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The Memoirs of Casanova (Illustrated Edition)

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 2934

A series of adventures wilder and more fantastic than the wildest of romances, written down with the exactitude of a business diary; a view of men and cities from Naples to Berlin, from Madrid and London to Constantinople and St. Petersburg; the 'vie intime' of the eighteenth century depicted by a man, who to-day sat with cardinals and saluted crowned heads, and tomorrow lurked in dens of profligacy and crime; a book of confessions penned without reticence and without penitence; a record of forty years of "occult" charlatanism; a collection of tales of successful imposture, of 'bonnes fortunes', of marvellous escapes, of transcendent audacity, told with the humour of Smollett and the delicate wit of Voltaire. Who is there interested in men and letters, and in the life of the past, who would not cry, "Where can such a book as this be found?" Yet the above catalogue is but a brief outline, a bare and meager summary, of the book known as "THE MEMOIRS OF CASANOVA"; a work absolutely unique in literature. He who opens these wonderful pages is as one who sits in a theatre and looks across the gloom, not on a stage-play, but on another and a vanished world. Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798)...

Memorias/ Memoirs

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 102

Memorias - Tomo I - Giacomo Casanova

THE MEMOIRS OF CASANOVA - All 6 Volumes in One Premium Illustrated Edition

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 2933

This carefully crafted ebook: "THE MEMOIRS OF CASANOVA - All 6 Volumes in One Premium Illustrated Edition" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. A series of adventures wilder and more fantastic than the wildest of romances, written down with the exactitude of a business diary; a view of men and cities from Naples to Berlin, from Madrid and London to Constantinople and St. Petersburg; the 'vie intime' of the eighteenth century depicted by a man, who to-day sat with cardinals and saluted crowned heads, and tomorrow lurked in dens of profligacy and crime; a book of confessions penned without reticence and without penitence; a record of forty years of "occult" charlatanism; a collection of tales of successful imposture, of 'bonnes fortunes', of marvellous escapes, of transcendent audacity, told with the humour of Smollett and the delicate wit of Voltaire. Who is there interested in men and letters, and in the life of the past, who would not cry, "Where can such a book as this be found?" Yet the above catalogue is but a brief outline, a bare and meager summary, of the book known as "THE MEMOIRS OF CASANOVA"; a work absolutely unique in...

The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova Di Seingalt

Autor: Giacomo Casanova Di Seingalt

Número de Páginas: 298

The Memoirs of Casanova

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 2939

The Memoirs of Casanova - Giacomo Casanova - The isolation and boredom of Casanova's last years enabled him to focus without distractions on his Histoire de ma vie, without which his fame would have been considerably diminished, if not blotted out entirely. He began to think about writing his memoirs around 1780 and began in earnest by 1789, as "the only remedy to keep from going mad or dying of grief". The first draft was completed by July 1792, and he spent the next six years revising it. He puts a happy face on his days of loneliness, writing in his work, "I can find no pleasanter pastime than to converse with myself about my own affairs and to provide a most worthy subject for laughter to my well-bred audience."[90] His memoirs were still being compiled at the time of his death, his account having reached only the summer of 1774.[91] A letter by him in 1792 states that he was reconsidering his decision to publish them, believing that his story was despicable and he would make enemies by writing the truth about his affairs, but he decided to proceed, using initials instead of actual names and toning down the strongest passages.[92] He wrote in French instead of Italian because...

The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova Di Seingalt

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 290

The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova Di Seingalt

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 276

Memoirs of Casanova Volume I

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 145

Memoirs of Casanova (1792) is the autobiography of Italian adventure and socialite Giacomo Casanova. Written at the end of his life, the Memoirs capture the experiences of one of Europe’s most notorious figures, a man whose escapades as a gambler, womanizer, and socialite are matched only by his unique gift for sharing them with the world. More than perhaps any other man, Casanova sought to emulate the lessons of the Enlightenment on the level of everyday life, a sentiment captured perfectly in the opening sentence of his Memoirs: “I will begin with this confession: whatever I have done in the course of my life, whether it be good or evil, has been done freely; I am a free agent.”Memoirs of Casanova Volume I covers the childhood of Giacomo Casanova in Venice. The eldest of six children, Casanova is raised by actor and actress Gaetano Casanova and Zanetta Farussi at a time of cultural and economic ascendancy for the Republic of Venice. Following his father’s death at the age of eight, Casanova, whose mother was often busy touring Europe for her work in the theater, is sent to a boarding house in Padua. Due to poor living conditions, he is eventually taken into the care of...

Una Noche Sin Fin Y Memorias de J. Casanova de Seingalt

Autor: Dominique Vivant Denon , Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 84

La Condesa de *** me sedujo sin amarme -prosiguió Damon-, me engañó. Me enfadé, me abandonó. Ocurrió en ese orden. Así comienza "Una noche sin fin," un auténtico trampantojo literario, una apasionante partida de ajedrez amoroso entre Madame de T..., amiga de la Condesa de ***, y un joven llamado Damon. Tras un encuentro en la Ópera, da comienzo el juego de la seducción en el que nada es lo que parece y nada parece lo que es. Ambos personajes desplegarán sus mejores armas llegando a traspasar el límite de la cubierta del libro, ya que lo más probable es que el verdadero seducido sea el lector. El segundo texto recogido en este volumen reúne fragmentos de la apasionante autobiografía de Giacomo Casanova, una de las figuras más relevantes de la literatura occidental de todos los tiempos. Con un estilo lleno de sensibilidad e inteligencia, Casanova narra pasajes de su infancia que nos permiten conocer al hombre que se esconde detrás del mito. Estas páginas se convierten en un espacio de encuentro y de intimidad con el lector pues, como el propio autor afirma en el prefacio de su obra, además de los cafés y de las tabernas, hay otros lugares para charlar con...


Autor: Charles River Charles River Editors

Número de Páginas: 44

"Con frecuencia he encontrado la felicidad despu�s de alg�n paso imprudente que deb�a haber provocado mi ruina y, aunque censur�ndome, agradezco a Dios por su misericordia". - Casanova Contrario a la leyenda libidinosa, como ha sido vista a trav�s del lente rosa de Hollywood, el Giacomo Casanova real no pose�a la mand�bula fuerte y cincelada de Heath Ledger, o los penetrantes ojos azules cual lagunas de Richard Chamberlain. M�s bien, los retratos del Casanova real muestran un rostro simple, incluso poco memorable, de mand�bula pastosa, nariz prominente, un poco torcida, y ojos saltones y muy juntos. En esencia, aunque ciertamente no era poco atractivo, estaba lejos de ser alguien que llegar�a a ser visto como sin�nimo de mujeriego. De cualquier manera, Casanova fue part�cipe de cientos de encuentros rom�nticos y, lo que fuera que el hombre careciera en atractivo f�sico, lo compensaba indudablemente con su encanto, m�stica y magnetismo animal. Era tambi�n bastante pragm�tico y realista acerca de todo eso: "El amor verdadero es aquel que surge a veces despu�s del placer sensual: si lo hace, es inmortal; el otro tipo inevitablemente caduca, porque...

Casanova Mon Amour

Autor: Cayetano Roberto Campisi

Giacomo Casanova ha sido uno de los personajes m?s emblem?ticos entre los varones seductores de la historia. Si bien falleci? en 1798, su legado ha traspasado los tiempos, alcanzando su fama a millones de hombres de los cinco continentes. Este veneciano, hijo de comediantes, historiador, escritor, diplom?tico, jurista, violonchelista, fil?sofo, matem?tico, bibliotecario y agente secreto italiano, sedujo a 132 mujeres, seg?n cuenta ?l mismo en su libro «Historia de mi vida». Esta obra se inspira en las aventuras y los cortejos encantadores de este fascinante libertino, quien fue el paradigma del conquistador de las damas de su ?poca, independientemente del origen o la clase social a las que pertenec?an. En cada una de sus p?ginas, los lectores tendr?n una serie de consejos, consignas y definiciones que los ayudar?n a atrapar el esp?ritu y la filosof?a seductiva de este mujeriego empedernido. Todo hombre sue?a con ser agradable a los ojos de una mujer y poder conquistarla, pero para ello deber? preparar las estrategias de seducci?n que le permitan lograr su cometido. En cada uno de los 20 apartados de este libro est?n las herramientas para mejorar las t?cnicas de persuasi?n y de...


Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 266

Casanova: Part 19 - Back Again To Paris The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt by Giacomo Casanova My stay at Paris and my departure for Strasburg, where I find the Renaud. My misfortunes at Munich and my sad visit to Augsburg. The girl from Strasburg, the female Count, and before my return to Paris I go to Metz. I returned to Paris with the Corticelli, now Countess Lascaris. I had two objects in speaking thus: I wanted to frighten him and to make him jealous of me. I felt certain that a man in a passion of jealousy would be quite confused, and I hoped his play would suffer accordingly, and that I should not have the mortification of losing a hundred louis to his superior play, though I won the fifty louis of the wager. We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. The aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature, and our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. The...

Psicología y Psicopatología de la Vida Amorosa

Autor: Josef Rattner

Número de Páginas: 276

Introducción al tema que se mantiene en todo momento dentro del terreno de la psicología profunda, el punto de vista del autor es el del psicoanálisis revisado que practican Adler, Fromm, Horney y sobre todo los fenomenólogos alemanes Binswanger, Medard Boss, etc. Al estudiar las sexopatías rechaza con insistencia los enfoques moralizantes y religiosos y se preocupa sólo por descubrir las actitudes psicológicas subyacentes y por denunciar las raíces sociales y las fuentes más generales de tales anomalías: la educación errónea, anxiógena y malsana, la injusta desigualdad de los sexos y la prevalecencia de los valores del poder y prestigio sobre el amor oblativo, recíproco y respetuoso.

Los últimos años de Casanova

Autor: Joseph Le Gras , Raoul Vezè

Número de Páginas: 144


Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 386

Casanova: Part 6 - Paris The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt by Giacomo Casanova I thought that my newly-found cousin was unknown to me, but when I looked at her with more attention, I fancied I recollected her features. She was the Catinella, a dancer of reputation, but I had never spoken to her before. I easily guessed that she was giving me an impromptu part in a play of her own composition, and I was to be a 'deux ex machina'. We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. The aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature, and our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. The contents of the vast majority of titles in the Classic Library have been scanned from the original works. To ensure a high quality product, each title has been meticulously hand curated by our staff. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with a book that is as close...

Casanova: Part 1 - Venetian Years

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 404

Born in 1725 to Italian and Spanish parentage, Giacomo Casanova lived a long and exciting life. As a scholar and an adventurer, he traveled widely throughout Europe and Russia associating with rulers and Kings. For a time he was in the service of the army and he became a great political stirrer. But he vacillated between fortune and misfortune, often resorting to gaming and loafing about. But Casanova is of course best known for his womanizing, and the writing in The Venetian Years is remarkably modern, accessible, and funny. It took him 18 years to write his memoirs and another 100 for them to be classified as genuine. Brilliantly brought to life by the effervescent Benedict Cumberbatch, this first volume of Casanova charts his childhood and life as a young man in Italy.

The Story of My Life

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 160

A Venetian adventurer, author, and lifelong womanizer, the name of Casanova has become interchangeable with the art of seduction since the 18th century. In his most notable book, "Story of My Life," Casanova narrates countless tales of the people with whom he interacted: lovers, European royalty, clergymen, and artists such as Goethe, Voltaire, and Mozart. His writing demonstrates his talent for dialogue, while his life seems an inadvertent testament to skill in plot development. Casanova gambled, spied, translated, dueled, schemed, traveled, and observed people of all levels of society, having been born of two actors and becoming a self-made gentleman. He writes of his life without regret, recalling his adventures, from necromancy to imprisonment, with general honesty and the occasional embellishment, and always with a good humor. In this remarkable celebration of the senses, Casanova proves his talent for storytelling by revealing a refreshingly authentic view of the customs and everyday life of social 18th century Europeans, ultimately proving his claim that "I can say I have lived." In this edition you will find the seventh of twelve volumes of "The Complete Memoirs."


Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 202

Born in 1725 to Italian and Spanish parentage, Giacomo Casanova lived a long and exciting life. As a scholar and an adventurer, he traveled widely throughout Europe and Russia associating with rulers and Kings. For a time he was in the service of the army and he became a great political stirrer. But he vacillated between fortune and misfortune, often resorting to gaming and loafing about. But Casanova is of course best known for his womanizing, and the writing in The Venetian Years is remarkably modern, accessible, and funny. It took him 18 years to write his memoirs and another 100 for them to be classified as genuine. Brilliantly brought to life by the effervescent Benedict Cumberbatch, this first volume of Casanova charts his childhood and life as a young man in Italy.

The memoirs of Jacques [ie Giacomo] Casanova de Seingalt

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 714

El Duelo

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

La historia de un duelo que el famoso aventurero italiano sostuvo en Varsavia

Memoirs of Casanova - Volume 06

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 178

Memoirs of Casanova - Volume 06: Paris by Giacomo Casanova Leave Bologna a Happy Man-The Captain Parts from Us in Reggio, where ISpend a Delightful Night with Henriette-Our Arrival in Parma-HenrietteResumes the Costume of a Woman; Our Mutual Felicity-I Meet SomeRelatives of Mine, but Do not Discover Myself The reader can easily guess that there was a change as sudden as a transformation in a pantomime, and that the short but magic sentence, "Come to Parma," proved a very fortunate catastrophe, thanks to which I rapidly changed, passing from the tragic to the gentle mood, from the serious to the tender tone. Sooth to say, I fell at her feet, and lovingly pressing her knees I kissed them repeatedly with raptures of gratitude. No more 'furore', no more bitter words; they do not suit the sweetest of all human feelings! Loving, docile, grateful, I swear never to beg for any favour, not even to kiss her hand, until I have shewn myself worthy of her precious love! The heavenly creature, delighted to see me pass so rapidly from despair to the most lively tenderness, tells me, with a voice the tone of which breathes of love, to get up from my knees. We are delighted to publish this classic ...

The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova

Autor: Giacomo Casanova

Número de Páginas: 604

(Jacques) Giacomo Girolamo Casanova de Seingalt (1725-1798) was a Venetian adventurer and author. His main book Histoire de Ma Vie (History of My Life), part autobiography and part memoir, is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. So famous a womanizer was the Italian-born libertine Giacomo Casanova that, a full two centuries after his death, his name remains synonymous with the art of seduction. But for the years he spent in the employ of Count Waldstein of Bohemia as a librarian, Casanova, "the world's greatest lover" - at one-time the company of European royalty, popes and cardinals, and man known to the likes of Voltaire, Goethe and Mozart - would have been consigned to obscurity. He began to think about writing his memoirs around 1780 and began in earnest by 1789, as "the only remedy to keep from going mad or dying of grief." The first draft was completed by July 1792, and he spent the next six years revising it.

The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova de Seingalt

Autor: Giacomo Casanova De Seingalt

Número de Páginas: 560

The name of Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) is known to every adult. It became proverbial - a generic name of an adventurous womanizer. A remorseless sinner, but also a doctor of law. A convicted magician who escaped from the highest security prison - but also a brilliant conversationalist whose company was shared by Frederick the Great and Voltaire. A shameless, immoral, intelligent and well-educated personality. Our reader can now hear about Casanova from his own account.

The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt 1725-1798 Volume 2 to Paris and Prison

Autor: Jacques Casanova De Seingalt

Número de Páginas: 372

According to Wikipedia: "Giacomo Girolamo Casanova de Seingalt (1725-1798) was a Venteitian adveturers and author. His main book Histoire de ma vie (History of My Life), part autobiography and part memoir, is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. So famous a womanizer was the Italian-born libertine Giacomo Casanova that, a full two centuries after his death, his name remains synonymous with the art of seduction. But for the years he spent in the employ of Count Waldstein of Bohemia as a librarian, Casanova, "the world's greatest lover" at one time the company of European royalty, popes and cardinals, and man known to the likes of Voltaire, Goethe and Mozart would have been consigned to obscurity." Includes unique illustrations.

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