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Reframing Organizations

Autor: Lee G. Bolman , Terrence E. Deal

Número de Páginas: 512

In this third edition of their best-selling classic, authors Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal explain the powerful tool of "reframing." The authors have distilled the organizational literature into a comprehensive approach for looking at situations from more than one angle. Their four frames view organizations as factories, families, jungles, and theaters or temples: The Structural Frame: how to organize and structure groups and teams to get results The Human Resource Frame: how to tailor organizations to satisfy human needs, improve human resource management, and build positive interpersonal and group dynamics The Political Frame: how to cope with power and conflict, build coalitions, hone political skills, and deal with internal and external politics The Symbolic Frame: how to shape a culture that gives purpose and meaning to work, stage organizational drama for internal and external audiences, and build team spirit through ritual, ceremony, and story

Liderazgo con alma

Autor: Lee G. Bolman , Terence E. Deal

Número de Páginas: 163

Inspirados en el trabajo de escritores tan visionarios como M.Scott Peck y Max De Pree, los autores Lee Bohman y Terry Deal han confeccionado una poderosa historia acerca de la búsqueda de pasión y sentido, tanto en su trabajo como en su vida que realiza un ejecutivo abrumado. Liderazgo con alma nos enseña que el corazón del verdadero líder solo puede ser encontrado en el corazón de un líder.En esta parábola contemporánea se presenta una crónica del viaje de Steve, un líder falto de espiritu que busca algo mas profundo y satisfactorio que la mera preocupación de las actividades cotidianas. Trata de encontrar respuestas en María, una persona sabia, quien forjo su sabiduría en su propia carrera para ganar dentro del mundo de los negocios. Aunque la primera pregunta que le plantea María parece totalmente alejada del mundo de los negocios, Steve logra de una manera inesperada, descubrir el verdadero significado del liderazgo. Al redescubrir su propia alma, aprende como encender de espiritu a su organización.Los autores recurren a una mezcla de muchas de las tradiciones espirituales del mundo, poesia, filosofia, las enseñanzas de las ciencias sociales dentro del...

Nuestro iceberg se derrite

Autor: Kotter, John , Rathgeber, Holger

Número de Páginas: 89

Nuestro iceberg se derrite es una fábula sobre como salir adelante en un mundo siempre cambiante. El relato, basado en el premiado trabajo de John Kotter, profesor de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard, se ha utilizado para ayudar a miles de personas y organizaciones. Es la historia de una colonia de pinguinos que ha vivido en la Antartida durante años, hasta que uno de ellos descubre un problema potencialmente devastador y que pone en peligro su habitat, pero casi nadie le presta atención. Los personajes se asemejan a muchas personas que conocemos... Su historia es una historia de resistencia al cambio, obstaculos aparentemente invencibles e ingeniosas tácticas para hacerles frente. Es una historia que se desarrolla a diario, de una manera u otra, en todas partes, pero los pinguinos manejan los desafíos mucho mejor que la mayoría de nosotros.Nuestro iceberg se derrite se basa en el trabajo pionero de John Kotter, que demuestra como mediante ocho pasos puede producirse el cambio necesario en cualquier tipo de grupo, y ofrece una valiosa guía para actuar en un mundo que se mueve cada vez más rápido.

Reframing Business

Autor: Richard Normann

Número de Páginas: 360

In 1983 Richard Normann published the world's first book presenting an integrated framework on the management of service producing companies. Now he provides a new approach to strategy: an original way to think about organisations and create a different future. In this demanding but rewarding book he shows that providing organisations are prepared to rethink the way they do business they can occupy the competitive high ground of the future. To do this they must transform concepts and frameworks into action. * Provides new business models. * Shows companies how to reframe their business and take advantage of the opportunities created in the space of "unbundling and rebundling".

Reframing Organizational Culture

Autor: Peter J. Frost

Número de Páginas: 414

Offers a study of the interaction between investigation and the subject of inquiry. This title includes a variety of frames as tools that help readers to examine any empirical piece on organizational culture on its own merits - as good research - while at the same time, permit viewing it from other perspectives as well.

Change Management in Information Organizations

Autor: Zhixian Yi

Número de Páginas: 66

Against the background of the acceleration of change caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Change Management in Information Organizations presents topics in change management for information organizations that are of practical help for rapidly adapting to, and managing, changing circumstances. As organizations re-examine practices, services and resources, and innovate for competitive advantage, the book offers theoretical and evidence-based material: including empirical research and insights from academic library directors. It introduces fundamental concepts of change management enabling professionals to conceptualize, plan, set up, carry out and evaluate change. Across twelve chapters, this book provides a solution for those managing change in information organizations, bringing them up to speed on models, approaches and methods of change management. The book enables information professionals, academic librarians, archivists, museum specialists, library managers and administrators, university administrators, and graduate students in library and information science to successfully negotiate the new realities. - Presents key topics in change management for information organizations -...

Organizational Change

Autor: Tupper F. Cawsey , Gene Deszca , Cynthia Ingols

Número de Páginas: 513

Bridging current theory with practical applications, the 'toolkit' combines conceptual models with concrete examples and useful exercises to dramatically improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of students in creating effective change. The Second Edition: - Takes a pragmatic, action-oriented approach - Emphasizes the measurement of change - Demonstrates principles and applications using real-world examples, exercises and cases. - Offers an integrated organizational change model so students can see the connections between topics and chapters.

Studying Organization

Autor: Stewart R Clegg , Stewart Clegg , Cynthia Hardy

Número de Páginas: 492

In response to the needs of lecturers, the acclaimed Handbook of Organization Studies has been made available as two major paperback textbooks. In this, the first of a two-volume paperback edition of the landmark Handbook of Organization Studies, editors Stewart Clegg and Cynthia Hardy survey the field of organization studies. Studying Organization is an ideal textbook around which to build courses on organization theory and research methodology. Central to the enterprise has been a concern to reflect and honour the manifest diversity of the field, including recognition of the extent to which the very notion of a single field of organization studies is debated. Part One

Organizational Transformation

Autor: Amir Levy

Número de Páginas: 350

Organizational Transformation is the first book to analyze how organizations make it through difficult periods. Based on case studies drawn from a variety of industries, such as mental hospitals, schools, manufacturing companies, and the American Wildlife Society, this book offers practical advice on development strategies for managers and organization consultants. The book is divided into four sections, the first of which describes in detail the different approaches that have been developed to transform organizations. The second section describes and compares some of the basic strategies used in transforming organizations. The third provides the reader with a variety of theories and research on the topic, and the final section conceptualizes and integrates these theories.

Stanford's Organization Theory Renaissance, 1970-2000

Autor: Frank Dobbin , Claudia Bird Schoonhoven

Número de Páginas: 511

Between 1970 and 2000, Stanford University enabled and supported an interdisciplinary community of organizations training, research, and theory building. This title summarizes the contributions of the main paradigms that emerged at Stanford in those three decades, and describes the sociological conditions under which this environment came about.

Tratado de estudios organizacionales: volumen 2

Autor: Stewart R. Clegg

Número de Páginas: 1421

En este nuevo volumen del Tratado de estudios organizacionales, titulado Exploración de las temáticas, continuamos la traducción de The Sage Handbook of Organization Studies (2006), cuya primera parte se publicó en 2017. Al igual que ese primer volumen, esta traducción va acompañada de comentarios y reflexiones, desde la realidad latinoamericana, que abordan problemáticas tradicionales y contemporáneas; y cuenta, además, con tres nuevos capítulos que complementan las temáticas que se desarrollan en la actualidad en torno al estudio de las organizaciones. Se constituye, entonces, en un aporte al debate sobre cómo construir, desde nuestro contexto local, un lenguaje propio de los estudios organizacionales.

The 52nd Floor

Autor: David A. Levy , James E. Parco , Fred R. Blass

Número de Páginas: 236

Anyone who has worked for a large organization understands that all bureaucracies demand to be fed. Some of these bureaucracies can develop insatiable appetites, and when they do, the defining aspect between success and failure is often good leadership. But what is good leadership? Leaders are responsible for making sense of the ambiguity that emerges from the complex relationships that define organizations. They provide the frames to help us understand what we see. But when meaning and purpose begin to fade from the day-to-day taskers, special projects and reports, we are left to wonder whether we are observing mere nonsense or something else we just don t understand. How can we know? We must ask questions -- good questions. Any meaningful attempt to understand the complexities of organizational life requires considerable reflection upon one's own thinking. Through a collection of stories, The 52nd Floor: Thinking Deeply About Leadership takes readers on a reflective journey where they can discover for themselves the right questions to ask to create a path to become a better leader. Welcome to the 52nd Floor. Reviews (Five stars) A must read for those who want a new approach to...

Practical Theology in Church and Society

Autor: Joseph E. Bush

Número de Páginas: 201

The church exists in the world, and our ministry is inextricably social in nature. Practical theology takes this seriously and asks us to reflect on our practice of ministry in both church and society. This book attends to our practice as individuals in ministry, to our corporate practice as congregations in ministry, and to our practice as Christians within the wider social and natural world. Practical Theology in Church and Society brings into sharper focus two perspectives on practical theology. One is the view through the wide-angle lens of justice-oriented action, which hopes for liberation. This view encompasses a broad vista of social forces for justice and injustice when evaluating local movements and local ministries. The other perspective takes the narrower focus of the action-reflection model as it is used to zoom in on individual actions and particular practices of ministry such as pastoral care. The purpose of the book is to integrate these two perspectives on practical theology. It explicates a cyclical method for doing theology that has corollaries within the disciplines of practical theology, liberation theology, missiology, congregation studies, and ministerial...

Organizational Culture

Autor: Joanne Martin

Número de Páginas: 417

Organizational Culture provides a sweeping interdisciplinary overview of the organizational culture literature, showing how and why researchers have disagreed about such fundamental questions as: What is organizational culture? What are the major theoretical perspectives used to understand cultures in organizations? How can a researcher decipher the political interests inherent in research that claims to be political neutral -- merely "descriptive"? Expert author Joanne Martin examines a variety of conflicting ways to study cultures in organizations, including different theoretical orientations, political ideologies (managerial, critical, and apparently neutral); methods (qualitative, quantitative, and hybrid approaches), and styles of writing about culture (ranging from traditional to postmodern and experimental). In addition, she offers a guide for those who might want to study culture themselves, addressing such issues as: What qualitative, quantitative, and hybrid methods can be used to study culture? What standards are used when reviewers evaluate these various types of research? What innovative ways of writing about culture have been introduced? And finally, what are the...

A History Of The Organizational Development Of The Continental Artillery During The American Revolution

Autor: Major William C. Pruett Us Army

Número de Páginas: 216

The thesis of this study is that the Continental artillery in the American Revolution, despite its ad hoc beginning and wartime challenges, gradually developed into a professional organization by the end of the war. Rather than operational history of the organization, its focus is on the growth of the organization over time, in terms of its cultural beginnings, its doctrinal development, and the leadership and career paths of some of its middle ranking leaders. The first chapter lays out the structural framework and statutory authorizations for the organization. The second chapter describes its early cultural shift from its pre-war legacy of provincialism to a trajectory toward professionalism. This chapter uses a cultural analysis to argue that Washington’s decision to replace the aged Richard Gridley with Henry Knox as the commander of the Continental artillery ushered in a cultural shift away from an older provincial organizational culture to one that sought professionalism. The third chapter portrays the development of a battlefield tactical doctrine described in books that gradually took hold in informal ways. It takes a comparative theory and practice approach to argue...

Organizational Behavior for School Leadership

Autor: Leslie S. Kaplan , William A. Owings

Número de Páginas: 439

Organizational Behavior for School Leadership provides a theoretical and practical framework to help emerging leaders build the mental models they need to be effective. Presenting traditional, modern, and contemporary perspectives, each chapter offers opportunities for readers to reflect on the ideas and apply their leadership perspective and skills to their own work settings. In this way, this important book helps graduate students in educational leadership understand organizational situations and circumstances, an essential step in making appropriate decisions about people, school operations, and the community that generate improved student and teacher outcomes. Special features include: Guiding questions—chapter openers to initiate student thinking. Case studies and companion rubrics—engage students in applying content to real-life school scenarios with guiding rubrics to help think through answers. Reflections and relevance—interactive learning activities, simulations, and graphic assignments deepen readers' understanding. PSEL Standards—each chapter aligns with the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. Companion website—includes case studies and...

Sociology of Organizations

Autor: Mary Godwyn , Jody Hoffer Gittell

Número de Páginas: 769

A collection of both classic and contemporary studies of organizations that is designed around competing theoretical frameworks, this book examines organizations with attention to structure and objectives interactions among members and among organizations, the relationship between the organization and its environment, and the social significance or social meaning of the organization.

Higher Education Leadership Strategy in the Public Affairs Triumvirate

Autor: Jeffrey W. Goltz

Número de Páginas: 210

This book provides a comprehensive approach for colleges rethinking their community policy connections. From a ‘pracademic’ perspective, it introduces a new paradigm for contemporary college and community connections through the evolution of research, scholarship and experience, and the application of the Public Affairs discipline from Higher Education Leadership. The book explains how the public affairs forces of Community, Organization, and Administration offer a unique combination of concepts and theory that can transform practice, develop innovation, strengthen communities, and transform lives through a college partnering in a variety of community projects. The book’s defined ethical composition institutes leadership in the public realm, within the Public Affairs Triumvirate; and its discussion of the ‘science to service to philosophy’ will advance higher education strategy scholarship, creating new ideas for how academia and communities can create sustained connections and partnerships for solving problems in any community.

Leadership and Change Management

Autor: Annabel Beerel

Número de Páginas: 290

Recognizing and responding to change is the oxygen of life for an organization, and leadership is fundamentally about focusing organizations on these new realities. Leadership and Change Management provides the reader with a practical, real-world understanding of several dimensions of leadership that are usually neglected in management textbooks, such as the nature of new realities and how managers can improve their insight into them, and how leaders can identify and overcome resistance to change. Drawing on a wide range of insightful, global real-life case studies to capture the imagination, the topics covered include critical systems thinking, philosophies of leadership, group dynamics, authority, ethics, personal character and the psychology of leadership. This comprehensive text will be of interest to anyone looking for a more thoughtful engagement with the key issues in leadership and change management.

The SAGE Handbook of Organization Studies

Autor: Stewart R Clegg , Cynthia Hardy , Tom Lawrence , Walter R Nord

Número de Páginas: 920

Praise for the award winning First Edition: ′This handbook is organized to help teachers and students to cover the mainstream work in the field of organization studies. This is an excellent reference tool with which to study organizational theory and practice′ - International Review of Administrative Sciences ′The editors have put together an impressive reference work, serious in intent and rigorous in implementation. As a publishing achievement, and a scholarly ′event′ in the field, SAGE is to be congratulated. It is designed as a work of synthesis, to link past and present, general and specific′ - Journal of General Management Praise for the New Edition: ′An excellent collection of papers giving a timely overview of the field′ - Gareth Morgan ′In this substantially updated, revised and extended edition of the widely acclaimed Handbook, the high standard of the contributions is maintained. Close consideration is given to newly emergent, such as networks and complexity, as well as more established topics. Metaphors of conversation and discourse are engagingly invoked to make and explore new distinctions, directions and connections. It is a key reference volume...

The Politics of Management Knowledge

Autor: Professor Stewart R Clegg , Gill Palmer

Número de Páginas: 258

The notion that management knowledge is universal, culture-neutral, readily transferable to any country or situation, has come under mounting challenge. The Politics of Management Knowledge goes beyond such broad-brush' assertions to explore in detail the relations between management knowledge, power and practice in a world where globalization highlights, rather than obscures, the locally specific character of many management recipes. The book recognizes the political nature of management knowledge as a discourse produced from, and reproducing, power processes within and between organizations. This theme underpins discussion of the ways in which management ideas and practices produce' managers of a particular kind - person of enterprise, bureaucrat, heroic leader and so on. Critical examinations of certain current management theories - lean production, excellence, entrepreneurship - illuminate the myriad modes in which relations of power intermingle with relations of knowledge. Eminent authors from a variety of countries address the social and political processes involved in cross-cultural transference of management ideas across the world. They also look to the future, stressing...

Devoted to Christ

Autor: Christopher L. Flanders

Número de Páginas: 189

This festschrift contains original missiological contributions from colleagues and former doctoral students of Dr. Sherwood Lingenfelter. It highlights his twin research interests of anthropology and leadership and points to the profound influence of Sherwood Lingenfelter upon the contemporary missiological landscape. These chapters signal the continuation of his legacy, a flourishing of creative, anthropologically driven mission and leadership studies. Contributors to this work include a marvelous diversity of authors, women and men, voices from North and South, East and West, representing well Dr. Lingefelter's significant global impact.

How Great Leaders Think

Autor: Lee G. Bolman , Terrence E. Deal

Número de Páginas: 247

The proven model that offers powerful and elegant strategies for leaders How Great Leaders Think: the Art of Reframing uses compelling, contemporary examples to show how more complex thinking is the key to better leadership. Leaders who understand what's going on around them see what they need to do to achieve the results they want. Bolman and Deal's influential four-frame model of leadership and organizations—developed in their bestselling book, Reframing Organizations: Artistry Choice and Leadership—offers leaders an accessible guide for understanding four major aspects of organizational life: structure, people, politics, and culture. Tapping into the complexity enables leaders to decode the messy world in which they live, see more options, tell better stories, and find strategies that are more effective. Case examples of leaders like Jeff Bezos at Amazon, Howard Schultz at Starbucks, Tony Hsieh at Zappos, Ursula Burns at Xerox, and the late Steve Jobs at Apple provide concrete lessons that readers can put to use in their own leadership. The book's lessons include: How to use structural tools to organize teams and organizations for better results How to build motivation and...

Reinventing the Community College Business Model

Autor: Christopher Shults

Número de Páginas: 249

Community colleges were established to provide an accessible, affordable education and have largely met this charge. Access without success, however, does not benefit the student and traditional planning, operational and financial management, and infinite enrollment growth strategies have not produced positive student outcomes. The Great Recession, disinvestment in higher education, and increasing costs and competition have further exacerbated the inability to deliver better results. Community colleges need an operational framework structured for student success. The community college needs a redesigned business model. This publication breaks new ground by introducing the community college business model (CCBM), an intentionally designed operational management approach that provides a comprehensive approach to understanding students and meeting student needs by providing an exceptional educational experience. Supported by a fiscal management that targets finances to support student learning and success, the model guides the reader through the growth, development, and leveraging of the resources (human, physical, and intellectual) necessary for delivering a successful educational...

The New Handbook of Organizational Communication

Autor: Fredric M. Jablin , Linda L. Putnam

Número de Páginas: 948

Praise for the First Edition: `[I] recommend this book to anyone who is seriously interested in organizational communication.... It is a unique and outstanding work.... Researchers in the area will find this work extremely pertinent to their activities′ - Journal of Applied Systems Analysis The Handbook of Organizational Communication, like the original, is a landmark in the field of organizational communication. The handbook provides a more up-to-date analysis of the latest advances in this exciting field. It assists in establishing a clear identity of this discipline that has grown tremendously over the latter part of the century. The contributors, pioneers in the field, provide a more multidisciplinary perspective drawing equally from the fields of organizational behaviour, management studies and communication. An essential resource for researchers, teachers, professionals, and advanced students in organizational communication, management, organizational behaviour, and organizational studies this handbook provides: § An historial overview of organizational communication as a discipline § More than half the chapters explore topics not included in the original handbook §...

Educational Administration

Autor: Frederick C. Lunenburg , Allan Ornstein

Número de Páginas: 693

Now with SAGE Publishing! The bestselling Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices has been considered the standard for all educational administration textbooks for three decades. A thorough and comprehensive revision, the Seventh Edition continues to balance theory and research with practical application for prospective and practicing school administrators. While maintaining the book’s hallmark features—a friendly and approachable writing style, cutting-edge content, and compelling pedagogy—authors Frederick C. Lunenburg and Allan Ornstein present research-based practices while discussing topical issues facing school administrators today. Included with this title: The password-protected Instructor Resource Site (formally known as SAGE Edge) offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.

Strategic Organizational Communication

Autor: Charles Conrad , Marshall Scott Poole

Número de Páginas: 534

Surveying a wide variety of disciplines, this fully-revised 7th edition offers a sophisticated and engaging treatment of the rapidly expanding field of organizational communication Places organizations and organizational communication within a broader social, economic, and cultural context Applies a global perspective throughout, including thoughtful consideration of non-Western forms of leadership, as well as global economic contexts Offers a level of sophistication and integration of ideas from a variety of disciplines that makes this treatment definitive Updated in the seventh edition: Coverage of recent events and their ethical dimensions, including the bank crisis and bailouts in the US and UK Offers a nuanced, in-depth discussion of technology, and a new chapter on organizational change Includes new and revised case studies for a fresh view on perennial topics, incorporating a global focus throughout Online Instructors' Manual, including sample syllabi, tips for using the case studies, test questions, and supplemental case studies

Design Thinking Research

Autor: Christoph Meinel , Larry Leifer

Número de Páginas: 267

Extensive research conducted by the Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, USA, and the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany, has yielded valuable insights on why and how design thinking works. Researchers have identified metrics, developed models, and conducted studies, which are featured in this book, and in the previous volumes of this series. Offering readers a closer look at design thinking, and its innovation processes and methods, this volume covers topics ranging from understanding success factors of design thinking to exploring the potential that lies in the use of digital technologies. Furthermore, readers learn how special-purpose design thinking can be used to solve thorny problems in complex fields, such as the health sector or software development. Thinking and devising innovations are inherently human activities – so is design thinking. Accordingly, design thinking is not merely the result of special courses or of being gifted or trained: it is a way of dealing with our environment and improving techniques, technologies and life. As such, the research outcomes compiled in this book should increase...

Celebraciones en la Empresa: Juego, Proposito y Beneficio en el Trabajo

Autor: Terrence E. Deal , M. K. Key

Número de Páginas: 252

Sé amable contigo mismo

Autor: Kristin Neff

Número de Páginas: 505

La incansable búsqueda de una autoestima sana se ha convertido en una religión tiránica. Nuestra cultura ultracompetitiva nos enseña que tenemos que estar por encima de la media para sentirnos bien con nosotros mismos, pero siempre encontraremos a alguna persona más atractiva, más brillante o más inteligente. Así, consideramos nuestra propia valía en función de nuestros éxitos o fracasos y no somos capaces de mantener una buena autoestima a largo plazo. Por suerte existe una alternativa a la autoestima que muchos expertos consideran como una vía más eficaz hacia la felicidad: la autocompasión. En Sé amable contigo mismo, la doctora Kristin Neff, experta mundial en compasión hacia uno mismo, nos muestra cómo dejar de lado la autocrítica negativa y aprender por fin a ser amables con nosotros mismos. Basándose en una sólida investigación empírica, historias personales, ejercicios prácticos y un gran sentido del humor, aprenderemos cómo curar nuestros patrones emocionales destructivos para que podamos estar más sanos y ser más capaces y felices. Atractiva, fácil de leer y eminentemente accesible, con esta innovadora obra podremos dejar de juzgarnos por...

Army Logistician

Número de Páginas: 256

The official magazine of United States Army logistics.

The Myths of Health Care

Autor: Paola Adinolfi , Elio Borgonovi

Número de Páginas: 287

This provocative appraisal unpacks commonly held beliefs about healthcare management and replaces them with practical strategies and realistic policy goals. Using Henry Mintzberg’s “Myths of Healthcare” as a springboard, it reveals management practices that undermine care delivery, explores their cultural and corporate origins, and details how they may be reversed through changes in management strategy, organization, scale, and style. Tackling conventional wisdom about decision-making, cost-effectiveness, service quality, and equity, contributors fine-tune concepts of mission and vision by promoting collaboration, engagement, and common sense. The book’s multidisciplinary panel of experts analyzes the most popular healthcare management “myths,” among them: · The healthcare system is failing. · The healthcare system can be fixed through social engineering. · Healthcare institutions can be fixed by bringing in the heroic leader. · The healthcare system can be fixed by treating it more as a business. · Healthcare is rightly left to the private sector, for the sake of efficiency. The Myths of Health Care speaks to a large, diverse audience: scholars of all levels...

Assessing Student Learning in the Community and Two-Year College

Autor: Megan Moore Gardner , Kimberly A. Kline , Marilee J. Bresciani Ludvik

Número de Páginas: 146

This is a practical resource for community and two year college professionals engaged at all levels of learning outcomes assessment, in both academic and co-curricular environments. It is designed as a guide both to inform the creation of new assessment efforts and to enhance and strengthen assessment programs already established, or in development. Each chapter addresses a key component of the assessment process, beginning with the creation of a learning-centered culture and the development and articulation of shared outcomes goals and priorities. Subsequent chapters lead the reader through the development of a plan, the selection of assessment methods, and the analysis of results. The book concludes by discussing the communication of results and their use in decision making; integrating the conclusions in program review as well as to inform budgeting; and, finally, evaluating the process for continuous improvement, as well as engaging in reflection.The book is illustrated by examples developed by faculty and student affairs/services professionals at community and two year colleges from across the country. Furthermore, to ensure its relevance and applicability for its targeted...

Dimensions of Teaching Business Ethics in Asia

Autor: Stephan Rothlin , Parissa Haghirian

Número de Páginas: 185

A growing number of higher education institutions in Asia are now integrating ethics courses in their curricula. But the challenge remains to develop courses that can effectively reach their objectives, and to create and use teaching materials appropriate to the particular profile of the students and executives in different regions and cultures. In this context, enhancing awareness for ethical dilemmas, proposing frameworks and models to help managers handle difficult choices and demanding decisions - while not being moralistic and imposing values - , and presenting alternative approaches through recent and relevant cases are the main objectives of this book. It examines teaching methods, learning tools and pedagogical methods effective in the teaching of ethics within the particular context of the rich diversity of Asian cultures, and discusses ethics courses curricula, aiming at developing the capacity to deal with a number of issues such as corruption, intellectual property protection, whistle blowing and consumer rights. The relevance and limits of Asian philosophical and spiritual traditions and how their underlying values can be a meaningful aspect in the teaching of ethics...

Handbook of Group Counseling and Psychotherapy

Autor: Janice L. Delucia-waack , Cynthia R. Kalodner , Maria Riva

Número de Páginas: 657

The most comprehensive and thoroughly researched text available on this topic, Handbook of Group Counseling and Psychotherapy, Second Edition underscores the notion that group work is improved through increased collaboration between researchers and practitioners. Edited by renowned leaders in the field, this thoroughly updated and revised Second Edition explores current literature and research and offers suggestions for practice in psycho-educational, counseling, and therapy groups. The Handbook is divided into five main sections: current and historical perspectives, best practices, multicultural and diverse groups, groups in special settings, and an introduction to special topics.

Honing Self-Awareness of Faculty and Future Business Leaders

Autor: Payal Kumar , Tom Elwood Culham , Richard J. Major , Richard Peregoy

Número de Páginas: 280

Honing Self-Awareness of Faculty and Future Business Leaders emphasizes self-awareness and management of emotions as a strong differentiator for generating student engagement, well-being and performance in complex and ambiguous societal and economic VUCA environments.

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