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Licensing Standard Essential Patents

Autor: Igor Nikolic

Número de Páginas: 319

What is the licensing framework of standard essential patents (SEPs) for connectivity standards such as 5G and Wi-Fi? How will the framework change with the Internet of Things (IoT)? This book provides comprehensive answers to these questions. For over two decades, connectivity standards have been the subject of litigation and controversy around the globe. Now, with the introduction of 5G and the emergence of the world of connected objects, or the IoT, the licensing framework for SEPs is becoming even more contentious. In order to bring clarity to the debate, this book analyses and explains key components of a fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licence for SEPs; clarifies the economic, policy and market background of SEP disputes; examines the interrelated application of contract, patent and competition laws; and describes the approaches by courts and regulators in the EU, US and the UK. Importantly, the book also assesses how the experience from the smartphone and ICT industries can be applied in a new environment of the IoT, and considers what needs to be changed in the future SEP licensing landscape. The book provides a holistic coverage of SEP licensing issues in...

Theory, Law and Practice of Maritime Arbitration

Autor: Eva Litina

Número de Páginas: 175

Theory, Law and Practice of Maritime Arbitration The Case of International Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea Eva Litina It is estimated that over 80% of global trade by volume is carried by sea, making maritime transport a cornerstone of the global economy. Most disputes in the shipping industry are settled by distinctive, private arbitral proceedings that are best understood by a close examination of the standard form contracts that are used in practice and of the case law arising therefrom. Extrapolating insightfully from these sources, the author of this book examines in depth the phenomenon of maritime arbitration with a specific focus on contracts for the carriage of goods by sea. She offers the first comprehensive and comparative analysis of arbitral practice in the three jurisdictions where the most frequently selected maritime arbitral seats are located: London, New York, and Singapore. An analysis of the applicable rules and relevant case law in each jurisdiction provides the basis from which a comparative assessment of maritime arbitral seats is achieved. The book addresses the following key aspects of maritime arbitration: maritime arbitration’s definition,...

Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants

Autor: Miriam Potocky , Mitra Naseh

Número de Páginas: 415

Social work practice with refugees and immigrants requires specialized knowledge of these populations and specialized adaptations and applications of mainstream services and interventions. Because they are often confronted with cultural, linguistic, political, and socioeconomic barriers, these groups are especially vulnerable to psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, alienation, grief, and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as concerns arising from inadequate health care. Institutionalized discrimination and anti-immigrant policies and attitudes only exacerbate these challenges. The second edition of Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants offers an update to this comprehensive guide to social work with foreign-born clients and an evaluation of various helping strategies and their methodological strengths and weaknesses. Part 1 sets forth the context for evidence-based service approaches for such clients by describing the nature of these populations, relevant policies designed to assist them, service-delivery systems, and culturally competent practice. Part 2 addresses specific problem areas common to refugees and immigrants and evaluates a...

Voyages on the Northern Sea Route

Autor: Tadeusz Pastusiak

Número de Páginas: 301

This book explains vessels’ ability to overcome ice on the Northern Sea Route, as well as the criteria of safe speed and maneuvering of vessels on ice. It provides a successful long-term forecast of ice navigation and reveals the dangers of sailing on the Northern Sea Route, It includes tips on how to plan and schedule voyages in the Russian Arctic. The book develops a set of suggested routes for the period of opening and closing of the transit ice-free zone through the NSR based on the last eleven navigation seasons. It presents a method for determining the date for beginning a voyage of a vessel without ice strengthening through the NSR. It also develops a model of initial (long-term) and operational decision-making support system for vessel voyage planning and scheduling. The main audience for the book are officers at operational and management level of competency, people planning voyages on the Northern Sea Route in the office of ship operator and in chartering department or consulting company, and participants of Ice Navigator IMO Model Courses at basic and advanced level of competency.

International Construction Arbitration Law

Autor: Jane Jenkins

Número de Páginas: 529

Arbitration in Context Series Volume 1 There is probably no area of activity more in need of reliable dispute resolution procedures than construction projects, especially if more than one jurisdiction is involved. The third edition of this eminently practical guide greatly facilitates the process for all parties concerned. The text, updated to include the latest edition of arbitral rules and introducing the Prague Rules, considers the full range of available dispute resolution methods, including mediation, conciliation and determination by dispute review boards, before focusing specifically on arbitration. The book then looks in detail at all aspects of arbitration, from commencement of proceedings, selection of the tribunal, through preparation and collection of the evidence necessary in complex construction cases, to common procedural issues, the conduct of the hearing, the effect of the award, challenges to it and its enforcement. The third edition addresses fresh thinking on MedArb, guidance on preparation for and conduct of virtual hearings in the wake of COVID-19, technological advances to assist collection and presentation of evidence, litigation funding and includes a new...

Keto for Beginners

Autor: Stefano Villa

Número de Páginas: 246

Are You Ready To Lose Weight with The Keto Diet Easily? Did you know you can lose weight when you eat fat instead of carbs? Losing weight is not easy. Yes, that's right. It requires the right knowledge, diet, and commitment. That's why this eBook will not only be something as your reference but it will also play a part on the journey to a healthier YOU. After 21 days, it is expected that you will be well-equipped with the right information while enjoying a whole new you – have already shed some pounds and built better confidence. You might be asking: "What is keto diet and will it work for me?" Well, to be able to understand if the keto diet will work for you, it is imperative to get to know first about its definition, benefits, and limitations. Simply defined, a keto or ketogenic diet is an eating plan with high fat and very low-carb intake. This diet plan is composed of mostly fat and moderate protein. According to experts, the ratio can be stated as: fat (70-80% from daily total calories); protein (10-20%), and 5-10% carbohydrates. You might be dubious about this eating plan because of its high-fat content. But due to its low carbohydrate diet, fats are effectively burned and ...

Smart Cities

Autor: Oliver Gassmann , Jonas Böhm , Maximilian Palmié

Número de Páginas: 257

Transforming cities through digital innovations is becoming an imperative for every city. However, city ecosystems widely struggle to start, manage and execute the transformation. This book aims to give a comprehensive overview of all facets of the Smart City transformation and provides concrete tools, checklists, and guiding frameworks.

Runtime Verification

Autor: Christian Colombo , Martin Leucker

Número de Páginas: 474

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Runtime Verification, RV 2018, held in Limassol, Cyprus, in November 2018. The 21 full papers presented together with 3 short papers and 3 tool papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 49 submissions. The RV conference is concerned with all aspects of monitoring and analysis of hardware, software and more general system executions. Runtime verification techniques are lightweight techniques to assess correctness, reliability, and robustness; these techniques are significantly more powerful and versatile than conventional testing, and more practical than exhaustive formal verification. Chapter “Hardware-based Runtime Verification with Embedded Tracing Units and Stream Processing” is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Politiquement jeune

Autor: Anne Muxel

Número de Páginas: 155

« La jeunesse est un âge, elle est un temps de la vie. Elle est aussi un état qui renvoie l'image de la société, de ses espérances et de ses blocages, de ses projections et de ses impasses. Les jeunes doivent pouvoir y trouver une place et assumer la relève des générations. Dans quelles conditions ? Avec quelles contraintes et quelle marge de liberté ? » Pour comprendre la jeunesse actuelle, cet ouvrage analyse le vote des jeunes lors des élections présidentielle et législatives du printemps 2017. Il interroge les usages démocratiques contemporains dont les jeunes sont porteurs ainsi que les tensions, voire les paradoxes, qui sont à l'oeuvre dans ce renouveau. Un livre éclairant. Anne Muxel est directrice de recherches au CNRS (CEVIPOF/Sciences Po). Elle vient de publier avec Olivier Galland La tentation radicale, enquête auprès des lycéens (PUF).

Cornelius Van Til’s Doctrine of God and Its Relevance for Contemporary Hermeneutics

Autor: Jason B. Hunt

Número de Páginas: 260

Cornelius Van Til's Doctrine of God and Its Relevance for Contemporary Hermeneutics seeks to answer the question, "What does Van Til have to do with hermeneutics?" It is argued that some of the most relevant concerns in the field of contemporary hermeneutics are similar to those addressed by Van Til in the area of apologetics. Van Til's approach involved a self-conscious consistency between method and theology proper in order to reason according to the Christian worldview found in Scripture. Just as one's apologetic method should be consistent with the theology revealed in the Bible, so also should one's hermeneutic. This work not only argues that Van Til has an important place in the hermeneutical discussion, but also demonstrates his place in terms of the main contours in his doctrine of God. In doing so, certain influences on evangelical hermeneutics are considered according to consistency with theology proper. Lastly, a Van Tillian hermeneutic is applied to the often-debated issue concerning the New Testament use of the Old Testament.


Autor: Raphael Schlembach

Número de Páginas: 222

In the first academic analysis of the ‘spycops’ scandal, the author draws on extensive fieldwork and his first-hand experience of police infiltration in this exploration of covert policing practices.

El teatro español en Hungría

Autor: Eszter Katona

Número de Páginas: 710

Entre España y Hungría existen relaciones históricas desde el siglo X, estudiadas detalladamente por varios historiadores húngaros. Se han analizado también los vínculos literarios, aunque el teatro español y su recepción en el país centroeuropeo no han recibido la merecida atención hasta nuestros días. El objetivo de este volumen es cubrir los hiatos en las investigaciones de las relaciones culturales entre los dos países, examinando en profundidad la presencia del teatro español y la literatura dramática en Hungría desde los siglos XVIII−XIX hasta la actualidad. El carácter dual del género dramático ha determinado dos direcciones en la investigación. A diferencia de la prosa o la poesía, en el teatro podemos hablar de dos lecturas posibles: una meramente literaria, que da lugar a una traducción para ser leída, y otra para ser escenificada. Igualmente, el objetivo de esta monografía es también doble: ofrecer el repertorio de los dramas españoles traducidos al húngaro y estrenados allí y presentar las críticas de la prensa. Dado que estos documentos han aparecido solo en húngaro, hasta hoy no han sido accesibles para los lectores que no dominen este...

The Routledge Companion to Public Relations

Autor: Donnalyn Pompper , Katie R. Place , C. Kay Weaver

Número de Páginas: 625

Public relations is a uniquely pervasive force in our modern economy, influencing every aspect of our lives from the personal to the political. This comprehensive volume provides an expert overview of current scholarship, reflecting the impact of technology, society, and demographic shifts in a complex global environment. The last century saw the emergence of the public relations discipline. This expertly curated collection explores the dynamic growth in thinking about public relations’ role in our changing global society, now and into the future. It reflects the challenges and perspectives of postcolonial, postmodern, feminist, critical race theory, social responsibility, sustainability, activist standpoints, as well as the profound and unpredictable impact of technological change and social media. Each chapter provides an overview of current knowledge and its roots, while engaging with emerging new directions and old debates – and advocates for where the research agenda is likely to advance in the future. This unique Companion will be an essential resource for students and researchers in public relations, communication, marketing, media, and cultural studies. It provides an...

Steering Against Superbugs

Autor: Olivier Rubin , Erik Baekkeskov , Louise Munkholm

Número de Páginas: 307

"Many people correctly understand that superbugs can threaten health. Superbugs are microbial organisms, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi, that resist one or more antibiotic or other antimicrobial treatments. What may be less widely understood is that the threat is global, growing, and encompasses human systems surrounding healthcare, agriculture, and the environment. In 2019, 1.3 million people around the world are estimated to have died from resistant microbes (Murray et al., 2022). This is similar to how many succumb annually to HIV/AIDS and Malaria combined (Laxminarayan, 2022). The recent coronavirus pandemic may have further exacerbated the global health challenge posed by superbugs (Rizvi & Ahammad, 2022; Adebisi et al., 2021; Rodríguez-Baño et al., 2021). By 2050, worst-case projections include annual superbug fatalities of ten million people (O'Neil, 2016). Some experts have started to refer to the increase and spread of superbugs as the overlooked or silent pandemic (Laxminarayan, 2022; UN, 2020; Mahoney et al., 2021). Other experts warn that we might be heading towards a 'post-antibiotic' era where minor infections become increasingly severe or even...

Routledge Handbook on Arab Media

Autor: Noureddine Miladi , Noha Mellor

Número de Páginas: 529

This handbook provides the first comprehensive reference book in English about the development of mass and social media in all Arab countries. Capturing the historical as well as current developments in the media scene, this collection maps the role of media in social and political movements. Contributors include specialists in the field from North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Each chapter provides an overview of the history, regulatory frameworks and laws governing the press, and socio-political functions of the media. While the geopolitical complexities of the region have been reflected in the expert analyses collectively, the focus is always the local context of each member state. All 38 chapters consider the specific historical, political, and media trajectories in each country, to provide a contextual background and foundation for further study about single states or comparative analysis in two or more Arab states. Capturing significant technological developments and the widespread use of social media, this all-inclusive volume on Arab media is a key resource for students and scholars interested in journalism, media, and Middle East studies.

Museum education / Médiation culturelle - éducation muséale / Educación museal - mediación cultural

Autor: Stéphanie Wintzerith

Número de Páginas: 388

ICOM Education is the annual journal issued by CECA, the international Committee for Education and Cultural Action of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) network. The journal publishes papers written by museum professionals as well as academic researchers around the world in order to foster the reflection on the themes which are the committee's raison d'être: museum education, cultural action and audience research. This issue is dedicated to museum education, looking into the different meanings and understandings of the words as well as the various implementations in the museums all over the world.

The Handbook of Board Governance

Autor: Richard Leblanc

Número de Páginas: 1207

The revised new edition of the must-read guide for executives—provides comprehensive coverage of topics in corporate governance by leading subject-matter experts The Handbook of Board Governance is the marketing-leading text on public, nonprofit, and private board governance. Providing comprehensive, in-depth coverage, this unique text represents a collaboration of internationally-recognized academics and prominent organization directors, executives, managers, and advisors. Contributors include Ariel Fromer Babcock, Robert Eccles, Alice Korngold, Ellie Mulholland, Michael Useem, Elizabeth Valentine and John Zinkin. Practical, expert guidance enables readers to understand value creation and the strategic role of the board, risk governance and oversight, audit and compensation committee effectiveness, CEO succession planning, and other diverse board duties and responsibilities. Now in its second edition, the Handbook offers substantial updates and revisions reflecting contemporary trends, practices, and developments in board governance. New content includes discussions of pressing issues related to climate change, examination of information technology and cybersecurity challenges, ...

Journalism and Safety

Autor: Kristin Skare Orgeret , Oscar Westlund , Roy Krøvel

Número de Páginas: 359

This book presents selected international research on journalism and safety with a focus on digital threats against journalists and their professional practices. It offers an overview of ongoing developments in the field of journalism and safety from diverse regions around the world. From various theoretical, conceptual and empirical perspectives, the chapters address the escalating global concern of pervasive phenomena such as cyber-surveillance, orchestrated attacks, trolling and online harassment and underscore the precariousness of journalists' work in various geographical locations. A section of the book examines the safety conditions of female journalists, focusing on their responses to gendered online attacks and hate speech, whereas another section analyses and discusses institutional and cultural responses to journalists’ safety. The chapters draw on data from diverse geo-cultural regions globally, and collectively the volume provides a comprehensive overview of recent research on digital threats to journalists’ safety and responses to some of the challenges. Additionally, it presents valuable concepts for further scholarly reflection on these issues. The second of...

Neo-militant Democracies in Post-communist Member States of the European Union

Autor: Joanna Rak , Roman Bäcker

Número de Páginas: 208

This book examines contemporary militant democracies in post-communist states in the European Union. Examining, through case studies, their broader relevance to political, legal, and social structures, this book looks in revealing detail at the struggles between these democratic and anti-democratic actors that share similar historical experiences of contentious politics, communism, and political transformation. It importantly unravels the tension between them, determining which are already authoritarian, and which are teetering on the brink of an anti-democratic breakthrough. Analysing regimes’ continuance trajectories to capture how and what shaped the neo-militant aspects of democracies (neomilitancy) over time, the book accounts for why particular post-communist European neo-militant democracies emerge while others decline or transform into quasi-militant democracies despite transformation, how they differ from each other, what brings about the differences and similarities between them, and how and why they change over time. With right-wing populist parties coming to power on the back of fears associated with economic, social, and cultural globalisation and the misuse of...

Formation au collégial

Autor: France Lafleur , Ghislain Samson

Número de Páginas: 221

Avec la pandémie mondiale, les établissements d'enseignement supérieur ont dû s'adapter rapidement aux progrès technologiques qui s'imposaient. Plusieurs professionnels du milieu de l'enseignement se sont ainsi tournés vers l'enseignement numérique pour adapter les pratiques pédagogiques à cette nouvelle réalité. C'est ce que vous propose cet ouvrage collectif qui rassemble des textes d'enseignants, de conseillers pédagogiques et d'autres professionnels du milieu collégial qui désirent partager leurs expériences et leurs savoirs.

From Ideas to Action

Autor: Janis Sarra

Número de Páginas: 219

This book offers a guide, for companies, pension funds, asset managers, and other institutional investors, on how to commence the legal, governance, and financial strategies needed for effective climate mitigation and adaptation, and to help distribute the economic benefits of these actions to their stakeholders. It takes the reader from ideas to action, from first steps to a more meaningful contribution to the move towards a net zero carbon world. It can serve as a helpful guide to everyone implicated in a corporation's activities - employees, pensioners, consumers, banks and other lenders, policymakers, and community members. It offers insights into what we should be expecting, and asking, of these fiduciaries who have taken responsibility for effectively managing our savings, our retirement funds, our investments, and our tax dollars.

Connecting Museums

Autor: Mark O'neill , Glenn Hooper

Número de Páginas: 265

Connecting Museums explores the boundaries of museums and how external relationships are affected by internal commitments, structures and traditions. Focusing on museums’ relationship with heath, inclusion, and community, the book provides a detailed assessment of the alliances between museums and other stakeholders in recent years. With contributions from practitioners and established and early-career academics, this volume explore the ideas and practices through which museums are seeking to move beyond what might be called one-off contributions to society, to reach places where the museum is dynamic and facilitates self-generation and renewal, where it can become not just a provider of a cultural service, but an active participant in the rehabilitation of social trust and democratic participation. The contributors to this volume provide conceptual critiques and clarification of a number of key ideas which form the basis of the ethics of museum legitimacy, as well as a number of reports from the front line about the experience of trying to renew museums as more valuable and more relevant institutions. Providing internal and external perspectives, Connecting Museums presents a...

Space Fostering Latin American Societies

Autor: Annette Froehlich

Número de Páginas: 166

This book presents a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in unlocking Latin America’s developmental aspirations. It explains how space and its applications can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of Latin American societies, while being driven by Latin American goals. The Latin American space sector is currently undergoing a phase of rapid and dynamic expansion, with new actors entering the field and with space applications increasingly used to support the continent’s social, economic, and political development. All across Latin America, attention is shifting to space as a fundamental part of the continental development agenda, and the creation of a Latin American space agency is evidence of this. Additionally, while in recent years, great advances in economic and social development have lifted many of Latin America’s people out of poverty, there is still much that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of the population and to afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Latin America’s goals for its future, but there is still a need for...

Concept Of Material Science

Autor: Er. Prs. Murthy , Mahima Sharma , Dr. M K Gupta , Dr. V. J. Priyadharshini

Número de Páginas: 263

The concept of Materials Science is a relatively new field that has helped us learn a lot about how materials work and how to use them to get the most out of them. Researchers in this field are known as materials scientists, and they use a wide variety of methods to establish connections between a material's molecular physical, mechanical, and chemical characteristics and its microscopic structure and composition. By elucidating these relationships, materials scientists will be better equipped to tailor the characteristics of both new and established materials to satisfy individual needs. Many of the materials utilised in today's engineering applications were developed by materials scientists. Industries that need a delicate balancing act between the cost-effectiveness, durability, dependability, and safety of their materials place a premium on this subject area. According to this book, materials science is also important to the fields of forensic engineering and failure analysis, which look into the causes of accidents and injuries that result from defective goods, defective construction, or malfunctioning components. These kinds of investigations are essential for understanding, ...

Museums and Millennials

Autor: Jaclyn Spainhour

Número de Páginas: 139

Is your museum struggling to entice and engage a millennial audience? In Museums and Millennials author Jackie Spainhour offers a new and innovative approach to attracting and retaining the interest of millennial patrons through an easy-to-implement and practical self-assessment based on the success (and failures!) of other museum programs. This book will help you start the process of reinventing your approach to this engaging generation by: Reimagining the millennial generatio, beginning with debunking myths about their wants, needs, and spending power. Giving museum professionals a place to begin their quest- through the lens of the acronym “A.U.R.A.” Checking your museum’s “A.U.R.A.” (Affordability, Uniqueness, Relevance, and Accessibility) to ensure the programming you are currently offering this generation meets their standards and aligns with your mission. Using your findings to create new programs and campaigns geared towards getting millennials inside your doors and keeping them there long-term. Offering program examples from museums of various sizes and scopes throughout the nation geared towards a millennial audience, with explanations of why some programs were ...

Understanding Match-Fixing in Sport

Autor: Bram Constandt , Argyro Elisavet Manoli

Número de Páginas: 221

Bringing together leading match-fixing researchers from different fields, this book offers new theoretical and applied perspectives on this persistent problem in sport and wider society. The book explores the foundations of match-fixing from multiple viewpoints, from sociology and criminology to policy and governance, exploring topics such as the use of network governance theory, ethics and integrity, and management aspects that position match-fixing in sport’s commercial landscape. Featuring cases and data from all around the world, the book explains how match-fixing has become a prominent feature of contemporary sport, and considers the efficacy and practicability of interventions to solve these problems. This is fascinating and important reading for any advanced student, researcher, practitioner, or policymaker with an interest in sport management, sports business, sport policy, sport development, sport law, or criminology.

Industrial Engineering And Management Systems

Autor: Prof. V. V. Kulkarni

Número de Páginas: 324

‘Industrial Engineering and Management Systems’ is a comprehensive and authoritative work that delves deeply into the complex areas of industrial engineering, providing a thorough understanding of the principles and practices governing this dynamic field. Written by experts in the discipline, this book serves as a valuable resource for students, researchers and professionals wishing to understand the complexities of industrial engineering and management. This book carefully covers a wide range of topics from fundamental concepts to advanced methods, offering a holistic view of industrial systems and processes. Readers are guided through the principles of optimization, efficiency enhancement, and resource utilization with a focus on practical applications in real-world industrial settings. The authors skillfully integrate theoretical foundations with practical insights, ensuring that the content is not only intellectually rich but also directly applicable to industry challenges. One of the notable strengths of the book lies in its exploration of the symbiotic relationship between industrial engineering and management systems. It explains how these two disciplines interlink to...

Birthing Justice

Autor: Alicia D. Bonaparte , Julia Chinyere Oparah

Número de Páginas: 328

The second edition of this pathbreaking, widely taught book offers six new chapters, on breastfeeding and Black infant health; Black birthing during COVID; Black doulas rethinking birthing practices; the recent buildup of a US national movement; childbirth in Zanzibar; and expanding the global movement for sexual and reproductive well-being. Other chapters are updated throughout. Birthing Justice puts Black women’s voices at the center of the debate on what should be done to fix the broken maternal care system. It foregrounds Black women’s agency in the birth justice movement. First published in 2016, Birthing Justice is a seminal text for those interested in maternal healthcare, reproductive justice, health equity, and intersectional racial justice, especially in courses on gender studies, Black studies, public health, and training programs for midwives and OB/GYNs. Additional resources and a reading group guide are available at

Routledge Handbook of Francophone Africa

Autor: Tony Chafer , Margaret A. Majumdar

Número de Páginas: 716

The Routledge Handbook of Francophone Africa brings together a multidisciplinary team of international experts to reflect on the history, politics, societies, and cultures of French-speaking parts of Africa. Consisting of approximately 35% of Africa’s territory, Francophone Africa is a shifting concept, with its roots in French and Belgian colonial rule. This handbook develops and problematizes the term, with thematic sections covering: Colonial and post-colonial ties between France and sub-Saharan Africa Belgium, Belgian colonialism and Africa The Maghreb African Francophones in France Francophone African literature and film ‘Francophone’ and ‘Anglophone’ Africa Beyond national boundaries and ‘colonial partners’ The chapters demonstrate the evolution of "Francophone Africa" into a multi-dimensional construct, with both a material and an imagined reality. Materially, it defines a regional territorial space that coexists with other conceptualisations of African space and borders. Conceptually, Francophone Africa constitutes a shared linguistic and cultural space within which collective memories are shared, not least through their connection to the French imperial...

The Chronic Silence of Political Parties in End of Life Policymaking in the United States

Autor: Bianca Easterly

Número de Páginas: 141

In recent decades, the level of moral acceptability of choice at the end of life has reached record highs. Legislative responsiveness to public opinion, however, has resulted in far fewer and much slower adoption patterns. For example, if a growing number of Americans support aid in dying legislation, why are so few states adopting them? While extensive research that explores matters of death and dying from the medical, legal, and religious perspectives exists, scholars have yet to consider the role of politics in explaining end of life policy adoption patterns. The Chronic Silence ofPolitical Parties in End of Life Policymaking in the United States retraces the right to die movement’s legislative history from its beginnings to the adoption and diffusion of its most recent innovations—the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Paradigm and death with dignity—to identify the various forces that hinder its progress.

Jump-Starting America

Autor: Jonathan Gruber , Simon Johnson

Número de Páginas: 344

The untold story of how America once created the most successful economy the world has ever seen—and how we can do it again. The American economy glitters on the outside, but the reality is quite different. Job opportunities and economic growth are increasingly concentrated in a few crowded coastal enclaves. Corporations and investors are disproportionately developing technologies that benefit the wealthiest Americans in the most prosperous areas -- and destroying middle class jobs elsewhere. To turn this tide, we must look to a brilliant and all-but-forgotten American success story and embark on a plan that will create the industries of the future -- and the jobs that go with them. Beginning in 1940, massive public investment generated breakthroughs in science and technology that first helped win WWII and then created the most successful economy the world has ever seen. Private enterprise then built on these breakthroughs to create new industries -- such as radar, jet engines, digital computers, mobile telecommunications, life-saving medicines, and the internet-- that became the catalyst for broader economic growth that generated millions of good jobs. We lifted almost all...

Museum Education for Today's Audiences

Autor: Jason L. Porter , Mary Kay Cunningham

Número de Páginas: 315

Today’s museum educators are tackling urgent social issues, addressing historic inequalities of museum collections, innovating for accessibility, leveraging technology for new in-person and virtual learning experiences, and cultivating partnerships with schools, businesses, elders, scientists, and other social services to build relationships and be of service to their communities. Despite the physical distance the pandemic placed between museums and their visitors, museum educators have remained essential -- sustaining connections with the public through virtual or modified programming, content development, and conversations that they are uniquely qualified to execute. Educators require updated resources to guide their efforts in navigating these new challenges and building upon the opportunities presented by current events and changing audiences. This book and its accompanying on-line resource share lessons from innovators in the field to support ongoing professional development efforts with essays about current issues. Additionally, it provides new models and tools to guide individual or group reflection on how today’s museum educators can adapt and thrive in a dynamic and...

Well-Being in the Information Society. Fighting Inequalities

Autor: Hongxiu Li , Ágústa Pálsdóttir , Roland Trill , Reima Suomi , Yevgeniya Amelina

Número de Páginas: 251

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Well-Being in the Information Society, WIS 2018, held in Turku, Finland, in August 2018. The 19 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 42 submissions. With the core topic "Fighting Inequalities" WIS 2018 focused on innovations and fresh ideas in the cross-section of information society and health as understood in a wide sense. The papers presented in this volume are organized along the following broad topics: digital society and e-health.

Textile Manufacturing Processes

Autor: Faheem Uddin

Número de Páginas: 100

Textile manufacturing is an important subject in textile programs and processing industries. The introduction of manmade and synthetic fibers, such as polyester, nylon, acrylic, cellulose, and Kevlar, among others, has greatly expanded the variety of textile products available today. In addition, new fiber development has brought about new machines for producing yarns, fabrics, and garments. Textile Manufacturing Processes is a collection of academic and research work in the field of textile manufacturing. Written by experts, chapters cover topics such as yarn manufacturing, fabric manufacturing, and garment and technical textiles. This book is useful for students, industry workers, and anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of textile manufacturing.

Security and Safety in the Era of Global Risks

Autor: Radomir Compel , Rosalie Arcala-hall

Número de Páginas: 279

The concept of risk in global life has not been fully understood and explored and this book attempts to examine what it entails in the fast changing, interconnected and complex world. As a foundational component of safety systems, risk has been considered relatively simple, predictable, and therefore, assessable and manageable phenomenon. Social and political sciences prefer the terminology of security to capture the dimension of risk which is more complex and more consequential to survival. Risk has become more human-made and intentional today, and this book explores innovative approaches and engages in theoretical and policy debates to capture its political and security dimensions.

Making Renewable Electricity Policy in Spain

Autor: John S. Duffield

Número de Páginas: 204

This book examines the politics of renewable electricity policy in democratic Spain. It provides the first comprehensive political analysis of how and why successive Spanish governments have increased or reduced support for renewable power, especially wind and solar. In particular, it identifies the key influences that have been brought to bear on decision making by the core executive as it has sought to determine the appropriate role of renewable sources in the country’s electricity mix. Following the introduction, four chapters chart the dramatic rise, fall, and, most recently, renewed rise in support for utility-scale renewable power, from the early 1980s to the present. Another chapter details the decade-long political struggle over the regulation of small-scale distributed renewable electricity generation. The penultimate chapter explores the future prospects for renewable power in Spain, and the final chapter offers an overarching explanation of the patterns of policy outcomes observed.

Being Connected / Our Voices Heard

Autor: Marc Bush , Charlie Smith , Tom Burke , Matilda Mudyavanhu , Youth United Foundation Youth Panel

Número de Páginas: 136

Being Connected explores experiences of youth loneliness, and the implications for young people's mental health in the UK. Reflecting on the contribution that uniformed youth services make to addressing youth loneliness, the report 'Our Voices Heard' includes the findings from youth-led research by the Youth United Foundation Youth Panel. Licensed from 2019 by Youth United Foundation under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Etablissements de santé résilients face au changement climatique et écologiquement viables

Autor: World Health Organization

Número de Páginas: 112

Iberian and Translation Studies

Autor: Esther Gimeno Ugalde , Marta Pacheco Pinto , Ângela Fernandes

Número de Páginas: 384

Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones offers fertile reflection on the dynamics of linguistic diversity and multifaceted literary translation flows taking place across the Iberian Peninsula. Drawing on cutting-edge theoretical perspectives and on a historically diverse body of case studies, the volume’s sixteen chapters explore the key role of translation in shaping interliterary relations and cultural identities within Iberia. Mary Louise Pratt’s contact zone metaphor is used as an overarching concept to approach Iberia as a translation(al) space where languages and cultural systems (Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish) set up relationships either of conflict, coercion, and resistance or of collaboration, hospitality, and solidarity. In bringing together a variety of essays by multilingual scholars whose conceptual and empirical research places itself at the intersection of translation and literary Iberian studies, the book opens up a new interdisciplinary field of enquiry: Iberian translation studies. This allows for a renewed study of canonical authors such as Joan Maragall, Fernando Pessoa, Camilo José Cela, and Bernardo Atxaga, and calls...

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