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Temporada de Amor

Temporada de Amor

Autor: Marie Force

Número de Páginas: 348

Su idea de compromiso es mantener en marcha su vieja camioneta que lo lleva de un concierto a otro… Owen Lawry se ha ganado la vida como músico ambulante y disfruta de su estilo de vida sin complicaciones. Pero después de conocer a Laura McCarthy y, ayudarla a conseguir el puesto de gerente del hotel de sus abuelos en la isla Gansett, Owen decide que hay algo positivamente bueno sobre de un techo sobre su cabeza y una mujer cálida y sexy en su cama. Laura, una recién casada que descubrió que su marido nunca dejó de ver a otras mujeres, vino a Gansett para la boda de su prima Janey, pero terminó quedándose después de conocer a Owen y encargarse de las renovaciones del deteriorado Hotel Sand & Surf. A medida que la atracción de Owen y Laura hierve a fuego lento durante meses, forman un estrecho vínculo que se pondrá a prueba cuando su marido se niegue a concederle el divorcio. El verano da paso al otoño, mientras tanto, Laura y Owen dan pequeños pasos hacia el amor y los personajes favoritos de las historias pasadas de la isla Gansett siguen viviendo felices para siempre.

Amor en la tarde (Serie Hathaways 5)

Amor en la tarde (Serie Hathaways 5)

Autor: Lisa Kleypas

Número de Páginas: 360

Última entrega de la fascinante saga de los «Hathaways». Aunque ha asistido a varios actos sociales en Londres y posee una belleza clásica y un espíritu libre, Beatrix Hathaway nunca se ha enamorado. ¿Habrá llegado el momento de que la Hathaway menos convencional se conforme con un hombre ordinario sólo para evitar permanecer soltera? El capitán Christopher Phelan planeaba casarse, al regresar de la guerra, con Prudence Mercer. Pero el campo de batalla ha hecho mella en su alma, y tiene dudas... Beatrix decide ayudar a su amiga Prudence redactando las respuestas a las cartas de Christopher. Entonces, ocurre lo inesperado. Reseñas: «Una maravillosa historia de amor, con profundas emociones, escenas oportunas y un final palpitante.» Romantic Times «Personajes sólidos, química explosiva e ingenio a raudales.» Booklist

El amante de lady Sophia (Serie de Bow Street 2)

El amante de lady Sophia (Serie de Bow Street 2)

Autor: Lisa Kleypas

Número de Páginas: 359

Historia de una venganza, protagonistas que conquistan, ambientada en la época victoriana. Otra gran novela de Lisa Kleypas La ciudad de Londres, a comienzos de la era victoriana, es escenario de una encarnizada lucha contra el crimen, que no respeta clases sociales. Desde la muerte de su hermano menor, Lady Sophia Sydney tiene un solo objetivo: seducir al juez que lo envió a prisión, y destruirlo política y personalmente. Ross Canon es el magistrado más poderoso de Londres, y su reputación es inmaculada. Conocido como el Monje de Bow Street por el celibato en que vive desde que murió su esposa, desde el primer momento parece una persona muy diferente a la que esperaba Sophia. Pero la dama tiene una misión que cumplir y, utilizando todos sus encantos, logra volver al juez loco de deseo por ella. Sophia sabe que Ross la ama. Lo que no sabe -o no quiere ver- es que la pasión que ha encendido no dejará indemne su propio corazón.

Recetas para amar y matar

Recetas para amar y matar

Autor: Sally Andrew

Número de Páginas: 497

Intriga, gastronomía y una protagonista maravillosa con las dotes detectivescas de Miss Marple y el amor por la comida de los Montalbano. Una detective a la fuerza que lo resuelve todo gracias a sus agudas dotes de observación, mucho sentido común y unas recetas espectaculares. Tannie Maria vive sola en su granja en el parque nacional del Pequeño Karoo, en Sudáfrica, desde que enviudó. Es bajita, rellenita (demasiado sobre todo allí donde no toca) y le encanta comer, cocinar y escribir su sección de recetas en el Karoo Gazette. Hasta que los directivos del periódico deciden que los lectores están más hambrientos de consejos para sus problemas que de ideas para la cena. Gracias a la nueva columna semanal, Tannie Maria descubre que tiene talento y pasión para ayudar a los demás, siempre a través de un delicioso plato. Y eso es lo que le solicita una mujer que necesita apaciguar a su violento marido. Le da la receta, y también un consejo. Cuando días después descubre que esa mujer ha aparecido asesinada, Tannie Marie se involucra en la investigación. Ni siquiera los esfuerzos por protegerla del atractivo policía encargado del caso impedirán que se adentre en un...

El amor en los tiempos del cólera

El amor en los tiempos del cólera

Autor: Gabriel García Márquez

Número de Páginas: 398

García Márquez traza la historia de un amor que no ha sido correspondido por medio siglo. Aunque nunca parece estar propiamente contenido, el amor fluye a través de la novela de mil maneras: alegre, melancólico, enriquecedor, siempre sorprendente. «La de don Gabriel es una sombra que ilumina. Y sigue presente [...] porque es un tipo que nos pertenece todos, porque es un clásico.» Darío Jaramillo La historia de amor entre Fermina Daza y Florentino Ariza, en el escenario de un pueblecito portuario del Caribe y a lo largo de más de sesenta años, podría parecer un melodrama de amantes contrariados que al final vencen por la gracia del tiempo y la fuerza de sus propios sentimientos, ya que García Márquez se complace en utilizar los más clásicos recursos de los folletines tradiciones. Pero este tiempo -por una vez sucesivo, y no circular-, este escenario y estos personajes son como una mezcla tropical de plantas y arcilla que la mano del maestro moldea y con las que fantasea a su placer, para al final ir a desembocar en los territorios del mito y la leyenda. Los jugos, olores y sabores del trópico alimentan una prosa alucinatoria que en esta ocasión llega al puerto...

Seasons of Love

Seasons of Love

Autor: Emily Murdoch

Número de Páginas: 286

Seasons of Love sees five of Emily Murdoch’s regency romance novellas brought together for the very first time in this beautifully moving collection. A MICHAELMAS WAGER Rufus Lovell has been thrust unexpectedly into riches with nothing too big to gamble on – even marriage. So when a tipsy party joke becomes a wager on Rufus’ marriage, he knows he should said no. But Juliana Honeyfield, the unwitting and unknowing focus of the gamble, is not the simple and malleable young woman that Rufus’ friends take her for. Will it be possible for Rufus to charm the winning Juliana or does he owe her the truth about his initial interest in her? A CHRISTMAS SURPRISE Every year for thirty years Lord Robert, the Viscount of Marchwood, throws a Christmas Ball. But this year the Marchwood Christmas Ball holds extra importance as his daughter, Lady Audrey, has just turned 18 and it is time for her coming out. With the Marchwood family fortune all but gone, Lord Robert is keen to secure her a prosperous match. But when a handsome, masked stranger threatens to steal Audrey’s heart, will it prove to be a good or bad Christmas Surprise. A VALENTINE’S SECRET Jonathan Brodie, the only son of...

Criado para el Amor

Criado para el Amor

Autor: Marie Force

Número de Páginas: 316

Maddie Chester está decidida a dejar su ciudad natal de Gansett Island, un lugar que solo le ha traído malos recuerdos y rumores muy feos. Entonces sale despedida de su bicicleta cuando se dirige de camino a su trabajo como sirvienta en el McCarthy’s Resort Hotel por culpa del "hijo predilecto" de Gansett, Mac McCarthy. Él está de vuelta en la ciudad para ayudar a su padre con los preparativos para vender el complejo de la familia y no tiene intención de quedarse mucho tiempo. Cuando Mac hace que Maddie salga volando accidentalmente por encima del manillar causándole graves heridas, decide instalarse con ella para asistirla hasta que se recupere y ayudarla con los cuidados de su hijo pequeño. Pronto se da cuenta de que sus planes de hacer solo una visita relámpago a la isla se encuentran en serio peligro y que puede que simplemente haya sido "criado" para el amor.

A Season For Change

A Season For Change

Autor: Tuesday Gaylord

Número de Páginas: 140

A Season for Change brings you to that pinnacle point in your life where you are either going to change, or stay the same. It is a road to new beginnings, and a lighted path of good news. Its simplicity and poetic nature draws those unaware of their never-ending quest for life's purpose. People of all ages and backgrounds can benefit from this book. It uncovers the so-called "mystery" of the enemy we call Satan and his plan for world domination. Each chapter unlocks the tenderness and love that Jesus has for us and shows how much He is concerned about our daily affairs. The Spirit of God, using the Word of God, and my life experiences, inspired this book. It dismisses any scientific explanations and atheistic comments. Offering a personal relationship with God, who is hope, faith, and love, to a world who has forgotten. And to those who know the Lord, he is calling his children home. A Season for Change can meet you right where you are. In whatever need you have want for, there is a page for you. God already knows your heart, he is just waiting for you to cry out.

Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression

Autor: Gerald Eugene Raulston

Número de Páginas: 160

Author’s comments Writing this book has been a fun journey. I have enjoyed being able to share with you some of my thoughts and experiences. By writing this book I have gained a deeper understanding of life itself. A deeper understanding of the emotions that make life worth living. This book covers a wide range of emotions and expressions that are too often taken for granted. I hope the reader of this book will take his or her time when reading the words. Take time to allow the feelings in the words, to grab their hearts. I realize that not everyone will like everything written. It is my sincere hope that there will be something between the cover of this book for everyone. I have traveled oceans and climbed mountains. I have floated raging rapids and slept in the jungle. I have done a lot of exciting things in my life. These things have given me a great feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. Writing this book and sharing it with the world has given me a deep and fulfilling feeling of personal accomplishment. Several years ago I had a dream. My dream was to someday write a book. My dream has become a reality. I am proud to share it with you.

Collected Chapbooks, 1997 - 2009

Collected Chapbooks, 1997 - 2009

Autor: Dean C. Gardner

Número de Páginas: 342

"This collection includes four chapbooks, “chapter books,” books under 100 pages. “Journey of a Martyr ” is a poetic allegory that explores the dynamic of “a calling.” “Fatherhood and Sonship ” pulls from life experience as a celebration of bonding between three generations: father, son, grandson. It was written while the author‚s father approached death and while his own son approached manhood.“The World on Stilts ” is a fictionalized prose account portraying a man redefining the geometry that composes his life.“Seasons with an Unearthed Soul,” through metaphor and personification, captures two critical concepts?what matters most and what constitutes forevermore?and the influences they have on how one sees, feels, dreams, thinks, believes, and hopes.

Season's of Change

Season's of Change

Autor: L. Benoit

Número de Páginas: 65

Stories of my life through my thoughts and emotions put into words in poetry.

Romance Fiction

Romance Fiction

Autor: Kristin Ramsdell

Número de Páginas: 1138

A comprehensive guide that defines the literature and the outlines the best-selling genre of all time: romance fiction. More than 2,000 romances are published annually, making it difficult for fans and the librarians who advise them to keep pace with new titles, emerging authors, and constant evolution of this dynamic genre. Fortunately, romance expert and librarian Kristin Ramsdell provides a definitive guide to this fiction genre that serves as an indispensible resource for those interested in it—including fans searching for reading material—as well as for library staff, scholars, and romance writers themselves. This title updates the last edition of Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre, published in 1999.While the emphasis is on newer titles, many of the important older classics are retained, keeping the focus of the book on the entire genre, instead of only those titles published during the last decade. Specific changes include new chapters on linked and continuing romances, a new section on "Chick Lit" in the Contemporary Romance chapter, an expansion of coverage on the alternative reality subset. This is THE romance genre guide to have.

A Man of High Character

A Man of High Character

Autor: Mitchell White

Número de Páginas: 256

The call of a Christian is to aim for righteousness, yet so few of us ask, “What is right? What is the ideal that we ought to aim for?” Ecclesiastes states there is a time for all things: “A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing…a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.” Yet, it is a rare man who will dare to ask, “When should I love and when should I hate? When should I forgive and when should I go to war?” Most prefer the simplicity of always choosing one, but the Christian is committed to pursuing righteousness. This book is a fierce dive into the depths of righteousness. It is not for those who prefer simplicity and easy living, but for those who are willing to bear the responsibility of righteousness.

This Day Today

This Day Today

Autor: Doris Washington

Número de Páginas: 94

This Day Today is a book of poems that touch the heart with hope, faith, inspiration, and love. Each poem inspires you to live each day full of promise and to always find the joy in every moment of life. The author shares her thoughts about holding on to hope that is so expressed in the poem “As a Flower Blooms,” “Hope Lives,” and in the poem “Beyond the Sunset.” The author shares how we can find love through hope each day for even brighter tomorrows. And as a mother of a son who has autism, the author dedicates two poems for autism awareness—“The Child That Plays Alone” and “Could You Sing a Song for Them?” In the poems “Beyond the Clouds” and “Direction,” the author expresses the most positive life is a blessed life. With the author’s poems of hope, inspiration, and love, you will find that This Day Today is a true gift that encourages and inspires us to find the joy in truly living life more fulfilled.

A Season for Every Purpose

A Season for Every Purpose

Autor: Brad Williams

Número de Páginas: 134

"A Season for Every Purpose" will enable the reader to understand his current season and receive all that God desires to give in a bountiful harvest. (Practical Life)

Asegure el éxito en su matrimonio antes de casarse

Asegure el éxito en su matrimonio antes de casarse

Autor: Les Parrott , Leslie Parrott

Número de Páginas: 209

Asegure el éxito de su matrimonio antes de casarse, creado por los doctores Les y Leslie Parrott, expertos en relaciones, es un amplio programa de matrimonio diseñado de forma específica por una pareja para las parejas de hoy. Es más que un simple libro; es una experiencia capaz de transformar la vida. Con más de un millón de ejemplares vendidos, Asegure el éxito de su matrimonio antes de casarse se ha convertido en la norma de oro para ayudar a los prometidos y recién casados de hoy a disfrutar de un amor que dure toda la vida. Esta edición ampliada y actualizada ha sido perfeccionada por años de sugerencias, experiencias personales y lo último en el campo de las investigaciones, haciendo que esta obra sea más útil e informativa que nunca antes. Asegure el éxito de su matrimonio antes de casarse, creado por los doctores Les y Leslie Parrott, expertos en relaciones, es un amplio programa de matrimonio diseñado de forma específica por una pareja para las parejas de hoy. Es más que un simple libro; es una experiencia capaz de transformar la vida. Los doctores Les y Leslie les presentan los secretos para edificar un matrimonio duradero. Así podrás: • descubrir...

Introduction to You (season 4)

Introduction to You (season 4)

Autor: Gilad James, Phd

Número de Páginas: 48

"You" is a psychological thriller television series that made its debut on Netflix in 2018. The show follows the story of Joe Goldberg, a charming and obsessive bookstore manager who develops an extreme infatuation with a woman named Beck. Throughout the first two seasons, Joe’s warped sense of emotions and morals lead him to commit a series of heinous crimes, including murder. Despite his actions, the show’s skilled storytelling also gives viewers a glimpse into Joe’s traumatic past, which could potentially explain his erratic behavior. Season three ended with Joe moving to the suburbs with his lover, pregnant neighbor, and his young son. Season 4, titled "You: Loves a Maze" follows the twisted story of Joe and how he adapts to this new suburban life, which includes a diverse cast of characters, including his next-door neighbors. The trailer hints that the season will take a darker turn than the previous ones, with Joe becoming increasingly unhinged as he attempts to reconcile his violent tendencies with his desire for a peaceful, domestic life. Fans of the series have eagerly awaited the arrival of season four since the third season's ending cliffhanger, and it's sure to...

The Art of Forgetting

The Art of Forgetting

Autor: Ahlem Mosteghanemi

Número de Páginas: 247

The Art of Forgetting is an elegant and warm-hearted meditation on love, damage, survival and restoration from an exhilarating stylist. As the title suggests, this book offers women advice on how to move beyond the destructive men in their lives and onto a better and more fulfilling existence. Full of wit and warmth, from an author who speaks from her heart and head at one and the same time.

Hope on the Desert Road

Hope on the Desert Road

Autor: Cm Davy

Número de Páginas: 165

Life is hard. Raising children is hard. Raising a medically fragile child seems at times impossible. Thirteen years ago, my daughter was born with complex medical needs. As I wandered through this new landscape, I realized that there were no resources available for families like ours. In our journey, I have realized that we all have journeys. We all have days where there is little hope. We all have challenges, and we all need to find God in our journey. That is what this book is about""finding hope, finding faith, and finding God in the journey.

For Love and Money: the Literary Art of the Harlequin Mills and Boon Romance

For Love and Money: the Literary Art of the Harlequin Mills and Boon Romance

Autor: Laura Vivanco

Número de Páginas: 232

Laura Vivanco's study challenges the idea that Harlequin Mills & Boon romances are merely mass-produced commodities, churned out in accordance with a strict and unchanging formula. She argues that many are well-written, skilfully crafted works, and that some are small masterpieces. For Love and Money demonstrates the variety that exists beneath the covers of Harlequin Mills & Boon romances. They range from paranormal romances to novels resembling chick lit, and many have addressed serious issues, including the plight of post-Second World War refugees, threats to marine mammals, and HIV/AIDS. The genre draws inspiration from Shakespearean comedies and Austen's novels, as well as from other forms of popular culture. "“Laura Vivanco’s 'For Love and Money' is an impressive study of the popular fiction of Harlequin Mills and Boon that is a must read for any student of popular fiction and for those who write and love the genre” —Liz Fielding, author of over 50 Harlequin Mills & Boon romances.“Deep learning, wide reading, and clear thinking are very much in evidence in Vivanco’s exploration of HM&B. A welcome addition to popular romance criticism.” — Professor Pamela...

Adventures in Amethyst Series, Book 12: Unlucky in Love

Adventures in Amethyst Series, Book 12: Unlucky in Love

Autor: Karen Wiesner

Número de Páginas: 146

Unlucky in love and unable to count their blessings during the Thanksgiving holiday, Layla and Adam find themselves jilted at the same time by the person they assumed was their soulmate. Heartbroken, snowed in and forced to share the only available cabin in town, they have no choice but to re-evaluate everything they've ever wanted in life...and love.

Toward a Holy Ecology

Toward a Holy Ecology

Autor: Ellen Bernstein

Número de Páginas: 98

The Song of Songs is among the most accessible of all biblical books. It is also the most deeply ecological text of the canon, yet few people are aware of the Song’s ecological message. The intention of Toward a Holy Ecology: Reading the Song of Songs in the Age of Climate Crisis is to illuminate that message. Today there is such urgency around our many earth crises—so much brokenness—that we need a vision of wholeness and an ecological language that can help inspire, soothe and reinvigorate us, and bring us together regardless of our various affiliations and ideologies. The Song offers both ecological language and a vision. It sets the natural world before us with intensity and beauty, bidding us to savor it with all of our senses so that we may return to the world with the renewed clarity, love and energy necessary to work toward a healthy future for the earth and all her inhabitants. The Song is a particularly powerful book since it never utters the name of the divine, yet is a deeply spiritual work that may reach people who are interested in matters of the sacred, but prefer to steer clear of God language and conventional religious ideas. In both the Jewish and Christian ...

Sucedió en otoño (Las Wallflowers 2)

Sucedió en otoño (Las Wallflowers 2)

Autor: Lisa Kleypas

Número de Páginas: 444

Cuatro bellas jóvenes forman las «Wallflowers», un grupo unido por un mismo objetivo: conseguir marido. Pero antes el destino les reserva algunas sorpresas... Inglaterra, época victoriana. Las Wallflower eran un grupo de cuatro jóvenes unidas por un mismo propósito: conseguir marido. Ahora, le tocaba el turno a la hermosa Lillian Bowman, pero sus modales de americana independiente no eran bien vistos. El más crítico con ella era el pomposo Marcus, conde de Westcliff, el mejor partido entre la aristocracia londinense. Un día, contra todo pronóstico, Marcus tomó a Lillian en sus brazos... Ella se sintió desbordada por la pasión que experimentó hacia ese hombre que ni siquiera le gustaba. El tiempo se detuvo, y fue como si nadie más existiera en el mundo... Porque Marcus era un hombre que sabía controlar sus emociones... menos con Lilian, pues cada roce era una exquisita tortura, y cada beso encendía el deseo de más besos... Pero ¿cómo podría tomar como esposa a una mujer tan inadecuada?

Loco de Amor

Loco de Amor

Autor: Marie Force

Número de Páginas: 301

Joe Cantrell, propietario de la Compañía de Ferry de Gansett Island, ha estado enamorado de Janey McCarthy desde que tiene uso de razón. Al mismo tiempo, Janey ha estado saliendo y posteriormente se ha prometido al futuro médico David Lawrence. Cuando las cosas se ponen fatal entre David y Janey, esta llama a su "quinto hermano" Joe, una de las pocas personas en su círculo cercano que vive en el continente. Janey decide que pasar unos días con él es justo lo que necesita antes de volver a casa y hacer frente a sus padres y familiares con la noticia de su compromiso roto. Ya era demasiado malo para Joe tener que amar a Janey en la distancia pero tenerla en casa es una auténtica tortura. ¿Aprovechará esta oportunidad para mostrarle lo que podrían tener juntos? ¿Qué tendrá que decir el mejor amigo de Joe y el protector hermano mayor de Janey, Mac, al respecto?

Seven Seasons of the Man in the Mirror

Seven Seasons of the Man in the Mirror

Autor: Patrick Morley

Número de Páginas: 340

In Patrick Morley's compelling follow-up to The Man in the Mirror, a man is taken beyond the day-to-day problems he faces and is confronted with seven major seasons of life that can make him or break him. Includes a leader's guide for small groups. In his phenomenally successful The Man in the Mirror, award-winning author Patrick Morley took men for a close-up on crucial aspects of their manhood and challenged them to establish wise priorities in life. In Seven Seasons of the Man in the Mirror, Morley shifts the focus to wide-angle. Looking at the broad sweep of life itself, he helps men determine where they are, where they're headed, and how to get there. Drawing on the lessons of his own life and wisdom from the Bible, Morley presents hard-won perspectives on the seven seasons of Reflection, Building, Crisis, Renewal, Rebuilding, Suffering, and Success--and in so doing, addresses men's deep longing for direction and purpose. With candor and passion, he speaks to issues every man must face. He illustrates them with true, modern-life stories. And he presents meaty questions for men to chew on and decisions for them to act on. This penetrating, richly encouraging book will help men ...

Real Church in a Social Network World

Real Church in a Social Network World

Autor: Leonard Sweet

Número de Páginas: 123

We need more than status updates—we need relationships. Learning about God’s Heart from the TGIF (Twitter, Google, iPhone, Facebook) Generation The explosion in social networking is perhaps the most visible expression of the human longing to know others and to be known. Is there a parallel in contemporary Christianity? The church posts a welcome sign outside, but has Christianity lost sight of reaching the current generation with the heart of the gospel? Drawing from years of Leonard Sweet’s paradigm-shifting analyses, Real Church in a Social-Network World delivers ahead-of-the-curve observations and insights into the intersection of the gospel and richer relationships in an ever-changing culture of TGIFers (those who connect using Twitter, Google, the iPhone, and Facebook). · Find out how to recover the gospel’s unique emphasis on real relationship · Experience the promise and reward of relationship and reconciliation in everyday life · Learn how the driving desire for connection, understanding, and belonging give evidence of the deepest longings of the human soul This provocative eBook offers practical guidance to leaders and followers, believers and seekers, and...

Esperando el Amor

Esperando el Amor

Autor: Marie Force

Número de Páginas: 406

A veces la mejor ofensa es un buen rebote... Adam McCarthy ha tenido una semana terrible. Además de casi perder a sus tres hermanos en un trágico accidente de barco, su ahora ex-novia lo traicionó para sacarlo de la exitosa compañía de ordenadores que él fundó en la ciudad de Nueva York. Lo que necesita son unos días en casa, en la isla Gansett, para asegurarse de que sus queridos hermanos están a salvo y para volver a ponerse en contacto con lo que realmente importa: su familia, sus amigos y la pequeña isla que calma su alma maltratada. En el viaje en ferry a casa, se encuentra con una vieja amiga de la familia que ha sufrido mucho y Adam la ayuda a superar algunos momentos difíciles, lo que da lugar a una alianza poco probable. Abby Callahan ha vuelto a casa, a Gansett, soltera una vez más después de que su relación con el Dr. Cal Maitland le explotó en la cara. Tras dos fracasos épicos en el juego del amor, ha decidido que éste será un verano para soltarse y finalmente divertirse, ¡y está sacudiendo las cosas a lo grande! La nueva Abby maldice, bebe, se hace un tatuaje, duerme por ahí y generalmente hace cualquier cosa que su alter ego más amable y gentil...

Seasons in the Literatures of the Medieval North

Seasons in the Literatures of the Medieval North

Autor: P. S. Langeslag

Número de Páginas: 260

A fresh examination of how the seasons are depicted in medieval literature.

Conspicuous in His Absence

Conspicuous in His Absence

Autor: Chloe T. Sun

Número de Páginas: 341

In the biblical canon, two books lack any explicit reference to the name of God: Song of Songs and Esther. What is the nature of God as revealed in texts that don't use his name? Exploring the often overlooked theological connections between these two Old Testament books, Chloe T. Sun takes on the challenges of God's absence and explores how we think of God when he is perceived to be silent.

Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons

Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons

Autor: Haruo Shirane

Número de Páginas: 316

Elegant representations of nature and the four seasons populate a wide range of Japanese genres and media—from poetry and screen painting to tea ceremonies, flower arrangements, and annual observances. In Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons, Haruo Shirane shows how, when, and why this practice developed and explicates the richly encoded social, religious, and political meanings of this imagery. Refuting the belief that this tradition reflects Japan's agrarian origins and supposedly mild climate, Shirane traces the establishment of seasonal topics to the poetry composed by the urban nobility in the eighth century. After becoming highly codified and influencing visual arts in the tenth and eleventh centuries, the seasonal topics and their cultural associations evolved and spread to other genres, eventually settling in the popular culture of the early modern period. Contrasted with the elegant images of nature derived from court poetry was the agrarian view of nature based on rural life. The two landscapes began to intersect in the medieval period, creating a complex, layered web of competing associations. Shirane discusses a wide array of representations of nature and the...

El placer del amor

El placer del amor

Autor: Alain De Botton

Número de Páginas: 274

Escrita hace veinticinco años, El placer del amor es un compendio de humor y sabiduría, una novela provocadora que no ha perdido un ápice de su actualidad. Un día gris cualquiera, un hombre cualquiera y un vuelo de lo más aburrido entre París y Londres... y de repente, ese hombre levanta la vista y ve a Chloe, su vecina de asiento, una joven de ojos verde agua, hombros quebradizos y uñas mal cuidadas. Cuando el avión aterriza, él ya sabe que esa es la mujer de su vida. Es más: su amor es único y va a ser eterno. A la semana siguiente, los dos cenan juntos por primera vez, y poco después dormirán juntos. Empieza la aclimatación a ese país extranjero que es el cuerpo del ser amado, pero aún no sabemos si este momento mágico tiene mimbres para convertirse en un proyecto de futuro, cabalgando los fastidios de un desayuno donde falta la mermelada que más nos gusta o una cena con los padres de ella. Habrá que esperar... Mientras esperamos y leemos, Alain de Botton pone en tela de juicio ese misterio llamado amor, y en la tarea le ayudan los consejos de grandes intelectuales, empezando por Marx y siguiendo con Voltaire, Oscar Wilde y Camus.

I Wish to Live Life

I Wish to Live Life

Autor: Doris Washington

Número de Páginas: 156

I Wish to Live Life is a special collection of inspiring poems of inner peace, healing, faith, hope, autism awareness, inspirations and love. These poems consist of the many readers and author’s favorites, such as; Take Me to Your Place, A New Day, Start Anew, Accepting, All of a Sudden, A Daily Prayer Poem, John, and many more. The author has also shared in this collection poems about persons who have inspired her, which are; The Conductor, tribute to Harriett Tubman, Riding the Bus, tribute to Rosa Parks, Thank You for All You Do, a poem the author gives tribute to the US Military Members of The Armed Forces and their families, along with other poems of tribute. Also, in this collection are two new poems from the author, which are; Joy, and Through the Clouds - Hope Lives. I hope the collection of these poems inspire and encourage you to take each day, and to truly live life at its best.

Inner Thoughts and Emotions

Inner Thoughts and Emotions

Autor: Blackgurl

Número de Páginas: 59

This collection of poetry is my inner thoughts based on things that I have experienced in my life, how I see myself, and how I accept and believe in my faith. God has granted me the ability to be able to put my thoughts and expressions, and even my views on paper, where many people find that hard to do. How I view life? Youll have to read the book to find out

Capturing Divinity

Capturing Divinity

Autor: Aravind Balasubramanya

Número de Páginas: 262

In a discourse on 22nd April, 1998, in the hills of Kodaikanal, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba made a revelation about an aspect of God. “The photographer asks you to be ready when he snaps your picture and he gives you time to ready yourself. But, the Divine Cameraman will not give you any notice. You should always be ready to meet the situation. If you engage yourself in bhajan and daivachintanam (thinking of God) – keerthanam and smaranam (singing and remembrance) – you will not be caught unawares.” The Divine Cameraman wants us to appreciate and love His uncertainty. The prerequisite for seeking the Lord who is ever compassionate is to be ever ready and that is something that the author realized as he graduated from Swami’s educational wing into His service wing. One has to be alert always, because things can ‘click’ at any time; there can be a ‘flash’ of inspiration during any hour of the day and though situations appear to have been captured in a ‘negative’ way, they can quickly be ‘developed’ into the ‘positive’ to fill one with beautiful memories. It was an honour, a privilege, and a boon from the highest heavens in fact, that Aravind got the...

The Midday Lantern

The Midday Lantern

Autor: Anastasios Nicholas Bibawi

Número de Páginas: 233

The Midday Lantern is a discourse of wisdom, a philosophical exploration of life and a spiritual expression of faith. Anastasios Bibawi was diagnosed with Schizophrenia when he was 28 years old. This is his story of how he rediscovered his faith through a spiritual and philosophical journey that lasted several years.

Six Stages on the Spiritual Path

Six Stages on the Spiritual Path

Autor: Ruth Whitney

Número de Páginas: 345

In Six Stages on the Spiritual Path, we learn about spirituality and its stages as well as how spirituality helps to reduce our suffering and create more love. Writings from ancient to contemporary mystics across the world provide us with practical and spiritual wisdom that will make our lives happier and more loving. In the first stage on the mystic way, children experience awe and wonder, but they do not realize that this is a spiritual experience. While all indigenous people recognize awe as a mystical experience, only some adults and most artists do. When parents and religious leaders teach children about God, they cause their spiritual growth to flourish or to become stunted at an elementary school level. Awakening is an experience of the Divine that helps us realize that the Sacred Spirit is within us and loves us. Awakening produces love for our neighbors and ourselves. Then love nurtures more awakenings. Illumination and union are deeper mystical experiences that the Holy One is not only within all of us and all of creation, but also that we are within the ONE. Illumination creates more love for all people and all the universe.

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