, My Eyes Adored You, December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night), Grease... Their stardom was no overnight success, as they struggled through lean years and recorded many flops while searching for that elusive hit record. The rag-to-riches story has been told via an award-winning Broadway musical & a Clint Eastwood produced motion picture. Learn about the hits, misses, obscure album tracks and B-sides as they sang their way from delinquents to esteemed members of the R&R Hall of Fame. The book examines the music they made famous and tells of all the glorious years that passed between.

Getting Frankie Married - and Afterwards : and Other Plays

Autor: Horton Foote

Número de Páginas: 312

A collection of six plays by Horton Foote.

Frankie and Joely

Autor: Nova Weetman

Número de Páginas: 196

A magnetic young adult novel about friendship, rivalry and new love. Frankie and Joely are best friends. They love each other like no one else can. It’s summer and, together, the girls are escaping the city and their mums for a week of freedom in the country. But when Joely introduces Frankie to her country cousins, Thommo and Mack, it soon becomes clear that something other than the heat is getting under their skin. As the temperature rises, local boy Rory stirs things up even more and secrets start to blister. Will they still be ‘Frankie and Joely’ by the end of their holiday? Catch your breath on this original novel from an unflinchingly honest Australian voice.

Time for Frankie Coolin

Autor: Bill Griffith

Número de Páginas: 296

"Frankie Coolin's not the most likable guy around. At 49, he's an all-around bigot, a scrounger, a two-bit Chicago contractor/slumlord who's first seen ripping the radiators out of a "six-flat" building he's readying for occupancy by blacks. But somehow you'll care about Frankie--as a dark dread starts draining the life out of him, a dread he can't admit or share: a while back, you see, Frankie let his wife's cousin use some warehouse space; and when the warehouse burned, stolen TVs were found in the rubble. So now two FBI guys keep coming around, threatening Frankie with jail unless he Tells All. And, though semi-innocent, Frankie clams up tight, gets some foreboding advice from a coarse/wise Jewish lawyer, and walks around like a man under a death sentence: not only did a jail-term virtually kill his Uncle Brian but Frankie knows that his extended family's frail status quo will collapse if he's sent away. Still, tough-guy Frankie can't talk about it--not to his bar buddies or his soft wife Rose or his resentful, sick brother John or his nephew-employee Joey or his old father (who lives in the basement). Only when the indictment gets closer and closer does he open up a little...

Frankie is Staying Back

Autor: Ron Roy

Número de Páginas: 102

When his best friend has to repeat third grade, Jonas tries to think of a way for them to remain in the same class.

Monster Manor #2: Frankie Rocks the House Monster Manor: Frankie Rocks the House - Book #2

Autor: Paul Martin , Manu Boisteau

Número de Páginas: 100

Frankie may be a monster, but he also has a monster talent for singing and dancing. Professor Von Skalpel sees the perfect opportunity to make millions with a record deal-but Frankie just wants to sing. Will Frankie's heart of gold turn platinum?

The American Missionary

Número de Páginas: 432

Vols. 13-62 include abridged annual reports and proceedings of the annual meetings of the American Missionary Association, 1869-1908; v. 38-62 include abridged annual reports of the Society's Executive committee, 1883/84-1907/1908.

United States Trotting Association Register

Autor: United States Trotting Association

Número de Páginas: 944

Wallace's American Trotting Register ...

Autor: John Hankins Wallace

Número de Páginas: 944

Frankie quel cinéma !

Autor: Marie Chartres

Número de Páginas: 0

Depuis la mort de ses parents, Frankie Zilensky vit chez sa tante Paulie. Elles ne se ressemblent pas vraiment, et même pas du tout. Tandis que Frankie, qui déteste se coiffer ou se regarder dans un miroir, préfère rester seule dans sa chambre à regarder des films, la très élégante Tante Paulie, elle, a toujours de grandes idées pour enchanter ses journées, comme parler, énormément, ou bien encore organiser des dîners et des fêtes en permanence. Alors quand, pour le dixième anniversaire de Frankie, Paulie imagine une surprise détonnante, on peut s'attendre à ce que les choses tournent mal. Voire plus encore. Mais Tante Paulie, n'est pas du genre à renoncer, jamais. Quitte à frôler la catastrophe ! Frankie saura-t-elle résister à cette journée infernale ?

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