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Poesía completa

Autor: Anne Sexton

Número de Páginas: 1244

2024: Año Sexton Toda la obra poética de una de las autoras más influyentes de la poesía contemporánea, ganadora del Premio Pulitzer, en una nueva traducción por su 50.o aniversario. Anne Sexton hizo de sus experiencias personales como mujer y escritora el centro de su obra lírica, y fue pionera a la hora de retratar sin tapujos la realidad del deseo, el matrimonio, la maternidad, la masturbación, el aborto, el alcoholismo, la salud mental y física, o el impulso de muerte. Junto a estos temas, también la amistad, la resiliencia y la vitalidad tienen un espacio en su poesía. Como dice Maxine Kumin en la introducción a este volumen, «las poetas en especial tienen una deuda con Anne Sexton, quien entró en territorios nuevos, desmontó tabús y soportó infinidad de ataques por el camino debido al descarode los temas tratados. [...] Sexton se ha ganado su lugar en el canon». Hoy, la ganadora del Premio Pulitzer por Vive o muere ocupa un lugar de honor en ese canon y su voz se ha consolidado como una de las más relevantes de la literatura estadounidense del siglo XX. Esta nueva traducción de su poesía completa, a cargo de Ana Mata Buil, incluye sus diez poemarios,...

Inglés B1

Autor: Fernando Muñoz Ortiz

Número de Páginas: 170

¡¡¡CON LISTENING (AUDIOS DE COMPRENSIÓN Y EXPRESIÓN)!!! Este Manual es el más adecuado para impartir el Módulo "Inglés B1" de los Certificados de Profesionalidad, y cumple fielmente con los contenidos del Real Decreto. Asimismo, es el ideal para superar el nivel oficial A2 de inglés. Puede solicitar gratuitamente los listening y las soluciones a todas las actividades en el email Capacidades que se adquieren con este Manual: Comprensión oral - Comprender el sentido general, la información esencial, los puntos principales y los detalles más relevantes de textos orales, transmitidos de viva voz o por medios técnicos, claramente estructurados, en un registro formal o informal, en lengua estándar, referentes a asuntos y temas generales o conocidos, pronunciados a velocidad media, buenas condiciones acústicas y con posibilidad de repeticiones. Expresión e interacción oral - Producir textos orales bien organizados, con cierta flexibilidad y adecuados a la situación de comunicación, en relación a una variedad de temas generales, con un repertorio y control de los recursos lingüísticos satisfactorio y con cierta precisión, corrección y...

My Father Envies Me (English and Spanish Version)

Autor: Mayke R.

Número de Páginas: 208

My dad envies me. I've been an orphan since I was eight months old. Unfortunately, I was mistreated by a bad and envious father, and my whole life has been a torment with him. I will describe, in this book, my father as the person who has done the most harm to me throughout my life, for I have never encountered another person like him. Throughout my life, he has sabotaged my achievements, put me wrong with all the family and friends, and never wanted me to get ahead because he feels less than me. Of course, I have forgiven him for all the evil he has done to me, and I ask God to give him good things despite all the damage he has done to me and even though he has never asked me for an apology. I hope that no one will suffer what I have suffered and that there are no more other fathers like him.

Método para aprender a leer, escribir y hablar el inglés

Autor: Ramón Palenzuela

Número de Páginas: 514

La Morenita

Autor: Guadalupe Cordoba

Número de Páginas: 145

Success-it's something everyone hopes for but few have the fortitude and endurance necessary to achieve it, especially when confronted by one adversity after another. Lupe Cordoba knows that hard work and determination are the traits necessary to achieve success, and she used these strong personal qualities to rise to her position as a nationally acclaimed restaurateur. Cordoba seemed to encounter nothing but hardships and obstacles throughout her life, and in La Morenita: The Story of Lupe Cordoba, she candidly illustrates how her life developed from an idyllic childhood in a small Mexican town to the collapse of her marriage after succeeding in reaching America with her three small children. Perseverance and clever thinking carried Cordoba from the plight of sleeping in her car to opening her first restaurant to preparing hors d'oeuvres for a party for President Clinton. While conveying her talent for balancing romance, motherhood, and business in her life, Cordoba offers frank advice for others in her position and presents intimate portraits of her family and friends and the lives they endured to reach their current plateau. La Morenita delivers the compelling story of one...

Consequences of Living an Ungovernable Life

Autor: Macario Morales

Número de Páginas: 85

I woke up one day, my body in pain because of all the punches and kicks I had received, my lips full of stitches, my eyes swollen and with black circles from all the hits. Then I saw myself in the mirror, "This cannot be!" I told myself. I wondered why I needed to be in such conditions. Then I started to reconsider and look back at my past, and asked myself what I had gotten from that character I had and realized it had brought me nothing good. Furthermore, I wasted too many years of my life and that, precisely, is what I would like you to avoid. You've spent several years of suffering because you did not know how to live, just like I threw away all those years. I already lived that, and it is definitely not nice to live an ungovernable life. Praised be to God, for I have changed, and I am entirely different. If I could change my life, you can do it too. We are all children of a loving God. I sought an opportunity, and I got it. It came with a smile and told me, "I am here, right by your side. Let's move forward because life is a battle."

The Wrong House

Autor: Esteban Burier

Número de Páginas: 177

“THE WRONG HOUSE” (Marielito; Exodus of Cubans in 1980) By Esteban Burier For all opponents of the Castro regime who went to comply with arbitrary sanctions; for those who were executed by the Castro regime; deprived of any defense, innocent of cases imposed by improvised courts; for those who were under the inclemency of the murderer Ernesto (Che) Guevara and so many other lap dogs of the dictator Fidel Castro; They are my deepest respect and admiration. They gave their lives with a shout of; Live Christ the King! Long live free Cuba! “THE WRONG HOUSE” Narrates the childhood of a boy that never thought twice to make a decision, committing many errors which took him, as consequence of punishment, to many juvenile reformatories and at last to jail, where he spent part of his life. The good education from his family did not influence on the boy, who does not divert from his delinquent path. A supernatural strength pushed him to these twisted paths to destroy and incarcerate him to where the stubborn are taken, to where you are subject to many tests and you can lose your dignity and also your manhood, depending on how weak or strong your personality is or if you allow to be...

Pensar con tipos

Autor: Ellen Lupton

Número de Páginas: 256

Profundamente revisada y ampliada, esta segunda edición de Pensar con tipos nos proporciona docenas de nuevas fuentes, ejemplos, ejercicios, ideas y consejos, además de una revisión y actualización exhaustiva de cada detalle. Con treinta y dos páginas nuevas respecto a la edición anterior, el nuevo contenido aporta, entre otras cosas, una amplia gama de familias tipográficas y un espacio para los trabajos de las diseñadoras, así como de otros colectivos históricamente silenciados. Convertido en un referente indiscutible, la obra se dirige a los lectores y escritores, diseñadores y editores, profesores y estudiantes cuyo trabajo esté relacionado con la impredecible vida de la palabra escrita, así como a todos aquellos interesados en las cuestiones culturales y teóricas que alimentan el diseño tipográfico. La obra se divide en tres secciones: letra, texto y maqueta. Partiendo de la unidad básica que es la letra, aborda después las particularidades de la organización de las palabras en cuerpos de texto coherentes y sistemas flexibles. Los proyectos de muestra y los ejercicios prácticos que se incluyen, explican no solo cómo se estructura la tipografía, sino por...

Verbos ingleses

Autor: Editorial Karibdis

Número de Páginas: 267

Escrito especialmente para soportes electrónicos, Los verbos ingleses contiene una introducción a la formación de todos los tiempos verbales en inglés, además de cien verbos esenciales completamente conjugados, junto con su traducción. Este libro electrónico está adaptado y formateado para que los usuarios puedan buscar en todo el texto, ya que no contiene imágenes que impidan la lectura adecuada en este formato.

Método para aprender a leer, escribir y hablar el inglés, segun el sistema de Ollendorff, por R. Palenzuela y J. de la C. Carreño

Autor: Ramón Palenzuela

Número de Páginas: 524

Nuevo Método del Doctor Enrique Ollendorff para aprender a leer, hablar y escribir una lengua cualquiera

Autor: H. G. Ollendorff

Número de Páginas: 250

!No Grites! Salva tu vida

Autor: Juan Martin Padilla Rojas

Número de Páginas: 309

Despues de nadar por muchos anos, un dia me di cuenta de que lo que lo que nos hace flotar y nadar son nuestros pulmones al usarlos como flotadores; lo hacemos por instinto. Tambien me di cuenta de que sabiendo trabajar nuestros pulmones, tenemos mas oportunidad de supervivencia al quedar atrapados en alguna corriente. Por esa razon me di a la tarea de explicar mis experiencias porque muchas personas mueren ahogadas cada ano en diferentes rios y lagos, incluyendo personas que saben nadar; no seas una estadistica mas. En este libro, "!No grites! Salva tu vida", entenderas el porque. Ademas, contiene una historia de amor y aventuras, y recuerda: !No grites! Salva tu vida After swimming for many years, I realized that what makes us float are our lungs when we use them as floats; we do it instinctively. I also realized that knowing how to work our lungs, we have a better chance of survival if we ever get trapped in a strong current. For that reason, I began to explain my experiences because many people drown each year in different rivers and lakes, including those who know how to swim; don't be just another statistic. In this book, "Don't scream! Instead, Save Your Life", you will...

Gramática inglesa y método para aprenderla

Autor: Eduardo Benot

Número de Páginas: 928

Gratitude with Grace: Finding Happiness

Autor: Anita Fonteboa

Número de Páginas: 107

Want to tap into your intuition to understand and read divine messages? Gain insight into understanding divine messages intuitively. Learn to manifest your desires, navigate challenges, and confidently achieve your dreams. Then ask yourself: What if I said you could transform your life? Connect with your angels and guides? Are you ready for personal growth, to manifest the work, relationship, and life changes you’ve dreamed of? Discover enduring happiness with ‘Gratitude with Grace: Finding Happiness.’ Explore the pages of this book to unveil the life-changing practice of gratitude. Witness as grace infuses your everyday moments, sparking a shift in mindset that ushers in positivity and fulfillment. As you shed the weight of old burdens. Allow gratitude and grace to steer your path toward self-discovery, guiding you to the happiness that’s always been within reach. Your future awaits–are you prepared to respond? Key insights include: Gratitude in Your Life: Cultivate an appreciation for life's blessings, fostering happiness. Overcome Fear: Gain tools to conquer fear and reclaim control over your destiny. Power of Positivity: Harness the influence of positivity to attract ...


Autor: Padre Tony

Número de Páginas: 68

We live in a world full of scandals within our beloved Roman Catholic Church. Many of us simply cannot understand the cause of so many abuses perpetrated by people vested with the authority to proclaim, on behalf of Christ, love, respect, and disinterested help toward others. Sex abuses and more abuses against children and even adults! If you are interested in understanding the cause of all these horrible and painful scandals and how to avoid them, just read this book, and you will see the truth! That, I guarantee!

English 5-Competent-DGETI

Autor: Flores Kastanis, Paula

Número de Páginas: 289

By the end of English 5, the student will be able to communicate in English about personal, vocational, and social aspects of his or her life project as well as the social, scientific, and technological contributions that he or she can make to the world.

Last Letter from Moscow

Autor: Abrasha Rotenberg

Número de Páginas: 281

Last Letter from Moscow is a captivating narrative that combines the pace of a thriller with the depth of historical memoir. Abrasha Rotenberg, born in Teofipol, a village in Ukraine within the former Soviet Union, was a direct witness to some of the most tumultuous events of the 20th century: the Russian Revolution, communism, Nazism, and later, Peronism and the establishment of the State of Israel. His life is an emblematic journey of exile, filled with challenges and contradictions. From his childhood under the newly established Bolshevik regime, to his first migration to the city of Magnitogorsk in the Ural Mountains—where his young eyes witnessed Stalin's grand experiment in industrialization—and his experiences in Moscow, the epicenter of Soviet power, the author recreates a dizzying universe. The story of the protagonist, a de facto orphan, takes a dramatic turn when he manages to leave the Soviet Union with his mother, heading to Buenos Aires to reunite with a father he knew only through photographs. Decades later, while exiled in Spain, the author and his wife, Dina, meet a Spanish couple in a small town in the Sierra de Madrid. During this casual encounter, he shares ...

The Connection Between Your Mind and Your Food - La conexion entre tu mente y tu alimento

Autor: Myriam Lozano

Número de Páginas: 151

Existen conexiones muy profundas dentro de nuestro interior, al igual que las conexiones que existen entre la mente y los alimentos. En este libro podras conocer todo lo que pasa en tu mente y tu cuerpo, te lo explico desde mi propia experiencia como nutricionista. Podras entender cuan interesante son las conexiones y como ensenarte a reconocer como podemos lidiar junto a ellas. Hoy te invito a descubrir tu mejor version y recordarte que no hay un ser mas importante en este mundo como eres tu mismo. There are very deep connections within us, just like the connections that exist between the mind and food. In this book, you will be able to know everything that happens in your mind and your body, I explain to you from my own experience as a nutritionist. You will be able to understand how interesting the connections are and how to teach you and recognize how we can deal with them. Today, I invite you to discover your best version and remind you that there is no more important being in this world than yourself.

Ollendorff's New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak: the Spanish Language

Autor: Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff

Número de Páginas: 576

Palabras de Los Seres Verdaderos

Autor: Carlos Montemayor

Número de Páginas: 305

As part of the larger, ongoing movement throughout Latin America to reclaim non-Hispanic cultural heritages and identities, indigenous writers in Mexico are reappropriating the written word in their ancestral tongues and in Spanish. As a result, the long-marginalized, innermost feelings, needs, and worldviews of Mexico's ten to twenty million indigenous peoples are now being widely revealed to the Western societies with which these peoples coexist. To contribute to this process and serve as a bridge of intercultural communication and understanding, this groundbreaking, three-volume anthology gathers works by the leading generation of writers in thirteen Mexican indigenous languages: Nahuatl, Maya, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal, Tabasco Chontal, Purepecha, Sierra Zapoteco, Isthmus Zapoteco, Mazateco, Ñahñu, Totonaco, and Huichol. Volume Three contains plays by six Mexican indigenous writers. Their plays appear first in their native language, followed by English and Spanish translations. Montemayor and Frischmann have abundantly annotated the Spanish, English, and indigenous-language texts and added glossaries and essays that introduce the work of each playwright and discuss the...

A phraseological dictionary of commercial correspondence in the English, German, French & Spanish languages, by C. Scholl, assisted by G. Macaulay [and others].

Autor: Charles Scholl

Número de Páginas: 614

My Spirit Speaks

Autor: The Master's Pen

Número de Páginas: 142

A few days shy of his 21st birthday, Christopher Michael committed suicide. Evocative poetry, alternated with short autobiographical vignettes written from Christopher's point of view, reveal a soul in torment--a young man who was unable to trust God. (Christian)

The Red Sedan

Autor: Josué Flores

Número de Páginas: 147

After two years of physical absence, four childhood friends decide to organize a trip to an unknown destination, on the pretext of meeting again and catching up with each other’s lives.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Autor: Mark Twain

Número de Páginas: 200

Disfruta de este clásico de Mark Twain en versión original. Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) es una novela del escritor estadounidense Mark Twain (considerado el Dickens estadounidense), y publicada originalmente entre 1884 y 1885. La obra es considerada una secuela de su distante y exitosa predecesora Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer de 1876, con la cual mantiene una temática narrativa bastante similar. Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn representa una de las primeras grandes novelas estadounidenses. También fue una de las primeras novelas escritas en inglés vernáculo estadounidense, particularmente hablado por el narrador y protagonista principal de la historia, Huckleberry «Huck» Finn.

The Valley of the Hammocks

Autor: Fredis Reyes

Número de Páginas: 164

This is a story of three visits, which is remote back in the year 80 and 90, in the center of the cold war in El Salvador. A teenager is dragged by his dreams, his ambition to get to know the city; for love is involved on the front of the guerillas, making travels from the city to his town, ending with the reunion of his blood that he did not know existed and next to it says goodbye to his big love.

I Believed In Me

Autor: Ambrocio Magana

Número de Páginas: 95

I was born in a small town that at that time had about 300 inhabitants between children and adults ... I am a simple person, not very happy but not bitter. I am always willing to help those who need it; I do not wait for me to go begging, I offer help. I do not have much education I went to school for a short time. I finished sixth grade until I had 15 years old, but I remember that since I was young I liked to write stories, although I had never had the opportunity to publish them. I hope these stories reach your hearts and I also hope they like you. I want you enjoy them so much that you want to read them all... and other stories more. Remember that reading gives you education and culture. A part of these stories is true. A common occurrence for some people, whether by nature or custom, is to criticize or judge others and, often we do not realize that we make that person, or their family feel bad. Sometimes we can even physically or mentally harm them. Among the stories written here, one is true. It speaks of a little girl who has been criticized since her birth but has had the intelligence to turn criticism into positive energy. She has not stopped to listen to mediocre...

Comedia de Calisto y Melibea (Burgos, 1499)

Autor: Fernando De Rojas

Número de Páginas: 179

Words of the True Peoples/Palabras de los Seres Verdaderos

Autor: Carlos Montemayor , Donald Frischmann

Número de Páginas: 305

As part of the larger, ongoing movement throughout Latin America to reclaim non-Hispanic cultural heritages and identities, indigenous writers in Mexico are reappropriating the written word in their ancestral tongues and in Spanish. As a result, the long-marginalized, innermost feelings, needs, and worldviews of Mexico's ten to twenty million indigenous peoples are now being widely revealed to the Western societies with which these peoples coexist. To contribute to this process and serve as a bridge of intercultural communication and understanding, this groundbreaking, three-volume anthology gathers works by the leading generation of writers in thirteen Mexican indigenous languages: Nahuatl, Maya, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal, Tabasco Chontal, Purepecha, Sierra Zapoteco, Isthmus Zapoteco, Mazateco, Ñahñu, Totonaco, and Huichol. Volume Three contains plays by six Mexican indigenous writers. Their plays appear first in their native language, followed by English and Spanish translations. Montemayor and Frischmann have abundantly annotated the Spanish, English, and indigenous-language texts and added glossaries and essays that introduce the work of each playwright and discuss the...

Under the light of my stars

Autor: Antonia Garcia

Número de Páginas: 113

This book has family stories that date back from 1875 to the present. Stories that took place at the rancherías (rural settlements) in the region of los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico, during and after the Cristero revolution. It recounts the ways of living, celebrations, and disciplines passed on from one generation to the next. The experiences of immigrant people and the challenges and opportunities they encounter in the United States. It talks about the pain families experience when they lose a loved one in another country and cannot physically be by their side. This book depicts the story of an unexpected accident and what happens in the "unconscious" mind of a dying person. It talks about how some human beings see life and death. There are testimonies of people who had dared to dream and achieve their dreams. A large family learned to heal the wounds from their past and it shares how they live after accomplishing their emotional healing.

Biblia bilingüe / Bilingual Bible NTV/NLT

Número de Páginas: 5592

La verdad con claridad en inglés y en español Por primera vez, los textos de la New Living Translation en inglés y de la Nueva Traducción Viviente en español están disponibles en un formato paralelo. Estas dos traducciones excepcionales y modernas presentan la Palabra de Dios de una manera precisa y fiel usando un lenguaje cálido, atractivo y de fácil compresión que le hablará directamente al corazón. The Truth Made Clear in English and Spanish For the first time, the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traducción Viviente in Spanish are available together in a parallel format. These two wonderful and modern translations present God’s Word accurately and faithfully in warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language that will speak straight to your heart.

The Art of Healthy Living

Autor: Karina Velasco

Número de Páginas: 224

Discovering the secrets of a healthy life is one of humankind's greatest wishes, and for which it has spent time trying different theories in this book. Discovering the secrets of a healthy life is one of humankind's greatest wishes, and for which it has spent time trying different theories that, by large, match with the importance of the balance between nourishing the spirit and the body. Karina Velasco has spent years dedicated to the study of some of those theories. Her interest in the fields of nutrition and spirituality have taken her to diverse countries to learn about traditional philosophies, mainly of Oriental origin, and to study with the great innovators from the world of holistic nutrition and experts in nutritional theories. In this book the author explains some of the most effective theories, those which are easily adaptable to any lifestyle and body type, and which are also simple to apply in daily life. It contains valuable and practical information about: · The reflection of emotions on the body. · The influence of food on emotions. · Healthy eating habits. · Detoxification. · Foods that cure. · Foods that cause illnesses. · Yoga, breathing and meditation....

A Rose Behind the Thorns

Autor: Nelda Pérez

Número de Páginas: 185

Discover the woman behind the suffering! After an emotional depressive crisis from the loss of a partner, we usually feel abandoned and unprotected. In this book you will find the tools that will help you in the different stages of your recovery, and how to let go of the destructive habits instead of entering a destructive relationship as an escape to your loneliness. You will have the opportunity to love, value yourself and be happy again! ¡Descubre la mujer detrás del sufrimiento! Después de una crisis depresiva emocional por la pérdida de un compañero nos sentimos abandonadas y desprotegidas. En este libro encontrarás herramientas que te ayudaran en las diferentes etapas de tu recuperación, y cómo lograr desprenderte de los hábitos destructivos en lugar de entrar en una relación destructiva como rescate a tu soledad. Tendrás la oportunidad de valorarte, quererte, y ¡volver a ser feliz!

Esperándote Nacer Para Verte Partir/Awaiting Your Birth Only to Grieve Your Parting

Autor: Liliana Rodriguez

Número de Páginas: 115

Cuanto tenia 5 meses de embarazo supe que unas de mis mellizas venia con problemas, no sabamos si iba a morir o vivir. Para desahogar mi pena y todo lo que viv desde ese momento , comenc a escribir, nunca pens que lo que estaba escribiendo se iba a convertir en esto.. Un libro. Este libro contiene experiencias reales vividas en ese tiempo y todo lo que paso en mi vida y quizs en la de muchas otras madres que han pasado por lo mismo. Una experiencia que nadie quiere vivir pero que a mi me toco desafortunadamente pasar por ella.. Esperndote Nacer para verte partir When I was 5 months pregnant I knew that one of my twins came with problems we did not know whether she would live or die. To relieve my pain and everything I experienced from that moment, I started writing, I never thought that what I was writing was going to be a book. This book contains real experiences in that time and all that happened in my life and perhaps in many other mothers who have gone through the same thing. An experience that nobody wants to live

Curso de inglés, Inglés para Españoles Nivel Inicial Intermedio

Autor: Carmelo Mangano , Debra Lynn Hillman

Número de Páginas: 927

Finalmente un nuevo método de inglés completo de diálogos, lecturas, ejercicios de pronunciación y escritura, traducciones y el vocabulario nuevo usado en los diferentes módulos, con el soporte de las audiciones y las claves que facilitan el autoaprendizaje. El Nivel inicial-intermedio está 100% grabado en audio. Contiene 900 páginas de texto y 18 horas de grabaciones en audio. Para leer y escuchar 6 unidades del Curso, visita este enlace: . Esta compra es para el texto solamente. Contacta con los autores para recibir el audio gratis: "Inglés para Españoles" resuelve las dificultades específicas del estudiante español. El estudiante aprende todas aquellas expresiones y estructuras que le facilitan la comprensión auditiva y la comunicación oral. Al completar el Curso el estudiante habrá aprendido cerca de 3000 palabras y centenares de expresiones coloquiales inglesas. Otros Cursos: Inglés para Españoles, Nivel Superior

The art of pleasing yourself

Autor: John Danen

Número de Páginas: 46

This is a book about self-help and a little bit about seduction, because all my works have something of this world. That's why it can be used as a self-help book or as a seduction book. Undoubtedly, what it will help you the most is to:: Respect yourself. Protect yourself from harmful people. Do life the way you want to do it, without inferences from bad and interested people. Laugh at yourself and laugh with the book because it has touches of humor. Thanks to the experience that I have captured here you will learn how to: Seduce difficult women. Transform your current self into your ideal self. To have charisma and magnetism. Neurolinguistic programming. Attract girls with your presence alone. Know how to successfully approach girls. Pick up girls, get girls, seduce women, get women, fall in love. Have interesting conversations with girls. Seduce on the Internet. To be attractive. To make yourself respected, to respect yourself. Be independent. Improve your social skills. Seduction techniques. Become a master in seduction. Be seductive, attract girls. With it you will be able to attract, seduce and get girls and women. To kiss, to conquer, to fall in love. In short, you will...

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