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A Kiss For The Cameras

Autor: Olivia Jaymes

Número de Páginas: 262

Purely Business. No hearts involved… That’s how this public relations romance – a showmance – was described to best selling author Paige Mitchell. Dating Hollywood heartthrob Nate Mason is all for the publicity. He’ll hold her hand down the red carpet and in return she’ll let him star in the movie based on her book. It’s a win-win for both of them. Nate is charming and sexy with perfectly polished cheekbones and a smooth as chocolate British accent. She’s an American soccer mom who has had less than good luck in the love department. They shouldn’t have anything in common except ambition. The more time they spend together, the more Paige begins to see the man behind the spoiled movie star façade. In private, he’s a different person and things are starting to get very personal. It’s going to be difficult to remember… They’re only kissing for the cameras. Keywords: steamy contemporary romance, hollywood romance, movie star, sex symbol, bad boy, older heroine, second chance at love, friends to lovers, pretend romance, showmance

Love At First Kiss

Autor: Olivia T Turner

Número de Páginas: 98

It was only supposed to be one night.A thousand dollars to pretend to be Nolan Cline's girlfriend.How could I say no to that?I was probably the only virgin escort on the planet, but Mr. Cline didn't have to know about my lack of experience for the job.All I had to do was hang onto his arm, smile, and look presentable to the rich CEO billionaire's friends and coworkers.It was all great until I saw the possessive and territorial look in Nolan's eyes when he first spotted me in my red dress...Then, I knew that there wouldn't be any pretending between us.It started in the limo... it continued at the gala... until we were so consumed with need for each other that I ended up looking anything but presentable.I might have been the first virgin escort on the planet at the start of the date... But I definitely won't be by the end of it.After one look at his pretend date, Nolan Cline shows Arya just how much of an Over-The-Top possessive alpha he really is. SAFE, no cheating, and a sweet HEA that will have you grinning and blushing! Enjoy!

No les digas adiós (Don't Kiss Them Good-bye)

Autor: Allison Dubois

Número de Páginas: 244

The story of Allison DuBois, medium, wife, and mother whose life is the inspiration for the television series, Medium. When six, her deceased great-grandfather came to her with a message for her mother. She shared his words with her mother and thus began a lifetime of connections between loved ones and those they have lost.

First Kiss

Autor: Bernadette Marie

Número de Páginas: 178

Promises made as children have a funny way of working themselves into reality when fate is orchestrated for them as adults. Olivia Baker wants the best life for her young son, and that meant raising him in the small town she grew up in, but where her past still haunts her and rumors drip from the tongues of the local gossips. Cade Carter moved away from Aspen Creek the moment they handed him his high school diploma. Now a washed up ex-professional football player he's headed back after his father's death to settle the estate of the man he'd left and forgotten about. The friendship Cade and Olivia shared so many years ago is just now a haunting memory. People changed and moved on. Secrets were kept and loved ones around them buried with them. But when they are thrown back together to face the reasons their friendship faltered, and forces greater than them are in charge, anything can happen with the person whom they shared their First Kiss with.

All I Want Is A Kiss

Autor: Willow Winters

Número de Páginas: 55

From USA Today bestselling author, Willow Winters, comes a sweet, standalone, contemporary romance. I always smile when he kisses me. It never falters. The electric tingle races through me, from head to toe. Until he breaks the kiss, leaving me breathless and wanting more. I thought fleeting weekends would be enough and it always was… until the distance threatened to tear us apart for good. This kiss may be the last kiss and every part of me hates that. For the first time since we started this, I’m all too aware that this may be the last time. No matter how much I want to lie to myself. How did we get this lost? More importantly, how can I have one more kiss?.

Las Chicas Magazine / Serie Completa

Autor: Olivia Kiss

Número de Páginas: 763

SERIE COMPLETA LAS CHICAS MAGAZINERECOPILACIÓN DE LAS CINCO NOVELAS.*LA CHICA QUE SOÑABA CON UN ANILLO: Jane, perfeccionista y correcta, trabaja en la revista Golden Miller como redactora de la sección de bodas. Y, por supuesto, siempre ha soñado con casarse y tener un enlace perfecto, pero, hasta la fecha, su príncipe azul no ha aparecido y se conforma con acudir a las ceremonias de boda de la jet set de Nueva York para realizar reportajes completos.Sin embargo, su trabajo soñado se convierte en una pesadilla cuando le asignan a Gabe Jenkins como compañero después de que este cometa una infracción y el jefe lo relegue de su habitual puesto como redactor deportivo. Gabe no solo no cree en el amor, sino que además es insolente, poco dado a seguir las normas y el polo opuesto de Jane.¿Conseguirán entenderse siendo tan distintos?*LA CHICA DE LOS DEPORTES:Zoe Matson siempre ha soñado con trabajar en la sección de deportes de la revista Golden Miller y, ahora que por fin lo ha conseguido tras años de esfuerzo, no puede ser más feliz.Pero eso está a punto de cambiar, porque cuando le piden que acompañe al equipo de hockey de los New York Rangers, no puede negarse. Lo...

La Promesa de un Beso

Autor: Olivia Kiss

Número de Páginas: 130

Katie Wilson, la chica bonita de Sound River, se march� del pueblo que la hab�a visto crecer sin despedirse de sus dos mejores amigas y dej�ndole a su novio, James Faith, una corta nota pidi�ndole perd�n y el coraz�n destrozado.Ahora, ocho a�os despu�s y sin ning�n otro lugar al que poder ir, ha regresado con los bolsillos vac�os. Las habladur�as en el pueblo se han desatado y a pesar de que nadie sabe por qu� se fue de all�, todos la juzgan. Especialmente James, que ahora es el due�o del rancho de los Faith, y que lo �nico que parece sentir por ella es rencor y ganas de vengarse. �Conseguir� Katie que las personas que amaba vuelvan a confiar en ella? �Lograr� conquistar de nuevo el duro coraz�n de James?

El Amor Está en el Aire

Autor: Olivia Kiss

Número de Páginas: 159

"�Puede un flechazo en las alturas cambiar el destino de dos personas?"El d�a que Lauren descubre que su novio le es infiel, decide tomarse un descanso e irse de vacaciones junto a su mejor amiga. Est� cansada de ser una kamikaze emocional en el amor, pero, cuando se toma dos mojitos de m�s en el avi�n para calmar su miedo a volar, su lado m�s impulsivo vuelve a salir a flote. Y, sin ser consciente de lo que hace, termina metida en la cabina del piloto, el guapo Allan Parker, que, desconcertado, no puede dar cr�dito a lo que est� ocurriendo en pleno vuelo... ni tampoco apartar los ojos de ella.

A Valentine's Kiss

Autor: Lucie Hart

Número de Páginas: 450

This Valentine's day Imogen is going to meet the man of her dreams. If only she can discover who he is... At a gloriously over-the-top house party in the balmy South of France, British trainee chef Imogen finds herself playing blind man's buff with a host of impossibly handsome men. And then one of them kisses her. It's the most perfect kiss she's ever experienced in her short - and frankly, to date romantically disappointing - life. Sweet, sexy and full of promise. Imogen wants more, but by the time she recovers her wits sufficiently to remove her blindfold her mystery kisser has disappeared. Could her Prince Charming be one of her fellow-chefs, Dimitri or Bastien? Both are clearly interested in her. But there's also enigmatic Latino hunk Enzo, good-times-guy DJ Cheyenne, aristocratic Amaury, and the American visitors - Archer and Everett... So many men, so little time. And Imogen can't just keep kissing men until she finds the right one... can she?

The Kiss

Autor: Danielle Steel

Número de Páginas: 548

Love, tragedy and hope conspire in Paris, when a kiss between two strangers changes everything. Isabelle Forrester is the wife of a Parisian banker who has long since shut her out of his heart. She has one secret pleasure: a long-distance friendship with a man who, like Isabelle, is trapped in a loveless marriage. To Bill Robinson, Isabelle is a kindred spirit. Agreeing to meet for a few precious, innocent days in London, they find their friendship changing, and they exchange their first, searching kiss. Time stands still – and tragedy strikes. A long journey begins – towards healing, hope and dreams of a seemingly impossible future. Isabelle and Bill cling to life. Together they must find the strength not only to embrace the future but to face what they have left behind.

The Kiss

Autor: Lucy Courtenay

Número de Páginas: 352

'Aphrodite kissed a mortal once by the light of this moon, many thousands of years ago. It drove him crazy. The next person that he kissed - boum. The craziness travelled like this from person to person. It travelled through time. Everywhere - boum! Tu comprends?' 'Where did it end up?' I whisper. His lips are on my cheek now. 'It ended with me. And now I am going to pass it to you. You will like that, mermaid?' Imagine the perfect kiss. A legendary kiss that makes people crazy with love. Imagine a summer's night, on a moonlit beach in the South of France, as French boy Laurent kisses 16-year-old Delilah after the best chat-up line she's ever heard. BOOM! Delilah is pretty sure the Kiss is fiction, despite her head-spinning holiday fling. But with all the sudden crushes, break-ups and melt-downs happening back at home, the Kiss starts looking a little too real for comfort. If only Delilah could keep track of where it's gone ... Who knew one kiss could cause this much trouble? A hilarious rom-com that will delight Geek Girls everywhere!

The Chocolate Kiss

Autor: Laura Florand

Número de Páginas: 464

Selamat datang di La Maison des SorciŠres. Kedai teh yang sangat terkenal di pulau ?le Saint-Louis, Paris. Bersama kedua bibi tercinta, di sinilah aku?Magalie Chaudron, tinggal untuk membesarkan kedai yang sangat mengesankan ini. Tapi semua kacau ketika Philippe Lyonnais?chef pastry terkenal di Paris, membuka toko cabangnya di dekat kedaiku. [Mizan, Bentang, Terjemahan, Chocolate, Paris, Amour et Chocolat, Romance]

Handcuffs, Kisses and Awkward Situations

Autor: Olivia Harvard

Número de Páginas: 266

Nora Montgomery's primary goal was to remain seemingly unnoticed until graduation, and that meant staying away from Ryder Collins. But when both she and Ryder are selected to participate in the local police department's handcuff demonstration, they find themselves inescapably chained together. The tension between them is thick; filled with unresolved issues from their past friendship. But things get a whole lot worse when the officer loses the key and the pair are forced to accommodate each other until a replacement is available. Being handcuffed to the opposite gender was sure to introduce some extremely uncomfortable situations. Things are about to get awkward, right?

La Chica Que Quería Ser Princesa

Autor: Olivia Kiss

Número de Páginas: 225

Olivia Miller es la hija pequeña de una familia adinerada, así que está acostumbrada a lograr todo lo que quiere. Y en esos momentos desea un caballo, un coche nuevo, más crédito en su tarjeta y... que su familia deje de pensar que es una chica tonta, aunque eso nunca lo admitirá en voz alta porque es demasiado orgullosa. De modo que, cuando su hermano y director de la revista Golden Miller le da otra oportunidad para demostrar su valía, ella está dispuesta a conseguir entrevistar a ese famoso cantante de rock llamado Liam Carter.Lo que Olivia no sabe es que Liam es un músico reservado e inaccesible que lleva años sin conceder ninguna entrevista a un medio de comunicación. Así pues, tratándose de una tarea imposible, ¿aparecer en su casa es una opción cuando ha agotado todas las demás vías existentes? ¿Qué está dispuesta a sacrificar para lograr su misión? Y todavía más importante, ¿por qué ese hombre oscuro y seductor le resulta tan irresistible...?

Si Es Amor

Autor: Amanda Mariel

Número de Páginas: 88

Una diablesa decidida a vivir la vida al máximo... Un hombre al que le une una relación de amistad y una peligrosa atracción Una diablesa decidida a vivir la vida al máximo...Ladi Hannah Blakey no tiene pensado sentar la cabeza de manera inminente. La pasión que siente por el juego, las carreras de caballos y el whisky es demasiado grande, por no decir placentera. Por lo tanto, ella ignora la insistencia de su hermano para que se case y frustra sus planes a cada oportunidad que se le presenta. Un hombre al que le unen lazos de amistad... Graham Fulton, marques de Ramsbury, no podía creer lo que estaba viendo cuando el descubrió a la hermana de su mejor amigo, Ladi Hannah disfrazada de hombre envuelta en una partida de cartas en unos de los barrios más peligrosos de la ciudad. ¿Acaso es que ella era una descuidada? Sintiendo que era algo que el debía de hacer por su amigo ausente el acompaña a la diablesa a casa. El nunca podría haber imaginado que era lo que iba a pasar después. Una peligrosa atracción...Muy a pesar suyo, Hannah se encuentra a sí misma entusiasmada con Ramsbury. Un estado que ella sabe es peligroso para su libertad, pero ella se encuentra indefensa...


Autor: Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Número de Páginas: 27

The Kiss The touching of two lips, between two people, can tell each all they will ever need to know about each one – herein lies the truth for which neither can deny – it is either right or it is not – no grey area of confusion – life may contain so much to keep each one apart but when the first kiss occurs then there is nothing which can – not even time - keep them apart

Kiss Me in the Moonlight

Autor: Lindzee Armstrong

Número de Páginas: 183

A history teacher running from heartbreak. The spy who dumped her in an email. One unforgettably dangerous summer in Europe. Paige’s mysterious and attractive boyfriend just dumped her in an email, and now he’s disappeared without a trace. Desperate to escape the humiliation, she accepts a summer job chaperoning hormonal teenagers on a European tour. She’ll get valuable experience at historical sites to color her doctoral dissertation and hopefully forget all about Nick. Being a government spy has never been easy, but Nick’s job has finally stolen everything he treasures. He dumped the love of his life for a secret European mission that got his best friend and partner killed. Now he’s certain there’s a rat at the agency—one he’s determined to track down. Even if it means going undercover as a chaperone for high school students on a once-in-a-lifetime trip. When Nick and Paige realize they’re unwilling coworkers, sparks fly as they reconnect. Paige is determined to get answers. Nick is eager for a second chance. But when the investigation into his partner’s death reveals hidden dangers within the tour, secrets become harder to keep. Can they overcome the lies...

A Kiss to Keep

Autor: Willow Winters , W. Winters

Número de Páginas: 84

It started with a kiss. A single kiss that shook me to my core. A kiss to silence me, and a kiss to numb the pain. I took his hand and in turn, he took me away. I thought when we ran away, we’d never have to look back. I was wrong. I think Sebastian knew, and so did I, that he’d be pulled back into this life one day. There was no way we could have gotten our happily ever after. Scars don’t ever fully go away, and this sinful place is etched into our flesh. I don’t know how I’ll ever forgive him for bringing me back here. Even when he kisses me the way he does… no kiss can take away this pain. He’s still my everything, but I don’t know how we’ll survive this. A Kiss to Keep is an extension of Chloe and Sebastian’s story, A Kiss to Tell. Although it can be read on its own, it’s recommended you start with A Kiss to Tell. A Kiss to Keep is a 15k novellette extension of Chloe and Sebastian’s story, A Kiss to Tell. Although it can be read on its own, it’s recommended you start with A Kiss to Tell.

About That Kiss

Autor: Harper Bliss

Número de Páginas: 225

What if the greatest role of your life is playing your true self? Ida Burton used to be Hollywood’s sweetheart until the best roles started drying up in her forties. When Ida lands one of the leads in a big-budget lesbian rom-com, it's not only a chance at reviving her dwindling career. Maybe this movie can be an opportunity to finally burst out of the closet she's forced herself into. Faye Fleming has been at the top of her acting game and collecting awards for the past few years. When she's cast in a huge blockbuster opposite the legendary Ida Burton, she's over the moon. Ida and Faye hit it off. The chemistry on set is through the roof... until their characters' first kiss. Grab your copy of the feel-good lesbian read of the summer now!

Kiss me I'm famous

Autor: Charlie Lazlo

Número de Páginas: 251

Entre eux... ça va être chaud ! Nathan est bourru, secret et n'aime pas les imprévus. Il protège farouchement sa vie avec sa fille Anna, Olaf, leur chien tout fou, et le village soudé qui les a accueillis. Alors quand Neva débarque comme une tornade, pleine de feu et de contradictions, elle l'agace, le défie... et l'attire. Il ne devrait pas craquer, il ne veut pas craquer... mais a-t-il vraiment le choix ? Kiss me I'm famous, de Charlie Lazlo, histoire intégrale.

Knocking up his Nanny

Autor: Olivia Noble

Número de Páginas: 272

Everyone teasingly calls me a nun. But being a good girl has gotten me nowhere. It’s time to be bold and take risks. Live my life, and kiss a handsome stranger… I’ve spent years as a dirt-broke, starving artist. When my mom's hospital bills start piling up, I take every odd job I can find in Silver Mountain. Eventually that leads to a nanny position at the biggest mansion in town. The kids are cute as stuffed animals. The pay is great, and my luck seems to be improving. Only one problem: their dad might be the mysterious, sexy stranger I've been making out with in a hospital broom closet. Oops. Mysterious, Sexy Stranger Hiring June was a bad idea. She's sweet as apple pie, always smiling in her polka dots. She makes my heart warm, and makes my little demon children behave like perfect angels. I have never seen them so happy. I know I should be professional, but I can't keep my hands off her. She has no idea that my secret plan is to make her more than just their nanny... I want her to be their mother. A small-town romantic comedy with a single dad, accidental baby, and guaranteed HEA! Sweet and steamy, over the top, billionaire hero, and lots of laughs.

Kiss and Tell

Autor: Carolyn Keene

Número de Páginas: 160

A TASTE OF ROMANCE LEADS NANCY TO A RENDEZVOUS WITH DANGER! Esme Moore, America's hottest romance writer, has come to River Heights, and the rumors are swirling. She's written her autobiography, a book of true confessions, and the scandals are sure to explode off the page. But someone has vowed to kill the book -- or Esme -- before her revelations come to light. It's up to Nancy to find the source of the threat. Speaking of scandals, Nancy may be on the verge of starting one of her own. A handsome young River Heights detective has joined her on the case, and Nancy's beginning to wonder if romance is simply in the air. But for now, she must attend to the intrigue at hand: the web of jealousy, suspicion, and betrayal that threatens to destroy Esme Moore.

Huggy, Huggy / Kiss, Kiss

Autor: Ray Dasilva

Número de Páginas: 311

Steve Dannon is a nice guy. He has an ideal life with his girlfriend and a commercial TV production company that earns him six figures. Acting on his nice guy personality, he agrees to hire and train Tracy, an acquaintance who is a bartender and actress working in his local pub to represent Steve Dannon Productions. Allison senses that Tracy's main interest in life is money. She warns Steve to watch her closely but he's willing to give Tracy the benefit of the doubt. Due to the changing technologies in the commercial production business, Steve is obliged to join forces with a digital production facility. He is not aware of their financial problems, and they conspire with Tracy to usurp his clients and buy him out. Seeing an opportunity to double her income Tracy agrees to the deal. After Steve's devastating breakup with Allison, he starts doing the bar scene. He meets a young Asian singer, Miako, and falls in love again. With his business gone and still hurting from his last romance, he is reluctant to get involved. He starts to rebuild his business and with Miako's love and support, anything is possible.


Autor: Francine Pascal

Número de Páginas: 225

I've heard that you can learn everything you want to know about a man's heart through just one kiss. We'll see about that.

La Chica Que Perdió Su Zapato

Autor: Olivia Kiss

Número de Páginas: 231

Lo último que Gina esperaba durante la cena de la empresa era terminar la noche en la cama de Blake Miller, el hijo pequeño del imperio para el que trabaja en la revista Golden Miller. Pero lo peor no fue eso, no, lo peor fue perder en su dormitorio su zapato, ese del que no existía un par igual en todo el mundo y que tenía que recuperar a cualquier precio.Sin embargo, cuando le pide a Blake que se lo devuelva, él no parece dispuesto a entregárselo sin obtener algo a cambio. Y lo que el incorregible y mujeriego Blake Miller quiere es desconcertante: que Gina lo ayude a convertirse en un chico bueno, uno que pueda hacerse cargo junto a su hermano mayor de la dirección de la revista.Pero ¿puede Blake cambiar? ¿Y ella conseguir que lo haga?

Last Kiss

Autor: Laurelin Paige

Número de Páginas: 365

A GAME OF CAT AND MOUSE FILLED WITH DARK DESIRES AND DANGEROUS SECRETS... Emily Wayborn has made a decision. She might not fully trust handsome and deadly Reeve Sallis, but he is the one person that gives her what she needs. With Reeve she can finally be herself. Submitting to him is the only thing keeping her grounded as the rest of her life falls apart. But the hotelier is a master at keeping secrets and as she continues her quest for answers someone is making sure she doesn’t find them. Time is running out and she is questioning everything she thought she knew about friendship and love. She must now make an impossible choice that will determine if she will survive with her heart...or her life.

The Kiss List

Autor: Sonya Weiss

Número de Páginas: 207

All Haley Bowman has ever wanted was her One True Love. But now, with her cousin getting married and Haley back in her small town, the pressure is on. Good thing she’s got a foolproof Kiss List, full of potential OTLs. Her parents knew they were soul mates at their first kiss, so surely Haley will know the same. All she needs to do is...well, kiss each of these guys... Enter Max Gallagher: bane of Haley’s existence, her nemesis since childhood, and, unfortunately, as a local, her way in with all the guys on the Kiss List. Max wants nothing to do with love and certainly nothing to do with Haley, but he can clear the way for her to get to know the guys on the list. Of course, he wants something in return: to be made a partner in Haley’s family’s business. One kiss for relinquishing her hold-out vote on Max. But the more time Max and Haley spend together, the clearer it is that there’s a paper-thin line between love and hate. Max will have to decide between the job he’s always dreamed of or the girl of his dreams before his fate is sealed with someone else’s kiss.

A Kiss to Remember

Autor: Miranda Lee

Número de Páginas: 159

AFFAIRS TO REMEMBER A lingering kiss… Angie was determined to throw off her memories of Lance Sterling. It had been nine years since her brother's impossibly handsome friend had stolen her fifteen-year-old-heart with a kiss. It was time to move on, time to stop comparing every man she met with Lance, time to let a man love her. Maybe there would be someone eligible at her brother's party? But there was an unexpected guest…. Lance arrived and announced that his marriage was over. Now the temptation for a certain twenty-four-year-old virgin to try to seduce him was impossible to resist! AFFAIRS TO REMEMBER—stories of love you'll treasure forever.

Accidental Kiss

Autor: Mia Ford

Número de Páginas: 306

We had two choices: live a lie forever or get killed. Libby Norris Beautiful, fun loving, intelligent, kind, s@xy. My son’s play school teacher. The only woman who stole my heart after my wife’s death, And also, the woman who doesn’t know my biggest secret. One kiss was all it took. One kiss and I was hooked. I want to get lost in those beautiful eyes and that charming smile – forever. But Libby’s acting all sassy and doesn’t have any time for romance. I guess it’s time I teach her the ropes of the game. But her mafia connection? F*ck it, I’ll do all it takes to win her heart and soul! Libby baby, I am coming for you, And I’ll do anything to protect you. After all, who said love was an easy game to play!

Book 4: First Kiss

Autor: Lea Taddonio

Número de Páginas: 51

Lola Jones is head over heels for her new boyfriend, C.J Kline. But she's keeping a secret from him. She has never kissed anyone. Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards. Spellbound is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.

Wicked Embrace

Autor: Olivia Boothe

Número de Páginas: 295

I wanted one thing--to never fall in love again. But the universe had other plans. One look into Tom Wright's olive-green eyes, and I free-fell crazy in love with the one man destined to break my heart. I know, because I've yet to learn my lesson. The past never dies, and mine is ready to rear its ugly head. Question is, will I be strong enough to survive the fallout? She wasn't supposed to happen. I'd vowed to never let anyone in, but with one curve of her lips, Sara Hart bulldozed through my heart. I'm happier than I've ever been, yet scared as hell of how much I love her. Despite my best intentions, I haven't been one-hundred percent honest. My biggest torment still lurks within, threatening to unwind the strings holding us together. And if I lose her now, it might as well be the end of me.

Misterios a domicilio 2 - Una estrella estrellada

Autor: Begoña Oro

Número de Páginas: 239

Pisotones a montones... en la calle La Pera, 24. ¡Cuidado que engancha! Cuando Laura es elegida para participar en el Menuda Voz Kids, Hugo y Olivia se proponen que su vecina cantarina gane el concurso más importante de la tele, aunque eso signifique enfrentarse a peligrosas trampas, a peinados horrendos y a rivales de lo más alocados... Todo apunta a que una mente malvada está saboteando la gran actuación de Laura... Pero ¿quién?

It was Only a Kiss

Autor: Joss Wood

Número de Páginas: 213

The most distracting boss of all… For driven businessman Luke Savage success is the only option. So when gorgeous marketing intern Jess Sherwood waltzes into his office and casually informs him that his newly inherited vineyard has an image problem he's outraged! She's naive, overly ambitious, a know-it-all… And all Luke can do to stop her talking is kiss her senseless. Eight years later the vineyard needs a boost—and Luke needs a hip new marketing strategy to save it. Jess may drive him crazy but she's the right woman for the job. Their only problem is how to keep their minds on work and off that kiss!


Autor: Jacqueline Wilson

Número de Páginas: 311

Un grande successo, ormai un classico, da una delle autrici per ragazzi più famose nel mondo. Fin da piccola Sylvie ha sempre pensato che avrebbe sposato Carl, che conosce da tutta la vita. Ma con l'adolescenza le cose cambiano: scuola nuova, amici nuovi sembrano trasformare Carl. Perché lui preferisce passare tutto il tempo con il suo nuovo amico Paul? E perché durante il gioco della bottiglia Carl sceglie di dare il suo primo bacio alla bella e smorfiosa Miranda? Jacqueline Wilson tocca con mano lieve e sensibile i delicati temi dei turbamenti amorosi dell'adolescenza, aggiungendo un pizzico di umorismo: perché il primo amore non è solo lacrime e sospiri, è anche speranza e sorrisi del cuore.

La Chica y la Bestia

Autor: Olivia Kiss

Número de Páginas: 208

Todo el mundo teme a Dominic Miller, el director de la revista más vendida de Nueva York, al que sus trabajadores apodan como "la Bestia". Es hermético, imperturbable y su mirada fría y gris es capaz de conseguir cualquier reto que se proponga.Solo Ava Bell, su nueva y eficiente secretaria, parece ser capaz de seguirle el ritmo. Sin embargo, cuando Dominic le pide que se haga pasar por su novia para cerrar un trato con unos importantes inversores, hasta ella empieza a tener dudas. El problema es que Ava esconde secretos y, para conseguir huir de un pasado que la atormenta, necesita ese trabajo, especialmente cuando Dominic le promete un aumento de sueldo si acepta el trato.Pero ¿es realmente su jefe tan insensible como aparenta? ¿Y serán capaces de fingir que son novios sin terminar salpicados por su propia farsa?


Autor: Tanit Tubau

Número de Páginas: 224

Cuernos, drogas y postureo. El postureo del que tanto oímos hablar es el claro protagonista de esta novela de ficción, ¿y quién mejor que la blogger de moda para introducirnos en estas historias llenas de morbo y traición? Bibi Dalmau nos invita a entrar en un mundo lleno de mentiras, en las que ella misma es la primera en caer. Veneno mezclado con champagne rosé, personajes fuera de lo común (aunque con un gran toque de realidad), sed de venganza, ansias de protagonismo, glamour y decadencia, la calle Tuset, la Costa Brava, noches madrileñas y ganas de saberlo todo: ¡cuidado con Farrándula, pues puede crear adicción!

14 Reglas para Encontrar un Príncipe Azul

Autor: Olivia Kiss

Número de Páginas: 202

Laila está desesperada. Debe conseguir un novio ficticio en tiempo récord. Meses atrás, tan solo para que la dejasen tranquila, mintió a sus amigas diciéndoles que estaba saliendo con un chico. En ese momento no imaginó que una de ellas decidiría casarse por sorpresa en un idílico pueblo de la costa de Maine y que se vería obligada a encontrar a un acompañante para ese fin de semana.Por suerte, cuenta con la ayuda de Evan, su vecino. Él es todo lo que Laila no quiere en un hombre: un seductor incorregible, despreocupado y alérgico al compromiso. Sin embargo, dada la situación y que él parece dispuesto a echarle una mano, sabe que es su mejor opción. A fin de cuentas, ¿qué puede salir mal? Solo tienen que fingir durante apenas tres días y, después, su vida volverá a ser como siempre, calmada y controlada. ¿O no?

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