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Hemos encontrado un total de 40 libros disponibles para descargar
El dibujo Manga

El dibujo Manga

Autor: Lenivitz Production

Número de Páginas: 78

¡Este libro muy completo le permitirá dominar los conceptos básicos del dibujo manga en poco tiempo! Practique con estos 80 paso a paso a fin de poder luego dedicarse a la realización de sus propias creaciones.

Tout pour lui (Milliardaire et dominateur) – vol. 1-3

Tout pour lui (Milliardaire et dominateur) – vol. 1-3

Autor: Megan Harold

Número de Páginas: 217

Adam Richter est jeune, beau et milliardaire. Il a le monde à ses pieds. Eléa Haydensen est une jeune et jolie virtuose. Complexée par ses rondeurs, inconsciente de son talent, Eléa n’aurait jamais pensé qu’une histoire entre Adam et elle était possible. Et pourtant… une attirance irrésistible les pousse l’un vers l’autre. Mais entre le manque d’assurance d’Eléa, la fougue d’Adam et les embûches que certains aimeraient mettre sur la route des deux jeunes gens, leur histoire d’amour ne va pas être de tout repos ! Vous trouverez réunis les volumes 1 à 3 de la série.



Autor: Sylvie Aït-ali

Número de Páginas: 87

Smoothies exóticos, helado perfecto… Disfrute de la amplia gama de productos de temporada para elaborar recetas frescas, brillantes y llenas de sabor. ¡El sol se instalará indefinidamente en sus platillos con estas 30 recetas de verano!

Los 100 mejores chistes

Los 100 mejores chistes

Autor: Varios Autores

Número de Páginas: 47

Una hilarante selección de chistes para reir y compartir con tus amigos.

Giochi maliziosi, vol. 1

Giochi maliziosi, vol. 1

Autor: Juliette Duval

Número de Páginas: 131

Dopo aver ceduto alla passione, scoprono che… che i loro genitori si stanno per sposare! -Perché non sei venuto alle prove? -Le prove? ribatte senza guardarmi, occupato a salutare la mia vicina di sinistra. -Ieri. Le prove del matrimonio. Se fossi venuto non ci saremmo ritrovati in questa situazione imbarazzante. -Quale situazione imbarazzante? Gli rivolgo uno sguardo incredulo. Sta dicendo seriamente di fare come se niente fosse? -Ho come l’impressione che l’episodio del Dinah’s Garden non piacerebbe affatto agli sposini. -Non abbiamo fatto niente di male. Siamo maggiorenni, vaccinati e non c’è nessun legame di sangue tra di noi. Trituro le posate. Ha ragione, in fondo, ma ci si può non curare fino a questo punto delle convenzioni sociali? -Quindi non vedresti nessun inconveniente a ricominciare? -Tu sì? Sta bluffando. Il suo sorrisetto e lo sguardo scoppiettante mi sfidano. Alzo il mento. Anche io so giocare a provocare! -Allora baciami. Ora. Si piega verso di me, le sue pupille scure sono inchiodate alle mie. Lo fisso, determinata a non cedere per prima. Non oserà mica. *** Appena arrivata in California, Carrie cede al fascino di Josh, un bad boy tatuato dal...

Tutta tua – Vol. 1

Tutta tua – Vol. 1

Autor: Anna Chastel

Número de Páginas: 215

Una sensualità insolente! Si accontenta di fissarmi, immerso nei suoi pensieri che hanno tutti a che fare con lo spacco della mia gonna e il colore del mio rossetto. Il mio cuore batte all’impazzata. Timothy Beresford è uno dei miliardari più in vista del mondo : giovane ed insolentemente bello, egli è a capo di una fiorente impresa ed impegnato nel volontariato. Ma la sua fortuna rende la gente invidiosa, la società è in pericolo, e lui non può fidarsi di nessuno, eccetto Mila Wieser, una giovane ed ambiziosa avvocatessa d’affari che sarà pronta a fare l’impossibile per aiutarlo. Tra i due, il colpo di fulmine è immediato. Ma Timothy non è un uomo semplice, e addomesticarlo sembra essere una cosa complessa, come pure svelare il complotto che prende di mira le sue attività. Per fortuna Mila è di una tenacia senza pari. Questo e-book comprende i volumi da 1 e 2.

Tout pour lui (Milliardaire et dominateur) – vol. 4-6

Tout pour lui (Milliardaire et dominateur) – vol. 4-6

Autor: Megan Harold

Número de Páginas: 248

Rien ne va plus pour la jolie Eléa et Adam, son beau milliardaire ! Scandales, calomnies, diffamation, tout est mis en œuvre pour les séparer. Mais qui tire les ficelles dans l'ombre ? Et surtout pourquoi ? Les deux amants sont bien décidés à se battre pour faire éclater la vérité au grand jour. Adam comprend également la nécessité de s'ouvrir à sa douce et d'enquêter sur son passé : et si l'épreuve, plutôt que de l'éloigner d'Eléa, rapprochait les deux amoureux ? Vous trouverez réunis les volumes 4 à 6 de la série.

A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels (Vol. 1-18)

A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels (Vol. 1-18)

Autor: Robert Kerr

Número de Páginas: 7338

Prepare yourslef for discoveries and new adventures with this incredible book about the true origin of wanderlust. This edition forms a complete history of the earliest start and progress of navigation, discovery, and commerce, by sea and land, from the earliest ages to the early 19th century. First part of the work covers voyages and travels of discovery in the middle ages; from the era of Alfred, King of England, in the ninth century to that of Don Henry of Portugal at the commencement of the fourteenth century. Second part deals with general voyages and travels chiefly of discovery; from the era of Don Henry, in 1412, to that of George III. in 1760. The rest of the work has some particular voyages and travels arranged in systematic order, Geographical and Chronological, and studies voyages during the era of George III conducted upon scientific principles, by which the Geography of the globe has been nearly perfected.

90 World Classics You Should Read Before You Die (Vol.1)

90 World Classics You Should Read Before You Die (Vol.1)

Autor: Jules Verne , Lewis Carroll , Selma Lagerlöf , Sigmund Freud , Charles Dickens , Plato , Mark Twain , Walt Whitman , Oscar Wilde , Robert Louis Stevenson , Edgar Allan Poe , William Shakespeare , Giovanni Boccaccio , Charlotte Brontë , Anne Brontë , Emily Brontë , Henry David Thoreau , Jack London , Henry James , Louisa May Alcott , Victor Hugo , Arthur Conan Doyle , Frances Hodgson Burnett , Joseph Conrad , Jane Austen , Edgar Rice Burroughs , Herman Melville , James Allen , Guy De Maupassant , George Eliot , Walter Scott , Thomas Hardy , Benito Pérez Galdós , Daniel Defoe , Agatha Christie , Upton Sinclair , Anthony Trollope , Alexandre Dumas , Rudyard Kipling , Marcel Proust , Washington Irving , Juan Valera , Charles Baudelaire , William Makepeace Thackeray , Theodore Dreiser , Voltaire , Apuleius , Stephen Crane , Frederick Douglass , John Keats , James Joyce , Kahlil Gibran , Soseki Natsume , Princess Der Ling , L. Frank Baum , H. G. Wells , H. A. Lorentz , T. S. Eliot , D. H. Lawrence , E. M. Forster , H. P. Lovecraft , Marcus Aurelius , Hans Christian Andersen , Anton Chekhov , Leo Tolstoy , Fyodor Dostoevsky , Nikolai Gogol , George Bernard Shaw , Miguel De Cervantes , Mary Shelley , Wallace D. Wattles , R.d. Blackmore , Pierre Choderlos De Laclos , Johann Wolfgang Goethe , Brothers Grimm , Margaret Cavendish , Herman Hesse , Sun Tzu , John W. Campbell

Número de Páginas: 19153

90 World Classics You Should Read Before You Die (Vol.1)' is a monumental anthology that traverses the vast terrains of human thought, emotion, and imagination across centuries and continents. This collection boasts an eclectic mix of literary styles--from the suspenseful gothic narratives of Edgar Allan Poe to the whimsical worlds of Lewis Carroll, and from the introspective essays of Michel de Montaigne to the poignant plays of William Shakespeare. It showcases the diversity and depth of human creativity, presenting a unique juxtaposition of voices that spans genres, philosophies, and periods, revealing the shared threads of humanity that weave through the tapestry of world literature. Significant for its breadth and the quality of works included, this anthology offers readers a rich tableau of the human condition and the evolution of literary expression. The authors and editors represented in this collection are titans of literary and intellectual history. Among them, figures like Jane Austen and Charles Dickens offer insights into the social mores of their times, while thinkers like Sigmund Freud and Marcus Aurelius delve into the intricate workings of the human mind and soul. ...

The Ultimate Book Club: 180 Books You Should Read (Vol.1)

The Ultimate Book Club: 180 Books You Should Read (Vol.1)

Autor: Jules Verne , Lewis Carroll , Selma Lagerlöf , Sigmund Freud , Charles Dickens , Plato , Mark Twain , Walt Whitman , Oscar Wilde , Robert Louis Stevenson , Edgar Allan Poe , William Shakespeare , Giovanni Boccaccio , Charlotte Brontë , Anne Brontë , Emily Brontë , Henry David Thoreau , Jack London , Henry James , Louisa May Alcott , Victor Hugo , Arthur Conan Doyle , Frances Hodgson Burnett , Joseph Conrad , Jane Austen , Edgar Rice Burroughs , Herman Melville , James Allen , Guy De Maupassant , George Eliot , Thomas Hardy , Benito Pérez Galdós , Daniel Defoe , Agatha Christie , Upton Sinclair , Anthony Trollope , Alexandre Dumas , Rudyard Kipling , Marcel Proust , Washington Irving , Juan Valera , Charles Baudelaire , William Makepeace Thackeray , Theodore Dreiser , Voltaire , Apuleius , Stephen Crane , Frederick Douglass , John Keats , James Joyce , Kahlil Gibran , Ernest Hemingway , Soseki Natsume , Princess Der Ling , L. Frank Baum , H. G. Wells , H. A. Lorentz , T. S. Eliot , D. H. Lawrence , E. M. Forster , H. P. Lovecraft , Marcus Aurelius , Hans Christian Andersen , Anton Chekhov , Leo Tolstoy , Fyodor Dostoevsky , Sir Walter Scott , George Bernard Shaw , Miguel De Cervantes , Mary Shelley , Wallace D. Wattles , R.d. Blackmore , Pierre Choderlos De Laclos , Johann Wolfgang Goethe , Margaret Cavendish , Herman Hesse , Sun Tzu , Gogol

Número de Páginas: 19145

This summer, during these strange strange times, immerse yourself in words that have touched all of us and will always get to the core of all of us, of every single person. Books that have made us think, change, relate, cry and laugh: Leaves of Grass (Walt Whitman) Siddhartha (Herman Hesse) Middlemarch (George Eliot) The Madman (Kahlil Gibran) Ward No. 6 (Anton Chekhov) Moby-Dick (Herman Melville) The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky) The Overcoat (Gogol) Ulysses (James Joyce) Walden (Henry David Thoreau) Hamlet (Shakespeare) Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) Macbeth (Shakespeare) The Waste Land (T. S. Eliot) Odes (John Keats) The Flowers of Evil (Charles Baudelaire) Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë) Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë) Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy) Vanity Fair (Thackeray) Swann's Way (Marcel Proust) Sons and Lovers (D. H. Lawrence) Great Expectations (Charles Dickens) Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) Jude the Obscure (Thomas Hardy) Two Years in the Forbidden City (Princess Der Ling) Les Misérables (Victor Hugo) The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas) Pepita Jimenez (Juan Valera) The Red Badge of...

Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (Vol.1-3)

Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (Vol.1-3)

Autor: Richard Francis Burton

Número de Páginas: 1788

Richard Francis Burton's "Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (Vol.1-3)" is a seminal travelogue that provides a detailed account of his journey to the holy cities of Islam. Burton's writing is characterized by its vivid descriptions, detailed observations, and a keen eye for cultural nuances. Set against the backdrop of the mid-19th century, the book offers a unique perspective on the religious significance and social customs of the region. Burton's prose style is both engaging and informative, making it a valuable source for scholars and enthusiasts of travel literature. The trilogy showcases Burton's deep understanding of Middle Eastern culture and his passion for exploration. Richard Francis Burton, a British explorer and linguist, was known for his adventurous spirit and scholarly pursuits. His extensive travels and linguistic abilities enabled him to immerse himself in different cultures and religions. It is this background that inspired Burton to undertake the arduous journey to Mecca and Medina, resulting in the publication of this monumental work. I highly recommend "Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (Vol.1-3)" to readers...

Stretta a te, vol. 10-12

Stretta a te, vol. 10-12

Autor: June Moore

Número de Páginas: 197

Ho sempre desiderato visitare Las Vegas. Pensavo che questo deveva essere uno dei posti più folli e decadenti del pianeta, grandioso, di un eccesso insolente, di un lusso vertiginoso. Dev’essere un’esperienza indimenticabile, una cosa da fare almeno una volta nella vita, come fare bungee jumping, nuotare con i delfini, assistere al decollo di un missile, fare shopping con Jennifer Lawrence. Oggi, Las Vegas è un sogno divenuto realtà e, in fin dei conti, ne avrei fatto volentieri a meno. Mai avrei immaginato di scoprirla attraverso i vetri oscurati di un Hummer, con le mani legate, la testa che gira e la guancia in fiamme per un potente schiaffo che mi ha quasi staccato la testa. Amy, alle prese con l’uomo che ha assassinato la madre del suo bel miliardario, si ritrova proprio in una brutta situazione. Sequestrata, minacciata, malmenata, chiama Roman alla riscossa con tutte le sue forze. Sì, ma per intervenire, Roman dovrebbe almeno sapere dove si trova... Da Las Vegas alla Death Valley, seguite Amy ed il sexy Roman Parker in un’avventura bollente che vi conduirà fino alle spiaggie bianche di un’isola paradisiaca... Stretta a te, vol. 10-12 di 12.

Tout pour lui (Milliardaire et dominateur) – vol. 10-12

Tout pour lui (Milliardaire et dominateur) – vol. 10-12

Autor: Megan Harold

Número de Páginas: 232

De l'émotion, du suspense… et une bonne dose de sensations ! « Cette nuit a encore été magique, nos corps se découvrent chaque fois un peu plus et leur rencontre donne lieu à un feu d’artifice de plaisir. Je me trouve parfois encore un peu gauche, mais Adam me guide, m’accompagne dans mes caresses. J’ai l’impression qu’il sait exactement comment révéler l’amante que je suis. » Le voile commence à se lever sur le passé trouble d'Adam. Son père n'était pas l'être effroyable qu'il croyait. C'était simplement un père qui avait peur et qui se sentait menacé. Voyant la mort rôder autour de lui et de sa famille, il a préféré mettre Adam et sa mère en lieu sûr, s'éloignant d’eux à jamais… Le beau milliardaire et Éléa, délaissant son violon le temps d'un voyage dans le nord de la Californie, partent à la rencontre de celui qui pourra peut-être enfin leur dire la vérité, toute la vérité… Découvrez sans attendre la suite des aventures passionnées d'Éléa et Adam, les héros de la saga de Megan Harold ! Vous trouverez réunis les volumes 10 à 12 de la série.

The Complete Fairy Books (Vol.1-12)

The Complete Fairy Books (Vol.1-12)

Autor: Andrew Lang

Número de Páginas: 2875

Andrew Lang's "The Complete Fairy Books (Vol.1-12)" is a collection of fairy tales from various cultures, presented in Lang's distinct literary style that combines enchanting storytelling with insightful commentary. Each volume showcases a different color of fairy tales, ranging from the well-known tales of the Brothers Grimm to obscure folklore from around the world. Lang's works transcend their time, appealing to both children and adults with their timeless themes of love, loss, and magic. His elegant prose and scholarly approach set these fairy tale collections apart, making them a must-read for any lover of folklore and fantasy literature. Lang's dedication to preserving and retelling these timeless tales reflects his deep appreciation for the power of storytelling and the human experience. Through his exhaustive research and thoughtful curation, Lang has created a treasure trove of stories that continue to captivate readers of all ages. For anyone seeking to delve into the rich tapestry of fairy tales and explore the universal truths within, Lang's "The Complete Fairy Books" is an essential addition to their library.

I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! (Light Novel) Vol. 1

I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! (Light Novel) Vol. 1

Autor: Reina Soratani

Número de Páginas: 269

Violette, daughter of a duke, committed a terrible, jealous crime against her half-sister. As she languishes in prison, something unexpected happens: time is rewound, sending her back to the day her problems began! Armed with the memories of her disastrous first go-round, Violette is determined to live a quiet, unobtrusive life this time...but fate has something else in store!

180 Masterpieces of World Literature (Vol.1)

180 Masterpieces of World Literature (Vol.1)

Autor: Jules Verne , Lewis Carroll , Sigmund Freud , Charles Dickens , Plato , Mark Twain , Walt Whitman , Oscar Wilde , Edgar Allan Poe , William Shakespeare , Charlotte Brontë , Anne Brontë , Emily Brontë , Henry David Thoreau , Henry James , Louisa May Alcott , Victor Hugo , Frances Hodgson Burnett , Jane Austen , Herman Melville , James Allen , George Eliot , Walter Scott , Thomas Hardy , Daniel Defoe , Agatha Christie , Upton Sinclair , Anthony Trollope , Marcel Proust , Charles Baudelaire , William Makepeace Thackeray , Theodore Dreiser , Voltaire , Frederick Douglass , John Keats , James Joyce , Kahlil Gibran , H. G. Wells , T. S. Eliot , D. H. Lawrence , E. M. Forster , Marcus Aurelius , Hans Christian Andersen , Anton Chekhov , Leo Tolstoy , Fyodor Dostoevsky , Nikolai Gogol , Miguel De Cervantes , Wallace D. Wattles , Brothers Grimm , Herman Hesse , Sun Tzu

Número de Páginas: 19145

Invest your time in reading the true masterpieces of world literature, the great works of the greatest masters of their craft, the revolutionary works, the timeless classics and the eternally moving poetry of words and storylines every person should experience in their lifetime: Leaves of Grass (Walt Whitman) Siddhartha (Herman Hesse) Middlemarch (George Eliot) The Madman (Kahlil Gibran) Ward No. 6 (Anton Chekhov) Moby-Dick (Herman Melville) The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky) The Overcoat (Gogol) Ulysses (James Joyce) Walden (Henry David Thoreau) Hamlet (Shakespeare) Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) Macbeth (Shakespeare) The Waste Land (T. S. Eliot) Odes (John Keats) The Flowers of Evil (Charles Baudelaire) Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë) Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë) Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy) Vanity Fair (Thackeray) Swann's Way (Marcel Proust) Sons and Lovers (D. H. Lawrence) Great Expectations (Charles Dickens) Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) Jude the Obscure (Thomas Hardy) Two Years in the Forbidden City (Princess Der Ling) Les Misérables (Victor Hugo) The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)...

BeefCake, Inc., Volume 1

BeefCake, Inc., Volume 1

Autor: Judi Fennell

Número de Páginas: 315

Meet the men of BeefCake, Inc.! Girls’ Night Out never tasted so good! Volume One - A two-book collection from the BeefCake, Inc. series. Beefcake & Cupcakes Exotic dancer Gage is burning both ends of the candle; he could use a break. Lara, the bakery owner, would be the perfect treat. But Lara needs her business to be a success. She doesn’t have time for a man. Until beefcake meets cupcake and it’s hot enough to melt the icing. Beefcake & Mistakes Fabulous gifts come in small packages, and, sometimes, so do big mistakes. And falling in love could be the biggest mistake of all… When Bryan mistakes Jenna for a hooker, it’s only the beginning of the mistakes between them—until one wrong turn around the stripper pole turns out oh-so-right.

90 Masterpieces You Must Read (Vol.1)

90 Masterpieces You Must Read (Vol.1)

Autor: Jules Verne , Lewis Carroll , Selma Lagerlöf , Sigmund Freud , Charles Dickens , Plato , Mark Twain , Walt Whitman , Oscar Wilde , Robert Louis Stevenson , Edgar Allan Poe , William Shakespeare , Giovanni Boccaccio , Charlotte Brontë , Anne Brontë , Emily Brontë , Henry David Thoreau , Jack London , Henry James , Louisa May Alcott , Victor Hugo , Arthur Conan Doyle , Frances Hodgson Burnett , Joseph Conrad , Jane Austen , Edgar Rice Burroughs , Herman Melville , James Allen , Guy De Maupassant , George Eliot , Walter Scott , Thomas Hardy , Benito Pérez Galdós , Daniel Defoe , Agatha Christie , Upton Sinclair , Anthony Trollope , Alexandre Dumas , Rudyard Kipling , Marcel Proust , Washington Irving , Juan Valera , Charles Baudelaire , William Makepeace Thackeray , Theodore Dreiser , Voltaire , Apuleius , Stephen Crane , Frederick Douglass , John Keats , James Joyce , Kahlil Gibran , Ernest Hemingway , Soseki Natsume , Princess Der Ling , L. Frank Baum , H. G. Wells , H. A. Lorentz , T. S. Eliot , D. H. Lawrence , E. M. Forster , H. P. Lovecraft , Marcus Aurelius , Hans Christian Andersen , Anton Chekhov , Leo Tolstoy , Fyodor Dostoevsky , Nikolai Gogol , George Bernard Shaw , Miguel De Cervantes , Mary Shelley , Wallace D. Wattles , R.d. Blackmore , Pierre Choderlos De Laclos , Johann Wolfgang Goethe , Brothers Grimm , Margaret Cavendish , Herman Hesse , Sun Tzu

Número de Páginas: 19145

Invest your time in reading the true masterpieces of world literature, the greatest works by the masters of their craft, the revolutionary works, the timeless classics and the eternally moving storylines every person should experience in their lifetime: Leaves of Grass (Walt Whitman) Siddhartha (Herman Hesse) Middlemarch (George Eliot) The Madman: His Parables and Poems (Kahlil Gibran) Ward No. 6 (Anton Chekhov) Moby-Dick (Herman Melville) The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsky) The Overcoat (Gogol) Ulysses (James Joyce) Walden (Henry David Thoreau) Hamlet (Shakespeare) Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) Macbeth (Shakespeare) The Waste Land (T. S. Eliot) Odes (John Keats) The Flowers of Evil (Charles Baudelaire) Ivanhoe (Sir Walter Scott) Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe) Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) Emma (Jane Austen) Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë) Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë) Lorna Doone (R.D. Blackmore) The Lady of the Camellias (Alexandre Dumas) Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy) Vanity Fair (Thackeray) Dangerous Liaisons (De Laclos) The Mill on the Floss (George Eliot) Dona Perfecta (Benito Pérez Galdós)...

180 Masterpieces You Should Read Before You Die (Vol.1)

180 Masterpieces You Should Read Before You Die (Vol.1)

Autor: Jules Verne , Lewis Carroll , Sigmund Freud , Charles Dickens , Plato , Mark Twain , Walt Whitman , Oscar Wilde , Edgar Allan Poe , William Shakespeare , Charlotte Brontë , Anne Brontë , Emily Brontë , Henry David Thoreau , Henry James , Louisa May Alcott , Victor Hugo , Frances Hodgson Burnett , Jane Austen , Herman Melville , James Allen , George Eliot , Walter Scott , Thomas Hardy , Daniel Defoe , Agatha Christie , Upton Sinclair , Anthony Trollope , Marcel Proust , Charles Baudelaire , William Makepeace Thackeray , Theodore Dreiser , Voltaire , Frederick Douglass , John Keats , James Joyce , Kahlil Gibran , Ernest Hemingway , H. G. Wells , T. S. Eliot , D. H. Lawrence , E. M. Forster , Marcus Aurelius , Hans Christian Andersen , Anton Chekhov , Leo Tolstoy , Fyodor Dostoevsky , Nikolai Gogol , Miguel De Cervantes , Wallace D. Wattles , Brothers Grimm , Herman Hesse , Sun Tzu

Número de Páginas: 19145

Invest your time in reading the true masterpieces of world literature, the great works of the greatest masters of their craft, the revolutionary works, the timeless classics and the eternally moving poetry of words and storylines every person should experience in their lifetime: Leaves of Grass (Walt Whitman) Siddhartha (Herman Hesse) Middlemarch (George Eliot) The Madman (Kahlil Gibran) Ward No. 6 (Anton Chekhov) Moby-Dick (Herman Melville) The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky) The Overcoat (Gogol) Ulysses (James Joyce) Walden (Henry David Thoreau) Hamlet (Shakespeare) Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) Macbeth (Shakespeare) The Waste Land (T. S. Eliot) Odes (John Keats) The Flowers of Evil (Charles Baudelaire) Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë) Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë) Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy) Vanity Fair (Thackeray) Swann's Way (Marcel Proust) Sons and Lovers (D. H. Lawrence) Great Expectations (Charles Dickens) Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) Jude the Obscure (Thomas Hardy) Two Years in the Forbidden City (Princess Der Ling) Les Misérables (Victor Hugo) The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)...

180 Classics You Must Read In Your Lifetime (Vol.1)

180 Classics You Must Read In Your Lifetime (Vol.1)

Autor: Jules Verne , Lewis Carroll , Sigmund Freud , Charles Dickens , Plato , Mark Twain , Walt Whitman , Oscar Wilde , Edgar Allan Poe , William Shakespeare , Charlotte Brontë , Anne Brontë , Emily Brontë , Henry David Thoreau , Henry James , Louisa May Alcott , Victor Hugo , Frances Hodgson Burnett , Jane Austen , Herman Melville , James Allen , George Eliot , Walter Scott , Thomas Hardy , Daniel Defoe , Agatha Christie , Upton Sinclair , Anthony Trollope , Marcel Proust , Charles Baudelaire , William Makepeace Thackeray , Theodore Dreiser , Voltaire , Frederick Douglass , John Keats , James Joyce , Kahlil Gibran , H. G. Wells , T. S. Eliot , D. H. Lawrence , E. M. Forster , Marcus Aurelius , Hans Christian Andersen , Anton Chekhov , Leo Tolstoy , Fyodor Dostoevsky , Nikolai Gogol , Miguel De Cervantes , Wallace D. Wattles , Brothers Grimm , Herman Hesse , Sun Tzu

Número de Páginas: 19147

Step into the pages of '180 Classics You Must Read In Your Lifetime (Vol.1)' to traverse a cross-cultural landscape of timeless narratives, philosophies, and imaginative worlds. This anthology encapsulates a vivid tapestry of human thought and creativity, spanning from the philosophical dialogues of Plato to the thrilling escapades of Jules Verne. It offers a panorama of literary genres, including the gothic mysteries of Poe, the existential musings of Dostoevsky, the profound imagery of Whitman, and the societal critiques of Austen. In selecting works from an array of global luminaries, this collection serves as a comprehensive compendium that reflects the enduring impact and transformative power of classic literature. The distinguished roster of authors forming this anthology includes pivotal figures who have indelibly shaped their literary landscapes. Together, they represent a confluence of eras, styles, and societies, from the Romanticism of the Brontë sisters to the Enlightenment ideals of Voltaire and Douglass's influential narratives on freedom. Their collective works provide keen insights into the societal norms and philosophical inquiries of their times, showcasing the...

Champions of Civil and Human Rights in South Carolina, Volume 1

Champions of Civil and Human Rights in South Carolina, Volume 1

Autor: Marvin Ira Lare

Número de Páginas: 547

The first volume in a valuable oral history of the struggle for civil and human rights in South Carolina, as told by those who experienced it. Champions of Civil and Human Rights in South Carolina is a five-volume anthology of oral history interviews of key activists and leaders of the civil rights movement in South Carolina, revealing and chronicling a massive revolution in American society in a deeply personal and gripping way. Volume 1, Dawn of the Movement Era, 1955–1967, begins with the landmark 1954 Supreme Court ruling on Brown v. Board of Education in which the Court declared unconstitutional state laws establishing racially segregated public schools. The ruling prompted strong reactions throughout the nation. In South Carolina white resistance prompted boycotts of merchants by the local NAACP and some of the earliest mass movement protests in the United States. This collection features oral histories from famous leaders U.S. Congressman James E. Clyburn, Septima Poinsette Clark, and I. DeQuincy Newman, as well as small-town citizens, pastors, and students, all sharing their experiences, motivations, hopes and fears, and how they see the struggle today. A collective...

South Africa and the Transvaal War (Vol. 1-8)

South Africa and the Transvaal War (Vol. 1-8)

Autor: Louis Creswicke

Número de Páginas: 1692

Louis Creswicke's monumental work, 'South Africa and the Transvaal War' spans eight volumes and provides a detailed account of the events leading up to and during the Second Boer War. Written in a journalistic style, Creswicke's work captures the tension and complexities of this significant historical conflict. The vivid descriptions of battles, political maneuvering, and personal accounts bring to life this pivotal moment in South African history. With a focus on military strategy and the impact on the civilian population, the book offers a comprehensive analysis of the war. Creswicke's attention to detail and dedication to accuracy make this work a valuable resource for students and historians alike. Louis Creswicke, a British author and historian, undertook the monumental task of chronicling the Second Boer War to provide a comprehensive account of the conflict. His background in journalism and keen interest in military history equipped him to undertake this ambitious project. Creswicke's dedication to thorough research and impartial storytelling sets his work apart as a definitive resource on the subject. For readers interested in military history, colonial conflicts, or South ...

Dazzle the Good-for-Nothing Prince

Dazzle the Good-for-Nothing Prince

Autor: Hua Ge

Número de Páginas: 519

Female model crossed into a blockhead? Accept your destiny? Hum! Look down on her!

Call me Baby - Versione integrale

Call me Baby - Versione integrale

Autor: Emma Green

Número de Páginas: 476

Emma Green colpisce ancora! *** "Multimiliardario cerca nanny." *** Arrivando a Londra con la sua sorella gemella, Sidonie si aspettava di tutto tranne che diventare la tata di Birdie, figlioletta capricciosa del ricchissimo Emmett Rochester. La giovane francese ha appena perso sua madre, mentre il suo nuovo datore di lavoro piange la moglie, scomparsa due anni prima in un violento incendio. I loro cuori, malmenati dal destino, si sono induriti. Il loro credo: per non soffrire più, basta non provare emozioni. Ma tra i due l’attrazione è fatale e la coabitazione si annuncia... esplosiva. Obiettivo numero uno: non cedere mai per primo. Obiettivo numero due: non innamorarsi. Chi dei due capitolerà? Affrettatevi a scoprire la nuova saga di Emma Green, autrice delle fortunate serie Io+Te e Cento Sfaccettature di Mr. Diamonds! Questa edizione è complete.



Autor: Brandon Lars Erikson

Número de Páginas: 586

A planet on the verge of destruction... Ailanian CIA Director, Moke Kalapana, is a man at a desperate crossroads. His home planet is a colony of Earth which has become a prison for the poor and a paradise for the rich and Moke has seen first hand how the natives are becoming restless for change. After his Agents stumble onto a local terrorist organization, Moke learns how his greatest enemy, James Van Dien, the enigmatic leader of a galactic secret society - with the power to bring about any planet's armaggeton - is enacting a top secret plan which has the potential to lay waste to his home world. However, Moke has even bigger issues at stake. The very government he answers to maybe cooperating with this enemy, who he has vowed to defeat, and has ordered him to erradicate Ailana's narcotics cartels at the expense of his personal beliefs. Knowing full well that doing his government's actions might only aid Van Dien in his quest Moke's dangerous situation then escalates after he finds out he is being forced to share his command with a former friend from Earth -the infamous Captain Ronald James Harris- a mysterious man which he shares a dark secret with. After being backed into his...

Young Lady Albert Is Courting Disaster: Volume 1

Young Lady Albert Is Courting Disaster: Volume 1

Autor: Saki

Número de Páginas: 242

Meet Mary Albert, daughter of a rich and powerful duke. With her neat silver ringlets and impeccable manners, she’s the perfect young lady. But Mary harbors an unusual ambition—her own downfall! On the day of her school entrance ceremony, Mary realizes she’s living in an otome game she played in her past life. Not only that, but she’s the villainess who’s destined to torment the heroine, be cast out of noble society, and end her story in ruin. Most would do anything to avoid such a miserable fate, but not Mary! She cheerfully dives into the wicked role she was born to play, setting a course for catastrophe and dragging along her exasperated servant, Adi. He grudgingly assists in her schemes despite his sardonic misgivings about this whole past life business. However, not all goes to plan. Despite her best efforts to bully and harass the gentle heroine, Alicia seems blind to Mary’s intentions, even coming to see her as a friend. What must our villainess do to achieve her dreams of doom?!

Tout pour lui (Milliardaire et dominateur) – vol. 7-9

Tout pour lui (Milliardaire et dominateur) – vol. 7-9

Autor: Megan Harold

Número de Páginas: 239

Éléa se réveille après son enlèvement. Elle ignore où elle se trouve, et son kidnappeur a disparu. Encore ankylosée par les somnifères, elle parvient néanmoins à contacter Adam. Sauvée par son milliardaire au grand cœur, la jolie violoniste se retrouve enfin à l'air libre. Mais leurs aventures ne sont pas terminées. Une tragédie va bousculer leurs certitudes. Ce nouveau coup du sort renforcera-t-il les liens entre les deux amants ? Et l'arrivée d'Oslav Kievsky au Philharmonique de New York va-t-elle mettre à mal leur belle relation ? Vous trouverez réunis les volumes 7 à 9 de la série.

Giochi maliziosi, vol. 4

Giochi maliziosi, vol. 4

Autor: Juliette Duval

Número de Páginas: 110

Dopo aver ceduto alla passione, scoprono che… che i loro genitori si stanno per sposare! -Perché non sei venuto alle prove? -Le prove? ribatte senza guardarmi, occupato a salutare la mia vicina di sinistra. -Ieri. Le prove del matrimonio. Se fossi venuto non ci saremmo ritrovati in questa situazione imbarazzante. -Quale situazione imbarazzante? Gli rivolgo uno sguardo incredulo. Sta dicendo seriamente di fare come se niente fosse? -Ho come l’impressione che l’episodio del Dinah’s Garden non piacerebbe affatto agli sposini. -Non abbiamo fatto niente di male. Siamo maggiorenni, vaccinati e non c’è nessun legame di sangue tra di noi. Trituro le posate. Ha ragione, in fondo, ma ci si può non curare fino a questo punto delle convenzioni sociali? -Quindi non vedresti nessun inconveniente a ricominciare? -Tu sì? Sta bluffando. Il suo sorrisetto e lo sguardo scoppiettante mi sfidano. Alzo il mento. Anche io so giocare a provocare! -Allora baciami. Ora. Si piega verso di me, le sue pupille scure sono inchiodate alle mie. Lo fisso, determinata a non cedere per prima. Non oserà mica. *** Appena arrivata in California, Carrie cede al fascino di Josh, un bad boy tatuato dal...

Giochi maliziosi, vol. 3

Giochi maliziosi, vol. 3

Autor: Juliette Duval

Número de Páginas: 113

Dopo aver ceduto alla passione, scoprono che… che i loro genitori si stanno per sposare! -Perché non sei venuto alle prove? -Le prove? ribatte senza guardarmi, occupato a salutare la mia vicina di sinistra. -Ieri. Le prove del matrimonio. Se fossi venuto non ci saremmo ritrovati in questa situazione imbarazzante. -Quale situazione imbarazzante? Gli rivolgo uno sguardo incredulo. Sta dicendo seriamente di fare come se niente fosse? -Ho come l’impressione che l’episodio del Dinah’s Garden non piacerebbe affatto agli sposini. -Non abbiamo fatto niente di male. Siamo maggiorenni, vaccinati e non c’è nessun legame di sangue tra di noi. Trituro le posate. Ha ragione, in fondo, ma ci si può non curare fino a questo punto delle convenzioni sociali? -Quindi non vedresti nessun inconveniente a ricominciare? -Tu sì? Sta bluffando. Il suo sorrisetto e lo sguardo scoppiettante mi sfidano. Alzo il mento. Anche io so giocare a provocare! -Allora baciami. Ora. Si piega verso di me, le sue pupille scure sono inchiodate alle mie. Lo fisso, determinata a non cedere per prima. Non oserà mica. *** Appena arrivata in California, Carrie cede al fascino di Josh, un bad boy tatuato dal...

Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario - Vol. 4

Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario - Vol. 4

Autor: Rose M. Becker

Número de Páginas: 103

Essere arrestata dalla polizia: fatto! Subire un interrogatorio in abito da sera: fatto! Rischiare di passare il resto dei miei giorni in prigione: fatto! Ritrovare la libertà: da fare. Ma che ci faccio qui dentro? Guai in vista per la bella Elena, che – al termine di una serata romantica in cui finalmente confessa il suo amore all’affascinante Elio Garibaldi – viene accusata di furto. Dopo una perquisizione in casa sua, la polizia trova la preziosa statuetta rubata poche ore prima alla galleria Anastasia. Peccato che lei non c’entri nulla con quel reato! E la giovane artista non ci sta a pagare per qualcun altro. Con l’aiuto e l’amore incondizionato di Elio, spera di riuscire a provare la sua innocenza. Ma chi è il vero colpevole? Scoprite la nuova serie di Rose Becker. Dopo il successo di Io, il bebè ed il mio miliardario, sarete conquistati da Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario! Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario, volume 4 di 6.

Another, Vol. 1 (light novel)

Another, Vol. 1 (light novel)

Autor: Yukito Ayatsuji

Número de Páginas: 256

In the spring of 1998, Kouichi Sakakibara transfers to Yomiyama North Middle School. In class, he develops a sense of unease as he notices that the people around him act like they're walking on eggshells, and students and teachers alike seem frightened. As a chain of horrific deaths begin to unfold around him, he comes to discover that he has been placed in the cursed Class 3 in which the student body head count is always one more than expected. Class 3 is haunted by a vengeful spirit responsible for gruesome deaths in an effort to satisfy its spite. To stop the vicious cycle gripping his new school, Kouichi decides to get to the bottom of the curse, but is he prepared for the horror that lies ahead...?

Sullivan's Crossing Collection Volume 1

Sullivan's Crossing Collection Volume 1

Autor: Robyn Carr

Número de Páginas: 606

Look for Robyn’s new book, The Best of Us, a story about family, second chances and choosing to live your best life—order your copy today! Join Robyn Carr, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Virgin River and Thunder Point series, as she explores the healing powers of rural Colorado in the new Sullivan’s Crossing series, with the first two novels now available together in a box set. WHAT WE FIND Under extreme pressure, neurosurgeon Maggie Sullivan knows she needs to slow down before she burns out completely, and the best place she can do that is Sullivan’s Crossing. But on arriving at the stretch of land and charming general store, Maggie finds she must take on an unexpected responsibility. When a quiet and serious-looking hiker, Cal Jones, offers to lend a hand, Maggie is suspicious of his motives—until she finds out the true reason for his deliberate isolation. As they spend time together, Maggie is given hope for something brighter in the future, if only they can learn to find peace and healing…and maybe even love. ANY DAY NOW For Sierra Jones, Sullivan’s Crossing is meant to be a brief stopover. She’s put her troubled past behind her but the path...

Les Misérables, Volume 1

Les Misérables, Volume 1

Autor: Victor Hugo

Número de Páginas: 514

Les Misérables is widely regarded as the greatest epic and dramatic work of fiction ever created or conceived: the epic of a soul transfigured and redeemed, purified by heroism and glorified through suffering; the tragedy and the comedy of life at its darkest and its brightest, of humanity at its best and at its worst. The novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. This is part one of two, containing the first two volumes (“Fantine”, “Cosette”) and the first seven books of volume three (”Marius”).

The Ultimate Collection of Alexandre Dumas. Vol 1. Illustrate

The Ultimate Collection of Alexandre Dumas. Vol 1. Illustrate

Autor: Alexandre Dumas

Número de Páginas: 14017

CONTENTS: The d'Artagnan Romances - The Three Musketeers - Twenty Years After - The Vicomte of Bragelonne Cycle des Valois - Marguerite de Valois - Chicot the Jester - The Forty-Five Guardsmen Cycle Memoires d’un Medecin - Joseph Balsamo - The Queen's Necklace - Ange Pitou - The Countess de Charny The Novels THE FENCING MASTER THE CONSPIRATORS GEORGES AMAURY THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO THE REGENT’S DAUGHTER THE CORSICAN BROTHERS THE CHEVALIER OF MAISON-ROUGE THE MARRIAGES OF PÈRE OLIFUS THE BLACK TULIP THE WOLF LEADER THE NEAPOLITAN LOVERS MONSIEUR DE CHAUVELIN’S WILL SOLANGE DELAPORTE’S LITTLE PRESENTS

Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension: Volume 1

Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension: Volume 1

Autor: Nagaharu Hibihana

Número de Páginas: 229

"How am I supposed to fight with this?!" After being summoned into another dimension as one of the five heroes destined to defeat a demon lord, Toya Hojo awakens his hero power only to discover that... it's an unlimited bath? He was blessed with the power to create a bath that can be accessed anywhere, which seems to spell doom for his quest to defeat the demon lord. As he recovers from his shock, Toya slowly discovers the unique features of his power, which allow him to use it in ways he'd never dreamed of... But will he ever get any bath time with Haruno Shinonome, the beautiful girl who was also summoned along with him?!

The Redhead Diaries Vol. 1

The Redhead Diaries Vol. 1

Autor: Alexander Gallegos

Número de Páginas: 130

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} The Redhead Diaries Vol. 1 by Alexander Gallegos (2013, Paperback, 130 pages)

The Dorky NPC Mercenary Knows His Place: Volume 1

The Dorky NPC Mercenary Knows His Place: Volume 1

Autor: Toryuu

Número de Páginas: 223

As a mercenary, John Ouzos is no stranger to the battlefield, but he’s never fought for glory. To pay off his father’s debts (from purchasing a farm) and to afford his own hobbies (anime), John grudgingly pilots his ramshackle ship (the Patchwork) wherever the money leads him as long as the mission doesn’t seem like too much of a hassle. As far as he’s concerned, trouble always follows the protagonist in a story—so he’s making sure he’s not even a side character. He’s gonna be just an NPC. Despite his short, portly frame, swarms of beautiful, strong, statuesque women approach John as he drifts through the galaxy. They’re only interested in working with or dueling him, though, and only because he happens to be one of the best pilots out there. John does his best to avoid the women and stay under the radar. After all, more attention means more trouble! Pirates hiding in asteroids, space opera pastiche, and humorous misunderstandings abound in this high-flying series!

EXP Is Golden: Volume 1

EXP Is Golden: Volume 1

Autor: Harajun

Número de Páginas: 355

The long-awaited launch day for the VRMMORPG Boot Hour, Shoot Curse has finally arrived! As a dedicated VR gamer, Leah eagerly rolls up her character, excited to make her mark on the grand tapestry of this virtual world. A chance encounter at the start of the game leads Leah to a fateful discovery: a hidden skill called Retainer allows her to tame any NPC in the game and pool their experience points with her own! Combining Retainer with her powerful enchantment spells, Leah steadily builds an army of retainers made up of formidable unique boss NPCs from the game. With the experience points pouring in, Leah establishes herself as a force to be reckoned with...only to be branded a living natural disaster! Well, if the NPCs want to crown her Queen of Destruction, who is Leah to argue? Opportunities to speedrun the destruction of humanity don’t come around very often, and Leah has no intention of letting this chance go to waste!

Villainess: Reloaded! Blowing Away Bad Ends with Modern Weapons Volume 1

Villainess: Reloaded! Blowing Away Bad Ends with Modern Weapons Volume 1

Autor: 616th Special Information Battalion

Número de Páginas: 236

Astrid von Oldenburg is no ordinary four-year-old. She’s a child prodigy with a passion for military technology who now finds herself reincarnated in the world of an otome game she played during her past life. But not as the heroine! As the game’s villainess, she's born with wealth, power, and a fearsome talent for magic. The only problem is that every route leads to her inevitable destruction. Or does it? What if averting her destruction was a simple matter of amassing enough firepower to annihilate anyone who dared even attempt to bring her down?! In a bid to resist fate, the young villainess embarks on the reproduction of all of her favorite weaponry. Whatever it takes, Astrid’s determined to blow away her bad ends with superior firepower!

Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario - Vol. 6

Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario - Vol. 6

Autor: Rose M. Becker

Número de Páginas: 93

Scoprire che il padre di Elio è stato assassinato: fatto! Vendere una delle mie opere in quello stesso istante: fatto! Sfiorare l’iperventilazione: fatto, rifatto e strafatto! Sbrogliare la matassa dell’inquietante passato del mio fidanzato: da fare. E se tutto fosse collegato... fin dall’inizio? La sera della sua mostra al MoMA, Elena si trova presa tra due fuochi: vende una delle sue opere a un ricco collezionista proprio quando Elio le sta confidando i suoi sospetti circa la morte del padre. Diciamo che la cosa non casca esattamente a fagiolo... Intanto il mistero si infittisce attorno al passato della famiglia Garibaldi. E mentre tutti gli indizi puntano nella stessa direzione, Elena rischierà la vita per l’uomo che ama... Più uniti e innamorati che mai, Elio ed Elena stanno per scoprire la verità. Ma a che prezzo? Scoprite la nuova serie di Rose Becker. Dopo il successo di Io, il bebè ed il mio miliardario, sarete conquistati da Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario! Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario, volume 6 di 6.

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