Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
Young Billy McLaughlin heads out to Tahoe, fresh out of college and ready to live out his vision of the good life. This involves skiing everyday, partying hard, playing some guitar, getting laid, and otherwise not worrying about a damn thing. Much to his surprise, the easy life doesn’t come so easy. That’s because the world of “the gods” is working down on him. The sex-hungry Clarissa, Goddess of the Hunt, is making his life a living hell while Jim, God of Good Beers and Friendship, is trying to pull him through. The story takes the reader for a ride through the ski-bum life in Tahoe and the far away world of the gods; two different planes of reality that combine to form the experience that is The Great Blowout. Jim’s got his work cut out for him because he’s just one of the “little guys,” trying to reckon with one of the most awesome powers in the world of the Gods. Meanwhile, down in Tahoe, Billy tries to maintain his sanity and keep his life together in spite of all the unexplainable episodes that rock his world. Drop in and join Billy and Jim as they scrap against the odds in the battle for freedom and justice.
Con base en trabajos de academicos mexicanos y alemanes presentados en el coloquio que da titulo al libro, "Las relaciones germano-mexicanas" brinda un amplio panorama del multifacetico caracter que han tenido las relaciones entre Mexico y Alemania en el curso de los dos ultimos siglos. A partir del legado de Alejandro y Guillermo de Humboldt y llegando hasta las relaciones bilaterales, los actuales textos incursionan en aspectos historicos, culturales, imagologicos, formas de cooperacion y perspectivas politicas rescatando, ademas, tanto las contribuciones de alemanes a la investigacion sobre Mexico como el impacto que la filosofia alemana ha tenido en este pais. Al incluir valiosas bibliografias, el volumen servira de aliciente a investigadores e interesados en general para realizar nuevas pesquisas sobre uno u otro aspectos de los temas abordados.
My Memories, My Roots, by Fernando (Ponce) Laspina, narrates his path towards personal and social awareness. It is an unending journey that began in Southern Puerto Rico in Ponce, El barrio Tibes, which Fernando describes idyllic terms.Fernando and his brother Pedro migrated to New York City, where they faced racial prejudice and gang violence in the Bronx. Both youths joined one of the most violent of them, The Savage Skulls. Like many of his fellow gang members Ponce ended in jail. His process of liberation began in prison.The young man relied on his love for work, education, and his family, specially his mother. She always hoped that Fernando would be the first family member to obtain a college degree. Mazambula, a fellow prisoner and older friend, was a constant source of advice. He helped Ponce develop respect for himself and his national roots. With him Ponce joined The Young Lords Party in Rikers Island, group studying the political history of Puerto Rico.While in Elmira Correctional Facility, obtaining the equivalent diploma for High School (GED). Once free again he completed his Associate Degree at Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College, his bachelor's degree at...
Reimpresión del original, primera publicación en 1790.
Incidencia en la salud docente y rendimiento cognitivo de los estudiantes en colegios públicos de Bogotá, Medellín y Cali. UNISALLE
Ab Bd. 3 ersch. bei: C.S.I.C. Centro de Estudios Historicos Madrid.
La poes a del padre Manuel Ponce es una muestra de lo mejor de la poes a cat lica moderna. la emoci n que despierta transita lo mismo por las profundidades del alma azorada por el silencio de Dios que por el amor divino. Gabriel Zaid, encargado de la selecci n y el pr logo de esta antolog a, ha dicho de la poes a de Ponce que " no es una declaraci n de que el mundo es teof nico. Es una teofan a verbal: un milagro."
En Diálogos culturales en la literatura iberoamericana presentamos alrededor de ciento cincuenta trabajos que analizan temas de Literatura Hispanoamericana y Brasileña, realizados, tanto por profesores, creadores o críticos de reconocido prestigio de importantes centros de investigación y universidades de Estados Unidos, Europa y otros lugares del mundo, como por jóvenes académicos que empiezan a sobresalir en ambas disciplinas. Los estudios tratan de contactos culturales e influencias, con diferentes enfoques, dentro del marco lingüístico hispano-luso, en un amplio espacio de tiempo que abarca desde el período colonial de sus literaturas hasta nuestros días, cuando se hace más necesaria la reflexión sobre estos temas en un mundo cada vez más globalizado. Concepción Reverte Bernal, nació en Caracas (Venezuela), realizó sus primeros estudios en Lima (Perú) y es Licenciada en Filología Románica y Doctora en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad de Navarra (España). Ha sido Profesora de la Universidad de Piura, en Perú; y de la Universidad de Cádiz, en España, desde 1983, donde ejerce actualmente como Catedrática de Literatura Hispanoamericana. Ha publicado ...
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