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The Science of Kissing

The Science of Kissing

Autor: Sheril Kirshenbaum

Número de Páginas: 141

From a noted science journalist comes a wonderfully witty and fascinating exploration of how and why we kiss. When did humans begin to kiss? Why is kissing integral to some cultures and alien to others? Do good kissers make the best lovers? And is that expensive lip-plumping gloss worth it? Sheril Kirshenbaum, a biologist and science journalist, tackles these questions and more in The Science of a Kiss. It's everything you always wanted to know about kissing but either haven't asked, couldn't find out, or didn't realize you should understand. The book is informed by the latest studies and theories, but Kirshenbaum's engaging voice gives the information a light touch. Topics range from the kind of kissing men like to do (as distinct from women) to what animals can teach us about the kiss to whether or not the true art of kissing was lost sometime in the Dark Ages. Drawing upon classical history, evolutionary biology, psychology, popular culture, and more, Kirshenbaum's winning book will appeal to romantics and armchair scientists alike.

Sin imagen

The Art of Kissing

Autor: William Cane

Número de Páginas: 169

As every kissing connoisseur knows, there's more to great kissing than just puckering up. In The Art of Kissing, lovers will find all the insights they need to add tenderness and technical know-how to all their kisses, from quick teasing peck to complicated continental kisses of the highest quality. Line illustrations throughout.

The Art of Kissing

The Art of Kissing

Autor: Hugh Morris

Número de Páginas: 80

The dictionary says that a kiss is `a salute made by touching with the lips pressed closely together and suddenly parting them.' From this, it is quite obvious that, although a dictionary may know something about words, it knows nothing about kissing. In this rediscovered classic guide, originally published in 1936, Hugh Morris expounds on the wonderful ritual of osculation (better known as kissing). He explores why people kiss, how to prepare for a kiss, putting variety into your kissing, as well as some popular naughty kissing games. In his guide, you will discover a range of kisses, including the French Soul Kiss, the Eyelash Kiss, the Nip Kiss, the Dancing Kiss. You'll come away from this book wanting to discover the pain-pleasure of the Vacuum Kiss, include your friends in Electric Kissing Parties, and please your paramour with the Surprise Kiss! So, gird up your loins, pucker up your lips and let's to the kissing arena!

The Art of Kissing : Curiously, Historically, Humorously, Poetically Considered

The Art of Kissing : Curiously, Historically, Humorously, Poetically Considered

Autor: Will Rossiter

Número de Páginas: 59

Excerpt from the opening chapter--"Of kissing it has been quaintly said that nature was its author and it began with the first courtship. The Scandinavian tradition was that kissing was an exotic introduced into England by Rowena, the beautiful daughter of Hengist, the Saxon.

The Compendium of Kisses

The Compendium of Kisses

Autor: Lana Citron

Número de Páginas: 0

A comprehensive compendium containing everything the amorous reader could wish to know about the kiss.

Master the Art of Kissing

Master the Art of Kissing

Autor: Wendy Chad

Número de Páginas: 0

Transform your kisses from ordinary to extraordinary with "Master the Art of Kissing." This comprehensive beginner's guide delves into the science and secrets of passionate kissing, providing tips and techniques for creating unforgettable moments that ignite passion and deepen connections. In this informative and engaging book, you will learn: The psychology of kissing: Understanding the neural pathways and hormonal responses that make kissing essential for human bonding and attraction. Kissing styles and techniques: An exploration of different types of kisses, including French, deep, lingering, and teasing, with step-by-step instructions on how to execute them flawlessly. How to read body language during a kiss: Recognizing subtle cues that reveal your partner's comfort level, desires, and responses to enhance mutual enjoyment. Tips for overcoming common challenges: Addressing issues like dry lips, bad breath, and fear of intimacy to ensure you can connect with confidence. Fun ideas for customizing your kisses: Adding variety and excitement to your repertoire, whether you're a first-time kisser or seeking new adventures. Whether you're looking to heighten romance, strengthen an...

El secreto de las ocho citas

El secreto de las ocho citas

Autor: John M. Gottman

Número de Páginas: 174

UN MÉTODO BASADO EN LA EVIDENCIA CIENTÍFICA, DEL MAYOR EXPERTO EN RELACIONES A NIVEL MUNDIAL Ocho citas con tu pareja: es todo lo que necesitas. Este método práctico te ofrece reflexiones, preguntas y diálogos que reforzarán vuestra conexión: una puesta a punto para abordar la relación de una forma más enriquecedora y mejorar la comunicación. La confianza, la diversión, el sexo y la intimidad... La ciencia ha encontrado el secreto del amor para toda la vida, y está a tu alcance. «Tanto si ya estabas en una relación como si comienzas una, El secreto de las ocho citas es una guía esencial para construir y mantener un amor verdadero y duradero. Basado en décadas de estudios científicos y en el conocimiento clínico de los principales expertos en relaciones, este fabuloso libro te permitirá entablar conversaciones divertidas y constructivas para nutrir un amor que puede crecer para toda la vida». Daniel J. Siegel Reseñas: «Un éxito inmediato. Si llevas toda la vida casado y piensas que este libro no es para ti, piensa de nuevo».



Autor: Will Rossiter

Número de Páginas: 106

WILL ROSSITER, THE ART OF KISSING. Dedicated to all who love. At seven!! a sly kiss is so sweet. To steal one now and then' s a treat. At seventeen!! they're nicer still. And there's a way where there's a will. At seventy!! It's just the same. They still keep up the old, old game.

El enigma de las parejas duraderas

El enigma de las parejas duraderas

Autor: Rosa Rabbani

Número de Páginas: 265

Las parejas duraderas y felices no vienen de Marte. No tienen más suerte que las que se quedan por el camino ni son más inteligentes: son parejas normales y corrientes que, con los mismos problemas, discusiones y defectos que todas las demás, se caracterizan por su modo de gestión de los asuntos cotidianos. Esa es la única clave de su éxito y de que logren mantener una unión sana y, por tanto, longeva. Este libro nos ofrece numerosas conclusiones extraídas de los estudios científicos que nos revelan qué es lo que hace que algunas parejas sean exitosas y satisfactorias mientras que otras fracasen y perezcan en el intento.

The Art of Kissing Book of Questions and Answers

The Art of Kissing Book of Questions and Answers

Autor: William Cane

Número de Páginas: 182

The result of thousands of letters and questions that the "kissing coach" receives every year, this useful, lighthearted manual reveals how to improve kissing techniques and more. Line illustrations.

Kiss and Repeat

Kiss and Repeat

Autor: Heather Truett

Número de Páginas: 224

In Heather Truett's Kiss and Repeat, a teen uses the scientific method drilled into him by his scientist father to begin a kissing experiment. Only the experiment gets messy, and Stephen will have to come clean if he wants to win one girl's heart in this heartfelt and funny YA debut. Stephen Luckie isn't so lucky in love. He's completely inexperienced when it comes to girls, and wonders if his tics - caused by Tourette's Syndrome – are the reason. Then a game at a party reveals that his body goes still while kissing. Using the scientific method drilled into him by his scientist father, Steven begins the best experiment ever--one that involves kissing as many girls as possible. Who knew science could be so fun? But when the experiment gets underway, Stephen begins to question how he treats girls - and if his tics have been standing in his way at all. With two girls interested in him, he has to figure out what really matters to him and what he'll risk - and gain - by being his true self.

Sobre el amor

Sobre el amor

Autor: Jonah Lehrer

Número de Páginas: 264

En Sobre el amor, Jonah Lehrer entreteje estudios científicos de psicología, análisis profundos sobre la salud y la felicidad, relatos históricos y personajes literarios, manuales sobre la crianza de los hijos y el lenguaje de las webs de citas para examinar en profundidad el impulso más misterioso e importante que determina y mueve nuestras vidas. El mito más peligroso sobre el amor es que resulta fácil, que nos dejamos llevar por el sentimiento y que a partir de ahí sigue su curso. Es posible medir la dopamina que generan los primeros síntomas de «enamoramiento», pero los vínculos afectivos y la entrega que duran décadas, o incluso más, continúan siendo un misterio. Este libro versa sobre ese misterio. El amor, sostiene Lehrer, no se cimienta únicamente en una pasión arrolladora, sino, y esto es lo más fascinante, en una serie de cualidades que deben cultivarse a lo largo de toda una vida. El amor nos confunde y determina, puede llegar a destruirnos y definirnos. Ha inspirado la poesía más sublime, ha configurado nuestras sociedades y creencias y gobierna nuestra biología. Desde el apego de los hijos a los padres, pasando por la manera en la que nos...

Sin imagen

Art of Kissing

Autor: Hugh Morris

Número de Páginas: 48

The dictionary says that a kiss is "a salute made by touching with the lips pressed closely together and suddenly parting them." From this it is quite obvious that, although a dictionary-may know something about words, it knows nothing about kissing. If we are to get the real meaning of the word kiss, instead of going to the old fogies who compile dictionaries, we should go to the poets who still have the hot blood of youth coursing in their veins. For, instance, Coleridge called a kiss, "nectar breathing." Shakespeare says that a kiss is -a "seal of love. Martial, that old Roman poet who hid ample opportunity to do research work on the subject, says that a kiss was "the fragrance of balsam extracted- from aromatic trees; the rise odor yielded by the teeming saffron; the perfume of fruits mellowing in their winter buds; the flowery meadows in the summer; amber warmed by the hand of a girl; a bouquet of flowers that attracts the bees." Yes, a kiss is all of these ... and more. Others have said that a kiss was: the balm of love; the first and last of joys; love's language; the seal of bliss; love's tribute; the melting sip; the nectar of Venus; the language of love. Yes, a kiss is...

Lady Sapiens

Lady Sapiens

Autor: Thomas Cirotteau , Jennifer Kerner , Éric Pincas

Número de Páginas: 210

¿Qué sabemos de las mujeres en la prehistoria?¿Eran débiles e indefensas?¿Solo se dedicaban a la crianza y educación de los hijos?Esta obra, que recoge las investigaciones más vanguardistas en la materia, rompe con las ideas preconcebidas sobre el rol de la mujer en la prehistoria para presentarla como una cazadora, una luchadora y una pieza indispensable en las sociedades de la época. La ciencia ha revelado que dominaba muchas habilidades y cuidaba su cuerpo y su aspecto. Se pensaba que era sumisa, pero era respetada, honrada y venerada.Lady Sapiens ofrece una nueva interpretación de los yacimientos arqueológicos que nos invita a redescubrir la historia de nuestros orígenes. Una historia sensible, y más precisa, de mujeres y hombres unidos en un destino común del que somos herederos.

Sin imagen

Kiss and Tell

Autor: Kevin Dwyer

Número de Páginas: 128

What makes French kissing French? Who invented Spin the Bottle? Why have millions kissed the Blarney Stone? This irreverent miscellany of kissing trivia draws upon history, science, and pop culture to explore countless fascinating questions: Why do people kiss, anyway? Are there any cultures that don¿t kiss? And what about the animal kingdom? Is it true that some fish actually kiss? From ¿Star Trek¿ (home to TV¿s first interracial kiss) and the Brothers Grimm (home to the first princess-frog kiss) to the top 10 greatest make-out songs of all time, this little book answers everything you¿ve ever wondered about kissing -- and lots of things you probably never thought of. Full-color illustrations. Compact format.

Conocimientos de Odontología bien fundamentados y narrados de forma apasionante

Conocimientos de Odontología bien fundamentados y narrados de forma apasionante

Autor: Dr. Johannes A. Löw

Número de Páginas: 242

Nuestros dientes trabajan todos los días. La masticación genera fuerzas equivalentes al peso de un ser humano adulto y, sin embargo, nuestros labios son más sensibles que la punta de los dedos. En la boca ocurren cosas increíbles, pero ¿qué sabemos realmente de ellas? ¿Por qué la visita al dentista es un infierno para muchos? ¿Y por qué los ositos de goma son más insidiosos que las patatas fritas crujientes? El periodista y odontólogo Dr. Johannes Löw incluye resultados de estudios científicos actuales con mucho humor en historias cautivadoras: desde aventuras en la galaxia de la cavidad bucal, pasando por la leyenda de la guerra de los huesos, hasta un caso criminal sobre la escena del crimen del contacto prematuro. Aquí, el mundo de las bacterias se presenta en un espectáculo único y se revela el secreto de una sonrisa atractiva. Desde el gusano de las muelas hasta la falsa noticia de un temido trío infeccioso: los conocimientos básicos completos de odontología, contados de forma apasionante y con un humor desenfadado.

Seduce y Venderás

Seduce y Venderás

Autor: Enrique De Mora Pérez

Número de Páginas: 275

A través de una historia de seducción en la cual Patricia, directora de marketing de una empresa cosmética, seduce a Roberto, un ejecutivo de una empresa vitivinícola, se van trazando paralelismos entre la seducción de ella a él y la seducción que tiene que hacer la empresa para conquistar al cliente.Mitad narrativa, mitad ensayo, los autores apelan al sentido del humor y la atracción sexual para transmitir la importancia de tener en cuenta los conceptos de marketing clásicos así como los más actualizados.Un libro que dirigido especialmente a emprendedores, vendedores y directores de marketing, que puede disfrutar cualquier neófito en la materia.

Te amo, pero no te deseo

Te amo, pero no te deseo

Autor: Alejandra Godoy Haeberle

Número de Páginas: 295

Un libro para aprender a disfrutar la sexualidad en la pareja. La disminución del deseo sexual en la pareja pareciera haberse transformado en una verdadera epidemia. Personas que se aman, pero que no se desean, sufren un sinfín de negativas y dolorosas consecuencias. ¿Qué está ocurriendo en el plano de la intimidad? ¿Cómo ha cambiado la sexualidad de las mujeres y los hombres en el último tiempo? ¿Será que los cambios en nuestra sociedad han traído nuevos desafíos a las parejas? Dos psicólogos de renombre, Alejandra y Antonio Godoy, abordan este complejo tema de pareja con el objetivo de ofrecer respuestas sobre la sexualidad de hoy. Y lo hacen con un libro profundo, informado y llano que nos ayudará a vivir el amor más plenamente. «Un excelente libro para quienes estén interesados en adentrarse en los misterios del sexo y la emocionalidad. Los autores nos hacen reflexionar sobre el sentido de la vida, su quehacer, y el lugar de la sexualidad y el deseo en una época de transición hacia una mayor igualdad entre los sexos. Un esfuerzo notable y bien logrado, de integración entre la teoría y la práctica psicoterapéutica.» Diana Rivera Ottenberger, PhD, Escuela ...

Move up

Move up

Autor: Clotaire Rapaille

Número de Páginas: 329

¿Por qué algunas culturas avanzan y otras no? La vida es movimiento y la dirección de este movimiento es hacia arriba. Si todos debemos movernos para sobrevivir, vale la pena preguntarse: ¿qué factores de nuestro entorno nos impulsan a movernos y cuáles, por el contrario, nos detienen? ¿Por qué algunas personas tienen la oportunidad de moverse hacia donde quieren y otras no? ¿Por qué ciertas sociedades evolucionan y otras no? Para responder a estas interrogantes, los autores del libro estudiaron los códigos culturales y el comportamiento Bio-Lógico de 71 países para desarrollar un índice de que permite medir la movilidad social dentro de estas sociedades. Andrés Roemer y Clotaire Rapaille señalan que las culturas más exitosas son aquellas que han sabido preservar los mejores aspectos de su tradición, al mismo tiempo que han estado dispuestas a innovar y buscar nuevos horizontes. Se trata de sociedades abiertas al cambio y sin temor al statu quo. Otra clave del éxito evolutivo de las sociedades es el equilibrio entre el aspecto biológico (determinado por cuatro factores: supervivencia, sexo, seguridad y superación) y el aspecto cultural. El reto, concluyen los...

Chemistry of a Kiss

Chemistry of a Kiss

Autor: Kimberly Krey

Número de Páginas: 180

How did I end up in a fake relationship with the gorgeous captain of the basketball team, Jett Bryant? Where do I start? Back in kindergarten, I used to dream about kissing that adorable brown-eyed boy. He was also the pastor's son but that didn't stop me from chasing him down, tackling him on the playground, and kissing him smack on the lips. Then in eighth grade, I was about to kiss him for real (as real as a spin the bottle kiss could get) but Jett ruined it by telling everyone about the playground kiss so I kissed some guy named James instead.Fast-forward to our senior year where Jett and I got partnered in Marriage and Relations class and were asked to research-of all things-The Chemistry of a Kiss. It had me thinking about those yummy lips of his a little, but I kept my focus strong since I was dating TJ Reynolds, one of Sweet Water's most misunderstood bad boys and lead singer of Grungetown. But somewhere along the way, TJ got jealous and kissed Jett's vicious ex-girlfriend and that's how he became my ex and that's when the whole fake relationship idea started in the first place. The trouble is, all the feelings I had for Jett over the years came pouring back as we spent...

The Art of Kissing

The Art of Kissing

Autor: Will Rossiter

Número de Páginas: 66

The Art of Kissing: Curiously, Historically, Humorously, Poetically Considered "", has been considered a very important part of the human history, but is currently not available in printed formats. Hence so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format so that it is never forgotten and always remembered by the present and future generations. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed.



Autor: Joanne Wannan

Número de Páginas: 0

Who doesn't like kissing? Over 99.9 percent of the world's population kisses, yet most people know nothing about how kissing started or how it has changed throughout history. Concise and informative, but also upbeat and fun, Kisstory is a look at the history of kissing throughout the ages. This beautifully designed gift book includes everything you've ever wanted to know about kissing, and features fun kissing facts and quotes interspersed throughout.



Autor: Tamar Schreibman

Número de Páginas: 116

Explains what kissing is, the origins of the custom, how to do it, what to expect, quotes and a quiz on kissing, and more.

How to Kiss

How to Kiss

Autor: Life Coach Varun

Número de Páginas: 0

Kissing is an art. Not everyone can ace it really. Wanna become a pro kisser? We are here to help. Just read on...

The Kiss

The Kiss

Autor: Hans-jurgen Dopp

Número de Páginas: 0

A prince once wrote, “ france is the only country in the world of eating oysters like a great wine and to enjoy them with passion and know-how."" this led him to the conclusion that this talent of the tongue gave them a particular sensibility for kissing and caressing. Beyond this anecdote, the kiss remains the first touch for a couple and symbolizes a major step in a sexual relationship. For isn't a kiss the premise of the act or an act in itself? What role do the lips and the tongue play in the lovers' encounter? What are its means and its uses throughout history and societies? Such are the questions and analyses that Professor Dopp tackles in this book with both talent and intelligence. Richly illustrated with pieces from the author's illustrious collection, this work is a treat for the eyes and the mind.

Sin imagen

A Compendium of Kisses

Autor: Lana Citron

Número de Páginas: 256

This fully revised second edition includes information oneverything kiss-related (from Max Factor¿s Kissing Machineto tattooists in Victorian London offering permanent lipcolouring for their style-conscious, and kiss obsessed clients) and is an exhaustive miscellany of all things osculatory that will entertain, inspire, educate and stimulate.

One Kiss or Two?

One Kiss or Two?

Autor: Andy Scott

Número de Páginas: 0

"[This book] takes a closer look at what greetings are all about in discovering how they have developed over human history"

These Got Me Punched

These Got Me Punched

Autor: Nicholas Stevens

Número de Páginas: 240

This is a book about kisses. Actually, it's about learning and growing and adapting and submitting, but the unifying feature is a kiss. Initially, it contained 49 stories-some accounts of the kiss, some where the kiss is an ancillary detail to a bigger story, some comprised of dialog, a poem, a song, some haikus, and even a single piece of fiction. Nicholas posed a challenge to his co-workers during one of their daily mundane tasks: remember the names of everyone they had ever kissed on the mouth. His co-workers were stumped, but Nicholas remembered them all. Good, bad, or other, they all meant something, and potential, intimacy, and the potential for intimacy created lasting impressions on an incurable (and hormonal) young romantic. Nicholas wrote the first 49 chapters as a homage to the 50th (and presumably last) woman he would ever kiss: his wife. The original plan was to write only 49 stories of kisses because the 50th story was theirs and theirs alone. It was a story that he thought had no ending. But the 50th story is included here, and it's also the namesake of the collection

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