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Autor: Frédéric Martel

Número de Páginas: 316

Dans ce livre, tout s’accélère. Le numérique amplifie la mondialisation ; internet est mobile ; le téléphone et la télévision deviennent « smart ». Comment la Chine a-t-elle créé des clones de Google ou Facebook et bâti son propre internet censuré ? Comment les pays arabes ont-ils utilisé les réseaux sociaux pour faire leurs révolutions et Israël pour être une « start-up nation » ? Avec Mainstream, Frédéric Martel avait décrit la guerre mondiale de la culture et des médias ; avec Smart, il prolonge l’enquête dans toutes les capitales numériques. De la Silicon Valley au Japon, du Brésil à l’Afrique du Sud, et jusqu’à Gaza, ce livre raconte la bataille d’internet et son futur. Ce faisant, il montre qu’internet n’a jamais été véritablement global, qu’il existe autant d’usages du web qu’il y a de territoires, que les frontières demeurent. Smart est la première grande enquête de terrain sur le nouveau monde qui vient.

Smart. Internet(s): una investigación

Autor: Frédéric Martel

Número de Páginas: 415

Un análisis sorprendente del uso de internet y las redes sociales en el mundo, por el aclamado autor de Cultura Mainstream. ¿Cómo ha podido China crear sus propios clones de Google, Facebook y YouTube? ¿De qué manera los países árabes supieron emplear las redes sociales para emprender sus revoluciones? ¿Debemos temer que el inglés se convierta en la lengua empleada «por defecto» en Internet? De Silicon Valley a Tokio, de Brasil a Washington, de Sudáfrica a la India y llegando hasta Cuba o Gaza, Frédéric Martel emprende una investigación sin precedentes, sobre el terreno, y hace un análisis profundo del protagonismo y la influencia de internet y las redes sociales en el mundo, demostrando que hay tantos internets como países. Este enfoque del tema, novedoso y optimista, da cuenta de un mundo mucho más smart de lo que pensábamos, en el que se respetan las singularidades nacionales, las identidades y las diferencias locales. No debemos temer el mundo digitalizado: el futuro de internet depende del uso que se haga de él. Reseñas: «Una importante investigación sobre el terreno que ilumina los rostros dispersos de la revolución digital.» Les Inrockuptibles «Un...

Más allá de internet: la red universal digital

Autor: Fernando Sáez Vacas

Número de Páginas: 393

Hay una obra en construcción, casi invisible, que en parte ya inconscientemente habitamos, cuyos efectos revolucionan nuestras vidas y todas las formas sociales que el ser humano conoce. Es un enorme tejido de redes de tecnología digital, de las que si acaso solemos hablar por separado, cada uno según su experiencia particular, pero de las que se nos escapa la comprensión de su emergencia como un todo o sistema. A esta emergente realidad, que va más allá de internet, el Dr. Fernando Sáez Vacas, catedrático de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y uno de los mejores y más acreditados expertos en sociotecnología, la denomina Red Universal Digital. Sus elementos, sus confines, desarrollos y tendencias, que llegan hasta nuestra indumentaria y al interior de nuestros cuerpos y de los objetos que empleamos, son descritos en este ensayo con un lenguaje lo más didáctico posible, sin tecnicismos.

Utilitarismo y derechos humanos: la propuesta de John Stuart Mill

Autor: Íñigo Álvarez Gálvez

Número de Páginas: 404

Se dice que el utilitarismo es incompatible con la defensa de los derechos humanos, pues la búsqueda del mayor bien para el mayor número que prescribe el utilitarismo, puede exigir, en ocasiones, pasar por encima de los derechos. Sin embargo, quizá sea posible ofrecer una solución al conflicto presentando una doctrina utilitarista, reconocible como tal, que sea lo suficientemente amplia como para dar cabida a los derechos. La presente obra tiene como objeto exponer la doctrina de John Stuart Mill como buen ejemplo de cómo es posible llevar a cabo esta tarea.

Concepciones de la ética

Autor: Victoria Camps , Osvaldo Norberto Guariglia , Fernando Salmerón

Número de Páginas: 332

Este libro es parte de la colección e-Libro en BiblioBoard.

La última hora

Autor: Charles Sheehan-miles

Número de Páginas: 540

Carrie Thompson-Sherman, una joven de veintisiete años, tiene la vida que siempre quiso: una tesis doctoral, una prestigiosa beca de colaboración y un marido increíble. Su cuento de hadas comienza a desmoronarse cuando una compañera de trabajo celosa pone en entredicho su beca de colaboración y un secreto horrible que Ray se había llevado a casa desde Afganistán sale a la luz. Con todo su mundo pendiendo de un hilo, un accidente fatal pone en peligro las vidas de su marido y su hermana. Carrie, destrozada, tendrá que enfrentarse a la elección más devastadora de su vida. Una elección que lo cambiará todo.

Análisis prospectivo de nuevas oportunidades de negocio derivadas del desarrollo de la concepción SMART para el horizonte 2025

Autor: Pablo De Castro García

Número de Páginas: 98

Este estudio identifica y describe de manera prospectiva las nuevas oportunidades de negocio y los retos para desarrollar el concepto Smart en el primer cuarto del Siglo XXI, tratando de analizar y caracterizar el concepto Smart en sus distintos usos, ámbitos y contextos de aplicación. Cuando recibimos el encargo, nos planteamos claramente a quien debería ir dirigido, pensando sobre todo en ciudadanos, que sin un gran conocimiento científico-tecnológico, pudieran comprender e interpretar las diferentes perspectivas y prospectivas que se abren en el uso de las tecnologías SMART de cara al futuro de nuestras vidas y nuestras actividades. Comprender tanto como individuos y como sociedad, como ciudadanos que formamos parte de una comunidad, como trabajadores, como empresarios y en definitiva hacer llegar al lector los cambios radicales que se avecinan en la forma de desarrollar la actividad social y económica de los próximos diez años. Capítulo 1 RESUMEN EJECUTIVO ................................................................................................................... | 5 | Capítulo 2 INTRODUCCIÓN y CONTEXTOS EMERGENTES DE REFERENCIA...

Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Digital Twin for Smart Manufacturing

Autor: Amit Kumar Tyagi , Shrikant Tiwari , Senthil Kumar Arumugam , Avinash Kumar Sharma

Número de Páginas: 628

An essential book on the applications of AI and digital twin technology in the smart manufacturing sector. In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern manufacturing, the integration of cutting-edge technologies has become imperative for businesses to remain competitive and adaptive. Among these technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a transformative force, revolutionizing traditional manufacturing processes and making the way for the era of smart manufacturing. At the heart of this technological revolution lies the concept of the Digital Twin—an innovative approach that bridges the physical and digital realms of manufacturing. By creating a virtual representation of physical assets, processes, and systems, organizations can gain unprecedented insights, optimize operations, and enhance decision-making capabilities. This timely book explores the convergence of AI and Digital Twin technologies to empower smart manufacturing initiatives. Through a comprehensive examination of principles, methodologies, and practical applications, it explains the transformative potential of AI-enabled Digital Twins across various facets of the manufacturing lifecycle. From design...

Advanced Computational Intelligence for Object Detection, Feature Extraction and Recognition in Smart Sensor Environments

Autor: Marcin Woźniak

Número de Páginas: 454

Recent years have seen a vast development in various methodologies for object detection and feature extraction and recognition, both in theory and in practice. When processing images, videos, or other types of multimedia, one needs efficient solutions to perform fast and reliable processing. Computational intelligence is used for medical screening where the detection of disease symptoms is carried out, in prevention monitoring to detect suspicious behavior, in agriculture systems to help with growing plants and animal breeding, in transportation systems for the control of incoming and outgoing transportation, for unmanned vehicles to detect obstacles and avoid collisions, in optics and materials for the detection of surface damage, etc. In many cases, we use developed techniques which help us to recognize some special features. In the context of this innovative research on computational intelligence, the Special Issue “Advanced Computational Intelligence for Object Detection, Feature Extraction and Recognition in Smart Sensor Environments” present an excellent opportunity for the dissemination of recent results and achievements for further innovations and development. It is my ...

More-than-Moore Devices and Integration for Semiconductors

Autor: Francesca Iacopi , Francis Balestra

Número de Páginas: 271

This book provides readers with a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference for miniaturized More-than-Moore systems with a broad range of functionalities that can be added to 3D microsystems, including flexible electronics, metasurfaces and power sources. The book also includes examples of applications for brain-computer interfaces and event-driven imaging systems. Provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference for miniaturized More-than-Moore systems; Covers functionalities to add to 3D microsystems, including flexible electronics, metasurfaces and power sources; Includes current applications, such as brain-computer interfaces, event - driven imaging and edge computing.

Official Journal of the Proceedings of House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana at the ... General Assembly ...

Autor: Louisiana. Legislature. House Of Representatives

Número de Páginas: 236

Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities

Autor: Singh, Sushil Kumar , Tanwar, Sudeep , Jadeja, Rajendrasinh , Singh, Saurabh , Polkowski, Zdzislaw

Número de Páginas: 453

Smart cities are experiencing a rapid evolution. The integration of technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and blockchain has ushered in transformative applications, enhancing the quality of urban life. However, this evolution comes with its own challenges, most notably in security and privacy. Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities addresses these concerns, exploring theoretical frameworks and empirical research findings. The book embarks on the foundational elements of the Internet of Things, delving into the convergence of IoT and smart city applications, elucidating the layered architecture of IoT, and highlighting the security issues inherent in IoT-enabled Smart Cities. This book pinpoints the challenges smart city infrastructures face and offers innovative and pragmatic solutions to fortify their security. This book targets professionals and researchers immersed in the dynamic field of secure and intelligent environments within IoT-enabled smart city applications. It is a valuable resource for executives grappling with the strategic implications of emerging technologies in smart healthcare, smart parking, smart...

Big : la vie privée sous surveillance

Autor: Reginald Whitaker

Número de Páginas: 300

Selon cet ouvrage, nous sommes entrés dans l'âge des espions : les machines et ceux qui les commandent peuvent désormais prendre possession de notre vie privée. Un constat alarmant pour lequel les défis sont nombreux. [SDM].

Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of the Green and Digital Transition

Autor: Mihai Dascalu , Óscar Mealha , Sirje Virkus

Número de Páginas: 275

The book brings together the contributions of the 8th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development aimed at promoting reflection and discussion on the relevance of smart learning ecosystems for regional development and social innovation (e.g., schools, campuses, working places, informal learning contexts) and on how the effectiveness of the relation of citizens and smart ecosystems can be boosted. This forum is interested in understanding how technology-mediated instruments can foster the citizen’s engagement with learning ecosystems and territories, namely by understanding innovative human-centric design and development models/techniques, education/training practices, informal social learning, innovative citizen-driven policies, technology-mediated experiences, and their impact. This set of concerns contributes to fostering the social innovation sectors and ICT, economic development, and deployment strategies alongside new policies for smarter proactive citizens.

Navigating Organizational Behavior in the Digital Age With AI

Autor: Özsungur, Fahri

Número de Páginas: 602

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved from a futuristic concept into a powerful force that is transforming industries and organizations across the globe. The impact of AI on organizational behavior, leadership, talent management, ethics, and strategic decision-making is profound, especially within the corporate landscape. As organizations adapt to the digital age, understanding how AI reshapes key areas of management is critical for staying competitive and innovative. Navigating Organizational Behavior in the Digital Age With AI provides a comprehensive exploration of AI's integration within organizations, covering its influence on decision-making, conflict resolution, performance management, diversity, and ethics. This book offers valuable insights into AI's role in shaping modern work environments, enhancing talent acquisition, and driving inclusive workplaces. It serves as a vital resource for academics, researchers, corporate leaders, HR professionals, and policymakers seeking to understand AI's broader impact on organizational practices and its implications for the future of work.

Johnston, J. S.; Kentucky. Moore, J. C.; Missouri

Autor: Clement Anselm Evans

Número de Páginas: 520

Untangling Smart Cities

Autor: Luca Mora , Mark Deakin

Número de Páginas: 418

Untangling Smart Cities: From Utopian Dreams to Innovation Systems for a Technology-Enabled Urban Sustainability helps all key stakeholders understand the complex and often conflicting nature of smart city research, offering valuable insights for designing and implementing strategies to improve the smart city decision-making processes. The book drives the reader to a better theoretical and practical comprehension of smart city development, beginning with a thorough and systematic analysis of the research literature published to date. It addition, it provides an in-depth understanding of the entire smart city knowledge domain, revealing a deeply rooted division in its cognitive-epistemological structure as identified by bibliometric insights. Users will find a book that fills the knowledge gap between theory and practice using case study research and empirical evidence drawn from cities considered leaders in innovative smart city practices. - Provides clarity on smart city concepts and strategies - Presents a systematic literature analysis on the state-of-the-art of smart cities' research using bibliometrics combined with practical applications - Offers a comprehensive and...

Digital Transformation for Improved Industry and Supply Chain Performance

Autor: Khan, Muhammad Rahies , Khan, Naveed R. , Jhanjhi, Noor Zaman

Número de Páginas: 438

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Industry 4.0, integrating digital technologies into supply chain management (SCM) presents opportunities and challenges. While Industry 4.0 promises increased efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness, its impact on sustainability within SCM remains a pressing concern. Existing literature often needs to look more into the holistic integration of Industry 4.0 technologies with sustainable practices in SCM, leaving a critical gap in understanding and implementation. This gap not only inhibits the realization of sustainable performance but also hinders firms from aligning with global sustainability agendas such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) 2030. Digital Transformation for Improved Industry and Supply Chain Performance offers a comprehensive solution by examining the integration of Industry 4.0 technology and SCM sustainability. It addresses the urgent need for firms to undergo digital transformation to achieve sustainable performance. It provides insights into how Industry 4.0 technologies can be strategically leveraged to promote sustainability in SCM operations. Through in-depth analysis of critical topics such ...

El razonamiento jurídico consecuencialista

Autor: Piero Ríos

Número de Páginas: 151

Este libro se enfoca en un aspecto controversial y poco explorado de la teoría del razonamiento jurídico de MacCormick: el razonamiento jurídico consecuencialista. Piero Ríos Carrillo es abogado por la Universidad Católica San Pablo (Arequipa, Perú), en donde obtuvo el reconocimiento a primer puesto de la promoción de egreso 2018-2. Ha sido orador del equipo que quedó en el segundo lugar de la 10a edición del Moot Madrid (Madrid, España) en 2018 y que ganó la 6a Competencia Internacional de Arbitraje de Inversiones organizada por la Universidad del Externado (Colombia) y la American University (EEUU) en 2019. Ha realizado estudios de especialización en arbitraje internacional en el Washington College of Law de la American University (Washington D.C, EEUU). Ha publicado artículos en revistas indexadas en materia de Derecho Constitucional, Derechos Humanos y Arbitraje. Actualmente es Profesor Asistente en el Departamento de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la Universidad Católica San Pablo y Abogado en el Estudio Muñiz (sede Arequipa).

Accessible Tourism in the Digital Ecosystem

Autor: Fabio Cassia , Paola Castellani , Chiara Rossato

Número de Páginas: 84

This book explores the growing demand for accessible tourism experiences and demonstrates how the perspective of digital ecosystems can play a vital role in creating more inclusive destinations. Through a combination of conceptual arguments and real-world case studies, the book sheds light on the practical aspects of accessible tourism. Statistics reveal that over one billion people have severe or moderate disabilities, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced accessibility in tourism. However, both industry practices and academic research in this field are still lagging behind. The book highlights the challenge of establishing coordination among various stakeholders, including transport operators, hospitality firms, and public authorities, which has hindered the design and implementation of inclusive tourism experiences. By harnessing the power of new technologies, the book illustrates how digital ecosystems can effectively facilitate accessible tourism. It examines the demand for such experiences and demonstrates how embracing a digital ecosystem perspective can contribute to the development of more accessible tourism destinations. In addition to its theoretical insights, the...

Artificial Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing

Autor: Kim Phuc Tran

Número de Páginas: 271

This book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the field of smart manufacturing, exploring theoretical research, technological advancements, and practical applications of AI approaches. With Industry 4.0 paving the way for intelligent systems and innovative technologies to enhance productivity and quality, the transition to Industry 5.0 has introduced a new concept known as augmented intelligence (AuI), combining artificial intelligence (AI) with human intelligence (HI). As the demand for smart manufacturing continues to grow, this book serves as a valuable resource for professionals and practitioners looking to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in Industry 5.0. Covering a range of important topics such as product design, predictive maintenance, quality control, digital twin, wearable technology, quantum, and machine learning, the book also features insightful case studies that demonstrate the practical application of these tools in real-world scenarios. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the latest advancements in smart manufacturing, offering readers a valuable resource for navigating the...

Meaning and Modality

Autor: Casimir Lewy

Número de Páginas: 190

A study of various central and connected topics in philosophical logic and the theory of meaning. There are important sections on the relation between linguistic and abstract entities, on necessity and convention, on meaning, sense and reference, and on entailment. Dr Lewy proposes a number of original solutions to problems which have been widely discussed in literature, and there is in particular a sharp and sustained criticism of conventionalism and reductionism. These are among the most difficult and intricate issues in contemporary philosophy, but Dr Lewy writes with great clarity and a minimum of technicality. Where his views are controversial they are explained and supported in a detail which makes it both possible and necessary for potential critics to state their disagreement precisely. The book should therefore be of value as an advanced textbook as well as an original contribution to philosophical logic.

Green Technological Innovation for Sustainable Smart Societies

Autor: Chinmay Chakraborty

Número de Páginas: 419

This book discusses the innovative and efficient technological solutions for sustainable smart societies in terms of alteration in industrial pollution levels, the effect of reduced carbon emissions, green power management, ecology, and biodiversity, the impact of minimal noise levels and air quality influences on human health. The book is focused on the smart society development using innovative low-cost advanced technology in different areas where the growth in employment and income are driven by public and private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy, and resource efficiency and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The book also covers the paradigm shift in the sustainable development for the green environment in the post-pandemic era. It emphasizes and facilitates a greater understanding of existing available research i.e., theoretical, methodological, well-established and validated empirical work, associated with the environmental and climate change aspects.

Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma

Autor: United States. Department Of The Interior

Número de Páginas: 688

Emerging Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Energy

Autor: Anirbid Sircar , Gautami Tripathi , Namrata Bist , Kashish Ara Shakil , Mithileysh Sathiyanarayanan

Número de Páginas: 246

Considering the alarming issue of global climate change and its drastic consequences, there is an urgent need to further develop smart and innovative solutions for the energy sector. The goal of sustainable and smart energy for present and future generations can be achieved by integrating emerging technologies into the existing energy infrastructure. This book focuses on the role and significance of emerging technologies in the energy sector and covers the various technological interventions for both conventional and unconventional energy resources and provides meaningful insights into smart and sustainable energy solutions. The book also discusses future directions for smart and sustainable developments in the energy sector.

La indefinibilidad de 'bueno' en G. E. Moore

Autor: Joaquim Clotet

Número de Páginas: 344

La tesis doctoral del profesor Joaquim Clotet, publicada aquí íntegramente en español, corona finalmente su inestimable contribución a la investigación en Bioética, Ética Aplicada, Ética Normativa y Metaética. La tesis fue defendida originalmente en la Universidad de Barcelona en 1980. El profesor Clotet nos muestra que aunque el nombre de G. E. Moore está ligado a los inicios de la llamada filosofía analítica, junto con B. Russell y L. Wittgenstein, su sustancial contribución a la la historia de la filosofía fue descuidada o mitigada en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado. En su minucioso estudio, Clotet argumenta que la indefinibilidad de lo que es bueno (bueno), como predicado o adjetivo, revela el intuicionismo moral de Moore en su visión crítica del bien (el Bien) como una propiedad simple y no natural, sin pretensiones. más allá de sus investigaciones morales epistémicas y metafísicas, alejándose de Bradley y del idealismo británico, antes de desarrollar sus propias reflexiones sobre filosofía moral en diálogo crítico con el utilitarismo de Bentham y J.S. Mill, la moralidad evolutiva de Spencer, la moralidad neoidealista de Bradley y el intuicionismo...

EU Internet Law in the Digital Single Market

Autor: Tatiana-eleni Synodinou , Philippe Jougleux , Christiana Markou , Thalia Prastitou-merdi

Número de Páginas: 646

With the ongoing evolution of the digital society challenging the boundaries of the law, new questions are arising – and new answers being given – even now, almost three decades on from the digital revolution. Written by a panel of legal specialists and edited by experts on EU Internet law, this book provides an overview of the most recent developments affecting the European Internet legal framework, specifically focusing on four current debates. Firstly, it discusses the changes in online copyright law, especially after the enactment of the new directive on the single digital market. Secondly, it analyzes the increasing significance of artificial intelligence in our daily life. The book then addresses emerging issues in EU digital law, exploring out of the box approaches in Internet law. It also presents the last cyber-criminality law trends (offenses, international instrument, behaviors), and discusses the evolution of personal data protection. Lastly, it evaluates the degree of consumer and corporate protection in the digital environment, demonstrating that now, more than ever, EU Internet law is based on a combination of copyright, civil, administrative, criminal,...

¿Qué sigue?

Autor: Chris Hodges

Número de Páginas: 272

El exitoso autor e influyente pastor Chris Hodges ofrece a los cristianos una guía práctica sobre qué hacer para profundizar su fe. El peregrinaje hacia una fe más profunda y la madurez espiritual es una búsqueda de por vida, con muchas paradas y caídas en el camino. Inevitablemente, llega un momento en que los cristianos, tanto los nuevos creyentes como los veteranos en la fe, se preguntan: «¿Qué hago ahora? ¿Cómo permanezco motivado para profundizar más en mi relación con Dios cuando me siento satisfecho, intimidado o confundido? ¿Qué puedo hacer para volver a encarrilarme cuando llego a un tiempo de rutina espiritual?». En ¿Qué sigue?, Chris Hodges revela los cuatro pasos hacia la madurez espiritual: conocer a Dios, encontrar libertad, descubrir el propósito y marcar la diferencia. Muestra cómo estos cuatro pasos son parte de un camino lineal y de un ciclo al que los cristianos continúan regresando con mayor profundidad a medida que crecen. Accesible y claro, conciso y profundo, ¿Qué sigue?, es una guía que conduce a una relación más profunda e íntima con el Padre y al gozo que proviene del viaje.

Sustainable Development of Smart Cities Infrastructure (SDSCI-2023) (Volume-2)

Autor: H.k. Sharma , Arun Goel , Pankaj Munjal

Número de Páginas: 390

Sustainable development of smart cities infrastructures is of paramount importance and need to be planned, designed, constructed, operated and de-commissioned in a manner that ensures economic, social, environmental and institutional sustainability over the entire infrastructure life cycle. Smart cities infrastructure however be cost effective, disaster resilient, environmentally friendly, conserving natural resources, and sustainable ensuring faster delivery of quality and durable structures which include roads, building, bridges, energy and water infrastructures. Government of India is going to encourage Public Private Partnership (PPP) as an alternate option to build most of the infrastructures, which can be useful both for green-field as well as brown-field smart cities projects. The present book is a collection of contributed research and review papers presented at the ‘National Conference on Sustainable Development of Smart Cities Infrastructure’ (SDSCI-2023) held at National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra in May 2023.The subject matter is grouped into nine sessions which include research articles pertaining to sustainable development of smart cities, urban and...

E-Business. New Challenges and Opportunities for Digital-Enabled Intelligent Future

Autor: Yiliu Paul Tu

Número de Páginas: 460

Artificial Intelligence Systems and the Internet of Things in the Digital Era

Autor: Abdalmuttaleb M.a Musleh Al-sartawi , Anjum Razzaque , Muhammad Mustafa Kamal

Número de Páginas: 546

This book brings together intelligence systems and the Internet of Things, with special attention given to the opportunities, challenges, for education, business growth, and economic progression of nations which will help societies (economists, financial managers, engineers, ICT specialists, digital managers, data managers, policymakers, regulators, researchers, academics, and students) to better understand, use, and control AI and IoT to develop future strategies and to achieve sustainability goals. EAMMIS 2021 was organized by the Bridges Foundation in cooperation with the Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey, on March 19–20, 2021. EAMMIS 2021 theme was Artificial Intelligence Systems and the Internet of Things in the digital era. The papers presented at the conference provide a holistic view of AI education, MIS, cybersecurity, blockchain, Internet of Ideas (IoI), and knowledge management.

Smart Technologies and Innovation for a Sustainable Future

Autor: Ahmed Al-masri , Kevin Curran

Número de Páginas: 450

The book presents high-quality research papers presented at the 1st AUE International research conference, AUEIRC 2017, organized by the American University in the Emirates, held on November 15th-16th, 2017 in Dubai. The book is broadly divided into three sections: Media and Smart Cities, Creative Technologies and Innovation, and Security Risks and Strategic Challenges. The areas covered under these sections are cyber-psychology and digital forensics, cloud RAN architecture, networking functions virtualization, e-Governance and IoT semantic interoperability, ERP security, web-based application and problem-solving skills, smart technologies and advertising, smart technologies for smart cities, smart adaptable navigation systems, turbo codes for security key generation, technology advanced student learning and mobile devices, big data security and privacy, multi-channel buffer enabled technique, physiological signal acquisition in electro-oculography, blockchain and donation-based crowdfunding, smart city and framework development approach, news channel and media education, UAE foreign policy, China-GCC relations, diplomacy in the Internet age, intelligent cyber-security strategies, ...

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the English Ecclesiastical Courts

Autor: Great Britain. Courts , Joseph Phillimore , Jesse Addams , John Haggard , James Fergusson , William Calverley Curteis

Número de Páginas: 532

Digital India

Autor: Arpan Kumar Kar , Shuchi Sinha , M. P. Gupta

Número de Páginas: 287

This book offers a multidisciplinary resource on digital government, while specifically focusing on its role within the emerging market of India. The Government of India (GoI) is concentrating on transforming India under the Digital India initiative. In order to do so, it has emphasized three core areas: (1) Computing infrastructure as a utility to every citizen; (2) Governance and services on demand; and (3) Digital empowerment of citizens. The chapters in this book address issues surrounding these areas, highlighting concepts such as knowledge societies, urban operations and logistics, issues in managing emergent Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), and also smart analytics for urbanization. The chapters contribute to the theory, practice and policy for a “Digital India.” The book captures lessons, knowledge, experiences (about challenges, drivers, antecedents, etc.) and best practices emerging from implementation of various projects. While the book is dedicated to a “Digital India,” this book can also be valuable resource for public administrators, government officials and researchers in other emerging markets and developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin ...

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