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Autor: Jim Kwik

Número de Páginas: 249

Un modelo práctico, estructurado y contrastado para llevar la mente a un nuevo nivel. Igual que podemos entrenar el cuerpo para mejorar su rendimiento, todos podemos conseguir un cerebro poderoso, sano y en forma. Jim Kwik, que lleva tres décadas ayudando a celebridades, CEOS y alumnos de todo el mundo a desarrollar su potencial mental, comparte por primera vez en un libro su revolucionario sistema para ganar enfoque y seguridad, incrementar la memoria, aprender más rápido y conseguir una mente extraordinaria. Sin límites propone una fórmula paso a paso centrada en tres aspectos principales: superarlas ideas que nos limitan, multiplicar la motivación y, la más novedosa, aprender la ciencia del aprendizaje acelerado, que nos ofrece herramientas sencillas para concentrarnos mejor, multiplicar la capacidad de estudio y dominarla técnica de la lectura rápida. Sin límites demuestra que, a diferencia de lo que nos han dicho, tenemos un potencial infinito por explotar, sea cual sea el punto departida.«Jim Kwik consigue que dé lo mejor de mí como ser humano.»Will Smith «La transformación comienza cuando preparas la mente para el cambio. Para cuando llegues al final de Sin ...

Insights on Jim Kwik’s Limitless

Autor: Swift Reads

Número de Páginas: 28

Download now to get key insights from this book in 15 minutes. JIM KWIK, the world's number one brain coach, has written the owner's manual for mental expansion and brain fitness. Limitless gives people the ability to accomplish more - more productivity, more transformation, more personal success and business achievement - by changing their Mindset, Motivation, and Methods. These "3 M's" live in the audio of Limitless along with practical techniques that unlock the superpowers of your brain and change your habits. For over 25 years, Jim Kwik has worked closely with successful men and women who are at the top in their fields as actors, athletes, CEOs, and business leaders from all walks of life to unlock their true potential. In this groundbreaking book, he reveals the science-based practices and field-tested tips to accelerate self learning, communication, memory, focus, recall, and speed reading, to create fast, hard results. Learn how to: FLIP YOUR MINDSET Your brain is like a supercomputer and your thoughts program it to run. That's why the Kwik Brain process starts with unmasking assumptions, habits, and procrastinations that stifle you, redrawing the borders and boundaries of ...

Jim Kwik Decoded - Take A Deep Dive Into The Mind Of The Memory And Brain Coach

Autor: Success Decoded

Número de Páginas: 62

JIM KWIK DECODED MEMORY AND BRAIN COACH WRITTEN BY: SUCCESS DECODED (Not written by Tai Lopez) Learn about themes like: LEARN HOW TO LEARN WHAT TO DO WITH KNOWLEDGE HOW TO LEARN MUCH DOING LITTLE BRAIN COACHING You will also learn the following: How to unlock your quick brain, unleash your imagination and read one book per week. Improving your focus, your memory and your creativity. Discover the secrets to healthy self-talk, self-care and self-learning. You will discover his answers to all of these questions: LEARNING What To Do With Knowledge? How To Engage Yourself In Learning Activities? How To Practice Effective Reading? How To Read More? How To Read Faster? How Can You Become Limitless In A Limited World? Why Is The Brain Like A Supercomputer? What Is Holding Us Back From Our Greatest Potential? What's The Secret To Unlocking Long-Term Memory? How To Improve Your Memory, Focus And Creativity? Why Is Your Imagination Is So Powerful And Addictive? What Are The Ten Keys To Unlocking Your Quick Brain? HABITS Why You Must Sleep Well Why Geniuses Keep Journals? Is Self-Care Selfish? How To Read One Book A Week? Why Not Check Your Phone In The Morning? Why Is It Very Important To...

Summary of Limitless Expanded Edition by Jim Kwik

Autor: Gp Summary

Número de Páginas: 136

DISCLAIMER This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book. Summary of Limitless Expanded Edition by Jim Kwik: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life IN THIS SUMMARIZED BOOK, YOU WILL GET: - Chapter astute outline of the main contents. - Fast & simple understanding of the content analysis. - Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original book Limitless, a New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, offers new tools to unlock your brain's potential. The book, written by world-renowned brain coach Jim Kwik, focuses on accelerating self-learning, communication, memory, focus, recall, and speed reading. It includes four new chapters: harnessing AI to boost human intelligence, using nootropics and nutrition to enhance cognitive performance, adapting to remote work, and self-assessing your brain animal code. The expanded edition includes transformative success stories from real-world users, allowing individuals to accomplish more by changing their mindset, motivation, and methods. The book teaches how to break mindset, ignite motivation, master...

Super cerveau, mode d'emploi - Les pouvoirs du cerveau sont sans limites, optimisez-les

Autor: Jim Kwik

Número de Páginas: 337

Votre cerveau est la technologie la plus puissanteau monde, mais jamais personne ne vous en avait donné le mode d'emploi. Le voici ! Votre cerveau est la technologie la plus puissanteau monde, mais jamais personne ne vous en avait donné le mode d'emploi. Le voici !Depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans, Jim Kwik, coach cérébral, travaille avec de grands acteurs, des athlètes ou encore des PDG pour leur permettre de déployer leurs véritables capacités. Dans ce livre, il révèle les pratiques scientifiques et les techniques éprouvées les plus performantes au monde pour accélérer l'apprentissage et obtenir des résultats exceptionnels.Ce livre n'a rien de théorique. C'est un programme concret et simple qui vous permettra de développer une mémoire à toute épreuve, une concentration absolue et une productivité surhumaine.• Transformez vos habitudes : brisez les schémas négatifs et mettez en place, sans effort, de nouvelles routines positives.• Éliminez le brouillard mental : bénéficiez des techniques et des conseils d'experts, des meilleurs aliments pour le cerveau aux moyens d'optimiser votre sommeil.• Améliorez votre concentration et votre productivité :...

Summary of Limitless

Autor: Alexander Cooper

Número de Páginas: 47

Summary of Limitless Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life is a self-help book written by Jim Kwik, who is a brain trainer and has trained companies such as Nike, GE, Fox Studios, and many more. Since its release, this book has received a series of never-ending praise. The 17 Grand Slam title winning Tennis star Novac Djokovic says, “Jim Kwik’s work is very empowering. Limitless will take you to places you never expected.” This book contains wisdom a person would spend his whole life searching for. In our time, the world has become distracted, and focusing on a particular thing has become extremely hard. Jim Kwik teaches us how we can unleash the untapped resources in our brains. Every human is a genius, and this book is all about how to bring out our inner genius. We are limitless; the only limit we have is our imagination. Why should we let small obstacles in our lives stop us from achieving unimaginable feats? In this book, Kwik shares the user manual of the greatest most complex technology ever created, our brain. We can learn and realize how we should use our brains to be more efficient and more effective. This book also...

El código de las mentes extraordinarias

Autor: Vishen Lakhiani

Número de Páginas: 384

¿Y si te das permiso a ti mismo para cuestionar todo lo que sabes y deshacerte de todo lo que te impide avanzar? Aprende a pensar como las mentes creativas más brillantes de nuestra era, a cuestionar, desafiar y crear nuevas reglas para conceptos como el amor, la educación, la espiritualidad, el trabajo, la felicidad y el sentido de la vida. No sigas las convenciones: El código de las mentes extraordinarias te enseña a alcanzar el éxito, a tu manera. No importa por dónde empieces. En tu mano está construir una vida que sea realmente extraordinaria y dejar huella en el universo. En este libro aprenderás a doblegar la realidad, a cuestionar reglas sin sentido, a trascender el espacio cultural, a abrazar tu misión en la vida, a aplicar la ingeniería de la conciencia, a cultivar la autodisciplina para vivir feliz y a impulsar hacia delante a la humanidad, generando de esta manera mayor felicidad, significado e impacto en el mundo. El código de las mentes extraordinarias es mucho más que un simple libro. Conecta con una comunidad y una plataforma de aprendizaje globales, donde podrás profundizar en temas concretos, ponerte en contacto con el autor, escuchar a invitados...

Limitless Expanded Edition

Autor: Jim Kwik

Número de Páginas: 449

Brand-new tools to unlock your brain’s potential! This expanded edition of the New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller includes chapters on A.I., nootropics, discovering your brain type, and more. For over 30 years, Jim Kwik, the world-renowned brain coach, has been the secret weapon of success for a diverse range of high achievers, including actors, athletes, CEOs, and business pioneers. In Limitless, he reveals science-based practices and field-tested tips to accelerate self-learning, communication, memory, focus, recall, and speed reading to create amazing results. In this expanded edition, you’ll find four new chapters: How to harness A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to boost H.I. (Human Intelligence) The latest breakthroughs in nootropics and nutrition to enhance cognitive performance Limitless at Work–tools to adapt and thrive, whether you’re fully remote, embracing the hybrid model, or resuming the traditional office setting A self-assessment to crack your “brain animal” code Newly updated with transformative success stories from people who’ve used Jim’s teaching in the real world, the expanded edition of Limitless gives people the ability to...


Autor: Jim Kwik

Número de Páginas: 84

SUMMARY: This book is Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life is a comprehensive guide by renowned learning coach and motivational expert Jim Kwik. In it, he covers valuable techniques for enhancing your ability to learn and breaking through boundaries to realize your potential. The book’s universal theme is that we can learn faster and better than we ever thought possible. Ultimately, Limitless is a book about following Kwik’s methods for learning, which rely on the premise of overcoming the limits we place on ourselves to achieve our goals. Kwik begins the book with an introduction in which he notes the importance of the human brain and its limitless capacity to learn. Kwik compares one’s learning journey to the hero’s journey familiar to us from the movies and comic books: a hero departs on a quest and, along the way, gains wisdom, strength, and clarity. In Limitless, you are the hero and Kwik’s way of learning provides keys that open doors to bountiful treasures along your journey. DISCLAIMER: This is an UNOFFICIAL summary and not the original book. It is designed to record all the key points of the original book.


Autor: Deepak Chopra , Rudolph E. Tanzi

Número de Páginas: 201

Este revolucionario y novedoso manual le mostrará cómo usar su cerebro como portal hacia la salud, la felicidad y el crecimiento espiritual. En contraste con el cerebro estándar, que sólo desempeña tareas cotidianas, Chopra y Tanzi proponen que el cerebro puede aprender a superar sus limitaciones actuales. Supercerebro le explica cómo hacerlo a través de los descubrimientos científicos de vanguardia y la percepción espiritual, del derrumbamiento de los cinco mitos más comunes sobre el cerebro que limitan su potencial y de la implementación de métodos para: -Usar su cerebro, en vez de permitir que él lo use a usted. -Desarrollar el estilo de vida ideal para tener un cerebro saludable. -Reducir los riesgos del envejecimiento. -Fomentar la felicidad y el bienestar por medio de la conexión entre mente y cuerpo. -Acceder al cerebro iluminado, que es el portal para la libertad y la dicha. -Sobreponerse a los retos más comunes, como la pérdida de memoria, la depresión, la ansiedad y la obesidad. Su cerebro es capaz de sanar de forma extraordinaria y de reconfigurarse de forma constante. Si establece una nueva relación con él, transformará su vida. En Supercerebro,...

Summary of Limitless by Jim Kwik

Autor: Genius Reads

Número de Páginas: 63

Note to readers:This is an unofficial summary of Jim Kwik's designed to enrich your reading experienceSUMMARY OF LIMITLESS BY JIM KWIK. This book contains the wisdom a person would spend his whole life searching for. In our period of time, the world has become distracted, and focusing on a particular thing has become extremely hard. Jim Kwik teaches us how we can unleash the untapped resources in our brains. Every human is a genius, and this book is all about bringing out our inner genius. We are limitless; the only limit we have is our imagination. Why should we let small obstacles in our lives stop us from achieving unimaginable feats? In this book, Kwik shares the user manual of the most excellent, most sophisticated technology ever created, our brain. We can learn and realize how we should use our minds to be more efficient and more effective. This book also underlines the methods we can use to remember everything we read, from articles to books. Kwik helps people realize the incorrect dogmas ingrained in us by society, which affects not just the younger generation, but also all ages, and their functionality. He shows that people are repeating and making the same mistake...


Autor: Jim Kwik

Número de Páginas: 387

25 साल से भी अधिक समय से विख्यात ब्रेन कोच जिम क्विक ने इस अनोखी पुस्तक में विज्ञान-आधारित उपायों और जमीन पर परखे गए तरीकों के रहस्यों से परदा उठाया है, जिनका इस्तेमाल दुनिया के सफलतम लोग करते हैं और अपनी प्रगति की गति को पंख लगा पाते हैं।तो तैयार हो जाइए—अपनी आदतों पर जीत हासिल करने के लिए : नाकामी पर ब्रेक लगाना और आसानी से नई और अच्छी दिनचर्या बनाना सीखें।अपनी उत्पादकता को रफ्तार दें : 4 सुपरविलेन को पराजित करें जो आपके दिमाग के रास्ते पर कब्जा कर लेते...

Empieza con el porqué

Autor: Simon Sinek

Número de Páginas: 241

Nueva presentación del primer libro de Simon Sinek que ya se ha convertido en un verdadero clásico y en la base de toda su obra. Para Sinek, lo importante no es tanto qué es lo que haces como el porqué lo haces. Lo esencial es saber por qué haces lo que haces, por qué existes. Aprender a formular las preguntas adecuadas te permitirá tener una empresa inspiradora, proyectos innovadores y gente comprometida para desarrollarlos. Sinek explica cómo crear el marco adecuado en una organización para conseguir esos propósitos.

Summary of Limitless by Jim Kwik

Autor: Chapter Chapter Zoom

Número de Páginas: 68

Summary of Jim Kwik's ,,Limitless". Chapter Zoom provides a detailed look at Jim Kwik's popular book ,,Limitless", so you can appreciate the book even more. It contains many tantalizing sections such as: 1.) Book Summary Overview 2.) Chapter by Chapter Summaries 3.) Trivia Questions - and much more! Order the paperback and start reading immediately! *Please note: This is an unofficial companion book to Jim Kwik's popular non-fiction book "Limitless" - it is meant to improve your reading experience and is not the original book.

El manifiesto por la motivación

Autor: Brendon Burchard

Número de Páginas: 279

«El manifiesto por la motivación es una llamada poética y potente para recuperar el control de nuestras vidas y para recuperar nuestra libertad personal. Una obra arrolladora que va más allá de su propio título y transporta al lector más allá de la mera motivación hacia una vida repleta de sentido y propósito.» Paulo Coelho El manifiesto por la motivación es una invitación urgente y fascinante a recuperar nuestro poder individual. Para conseguirlo, el prestigioso formador y especialista en alto rendimiento Brendon Burchard nos enseña que la búsqueda de la libertad personal siempre ha sido el motor fundamental de la humanidad. Siempre ansiamos disponer de mayor libertad de elección: libertad para disfrutar de nuestro tiempo, libertad emocional, libertad social, libertad financiera, libertad espiritual... Sin embargo, hay dos enemigos que se interponen en nuestro camino: el externo, representado por laopresión social, que nos conduce a la mediocridad; y el interno, una represión infligida por nosotros mismos, generada por el miedo y la inseguridad. Solo lograremos reconquistar nuestra libertad personal con éxito si defendemos nuestra propia voluntad e...

Summary and Analyis of Limitless by Jim Kwik

Autor: Buddy Reads

Número de Páginas: 114

Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life by Jim Kwik - Summary and Analysis with BONUS trivia section.Buddy Reads offers an in-depth into the popular self-development book so you can better understand the ideas on a deeper level.You'll learn fantastic ideas such as: ✅ How to Learn Anything Faster✅ Developing a Superhero Mindset✅ The Lies of Learning✅ How to Get More Out of Every Reading Experience✅ Overcoming Limiting Beliefs. . . and much MUCH more!Get started right away!*Note: this an unofficial companion book to Jim Kwik's popular book Limitless - it is meant to enhance your reading experience and is not the original book


Autor: Eric Chapman

Número de Páginas: 48

Have you been wishing to read "Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life" by Jim Kwik but don't have the time to read the 343-page book or are looking for a reading companion that will help you grasp everything you are reading for easy reference? You've Just Discovered The Most Detailed Chapter-To-Chapter Summary Of "Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life" By Jim Kwik! Limitless is unlike anything you've come across, thanks to the way Jim Kwik presents the reader with facts concerning to accomplish more. Are you curious to know how to be more productive? How to achieve more personal success? How to change your mindset and motivation? If you are curious to know answers to these questions regarding Limitless, you are in luck, as this book breaks down the 343 pages into value-packed 70 pages that will help you grasp the main things talked about in each chapter! This book summary features: ◆ An executive summary of the book ◆ Chapter by chapter summary of 15 chapters in the book ◆ Important facts, statements, examples, and references summarized into key enticing points ◆ Discussion and ...

Sánate a ti mismo

Autor: Rudolph E. Tanzi , Deepak Chopra

Número de Páginas: 233

Hay una revolución en salud ocurriendo el día de hoy. En tus manos está llevarla a cabo. Por más de veinticinco años, Deepak Chopra y Rudolph E. Tanzi han revolucionado la forma de entender nuestros cuerpos, nuestra mente y la medicina. Chopra, el máximo gurú en el campo de la medicina integral, y Tanzi, el pionero en neurociencia y el descubridor de los genes que causan Alzheimer, se unen nuevamente para hablarnos de la suprema importancia de nuestro sistema inmunológico y de su relación con nuestra salud permanente. Sánate a ti mismo nos ayudará a tomar las mejores decisiones para tener un plan de salud holístico y trasformador de por vida. Chopra y Tanzi no sólo expanden las fronteras del intelecto con las últimas investigaciones de cuerpo-mente, mente-genes, mente-conexiones inmunológicas, sino que nos ofrecen un plan revolucionario de siete días que nos da las herramientas clave para desarrollar nuestro camino personal para sanarnos. Además, Sánate a ti mismo nos dice cómo manejar el estrés crónico y la inflamación, pues son las principales causas del detrimento de nuestra salud. También analiza un cúmulo de desór- denes crónicos como hipertensión,...

Summary and Analysis of

Autor: Book Tigers

Número de Páginas: 72

SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS OF: Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life by Jim KwikThis is not intended to replace the original book, but to serve as a companion to it and provide you with an excellent reading experience. The "Summary and Analysis" collection by Book Tigers Publishing is the perfect way to take advantage of some of the best-selling books available, whilst saving time.Each summary and Analysis contains carefully selected the most important information that will help you understand the basic ideas and expand your knowledge quickly. ABOUT THE BOOK: Jim Kwik decided to write the book, "Limitless" to help out other people who have struggled with learning in some form. Due to his brain injury as a child, this was something that he could closely relate to.Published in April of 2020, the personal development book is a collection of the ideas that Kwik had discussed in his podcasts.In the book, he mixes vignettes from his personal memories, direct experiences with clients and colleagues, and tips for learning better at different stages.The book is a written and concise format of what Kwik has been teaching through his Kwik Learning...

Summary of Limitless by Jim Kwik

Autor: Planetdot Press

Número de Páginas: 56

This is a SUMMARY, ANALYSIS, and KEY TAKEAWAY of the main book - "LIMITLESS BY JIM KWIK". This summary book is composed by Planetdot Press. This summary book doesn't in any capacity mean to replace the main book but to fill in as an extensive summary of the main book, a review, analysis, and a key takeaway guide. Our intention is sincere in that readers could use this summary as an introduction or a companion to the original book, not as a substitute. Here in this summarized book, you will get: Chapter wise summary of the main contents. Quick & easy understanding of content analysis. Extraordinarily summarized content that you may skip in the main book. The main copy of LIMITLESS BY JIM KWIK is a book that has helped several individuals learn the secret Life Lessons of overcoming life challenges effortlessly. This summary and analysis of the main book has carefully highlighted the critical points shared by the main author and other relevant studies, in relation to understanding How To Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life. Get started via the BUY NOW button on this page to save your time and get a better understanding of the key ideas found in ...

Brain Picking Jim Kwik - Thoughts And Insights From The Memory And Brain Coach

Autor: Brain Picking Icons

Número de Páginas: 0

BRAIN PICKING: JIM KWIK MEMORY AND BRAIN COACH Learn his thoughts and insights On themes like: LEARN HOW TO LEARN WHAT TO DO WITH KNOWLEDGE HOW TO LEARN MUCH DOING LITTLE BRAIN COACHING Based on JIM KWIK'S own experiences You will also learn the following: How to unlock your quick brain, unleash your imagination and read one book per week. Improving your focus, your memory and your creativity. Discover the secrets to healthy self-talk, self-care and self-learning. You will discover his answers to all of these questions: LEARNING What To Do With Knowledge? How To Engage Yourself In Learning Activities? How To Practice Effective Reading? How To Read More? How To Read Faster? How Can You Become Limitless In A Limited World? Why Is The Brain Like A Supercomputer? What Is Holding Us Back From Our Greatest Potential? What's The Secret To Unlocking Long-Term Memory? How To Improve Your Memory, Focus And Creativity? Why Is Your Imagination Is So Powerful And Addictive? What Are The Ten Keys To Unlocking Your Quick Brain? HABITS Why You Must Sleep Well Why Geniuses Keep Journals? Is Self-Care Selfish? How To Read One Book A Week? Why Not Check Your Phone In The Morning? Why Is It Very...

Summary & Analysis of Limitless

Autor: Snap Summaries

Número de Páginas: 22

PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary and analysis of the book and not the original book. SNAP Summaries is wholly responsible for this content and is not associated with the original author in any way. If you are the author, publisher, or representative of the original work, please contact info[at]snapsummaries[dot]com with any questions or concerns. If you'd like to purchase the original book, please paste this link in your browser: In Limitless, Jim Kwik lays out the tools and strategies anyone can use to upgrade their belief system, level up their motivation and learning, and live up to their fullest potential. What does this SNAP Summary Include? - Synopsis of the original book - Key takeaways from each chapter - What it means and what it takes to be limitless - How to be a better and faster learner - Editorial Review - Background on Jim Kwik About the Original Book: Jim Kwik has dedicated his life to discovering and teaching the techniques people can use to unlock their most prized abilities, including focus, memory, and thinking. In Limitless, he shares what he has been teaching professional athletes, CEOs, celebrities, and thousands of students around the...

La magia de pensar a lo grande

Autor: David Joseph Schwartz

Número de Páginas: 0

Millones de personas han mejorado su vida gracias a La magia de pensar a lo grande. El doctor David J. Schwartz, considerado uno de los mejores expertos en motivación, te ayudará a vender mejor, a ganar más dinero, a desenvolverte mejor y, lo más importante, a encontrar una mayor felicidad y estar en paz con uno mismo.

El juego infinito

Autor: Simon Sinek

Número de Páginas: 214

Último gran éxito de Simon Sinek. En este libro la idea principal es saber discriminar cuando estás jugando un juego finito y cuando uno infinito. Es un concepto muy sencillo, pero el hecho de que la gente no lo tenga claro hace que se produzcan muchos conflictos y problemas innecesarios. Hay juegos que son finitos: un partido de baloncesto, una carrera de coches en la cual hay un ganador, algún perdedor y otros con distintos resultados. La gestión de una empresa, así como la vida, son juegos infinitos. El juego de la empresa no se acaba con los resultados de un año. La vida no se acaba cuando uno se gradúa. No hay ganadores en los juegos infinitos, son juegos permanentes. Cada tipo de juego tiene sus reglas determinadas, y si jugamos los infinitos con las reglas de los finitos nos estaremos equivocando y pudiendo causar mucho daño.


Autor: 吉姆.快克

Número de Páginas: 112

《紐約時報》暢銷書、《華爾街日報》Top1暢銷書、 Amazon.com商業理財暢銷書Top1 「吉姆・快克知道如何讓我發揮最大潛能。」——威爾・史密斯 Will Smith 跟著威爾・史密斯、史丹・李、《X戰警》團隊、 Google、Nike、SpaceX、GE、維珍集團、 聯合國、加州理工學院、哈佛大學、奇點大學的腦力教練, 學習最重要的能力,開啟無限人生新境界 你的大腦是世上最強大的終極技術,與生俱來,但你從未取得正確的使用手冊。你的人生是無限的,但你從小學會讓局限信念束縛自己——那些別人、甚至你自己告訴自己的「不可以」、「你不會」、「你不行」。若你懂得善用大腦,你的潛能無窮,你可以變得無限。這不是說你的一切將會變得完美、你能夠飛天遁地,而是你可以持續進步,超越你目前相信自己能夠達到的境界。...

USA Tu Cerebro Para Rejuvenecer

Autor: Daniel G. Amen

Número de Páginas: 0

The human brain is one of the most sophisticated, dynamic, and powerful instruments that exists. Thanks to our brains, we can accomplish extraordinary things. Psychiatrist Daniel G. Amen demonstrates how our brains can help us live longer, look younger, reduce the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's, and be happier. This can be achieved by adopting a number of strategies that, together, can produce extraordinary benefits. It doesn't matter our age, economic background, IQ, or education. Beyond those factors is a program that helps our neurons grow and develop, and this book contains the details. El cerebro humano es uno de los instrumentos más sofisticados, dinámicos y poderosos que existen. Gracias a él podemos lograr cosas sorprendentes. El psiquiatra Daniel G. Amen muestra en este libro la manera en la cual nuestra mente puede ayudarnos a vivir más tiempo, a lucir más jóvenes, a reducir el riesgo de padecer enfermedades como el Alzheimer y a ser más felices. Lo anterior se puede lograr adoptando una serie de estrategias que, en conjunto, producen extraordinarios beneficios. Para el doctor Amen no importa nuestra edad, nuestros ingresos económicos, nuestro IQ o la...


Autor: Editorial Planeta S.a.u.

Número de Páginas: 264

El único modo de mejorar la calidad de tu vida es aprender a activar los diez impulsos que mueven a los seres humanos. Cada impulso representa el deseo de todo aquello que deseamos: control, competencia, congruencia, cariño, conexión, cambio, retos, creatividad, contribución y consciencia. Dominar los impulsos humanos no es fácil, por eso Brendon Burchard ha desarrollado lo que él llama los «activadores» de la experiencia humana, que nos ayudarán a alcanzar el éxito y la felicidad.

Study Guide

Autor: Aesth

Número de Páginas: 78

This is a companion study journal to the main book that helps you become productive, helps you understand and achieve more personal success in your methods. Be prepared to use these practical and actionable ways to learn new life-changing approaches to mental expansion and brain fitness. Without dedication and commitment, attaining the goals from the main book is impossible. Scroll up and buy this book now

Short Summary and Analytical Review of Limitless by Jim Kwik

Autor: Speed Read Publishing

Número de Páginas: 73

Speed Read Publishing has created a Short Summary & Analytical Review of book for your reading pleasure. Designed to enhance your reading experience. What does this Summary Include? Each Part wise Chapter of the original book Chapter by Chapter Summaries About the Author List of Characters Underlining Themes of the book Important Points to Remember Trivia Questions Discussion Questions about the Plot Background information about Limitless Background information about Jim Kwik We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Read this summary book to save time , to learn more read "Limitless"

Sin límites

Autor: Alan Glynn

Número de Páginas: 381

La vida de Eddie Spinola toma un inesperado giro cuando prueba el MDT-48, una droga sintética desarrollada por un misterioso laboratorio. Sus efectos le permitirán experimentar una inusitada actividad intelectual y física que lo llevarán a alcanzar el éxito con el que siempre son̋ó. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo que comienza a vivir en un mundo de lujos exorbitantes y multimillonarias transacciones, Spinola padece los nefastos efectos secundarios de la droga y un terrible síndrome de abstinencia cuando empiezan a escasear sus suministros del fármaco. La búsqueda por conseguir nuevamente las dosis y evitar su propia muerte, lo conduce a rastrear el pasado del MDT-48 y a verse envuelto en una intensa trama de oscuros experimentos científicos y una difusa cadena de asesinatos. Este es, sin duda, un aspasionante y cinematográfico thriller que dejará sin aliento a todos los lectores. --p. [4] of cover.

Aprendiendo de los mejores 3

Autor: Francisco Alcaide Hernández

Número de Páginas: 520

Con más de 100.000 ejemplares vendidos Aprendiendo de los mejores es el libro más vendido de management de un autor español en los últimos años. Se ha convertido en el libro de cabecera de muchas personas por su capacidad de sintetizar y explicar una ingente cantidad de conocimiento y sabiduría sobre el mundo del desarrollo personal, los negocios, el liderazgo, la libertad financiera o la espiritualidad. En un impresionante alarde de síntesis, Francisco Alcaide ha reunido en este tercer volumen cuatrocientas reflexiones cuidadosamente seleccionadas de reconocidas personalidades de ámbitos y disciplinas diferentes a los de los dos anteriores, analizadas por el mismo autor con profundidad y rigor para darles sentido y coherencia. Reflexiones que nos inspirarán y nos empujarán a luchar por nuestros objetivos y retos. Porque, al fin y al cabo, el éxito no es otra cosa que aprendizaje. En esta tercera entrega aparecen emprendedores como Elon Musk o Peter Thiel; deportistas como Rafa Nadal o Pau Gasol; pensadores como Daniel Pink o Simon Sinek; historias de superación personal como las de Ernest Shackleton o Viktor Frankl; expertos en psicología positiva como Tal Ben-Shahar ...

Un corazón sin fronteras

Autor: Nick Vujicic

Número de Páginas: 176

En este nuevo libro de reflexiones y experiencias, el autor bestseller Nick Vujicic demuestra por qué su corazón sin fronteras y su alma inquebrantable lo han convertido en una de las personalidades más queridas alrededor del mundo. Del autor bestseller Nick Vujicic, escritor de Un alma valiente y Amor sin límites. La prueba de que la fe obra milagros y que Dios tiene un plan perfecto para ti. Nick Vujicic cree en los milagros, la fe y el amor, sabe que no hay más esperanza que confiar en el plan del poder superior para triunfar en la vida. Nick nació sin brazos ni piernas, sin embargo, aunque ha experimentado la profundidad de la desesperación, ha superado sus circunstancias y limitaciones físicas, aferrándose a su fe y comprendiendo el amor sin límites y los dones que Dios tiene para cada persona. Ahora él quiere que experimentes ese mismo consuelo de esperanza y gloria que nos ofrece la entidad luminosa más grande: Dios, tu poder superior o la gracia más potente en la que tú confías. En estas páginas de profunda inspiración, Nick comparte su más convincente sabiduría, duramente ganada, para ayudar a enfrentar los obstáculos con confianza y coraje, siempre...

Fara limite

Autor: Jim Kwik

Número de Páginas: 299

Dezvoltă-ți gândirea. Învață mai rapid și eliberează-ți viața extraordinară Bestseller New York Times și Wall Street Journal Jim Kwik, cel mai bine cotat antrenor al minții, a scris un "manual al utilizatorului" pentru obținerea formei mentale ideale. Fără limite prezintă tehnici de descătușare a superputerilor creierului, care oferă capacitatea de a face mai mult, prin modificarea modului de gândire, a motivației și a metodelor. De peste 25 de ani, Jim Kwik ajută oameni de succes din diverse domenii să-și elibereze adevăratul potențial. În Fără limite, el dezvăluie practici bazate pe dovezi științifice și sugestii testate pentru accelerarea învățării și îmbunătățirea comunicării, memoriei, concentrării și a citirii rapide, rezultatele fiind rapide și vizibile. „Jim Kwik este de departe expertul numărul 1 în antrenarea memoriei din întreaga lume. Programul nostru realizat împreună cu el a devenit programul anului, iar la cei o mie de cursanți, media de creștere a vitezei de citire a fost de 170% în doar 7 zile de lecții a câte 10 minute pe zi". — VISHEN LAKHIANI, fondator și CEO al platformei Mindvalley, autorul...

Summary and Analysis of Limitless

Autor: Quickread Summaries

Número de Páginas: 26

Summary and Analysis of Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life by Jim Kwik Original book by Jim Kwik What would you do if you could change your life from where you are to where you dream of being? In this summary and analysis of the #1 Best Seller from Jim Kwik, Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life, you will learn:How to improve your memory;Elements that limit your success. Seven lies that hold you back Best kept secrets to garnering knowledge.... and much more!This summary and analysis can be:- Your sneak peek before you buy the original book;- Your supplementary material after you read the original book.*This is an unofficial summary and analysis of Jim Kwik's Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life. This book only serves as a guide, is not the original book, and is not endorsed by Jim Kwik or his publisher.Buy this book now to learn how to change your life.

Workbook for Limitless

Autor: Intensive Life Publishing

Número de Páginas: 132

Put words into actions and start your path to becoming limitless. #1 New York Times bestselling author Jim Kwik tackles brain training and memory improvement in his book, Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life. Kwik combined his experiences with research- and science-based techniques in order for you to unlock your potential and start your path into becoming limitless. This workbook contains: Chapter by chapter summary and analysis; Goals that you can aim for; Questions to help you absorb the information and help you self-reflect. In today's digital age, we can access millions of information within our fingertips. But how do you know which ones are relevant to you? That is why we have carefully curated all the essential points from Limitless into an easy-to-read, short but concise workbook. This workbook can be: your sneak peek before you buy the original book; your reading companion while reading the original book; your supplementary material after you read the original book. Let's get your brain training on and make that first step into achieving being Limitless! *This is an unofficial workbook for Jim Kwik's Limitless: Upgrade...

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