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The Future for Curious People

The Future for Curious People

Autor: Gregory Sherl

Número de Páginas: 337

If you could see your future with someone . . . would you? Meet Evelyn and Godfrey. Evelyn is breaking up with her boyfriend, Adrian, as she's seen their dismal future together at Dr Chin's office: the life they may have when they are both many years older, singing 'Happy Birthday' to a chihuahua and arguing about cheese. She hopes for more. Meanwhile, Godfrey is proposing to his girlfriend, Madge - who's not quite willing to take that leap. She wants to see their future together first . . . just to be sure they're meant for one another. Then, one day, Evelyn and Godfrey meet - and from that moment their lives become entwined. Sparkling, warm and witty, The Future for Curious People is a love story for anyone who's ever wondered if they're with The One, or The One Before Last. This novel combines the writing talents of twenty-seven-year-old newcomer Gregory Sherl, based on an original idea by award-winning author Julianna Baggott.

El futuro para la gente curiosa

El futuro para la gente curiosa

Autor: Gregory Sherl

Número de Páginas: 287

Si pudieras conocer tu porvenir junto a alguien, ¿te atreverías? Una historia de amor y humor para cualquiera que alguna vez se ha preguntado si ha encontrado a la persona definitiva. Si vivieras en un mundo en el que una máquina pudiera ayudarte a visualizar tu futuro romántico, ¿seguirías con tu pareja si supieras que dentro de veinte años estaréis discutiendo sobre tonterías y cantando Cumpleaños feliz a un chihuahua con una camisa hawaiana? Evelyn piensa que no vale la pena: va a romper con su novio. Ha visto su vida juntos en la consulta del doctor Chin y no está dispuesta a perder ni un minuto más. Mientras, Godfrey acaba de pedir matrimonio a su novia, pero ella no quiere dar el paso sin asegurarse primero de que la máquina confirma que están hechos el uno para el otro. Las vidas de Evelyn y Godfrey van a verse involuntariamente enredadas en su lucha con su presente y sus posibles futuros. Desde el momento en que se conocen comienzan a aparecerse en las visiones del otro. Pero ¿será eso amor verdadero? Reseñas: «Una novela inteligente sobre la obsesión del amor y el amor a la obsesión.» Aaron Gwyn, autor de Wynne's War «Cómica y optimista... Un relato ...

Love Me Back

Love Me Back

Autor: Merritt Tierce

Número de Páginas: 159

"Sharp and dangerous and breathtaking.... A defiant story about a young woman choosing the life and motherhood that is best for her, without apology.” —Roxane Gay, bestselling author of Bad Feminist Marie is a waitress at an upscale Dallas steakhouse, attuned to the appetites of her patrons and gifted at hiding her private struggle as a young single mother behind an easy smile and a crisp white apron. It’s a world of long hours and late nights, and Marie often gives in to self-destructive impulses, losing herself in a tangle of bodies and urgent highs as her desire for obliteration competes with a stubborn will to survive. Pulsing with a fierce and feral energy, Love Me Back is an unapologetic portrait of a woman cutting a precarious path through early adulthood and the herald of a powerful new voice in American fiction.

Ordinary Cruelty

Ordinary Cruelty

Autor: Amber Flame

Número de Páginas: 88

In her debut poetry collection, Ordinary Cruelty, Amber Flame spells out rituals in everyday decisions to hold on or let go. While questioning the role of elder, mentor, mother in the face of losing those figures, Flame details the unrelenting nature of parenthood through the cycles of grief. Her poems exuberantly rejoice in the brown skin of the female body, while soberly acknowledging the societal dangers of claiming such skin as home. Flame takes the reader through a visceral examination of the body's processes of both dying and continuing to live and the joy to be found while we do.

Everyone I Love is a Stranger to Someone

Everyone I Love is a Stranger to Someone

Autor: Annelyse Gelman

Número de Páginas: 84

Look, the future is all telepathy and disappointment and pretending we haven't always been winging it. Every day we're the strongest we'll ever be. What doesn't kill you hasn't killed you yet. From Greek mythology to Top 40, Pavlov to Sartre, the space station to the zoo, "Everyone I Love is a Stranger to Someone" collides dark humor and unexpected sweetness.

This Way to the Sugar

This Way to the Sugar

Autor: Hieu Minh Nguyen

Número de Páginas: 66

Hieu Nguyen's bruising collection of poems, This Way to the Sugar, puts a blade and a microscope to nostalgia, tradition, race, apology, and sexuality, in order to find beauty in a flawed world. His work has been described as "an astounding testament to the power and necessity of confession." This powerful book asks whether it might be better "to leave the blade inside the body," whether "forgiveness will bleed you thin."

Bouquet of Red Flags

Bouquet of Red Flags

Autor: Taylor Mali

Número de Páginas: 110

With the perfect blend of wit, eloquence, and honesty, Taylor Mali's poems delight, haunt, and illuminate with equal measure every subject they celebrate. Bouquet of Red Flags is laced with more than the typical LSD (love, sex, divorce) of modern poetry. Here lie poems that elevate the overlooked daily miracles of coincidence ("The Luck I Crave") as well as the blessings of loss and longing ("Love as a Form of Diving"). Whether employing form or rhyme or merely crafting the artful prose he is known for, Taylor Mali delivers entertaining epiphanies spiced with the "Deepest Condiments."

The Heart Of A Comet

The Heart Of A Comet

Autor: Pages Matam

Número de Páginas: 125

The Heart of a Comet is a collection of poems and short stories offering the tale of Comet, who fell from the sky unto an unfamiliar plane of existence. On his quest to return home, he has many life-altering encounters with people and places that completely change his perspective of what it means to love and to live. Through this series of truths, the lines between dreams and reality so often blur, this creates a new mosaic to an ultimate revelation: the internal lesson of the true meaning of purpose. What are we here for? Why do we experience the things that we do, and why do we react to them in the ways that we do? All questions posed with seemingly infinite answers. In this conceptual miscellany, author Pages Matam touches on topics of immigrant experience to fatherhood and love in all of its beautiful but also often tragic and traumatic faces. As the tale unfolds, we become swallowed by a self reflective journey with a destination that could only be sought from one's own soul searching heart...the Heart of a Comet.

NANO Fiction Volume 4 Number 1

NANO Fiction Volume 4 Number 1

Autor: Matt Bell , Scott Garson , Andrew Kozma , Sarah Mccartt-jackson , Justin Sirois

Número de Páginas: 64

NANO Fiction (print ISSN 1935-844X; digital ISSN 2160-939X) is non-profit literary journal that publishes flash fiction—a form of short story also known as micro fiction, micro narrative, micro-story, microrrelatos, postcard fiction, the short short, the short short story, kürzestgeschichten, and sudden fiction—of 300 words or fewer. Featuring twenty to thirty authors in each issue, NANO Fiction has roots that draw from Aesop’s Fables and Zen Koans. Notable practitioners of this prose form include Lydia Davis, Franz Kafka, Italo Calvino, Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, Naguib Mahfouz, and Linor Goralik, among others. This issue of NANO Fiction features works by: Nin Andrews, Matt Bell, Chas Carey,Doug Paul Case, Sarah Eaton, Erika Eckart, Scott Garson, Luke Geddes, Greg Gerke, Nathan Good, Anya Groner, Andrew Kozma, Daniel Lawless, Charles Lennox, Sara Lippmann, Kirsty Logan, Sean Lovelace, Sarah McCartt-Jackson, Shawn Andrew Mitchell, Cheyenne Nimes, Laurie Nye, Carrie Oeding, Michael Palmer, Hannah Pass, Marie Potoczny, Matt Prater, Alissa Riccardelli, Jim Ruland, Nick Sansone, Kathryn Scanlan, Gregory Sherl, Katie Jean Shinkle, Justin Sirois, Eugenia Tsutsumi, and Desmond...

The Year of No Mistakes

The Year of No Mistakes

Autor: Cristin O'keefe Aptowicz

Número de Páginas: 95

In The Year of No Mistakes, Aptowicz goes cross country and tackles themes like love, lust, heartache and ambition in poems set in cities across the United States. While the backbone of the book is the slow break-up of her decade-long relationship, the heart remains Aptowicz falling in love with Americana. Sharply observant and unflinchingly truthful, her poems may be funny or heartbreaking, spare or lush, bright or dark, but they are always honest and engaging working class poems. Written during the fellowship year of her National Endowment for the Arts grant, poems from this collection have already been published in over four dozen literary journals and have been performed in venues across the country.

We Will Be Shelter

We Will Be Shelter

Autor: Andrea Gibson

Número de Páginas: 292

We Will be Shelter, edited by poet and activist Andrea Gibson, is an anthology of contemporary poems that addresses issues of social justice. Unique to this anthology is its focus on creating positive social change through gorgeous, gusty poetry. Alongside and embedded in featured poems are concrete ways to address social and political issues raised. The goal of We Will be Shelter is to raise awareness, encourage critical self-reflection, and call readers to action.

Rise Up!

Rise Up!

Autor: Linda Katz, Msw

Número de Páginas: 105

This is an account of an ethnically and racially diverse classroom of funny, endearing, and often poignant six-year-olds in a Seattle inner-city elementary school. The author, their volunteer literary coach, describes the classroom, their heroic teacher, a number of clever teaching modules, and the evolution of this school toward excellence. The children’s confidences, essays, and poetry sparkle with humor, and the unexpected viewpoints of childhood. Eight captivating students are profiled and featured for us in line drawing illustrations. In the final chapters some startling school district data is introduced as well as three common-sense recommendations to give all kids a fair chance in school. Having learned so much about the realities of public elementary education in her five years in the classroom, the author wanted to share the good news of what is possible with others who might otherwise view this as a grim subject.



Autor: Rob Sturma

Número de Páginas: 138

MultiVerse does for superheroes what Rob Sturma's first anthology Aim For The Head did for zombies: It tackles what could be dismissed as a genre novelty and through the words of page and stage poets, finds the heart, pathos, and humor involved in the otherworld of those with superhuman abilities. Welcome to an examination of the many facets of what it means to be a hero.

Pecking Order

Pecking Order

Autor: Nicole Homer

Número de Páginas: 91

Nicole Homer's first full-length poetry collection, Pecking Order, is an unflinching look at how race and gender politics play out in the domestic sphere. Homer challenges the notion of family by forcing the reader to examine how race, race performance, and colorism impact motherhood immediately and from generation to generation. In a world where race and color often determine treatment, the home should be sanctuary, but often is not. Homer's poems question the construction of racial identity and how familial love can both challenge and bolster that construction. Her poems range from the intimate details of motherhood to the universal experiences of parenting; the dynamics of multiracial families to parenting black children; and the ingrained social hierarchy which places the black mother at the bottom. Homer forces us to reckon with the truth that no one–not even the mother–is unbiased.

Our Poison Horse

Our Poison Horse

Autor: Derrick Brown

Número de Páginas: 151

Our Poison Horse is the newest poetry collection released by Derrick C. Brown. Brown is the winner of the Texas Book of The Year Prize, 2013. The New York Times calls his work a "...rekindling of the faith in the shocking, weird and beautiful power of words." Brown finally sold the ship, The Sea Section, upon which he lived for years in the Long Beach harbor, after which he took to hunting for a city that was affordable and had a bustling writer's community. He landed in Austin, Texas and when the progress of that town got to be intense, he moved to the nearby countryside in Elgin, Texas, and from that pastoral setting came unfurling this new collection of his most personal work to date. Brown has been known as one of the most touring, well travelled living poets in America. He has based his whole writing career on changing peoples minds about poetry and he feels a quality, unforgettable live experience can achieve that. Brown told himself he needed a 10-year hiatus from writing poetry when he felt the well of creativity had dried up. 2 years ago, he wrote a one-hour long 'poetic play' called Strange Light, commissioned by The Noord Nederlands Dans Group in Holland. The piece was...

Favorite Daughter

Favorite Daughter

Autor: Nancy Huang

Número de Páginas: 93

Favorite Daughter is a poetry collection trying to uproot America from inside the body, and find where China is buried underneath. Divided into four parts, Daughter explores ideas like navigating hybridity, localism, and harmony in ways that disturb commonly-held notions about broad terms like "belonging" and "cultural struggle." A compilation of immigration stories, Chinese radio segments, Google translate entries, and dictionary remixes, Huang immerses herself in everything she is uncertain of.

Floating, Brilliant, Gone

Floating, Brilliant, Gone

Autor: Franny Choi

Número de Páginas: 77

In her electrifying debut, Franny Choi leads readers through the complex landscapes of absence, memory, and identity. Beginning in loss and ending in reflective elation, Floating, Brilliant, Gone explores life as a brief impossibility, “infinite / until it isn’t.” Punctuated with haunting illustrations by Jess X. Chen, Choi’s poems read like lucid dreams that jolt awake at the most unexpected moments.

Yarmulkes & Fitted Caps

Yarmulkes & Fitted Caps

Autor: Aaron Levy Samuels

Número de Páginas: 102

Aaron Samuels, raised in Providence, Rhode Island by a Jewish mother and a Black father, is a Cave Canem Fellow and a nationally acclaimed performer. In this ground-breaking collection of poems, Samuels examines the beauty and contradictions of his own mixed identity with gut-wrenching narratives, humor, and passionate verve.

The Incredible Sestina Anthology

The Incredible Sestina Anthology

Autor: Daniel Nester

Número de Páginas: 338

More than 800 years after its invention in medieval France, the sestina survives and thrives in English. A fixed 39-line poetic form with of six stanzas of six lines each, followed by a three- line stanza known as an envoi, tornada, or tercet, the sestina is the one form of poetry that poets from all camps agree can exist in a free verse world. Formalists and avant-gardes love sestinas for their ornate, maddeningly complicated rules of word repetition. For The Incredible Sestinas Anthology, editor Daniel Nester has gathered more than 100 writers—from John Ashbery to David Lehman to Matt Madden and Patricia Smith—to show the sestina in its many incarnations: prose and comic sestinas, collaborative and double sestinas, from masters of the form to brilliant one-off attempts, all to show its evolution and the possibilities of this dynamic form.

Oh God Get Out Get Out

Oh God Get Out Get Out

Autor: Bill Moran

Número de Páginas: 219

Bill Moran's collection, Oh God Get Out Get Out, goes through us like ugly medicine. It wades through his anxietywater— the grief, trauma, mental illness, money, addiction, deceased friends, and long EMS shifts— all pooled inside the depressed deathmetal kid, his thirsty mouth held open and up to heaven, wanting to die. It walks him and his audience through the haunted house that we are, the one we hate living in. It doesn't look away from the dark. It kindly refuses an early exit. It keeps the death off by leaning into it. Hems it in like a band shirt, animal coat, tv show, or god we can wear when our own bodies are worn out. It eats its way out of Moran and his audience, the same way he will leave this world: wet with its Ugly, wearing the Ugly like a deathmetal shirt, carrying armfuls of Ugly out with him. You'll hate the taste, but he swears you can drink this like medicine. When you want to disappear, it is light you can douse yourself in. When you want to get the hell out, it will clean house. It really hopes you'll stay.

Counting Descent

Counting Descent

Autor: Clint Smith

Número de Páginas: 102

From the author of How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America * Winner, 2017 Black Caucus of the American Library Association Literary Award * Finalist, 2017 NAACP Image Awards * "One Book One New Orleans" 2017 Book Selection * Published in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, Poetry Magazine, The Paris Review, New Republic, Boston Review, The Guardian, The Rumpus, and The Academy of American Poets "So many of these poems just blow me away. Incredibly beautiful and powerful." -- Michelle Alexander, Author of The New Jim Crow "Counting Descent is a tightly-woven collection of poems whose pages act like an invitation. The invitation is intimate and generous and also a challenge; are you up to asking what is blackness? What is black joy? How is black life loved and lived? To whom do we look to for answers? This invitation is not to a narrow street, or a shallow lake, but to a vast exploration of life. And you’re invited. -- Elizabeth Acevedo, Author of Beastgirl & Other Origin Myths "These poems shimmer with revelatory intensity, approaching us from all sides to immerse us in the America that America so often forgets." -- Gregory Pardlo...

Theology After Christendom

Theology After Christendom

Autor: Joshua T. Searle

Número de Páginas: 224

Christianity must be understood not as a religion of private salvation, but as a gospel movement of universal compassion, which transforms the world in the power of God's truth. Amid several major global crises, including the rise of terrorism and religious fundamentalism and a sudden resurgence of political extremism, Christians must now face up fearlessly to the challenges of living in a "post-truth" age in which deceitful politicians present their media-spun fabrications as "alternative facts." This book is an attempt to enact a transformative theology for these changing times that will equip the global Christian community to take a stand for the gospel in an age of cultural despair and moral fragmentation. The emerging post-Christendom era calls for a new vision of Christianity that has come of age and connects with the spiritual crisis of our times. In helping to make this vision a reality, Searle insists that theology is not merely an academic discipline, but a transformative enterprise that changes the world. Theology is to be experienced not just behind a desk, in an armchair, or in a church, but also in hospitals, in foodbanks, in workplaces, and on the streets. Theology...

Ein anderes Leben als dieses

Ein anderes Leben als dieses

Autor: Virginia Reeves

Número de Páginas: 278

Alabama in den Zwanzigerjahren. Roscoe T. Martin ist Mitte dreißig und in seiner Zeit eine Art Pionier: Er arbeitet als Elektriker und das mit großer Leidenschaft. Als seine Frau Marie jedoch die Farm ihres Vaters erbt, sieht er sich gezwungen, mit ihr und dem gemeinsamen Sohn aufs Land zu ziehen. Er findet sich in einem Leben wieder, das er so nie gewollt hat. In der Ehe kriselt es, auch aufgrund wirtschaftlicher Probleme. Um der Farm zu neuem Aufschwung zu verhelfen, zapft Roscoe, unterstützt vom schwarzen Hilfsarbeiter Wilson, staatliche Stromleitungen an. Eine Weile geht alles gut – bis ein Techniker bei einer Routinekontrolle einen tödlichen Stromschlag erleidet. Roscoe wird wegen Mordes und Diebstahls zu zwanzig Jahren Haft verurteilt, während Wilson als Zwangsarbeiter in einer Kohlemine quasi-versklavt wird: eine Schuld, die auf Roscoe ebenso lastet wie auf seiner Frau Marie. ›Ein anderes Leben als dieses‹ ist gleichzeitig ein intensives Familienporträt, ein Sittengemälde Alabamas zu Beginn des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts und ein großer Gefängnisroman, der eindrücklich einen Sozialraum zeigt, in dem sich alle moralischen Regeln verkehren. Der Roman stand auf...

Der Ort, an dem die Reise endet

Der Ort, an dem die Reise endet

Autor: Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor

Número de Páginas: 495

Kenia, 2007. Odidi Oganda, ein hochtalentierter Student, wird in den Straßen Nairobis erschossen. Seine Schwester Ajany kehrt aus Brasilien zurück, um mit ihrem Vater seinen Leichnam nach Hause zu überführen. Doch die Heimkehr auf die verfallene Farm im Norden des Landes hält keinen Trost für sie bereit. Zu schmerzhaft sind die Erinnerungen, die der Mord heraufbeschworen hat und die die Familie im Griff halten: an die koloniale Gewaltherrschaft und die blutigen Auseinandersetzungen nach der Unabhängigkeit. Ajanys Mutter flieht von Wut und Trauer erfüllt in die Wildnis. Und ihr Vater muss sich einer brutalen Wahrheit stellen. Doch im Moment größter Verzweiflung entsteht auch etwas Neues: Eine Liebe – oder zumindest eine Verbindung – nimmt ihren Anfang. ›Der Ort, an dem die Reise endet‹ ist ein großer Roman über eine versehrte Familie und ein zerrissenes Land. Mit einer Sprache, die einem den Atem raubt, voller Kraft und Intensität, erzählt Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor eine Geschichte von universeller Dringlichkeit – eine Geschichte von Macht und Täuschung, von unerwiderter Liebe und dem unbeirrbaren Willen zum Überleben. »Dieser kraftvolle erste Roman wird...

Clear Out the Static in Your Attic

Clear Out the Static in Your Attic

Autor: Rebecca Bridge , Isla Mcketta

Número de Páginas: 137

An easy-to-follow guidebook. This is the ultimate collection of fun and thought provoking writing inspirations, exercises, reflections, and prompts for story writers and poets alike. This book includes prompts, examples, and helpful nuggets of creative power to set you on your way to writing the best work of your life.Your mind is like your attic -- it's already filled with everything you need to write your story or poem -- a lifetime's worth of material. We're here to help you take your memories along with the wealth of words that are already part of your life and assemble them into stories, poems, and essays. Organized around items you might find in an attic, the prompts in this book will help you find inspiration in everyday objects and experiences.

Redhead and the Slaughter King

Redhead and the Slaughter King

Autor: Megan Falley

Número de Páginas: 105

The dark, sexy, and dangerous landscape of Redhead and the Slaughter King is illuminated by its truth-slinging author, Megan Falley. More than a collection of poems, this book serves as a survival guide for anyone who has ever been a daughter. Knotted with gritty tales of addiction, mental illness, and girlhood, Redhead and the Slaughter King is the prequel to every time someone asked the question, "How did I end up here?"

How to Write a Book: For Beginners

How to Write a Book: For Beginners

Autor: A.j. Flowers

Número de Páginas: 197

Have you ever wondered how to write a book? Or perhaps you've written a manuscript that's already been edited to death, yet still isn't good enough? Writing your novel doesn’t need to be a painful or lonely experience. Sit with me and let me teach you all I've learned about creative writing tips and tricks. You are already talented if you've written a book or are ready to write fiction, which means half the battle is already won. I have good news, writing skills can most assuredly be learned! This guide is designed to answer the following questions: • What should I consider before writing? • How to write a novel which has heavy world-building elements? • How do I approach edits? • What sells a book to agents? • How can I make connections in the writing and publishing community? • Should I self-publish? This guide answers all these questions and more by giving a personal review of actual author pitfalls and how they were overcome as well as soul-searching questions that'll reveal your true writing goals. Authorship : Bonus Content! • Author interviews from both traditionally and self-published authors. • Samples of winning Twitter Pitch Tweets to see what agents...

Posibilidades infinitas

Posibilidades infinitas

Autor: Mike Doodly

Número de Páginas: 294

Tú eres el artista que nunca duerme, que siempre reorganiza inconscientemente las imágenes en el lienzo de tu vida con inceladas de pensamiento. Manifestar nuestros sueños no es un trabajo difícil: consiste en creencias, expectativas y, sobre todo, conocer la verdad sobre nuestro lugar en el universo. El manifiesto de Mike Dooley, Posibilidades infinitas, es una mirada fresca e inspiradora a cómo cada uno de nosotros puede centrarse para descubrir sus verdaderos propósitos y activar su imaginación y sus deseos. Somos seres espirituales llenos de un potencial infinito, aventurándonos a través de un campo de posibilidades, creando nuestra propia realidad, nuestro propio destino y nuestra propia suerte. Una vez que aprendemos a abrir nuestro corazón y nuestra mente, pensando más allá de lo que la espiritualidad ha querido decir tradicionalmente, se hace evidente que la vida en sí misma es el viaje definitivo. Posibilidades infinitas abre ventanas, puertas y rutas inesperadas a una forma valiente y gratificante de vivir. Prepárate para quedar asombrado y estimulado por el manual de Mike Dooley para vivir la vida de tus sueños:ntencionada, amorosa y brillante.

Monogamy Songs

Monogamy Songs

Autor: Gregory Sherl

Número de Páginas: 0

Poetry. MONOGAMY SONGS is some kind of new beast. Maybe it's a memoir. Or a book of prose poems. Or maybe those "poems" are really mini-snapshots of true, horny, heartbroken, frustrated, medicated, nervous, passionate, jealous, sweaty domesticity. Sherl's language in this book is spiked and unguarded, sometimes in shocking ways. It's also breathtakingly beautiful. MONOGAMY SONGS is the most personal book so far by this exciting young writer. "Being in love is finding a person to be lonely through, and when that person goes to the hospital, stuffing that hole of loneliness with a ball of bright red construction paper. 'I'm dying,' you'll say, with the paper everywhere, stuck with sweat to the walls where you fucked someone else, taped to the bottom of the bathtub. Gregory Sherl's MONOGAMY SONGS is a book of lies. Everything is a lie, even this. And it's one of the truest books I've read."—Zachary Schomburg

No es amor, es solo París

No es amor, es solo París

Autor: Patricia Engel

Número de Páginas: 186

Una joven estadounidense llega a la Casa de las Estrellas, una residencia de chicas en París, donde ha venido a estudiar. Una historia sobre la búsqueda de un hogar lejos del hogar, la búsqueda de uno mismo y la búsqueda de la pasión. La joven Lita ha viajado a París con la excusa de aprender bien el idioma, aunque lo que de verdad desea es vivir una apasionada historia de amor. Pero, mientras pasea por las hermosas calles de la capital francesa, ni siquiera sospecha que este sentimiento puede ser tan intenso, tan poderoso, como el que la invadirá cuando conozca a Cato, un joven aparentemente inalcanzable, desarraigado y con una infancia triste a su espalda. Sin embargo, Lita y Cato son como el día y la noche, dos opuestos que parecen tenerlo todo en contra. Todo menos los encantos de una ciudad mágica, capaz incluso de hacer realidad los amores más imposibles. Reseñas: «Inteligente y brillante. Bellamente escrita y ejecutada. Engel habla del intenso lenguaje del amor y el deseo.» The New York Times Book Review «Esta es una novela para perderse en ella.» The Miami Herald «Con un talento glorioso y una inteligencia alarmante, Patricia Engel escribe con la intensidad ...

La marea de hielo

La marea de hielo

Autor: Morgan Rhodes

Número de Páginas: 381

La lucha por el poder se extiende más allá del mar de Plata. Los límites se desdibujan: desaparecen las fronteras entre los imperios, el bien y el mal se confunden y la magia vaga por el mundo mortal.MAGIACada vez más presentes en la Mytica terrenal, los seres mágicos modelan y desvían las frágiles vidas de los humanos sin prever las consecuencias.AMORTortuosas e inesperadas, las pasiones sacuden a humanos e inmortales por igual, trenzando sus destinos.TRAICIÓNMientras se crean y se deshacen alianzas, la víbora invisible de la traición emponzoña incluso a los seres más cercanos.Una marea de hielo amenaza con inundar Mytica.Y su frío puede paralizar los corazones demasiado expuestos...

El problema del puente de Thor

El problema del puente de Thor

Autor: Arthur Conan Doyle

Número de Páginas: 34

Neil Gibson, un político adinerado busca insaciablemente respuestas a la muerte de su esposa. María pinto, su esposa Brasileña una a sido brutalmente asesinada y sin tener idea de quien es su asesino, su cuerpo inerte a sido encontrado en un puente dentro de su misma propiedad. El desespero y la ansiedad por la búsqueda de la verdad, hará que Neil acuda a los mejores investigadores de la Inglaterra del Siglo XIX, Sherlock Holmes y su compañero Watson. En esta misteriosa novela, Sherlock Holmes tendrá que diferenciar entre la injusticia, la pasión y los celos para descifrar la verdad. Atrévete a escuchar las maneras más inimaginables de descifrar misterios policiales, a la que esta pareja de detectives ingleses nos tiene acostumbrados. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle fue un famoso escritor y físico escoses nacido en 1859. Sus obras de crimen y ficción catapultaron su fama a nivel global, sus textos se encuentran traducidos en una inmensa variedad de idiomas y gracias a su trabajo, una variedad de películas y series han sido producidas al publico. Entre sus mayores obras se encuentran la gran variedad de cuentos policiales sobre Sherlock Holmes y cuentos de ciencia ficción...

La gente del margen

La gente del margen

Autor: Orson Scott Card

Número de Páginas: 380

Las historias que componen esta obra narran la apasionante e intensa odisea de hombres y mujeres que reconstruyen un mundo perdido, sus problemas y dificultades. En la tercera guerra mundial sólo se usaron seis misiles. Bastaron para matar a millones de personas y acabar con todo vestigio de civilización. Para un puñado de hombres, la lucha cotidiana consiste en sobrevivir frente a la amenaza del hambre y, ante todo, de los propios seres humanos, que han vuelto a la barbarie. Orson Scott Card, uno de los grandes nombres de la ciencia ficción, aborda un tema clásico dotándolo de una nueva dimensión emocional.

The Christian Tradition

The Christian Tradition

Autor: Jaroslav Pelikan

Número de Páginas: 415

Jaroslav Pelikan begins this volume with the crisis of orthodoxy that confronted all Christian denominations by the beginning of the eighteenth century and continues through the twentieth century in its particular concerns with ecumenism. The modern period in the history of Christian doctrine, Pelikan demonstrates, may be defined as the time when doctrines that had been assumed more than debated for most of Christian history were themselves called into question: the idea of revelation, the uniqueness of Christ, the authority of Scripture, the expectation of life after death, even the very transcendence of God. "Knowledge of the immense intellectual effort invested in the construction of the edifice of Christian doctrine by the best minds of each successive generation is worth having. And there can hardly be a more lucid, readable and genial guide to it than this marvellous work."—Economist "This volume, like the series which it brings to a triumphant conclusion, may be unreservedly recommended as the best one-stop introduction currently available to its subject."—Alister E. McGrath, Times Higher Education Supplement "Professor Pelikan's series marks a significant departure,...

La cronología del agua

La cronología del agua

Autor: Lidia Yuknavitch

Número de Páginas: 283

De los escombros de su problemática juventud, Lidia Yuknavitch teje una asombrosa historia de supervivencia. Una memoria que es un canto a la búsqueda de la belleza, la expresión personal, el deseo —hacia los hombres y las mujeres—, y el poder sanador del nado. En La cronología del agua la vida queda expuesta, desnuda. Es una vida que navega y trasciende el abuso paterno, la adicción, la autodestrucción y la insoportable pérdida de una hija. Es la vida de una inadaptada —una que recorre un camino feroz y no transitado hacia la creatividad— en un ejercicio de reconciliación y amor propio.

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