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Quantum Economics

Quantum Economics

Autor: Amit Goswami

Número de Páginas: 320

Del autor de La ventana del visionario. Con explicaciones accesibles y ejemplos reveladores, el padre de la «ciencia dentro de la consciencia» nos inicia en los secretos de la física cuántica aplicada a la economía, integrando en su modelo lo válido de los sistemas económicos actuales y desmontando las trampas de sus visiones parciales, tanto de izquierda como de derecha, que polarizan la realidad y condenan a los ciudadanos a padecer un sistema rígido e injusto. Quantum Economics nos descubre: cómo puede la economía ofrecer la satisfacción plena y el desarrollo integral del consumidor cómo las tecnologías de energía vital harán obsoletos los sistemas de producción actuales? cómo poner a trabajar la creatividad cuántica para desarrollar los nuevos productos y servicios cómo la política educativa necesita reorientarse a la nueva realidad Amit Goswami ofrece todas las respuestas desde un nuevo modelo económico basado en la consciencia y orientado a la realización del potencial humano y la satisfacción de nuestras necesidades, no solo materiales. Los empresarios que adopten este enfoque revolucionarán el mercado, con un posible crecimiento ilimitado en los...

Quantum Economics and Finance: An Applied Mathematics Introduction

Quantum Economics and Finance: An Applied Mathematics Introduction

Autor: David Orrell

Número de Páginas: 250

Written in clear and accessible language, this book covers the essential mathematics behind economic and finance topics such as quantum cognition, option pricing, and quantum game theory, and delves into the nuts and bolts of quantum mechanics, the principles of quantum economic modelling, and the basics of quantum computer logic.

Quantum Economics

Quantum Economics

Autor: David Orrell

Número de Páginas: 304

The emerging science of quantum economics can help us create a 'real-world' economics that actually works for us all.

Quantum Field Theory for Economics and Finance

Quantum Field Theory for Economics and Finance

Autor: B. E. Baaquie

Número de Páginas: 717

This book provides an introduction to how the mathematical tools from quantum field theory can be applied to economics and finance. Providing a range of quantum mathematical techniques for designing financial instruments, it demonstrates how a range of topics have quantum mechanical formulations, from asset pricing to interest rates.

Quantum Social Science

Quantum Social Science

Autor: Emmanuel Haven , Andrei Khrennikov

Written by world experts in the foundations of quantum mechanics and its applications to social science, this book shows how elementary quantum mechanical principles can be applied to decision-making paradoxes in psychology and used in modelling information in finance and economics. The book starts with a thorough overview of some of the salient differences between classical, statistical and quantum mechanics. It presents arguments on why quantum mechanics can be applied outside of physics and defines quantum social science. The issue of the existence of quantum probabilistic effects in psychology, economics and finance is addressed and basic questions and answers are provided. Aimed at researchers in economics and psychology, as well as physics, basic mathematical preliminaries and elementary concepts from quantum mechanics are defined in a self-contained way.

The Palgrave Handbook of Quantum Models in Social Science

The Palgrave Handbook of Quantum Models in Social Science

Autor: Emmanuel Haven , Andrei Khrennikov

Número de Páginas: 365

It is not intuitive to accept that there exists a link between quantum physical systems and cognitive systems. However, recent research has shown that cognitive systems and collective (social) systems, including biology, exhibit uncertainty which can be successfully modelled with quantum probability. The use of such probability allows for the modelling of situations which typically violate the laws of classical probability. The Palgrave Handbook of Quantum Models in Social Science is is a unique volume that brings together contributions from leading experts on key topics in this new and emerging field. Completely self-contained, it begins with an introductory section which gathers all the fundamental notions required to be able to understand later chapters. The handbook then moves on to address some of the latest research and applications for quantum methods in social science disciplines, including economics, politics and psychology. It begins with the issue of how the quantum mechanical framework can be applied to economics. Chapters devoted to this topic range from how Fisher information can be argued to play a role in economics, to the foundations and application of quantum...

Quantum Investing

Quantum Investing

Autor: Stephen R. Waite

Número de Páginas: 294

In this book about quantum-physics based industries, the author unravels the complexity of quantum physics and mechanics and makes clear how this science will be used in future technologies.

Poder cuántico para ganar más en los negocios

Poder cuántico para ganar más en los negocios

Autor: Josep Alet Vilagines

Número de Páginas: 195

Cuando cambian las reglas de juego rápidamente, la mejora continua pierde sentido. El salto cuántico como un salto extraordinario a un nivel superior es lo más efectivo en el nuevo contexto hipercompetitivo. El futuro va a ser muy distinto del pasado y se requieren formas rompedoras de competir tanto personales como empresariales. El mundo es cuántico y rompe con las reglas competitivas del mundo clásico. Este mundo tiene unos principios que rigen su funcionamiento social y económico y que puedes hacer jugar en tu favor para crecer de forma más rápida, transformando las formas de hacer y generando más oportunidades de nuevos negocios. Aprovecha el efecto de las redes, la inteligencia artificial explotando los datos y los dispositivos digitales, así como el efecto multiplicador de los ecosistemas entrelazados. Josep Alet, que ayudó a comprender a miles de lectores las implicaciones de internet y la nueva economía con Marketing, aporta una nueva mirada a una realidad compleja y acelerada que requiere adoptar acciones con Enfoque, Empuje, Empatía y un Entrelazamiento para desarrollar estrategias efectivas para el crecimiento rentable en la nueva normalidad.



Autor: Salvador Molina , Eduardo Toledo Inclán

Número de Páginas: 197

¿Quieres hacer salir el líder que llevas dentro? En tus manos tienes una guía para entender el mundo mutante que nos circunda y fabricar tu propia fórmula de éxito. El nuevo liderazgo ya no consiste en dar respuestas, como ocurría en la era de la industrialización, sino en saber despertar el mejor talento de cada individuo y retenerlo. La talentocracia es el nuevo paradigma de un liderazgo que permite crear un ambiente en el que las personas pueden realizarse y sentir que pertenecen a algo más grande que cada uno ellos.

Del Universo al Ser:

Del Universo al Ser:

Autor: Julio César Huchin Carrillo

Número de Páginas: 129

Este libro es una obra que plasma una perspectiva cuántica de vida, basada en los principios del Universo (energía creadora), Espiritualidad (energía movilizadora), el Ser (energía consciente) y el Yo (energía pensante). No es una verdad absoluta, no es un credo y mucho menos una forma de generar controversia. El objetivo final, es brindarle al lector la oportunidad de comprender desde otra perspectiva, filosofía, ideas y enseñanzas de mi hacia ustedes y de los autores citados hacia todos, una forma de vivir en comunión con uno mismo, con todo y con la fuente. Encontrar armonía, verdad, equilibrio y luz, pero sobre todo fluidez y paz. Somos más de lo que define un titulo, un trabajo, la fama, el poder, la posición social y el dinero, es decir, más que el ego. Somos luz, energía, entes pensantes, agentes de cambio, y nuestra contribución y objetivo de vida debe ser la búsqueda infinita de la verdad, en este o en otro plano. Y a nuestro paso debemos dejar luz y enseñanza para nuestro entorno de vida.

El universo mental

El universo mental

Autor: Francesc Vieta , Mercè Ferriz

Número de Páginas: 237

El universo físico no es la única realidad, hay también un universo mental. Ambos universos son la esencia de la realidad. No son iguales pero forman parte de una simetría esencial. Lo que conocemos del universo físico nos ayuda a entender mejor cómo funciona la mente, ya que lo que conocemos y comprendemos de lo físico es un relato mental sobre aquello que, aparentemente, es de otra naturaleza. La esperanza que nos guía es que comprendiendo mejor ambos universos y su conexión, logremos entendernos mejor y guiemos de manera más pacífica y coherente nuestros movimientos relacionales como especie. Para lograr tender puentes entre mente y universo, entre pensamiento y materia-energía, hemos acudido a la física, a la cosmología, al psicoanálisis, a la neurociencia, desde la antigüedad hasta el momento actual. Y entonces hemos viajado al origen cósmico: el nacimiento del universo. Después de aportar una nueva visión y comprensión del BANG y resuelto la duda existencial del ser o no ser y haber entendido que no hubo ni un huevo ni una gallina original, nos hemos propuesto entender el espacio y el tiempo, para poder después captar de manera más profunda el...

Quantum Finance

Quantum Finance

Autor: Belal E. Baaquie

This book applies the mathematics and concepts of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory to the modelling of interest rates and the theory of options. Particular emphasis is placed on path integrals and Hamiltonians. Financial mathematics is dominated by stochastic calculus. The present book offers a formulation that is completely independent of that approach. As such many results emerge from the ideas developed by the author. This work will be of interest to physicists and mathematicians working in the field of finance, to quantitative analysts in banks and finance firms and to practitioners in the field of fixed income securities and foreign exchange. The book can also be used as a graduate text for courses in financial physics and financial mathematics.

Quantum Economics

Quantum Economics

Autor: David Roche

Número de Páginas: 42

Quantum physics has changed our knowledge of reality. This applies just as much to economics. Traditional economics is structurally flawed, cannot predict, and provides comfort zones for mediocre thinking. David Roche, President of Independent Strategy, a longstanding macro investment consultancy, takes the concepts of quantum physics to explain new laws of quantum economics that can be applied to investment strategy.

Ubiquitous Quantum Structure

Ubiquitous Quantum Structure

Autor: Andrei Y. Khrennikov

Número de Páginas: 216

Quantum-like structure is present practically everywhere. Quantum-like (QL) models, i.e. models based on the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics and its generalizations can be successfully applied to cognitive science, psychology, genetics, economics, finances, and game theory. This book is not about quantum mechanics as a physical theory. The short review of quantum postulates is therefore mainly of historical value: quantum mechanics is just the first example of the successful application of non-Kolmogorov probabilities, the first step towards a contextual probabilistic description of natural, biological, psychological, social, economical or financial phenomena. A general contextual probabilistic model (Växjö model) is presented. It can be used for describing probabilities in both quantum and classical (statistical) mechanics as well as in the above mentioned phenomena. This model can be represented in a quantum-like way, namely, in complex and more general Hilbert spaces. In this way quantum probability is totally demystified: Born's representation of quantum probabilities by complex probability amplitudes, wave functions, is simply a special representation of this...

Quantum Methods in Social Science

Quantum Methods in Social Science

Autor: Emmanuel Haven , Andrei Khrennikov , Terry Robinson

Número de Páginas: 276

Shown here is how basic concepts of physics can be used to improve models in finance, economics, psychology and biology. Readers are introduced to how physical theory can inform non-physical phenomena in the social sciences, thereby improving decision making and modeling capabilities in research-based and professional settings. Consisting of three parts, the first part deals with the application of quantum operator methods to financial transactions and population dynamics. Part two develops physical concepts, working from classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics and leading to an introduction of quantum information and its application to decision making. The final part treats classical and quantum probability theory in some detail and deals, at a more advanced level, with the impact of quantum probabilities on common knowledge and common beliefs between agents in systems. Quantum Methods in Social Science is a high level textbook for advanced undergraduate or graduate students of economics, finance and business, while also being of interest to those with a background in physics. Request Inspection Copy Contents:Quantum Counting: The Number Operator in a Social Science...

Econophysics applied to oil, banking, experimental economics, and business intelligence

Econophysics applied to oil, banking, experimental economics, and business intelligence

Autor: Edward Henry Jiménez Calderón

Número de Páginas: 366
Quantum Technology for Economists

Quantum Technology for Economists

Autor: Isaiah Hull , Or Sattath , Eleni Diamanti , Göran Wendin

Número de Páginas: 0

This book offers an introduction to quantum technology that is specifically tailored to economists, students of economics, and professionals in the financial and payments industries. The book reviews quantum speedups that have been identified for algorithms used to solve and estimate economic models, including function approximation, linear systems analysis, graphical modeling, Monte Carlo simulation, matrix inversion, principal component analysis, linear regression, dynamic programming, interpolation, numerical differentiation, and true random number generation. It also provides an overview of quantum financial technology and its potential applications in economics and finance. Written by an interdisciplinary team with backgrounds in economics, computer science, and physics, this book offers a valuable guide for researchers and practitioners who want to understand the implications and possibilities of quantum technology for the field of economics.

Quantum Nonlocality

Quantum Nonlocality

Autor: Lev Vaidman

Número de Páginas: 238

This book presents the current views of leading physicists on the bizarre property of quantum theory: nonlocality. Einstein viewed this theory as “spooky action at a distance” which, together with randomness, resulted in him being unable to accept quantum theory. The contributions in the book describe, in detail, the bizarre aspects of nonlocality, such as Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen steering and quantum teleportation—a phenomenon which cannot be explained in the framework of classical physics, due its foundations in quantum entanglement. The contributions describe the role of nonlocality in the rapidly developing field of quantum information. Nonlocal quantum effects in various systems, from solid-state quantum devices to organic molecules in proteins, are discussed. The most surprising papers in this book challenge the concept of the nonlocality of Nature, and look for possible modifications, extensions, and new formulations—from retrocausality to novel types of multiple-world theories. These attempts have not yet been fully successful, but they provide hope for modifying quantum theory according to Einstein’s vision.

Open Quantum Systems in Biology, Cognitive and Social Sciences

Open Quantum Systems in Biology, Cognitive and Social Sciences

Autor: Andrei Y. Khrennikov

Número de Páginas: 371

This book mathematically analyzes the basic problems of biology, decision making and psychology within the framework of the theory of open quantum systems. In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in applications of quantum theory in fields beyond physics. The main areas include psychology, decision-making, economics, finance, social science as well as genetics and molecular biology. The corresponding models are referred to as quantum-like; they don’t concern any genuine physical processes in the human brain. Quantum-like models reflect the special features of information processing in biological, cognitive, and social systems which match well with the quantum formalism. This formalism gives rise to the quantum probability model (QP) which differs essentially from Kolmogorov's classical probability model. QP also serves as the basis for quantum information theory. Recently QP has been widely applied to the resolution of the basic paradoxes of decision making theory and to modeling experimental data stemming from cognition, psychology, economics, and finance thereby shedding light on probability fallacies and irrational behavior. In this book, the theory of quantum ...

Understanding Quantum Raffles

Understanding Quantum Raffles

Autor: Michael Janas , Michael E. Cuffaro , Michel Janssen

Número de Páginas: 267

This book offers a thorough technical elaboration and philosophical defense of an objectivist informational interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which its novel content is located in its kinematical framework, that is, in how the theory describes systems independently of the specifics of their dynamics. It will be of interest to researchers and students in the philosophy of physics and in theoretical physics with an interest in the foundations of quantum mechanics. Additionally, parts of the book may be used as the basis for courses introducing non-physics majors to quantum mechanics, or for self-study by those outside of the university with an interest in quantum mechanics. With a Foreword by Jeffrey Bub. -- “Understanding Quantum Raffles is a wonderful book for both the specialists and those with curious minds. The elegance and the simplicity with which the 'three Mikes' explain some of the deepest aspects of quantum mechanics on the basis of probabilities and correlations are dazzling and delightful. The same elegance and simplicity also make the book ideal for any engaged reader who ever wondered what is so special about quantum mechanics. In our age of new...

The Quantum Challenge

The Quantum Challenge

Autor: George Greenstein , Arthur Zajonc

Número de Páginas: 244

In the past, books dealing with these issues have been constrained by two complementary difficulties. At the instructional level, because the theoretical apparatus of quantum theory is complex and unfamiliar, textbooks are forced to concentrate on the technical aspects of the theory. At the popular level, considerable attention is devoted to the theoretical questions, but such presentations are necessarily limited by their nontechnical nature.

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The Palgrave Handbook of Quantum Models in Social Science

Autor: Emmanuel Haven , Andrei Khrennikov

It is not intuitive to accept that there exists a link between quantum physical systems and cognitive systems. However, recent research has shown that cognitive systems and collective (social) systems, including biology, exhibit uncertainty which can be successfully modelled with quantum probability. The use of such probability allows for the modelling of situations which typically violate the laws of classical probability. The Palgrave Handbook of Quantum Models in Social Science is is a unique volume that brings together contributions from leading experts on key topics in this new and emerging field. Completely self-contained, it begins with an introductory section which gathers all the fundamental notions required to be able to understand later chapters. The handbook then moves on to address some of the latest research and applications for quantum methods in social science disciplines, including economics, politics and psychology. It begins with the issue of how the quantum mechanical framework can be applied to economics. Chapters devoted to this topic range from how Fisher information can be argued to play a role in economics, to the foundations and application of quantum...

Pasos para una ecología cognitiva de la educación

Pasos para una ecología cognitiva de la educación

Autor: Ronnie Videla

Número de Páginas: 264

Este libro constituye un diálogo fecundo entre ciencias cognitivas y educación. Se enmarca desde las ciencias cognitivas y engloba un pensamiento en movimiento que sienta las bases para comprender la complejidad de la experiencia humana en la escuela. La idea de que la cognición opera en base a representaciones desacopladas del cuerpo y el entorno, y que el aprendizaje es un mero operar desarticulado de una trama histórica que está afuera y debe alcanzarse, es puesto en cuestión y resistido en el presente libro. Del mismo modo, se ofrecen novedosas y prometedoras alternativas ante el estado actual de la educación.

Quantum Objects

Quantum Objects

Autor: Gregg Jaeger

Número de Páginas: 203

This monograph identifies the essential characteristics of the objects described by current quantum theory and considers their relationship to space-time. In the process, it explicates the senses in which quantum objects may be consistently considered to have parts of which they may be composed or into which they may be decomposed. The book also demonstrates the degree to which reduction is possible in quantum mechanics, showing it to be related to the objective indefiniteness of quantum properties and the strong non-local correlations that can occur between the physical quantities of quantum subsystems. Careful attention is paid to the relationships among such property correlations, physical causation, probability, and symmetry in quantum theory. In this way, the text identifies and clarifies the conceptual grounds underlying the unique nature of many quantum phenomena.

The Complexity of Noise

The Complexity of Noise

Autor: Amit Hagar

Número de Páginas: 71

Quantum computers are hypothetical quantum information processing (QIP) devices that allow one to store, manipulate, and extract information while harnessing quantum physics to solve various computational problems and do so putatively more efficiently than any known classical counterpart (5). Physical objects as they are, QIP devices are subject to the laws of physics. No doubt, the application of these laws is error-free, but noise - be it external influences or hardware imprecisions - can sometimes cause a mismatch between what the QIP device is supposed to do and what it actually does. In recent years the elimination of noise that result from external disturbances or from imperfect gates has become the "holy grail" within the quantum computing community, and a worldwide quest for a large scale, fault-tolerant, and computationally superior QIP device is currently taking place. Whether such machines are possible is an exciting open question, yet the debate on their feasibility has been so far rather ideological in character (45) (66)(110) (162). Remarkably, philosophers of science have been mostly silent about it: common wisdom has it that philosophy should not intervene in what...

Quantum Variational Calculus

Quantum Variational Calculus

Autor: Agnieszka B. Malinowska , Delfim F.m. Torres

Número de Páginas: 84

This Brief puts together two subjects, quantum and variational calculi by considering variational problems involving Hahn quantum operators. The main advantage of its results is that they are able to deal with nondifferentiable (even discontinuous) functions, which are important in applications. Possible applications in economics are discussed. Economists model time as continuous or discrete. Although individual economic decisions are generally made at discrete time intervals, they may well be less than perfectly synchronized in ways discrete models postulate. On the other hand, the usual assumption that economic activity takes place continuously, is nothing else than a convenient abstraction that in many applications is far from reality. The Hahn quantum calculus helps to bridge the gap between the two families of models: continuous and discrete. Quantum Variational Calculus is self-contained and unified in presentation. It provides an opportunity for an introduction to the quantum calculus of variations for experienced researchers but may be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students and even ambitious undergraduates as well. The explanations in the book are detailed to...

Modeling and Control of Systems in Engineering, Quantum Mechanics, Economics and Biosciences

Modeling and Control of Systems in Engineering, Quantum Mechanics, Economics and Biosciences

Autor: Austin Blaquiere

Número de Páginas: 519

Part I of this book accounts for new developments concerning robustness, systems with two time scales and related treatments utilizing singular perturbation analysis. Part II is mainly concerned with systems in which uncertainty comes out through quantum mechanical rules; that is, with quantum filtering and control and nondemolition measurements. These are essential steps on the way from quantum physics to quantum technology. Part III reports recent results in mathematical economics, in the framework of dynamic optimization. Part IV is concerned with applications of Bellman's approach to biological systems and ecosystems. Part V is devoted to computational bearings.



Autor: Gheorghe Savoiu

Número de Páginas: 180

The remarkable evolution of econophysics research has brought the deep synthesis of ideas derived from economics and physics to subjects as diverse as education, banking, finance, and the administration of large institutions. The original papers in this collection present a broad summary of these advances, written by interdisciplinary specialists. Included are studies on subjects in the development of econophysics; on the perspectives offered by econophysics on large problems in economics and finance, including the 2008-9 financial crisis; and on higher education and group decision making. The introductions and insights they provide will benefit everyone interested in applications of this new transdisciplinary science. Ten papers present an updated version of the origins, issues, and applications of econophysics Economics and finance chapters consider lessons learned from the 2008-9 financial crisis Sociophysics chapters propose new thinking on educational reforms and group decision making

Economics, Trade & Development

Economics, Trade & Development

Autor: United Nations Office At Geneva. Terminology And Technical Documentation Section

Número de Páginas: 624
Econophysics of Income and Wealth Distributions

Econophysics of Income and Wealth Distributions

Autor: Bikas K. Chakrabarti , Anirban Chakraborti , Satya R. Chakravarty , Arnab Chatterjee

The distribution of wealth and income is never uniform, and philosophers and economists have tried for years to understand the reasons and formulate remedies for such inequalities. This book introduces the elegant and intriguing kinetic exchange models that physicists have developed to tackle these issues. This is the first monograph in econophysics focussed on the analyses and modelling of these distributions, and is ideal for physicists and economists. It is written in simple, lucid language, with plenty of illustrations and in-depth analyses, making it suitable for researchers new to this field as well as specialized readers. It explores the origin of economic inequality and examines the scientific steps that can be taken to reduce this inequality in the future.

Economics, trade & development : English-Spanish general terminology

Economics, trade & development : English-Spanish general terminology

Número de Páginas: 500

With Spanish index

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Quantum Social Science

Autor: Emmanuel Haven , Andreĭ I︠u︡rʹevich Khrennikov

Número de Páginas: 279

Aimed at economists and psychologists, as well as physicists, this book explores the exciting field of quantum social science.

Caos y orden en el sistema-mundo moderno

Caos y orden en el sistema-mundo moderno

Autor: Giovanni Arrighi , Beverly J. Silver

Número de Páginas: 332

Texto esencial que describe las transformaciones sistémicas que ha experimentado el moderno sistema-mundo desde el siglo XV. Transformaciones analizadas desde las perspectivas maestras que se consideran decisivas para comprender la historia y la configuración de las sociedades contemporáneas.

La economía desenmascarada

La economía desenmascarada

Autor: Steve Keen

Número de Páginas: 623

Este estudio pone al descubierto lo que muchos probablemente hemos sospechado alguna vez y unos pocos economistas llevan sabiendo desde hace tiempo: la teoría económica no sólo es difícil de digerir, sino que además está sencillamente equivocada. Cuando fue publicado en 2001, la economía de mercado parecía invencible y la teoría económica "neoclásica" estaba en el candelero. Steve Keen mantuvo entonces que los economistas no merecían crédito alguno por la aparente buena marcha de las finanzas, y que la falsa confianza en la estabilidad de la economía de mercado había llevado a muchos actores políticos a desmantelar algunas instituciones creadas para mantener la inestabilidad dentro de ciertos límites. La inestabilidad se desbordó con la devastadora crisis financiera que estalló en 2007, y ahora amenaza la economía global con la perspectiva de otra depresión. En esta nueva edición, puesta al día y considerablemente ampliada, Keen lleva aún más lejos su feroz crítica de la teoría económica convencional, al tiempo que explica lo que la economía dominante no es capaz de explicar: por qué sobrevino la crisis, por qué está demostrando ser inabordable, y...

Applications of Quantum Mechanical Techniques to Areas Outside of Quantum Mechanics. 2nd Edition

Applications of Quantum Mechanical Techniques to Areas Outside of Quantum Mechanics. 2nd Edition

Autor: Emmanuel Haven , Andrei Khrennikov

Número de Páginas: 164

This book deals with applications of quantum mechanical techniques to areas outside of quantum mechanics, so-called quantum-like modeling. Research in this area has grown over the last 15 years. But even already more than 50 years ago, the interaction between Physics Nobelist Pauli and the psychologist Carl Jung in the 1950’s on seeking to find analogous uses of the complementarity principle from quantum mechanics in psychology needs noting. This book does NOT want to advance that society is quantum mechanical! The macroscopic world is manifestly not quantum mechanical. But this rules not out that one can use concepts and the mathematical apparatus from quantum physics in a macroscopic environment. A mainstay ingredient of quantum mechanics, is ‘quantum probability’ and this tool has been proven to be useful in the mathematical modelling of decision making. In the most basic experiment of quantum physics, the double slit experiment, it is known (from the works of A. Khrennikov) that the law of total probability is violated. It is now well documented that several decision making paradoxes in psychology and economics (such as the Ellsberg paradox) do exhibit this violation of...

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Quantum Economic Advantage

Autor: Francesco Bova

Número de Páginas: 0

A quantum computer exhibits a quantum advantage when it can perform a calculation that a classical computer is unable to complete. It follows that a company with a quantum computer would be a monopolist in the market for solving such a calculation if its only competitor was a company with a classical computer. Conversely, economic outcomes are unclear in settings where quantum computers do not exhibit a quantum advantage. We model a duopoly where a quantum computing company competes against a classical computing company. The model features an asymmetric variable cost structure between the two companies and the potential for an asymmetric fixed cost structure, where each firm can invest in scaling its hardware to expand its respective market. We find that even if: 1) the companies can complete identical calculations, and thus there is no quantum advantage, and 2) it is more expensive to scale the quantum computer, the quantum computing company can not only be more profitable but also invest more in market creation. The results suggest that quantum computers may not need to display a quantum advantage to be able to generate a quantum economic advantage for the companies that develop ...

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